
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课练习二(第26页),每个词语抄写10遍 Copy 10 times of the phases in the Lesson 5 Exercise 2
2、抄写第五课生字10遍(风、云、雨、雪、电、天、地、春、夏、秋、冬),下周重新听写。听写不出来的学生,将会被罚抄每个字100遍。Copy the new words in Lesson 5 ten times (wind, cloud, rain, snow, electricity, sky, earth, spring, summer, autumn, winter) and dictate again next week. Students who cannot follow the dictation will be punished by copying each word 100 times. 
3、背诵《春天的颜色》,并录制视频发给老师 Recite <The Colour of Spring>, and record a video
4、熟读发下的歌曲《龙文》第一页 Read and familiar with the song’s first page of  “Long Wen”


一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、课堂上未完成第五课生字《描一描、写一写》的同学请继续完成 Pupils who have not completed writing Lesson 5 of the new words in class should continue to complete it.
2、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)
3、记住生字,下节课听写 Memorise the words and prepare for the dictation next week
4、练习《龙年祝福语》并拍摄视频发给老师 Practice “Blessings for the Year of the Dragon” and shoot a video to send to the teacher



2月18日Half Term 放假一天(晚7-9:30时,学校网上春节庆祝活动)