
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》课本第一册第四课课堂练习第二题,每个词组各十遍 Copy 10 times of the phrases in Question 2 of the Exercise in Class in Lesson 4, Page 21


一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、背诵并演唱唐诗《春夜喜雨》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem <Chun Ye Xi Yu > and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 30 January 2021 请着正装或唐装


一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、用练习本抄写《中文》第一册第三课练习二(第14页)词组各5遍 Use exercise book to copy 5 times of each phrases  in Lesson three Exercise 2 (Page 14).

2、第一单元生字练习 Handout – Lesson 1-3 Words Exercises

3、综合练习 (一)- 《中文》课本P16 Complete the Review (1)

4、练习唐诗《春夜喜雨》,先朗诵,再演唱,横屏拍视频 Practise Poem <春夜喜雨>,Recite and singing and make a video.


一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、朗读和学唱唐诗《春夜喜雨》Read aloud and sing《春夜喜雨》



3、记住学过的第三课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 3 and to prepare for the dictation