
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第二课“读一读”词组各10遍Copy 10 times of each phase in exercise 2 “读一读” of Lesson two

2、背诵《数数手指头》并拍摄视频 Recite <Count the Fingers> and make a video

3、练习《圣诞节快乐》,拍摄视频并发给老师。Practice the song <Merry Christmas>  and make a video


四年级B班 – 王颖雅老师

1. 完成第五课的练习册星期一到星期五的所有练习题。
Complete the workbook of lesson 5 from Monday to Friday.
2. 朗读第五课课文和“阅读”,并发录音到微信群。
Read the text of lesson 5 and “Reading,” and record it to the WeChat group.
3. 复习第一到第五课的生字和词汇并预习第六课。
Review the new words and vocabulary from lessons 1 to 5 and preview lesson 6.
4. 用一封信给王老师,信的内容是关于你如何渡过圣诞和元旦假期,字数不限。关于信的格式请查看相关的笔记和课文的内容。
Write a letter to Mrs.Wang about how you spent your Christmas and New Year holidays. Please check the notes and the text for the format of the letter.


一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有的生字,下周上课听写 Memorise all the new words, we’ll do dictation next week.

3、继续练习《你笑起来真好看》歌曲 ,请跟着手舞To learn the song of <你笑起来真好看>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-DbpJIoQ0k  请继续拍一个演唱加舞蹈视频发给老师(横屏,清一色背景)