
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)


To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、学唱歌曲《龟兔赛跑》  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5Bkodw-Go

Learn the song <龟兔赛跑> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5Bkodw-Go

25 Replies to “家庭作业2018年11月05日至2018年11月10日”

  1. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第六课生词并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L6 and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第六课课文并读懂课文。 Read the text of Lesson 6 fluently, and understand the text.
    3. 用中文回答下列问题:
    a. 你家有小弟弟、小妹妹吗?
    b. 你们帮弟弟妹妹做事吗?
    c. 你们帮爸爸妈妈做什么?
    d. 爸爸妈妈帮你们写作(zuò)业(yè)(homework)吗?
    e. 不用爸爸妈妈帮,你们自己能做什么?

  2. A level class:
    A. List 6 – 10 findings on your IRP reading, in the Articles_I_Like_group_wiki,. 阅读IRP的文章,列出6-10个有意义的发现,放进Articles_I_Like_group_wiki,维基里

    B. Self mark the two essays and rewrite to gain 80% or higher。自己对作文评分,然后改写到80/100分以上

    1. The Significance of Chengcheng’s failure-成成败选的意义是什么。 Update your Group_wiki_Vote4Me.

    2. What is meant by “Hope” in Hometown – 鲁迅的希望是什么。 Update your Hometown_wiki.

    The marking grid is here: GCE Paper 2 marking grid.pdf just below the homework – 附录有评分标准(就在作业下一行)

    C. Flashcards -2000 by Xmas for all. 使用单词卡,圣诞前都要完成1-2000。

  3. 二年级A(year2A)作业:

    1. 请认真复习第一课到第三课划线词,准备下周听写。


    第二课: 教室里,这是,你的书吗,不是,那是,她的笔和本子吗,在家里,讲中文

    Please revise lesson 1 to lesson 3 underline words, prepare next week dictation.
    2. 请每天大声地朗读第一课到第三课课文。
    Please read aloud lesson1 to lesson 3.

    Practice reading hand out “家”.

    4. 预习第四课。
    Preview lesson4

  4. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year 3B

    Please correct the dictation from last time in your dictation
    notebook,five-time of each one.
    2. 默记第 三课中的生字词,准备下周听写。
    Please memorise all new Characters and words of lesson 3 and
    prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A used in Lesson 3.
    Monday 5,6 Tuesday 5,6 Thursday
    1,3,4,5 Friday1, 2,3,4,5
    Read aloud until fluent; next week we will check this in class.

  5. 1. 抄写第四课生字3遍,然后分解字体。copy write the lesson 4 vocabularies 3 times then resolve each words .
    比如, 晒 日 照 昭 日
    西 灬 召 刀

    2. 用字典查出分解后单体字的读音,和意思。use the dictionary find out all single characters means and pronounce.
    3. 读熟第一到 三课,记住每一个课文内容,下周我还会提问。remember lesson 1-3 each points I will ask every body questions .
    next week.
    4 必须记住一到三课的生字,生词, 我们会有一个集中听写。 have to remember lesson 1-3 all vocabularies and phrases we should do final dictation next week
    5 ,做练习册B 第四课每天习题的1-3题。do the EX B lesson 4 Mon-Fri questions 1-3.
    6 读第四课课文5遍。reading the lesson four , five times.

  6. 六年级B班 11月05日至2018年11月10日 Year 6B Homework:


    Copy and memorize the 16 singular characters of Lesson 4, ready for dictation next week;
    Complete all exercises of “Review 1” on page 27-30, and review all vocabularies from Lesson 1 to Lesson 3;

    Copy the 4th paragraph of Lesson 3 for those who could not recite it yet, and read it aloud and recite until fluent.

  7. 五年级B班本周作业:
    星期一: 1-3题
    星期二: 2-4题
    星期三: 2-3题
    星期四: 2-4题
    星期五: 1-3题

    Homework for Class 5B:
    1.Please complete some questions from the Exercise Book B, lesson Four.
    2.Please revise all the ‘Words and expressions’ and text from lesson 1 to lesson 3, get ready for the test.

  8. 学前B班(Reception B):
    1. 学说句子,例如:
    a.今天天气怎么样?(How is the weather today?)
    b.今天是晴天。(It’s sunny day.)
    c.我喜欢晴天。(I like sunny days.)
    2.完成手工第23页。(Make a weather indicator.page23. 4.Do it.)
    3. 熟读唐诗《悯农》:https://youtu.be/odTdxJbxQxQ
    4.三字经 会背第二段两句:昔孟母,择邻处 子不学,断机杼。https://youtu.be/zW_HDHQT13c

  9. YCT1 homework:

    1. Read and write key sentences and key words on page 24. 读和写第二十四页的关键句和关键词。

    2. Read and write the texts on page 25, and also translate them into English. 读和写第二十五页的课文,并翻译成英文。

    3. Practise the song on page 26 with action. 练习第二十六页的歌曲并做动作。

    4. Watch the following video clips:

  10. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write new words five times each 请将每个生词写五遍。The new words as following:

    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday. 请准备好下周日的听写。
    2) Please translate Page 68 lesson 1 to Lesson 3 from Chinese into English.
    3)Please translate Page64 Lesson3 mini story into CHINESE.
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。https://youtu.be/Loc3MPVGhHU

  11. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write new words five times each 请将每个生词写五遍。The new words as following:

    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday. 请准备好下周日的听写。
    2) Please translate Page 68 lesson 1 to Lesson 3 from Chinese into English.
    3)Please translate Page64 Lesson3 mini story into CHINESE.
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。https://youtu.be/Loc3MPVGhHU

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)
    1. 继续阅读第三课’在医院里’直到流利,并阅读第23和24页的‘虚惊一场’。Continue reading Lesson Three until fluent, and read ‘A False Alarm’ on page 23&24.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Three.
    3. 抄写第三课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation next week.

  13. 二年级C班 2C HOMEWORK

    1. 抄写第四课生字,每个十遍。
    Copy all characters of Lesson 4, ten times each.
    Read the text of Lesson 4 fluently.
    Read text from text book page 31, learn to sing this song.

  14. @all 本周作业 Homework
    Please write every new words and Phrases from lesson 1 to lesson 3. ( It includes every part new words and new phrases, and reading part.)

    When you finish your writing, please read louder of those words and phrases to practice your pronunciation.

    Please finish practicing 4,5,6 at page 26-28 of your book.

    To parents: please help your kids finish them homework, if they have any questions. And if you are not sure, please feel free and ask teacher (me or Ms. Li ). When they finish writing, please sign your name on the paper and give some comments. Thank you.

  15. 一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)


    To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

    3,大声朗读以下两首儿歌:Loudly recite the following rhymes:-

    Dà xié zi, xiàng zhī chuán.
    Bàba chuān, wǒ yě chuān.
    爸爸穿, 我也穿。
    Yī èr yī, xiàng qián zǒu.
    Zǒu a zǒu, fān le chuán
    走啊走, 翻了船。

    Shéi de ěr duǒ chǎng? Shéi de ěr duǒ duǎn?
    谁 的耳朵 长? 谁 的 耳朵 短?
    Shéi de ěr duǒ zhē zhe liǎn? Lǘ de ěr duǒ chǎng,
    谁 的耳朵 遮 着 脸?驴的耳朵 长,
    mǎ de ěr duǒ duǎn, xiàng de ěr duǒ zhē zhe liǎn.
    马的耳朵短, 象 的耳朵遮 着 脸。

  16. Year Two B Homework 二年级B班作业
    1, Practise the words and expressions on text book page 16, will test next week. 自己练习课本第16 页词语, 准备下周听写测验
    2, Complete the exercises on the exercise book A 完成练习册A的部分练习
    Wed: 2/3/4 星期三:2/3/4
    Thur: 2/3/6 星期四:2/3/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/6 星期五:1/2/3/6

  17. Year 5A homework 五年级A班家庭作业
    1 . Copy and memorise the new words that we learnt on Sunday five times each at least, prepare for the dictation next week;
    抄写并记忆周日学习的交通工具等相关词汇,每个至少五遍,下周听写(包括:船 公共汽车 汽车 飞机 出租车 自行车 摩托车 火车 地铁 交通灯 红绿灯 车站 地铁站 火车站);
    2. Exercise Book A: Lesson 3 question 4 from Monday to Friday .
    2. 完成A练习册的第三课周一到周五的第四题。
    3. Read lesson3 fruently.

  18. 七年级B作业
    please finish exercise A lesson3 Thursday and Friday
    Read lesson 3 fluently ,preview lesson 3 reading article.
    3.写一遍作文 ,请描述一下你将来的学习、职业规划 (你打算学什么科目,将来做什么工作?为什么?这个科目/工作对你或者社会,人类有什么好处?)你认为未来10年最热门的工作是什么?为什么要求最少200字。
    Writing:Please writing about your future study/work plan. (including what subject do you want to learn?what kind of job do you want to take in the future?why?what benefit will you get from this subject/job?do you think is the most popular job in the next 10 years?why?

  19. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework
    1. 朗读第29页阅读。
    Read the “Reading” on page 29.

    2. 练习册A:第三课星期四的剩余部分和星期五。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Thursday and Friday of Lesson Three.

    3. 复习课文生字和词语,下周听写 。
    Review the Characters and Phrase of Lesson Three, and get ready for dictation of these next week.

    4. 作文: 描写你曾经去过的一个历史古迹、博物馆、公园或其他景点。 尽量练习使用我们在课文一至三课学到的句型和词语。两周内交。
    Writing:Write about a scenic spot such as a historic site, museum or park you have been to, trying to use the types of sentences and phrases you have learned in Lessons 1-3. Hand your writing in two weeks time.

  20. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    learn the 20 words of today, you need to know how to write them, copy write down five times at least, prepare dictation next lesson.


    You have recently participated in a school summer camp in China. Write an article about the camp for your school newsletter .
    You must refer to the following points:
    • where the summer camp was located and some of the activities you took part in.
    * why you wanted to go on the camp .
    * how the experience of going on the camp has made a difference to you.
    * what you are going to do to encourage other students to study Chinese more diligently, as a result of having taken part in the camp . Justify your ideas and your opinions.
    * Write between 130 and 180 characters

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 37(Reading 4)and 43 (Reading 2) of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  21. 请用美猴王汉语识字卡片认读有关自然,颜色,数字,动物和文具的词汇,这是1A六课的内容。学唱:彩色的地球? https://youtu.be/TN01Uwmhik0你是谁https://youtu.be/_4OBTsQdrqo种树歌https://youtu.be/BRxuJHb8QV0山村咏怀https://youtu.be/bgUqwi39ozk看海底小纵队https://youtu.be/1n7cOg5DThA@All parents: Please read the words about nature, color, number, animal and stationery using the Monkey King Chinese literacy card. This is from Lesson 1A, Lesson 6. Learn to Sing: The Color of the Earth ? https://youtu.be/TN01Uwmhik0你是谁https://youtu.be/_4OBTsQdrqo种树歌https://youtu.be/BRxuJHb8QV0山村咏怀https://youtu.be/bgUqwi39ozk看海底小纵队https://youtu.be/1n7cOg5DThA

  22. 成人班Adult Class

    HSK 3

    复习第二课第14页到15页, 完成里面的练习。
    Review the text book from p14-p15 and finish the exercises in text book 3.
    HSK 2

    Please do the exercise 3 on P21 in the text book 2.

    Challenging yourself. Make your dialogue.

    1. 我看一下。
    2. 这是你的吗?

  23. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
    1、 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第十五、十六课所有练习第43至第49页 To complete Exercise Book (Handout) Lesson 15 & 16 all exercises, page 43-49
    Watch the following link and review 23 Initials that we have learned so far.
    3) 练习儿歌.
    yuè ér wān wān guà lán tiān
    xiǎo xī wān wān chū qīng shān
    dà hé wān wān liú rù hǎi
    jiē dào wān wān dào xiào yuán

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