
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课练习二(第26页),每个词语抄写10遍 Copy 10 times of the phases in the Lesson 5 Exercise 2
2、抄写第五课生字10遍(风、云、雨、雪、电、天、地、春、夏、秋、冬),下周重新听写。听写不出来的学生,将会被罚抄每个字100遍。Copy the new words in Lesson 5 ten times (wind, cloud, rain, snow, electricity, sky, earth, spring, summer, autumn, winter) and dictate again next week. Students who cannot follow the dictation will be punished by copying each word 100 times. 
3、背诵《春天的颜色》,并录制视频发给老师 Recite <The Colour of Spring>, and record a video
4、熟读发下的歌曲《龙文》第一页 Read and familiar with the song’s first page of  “Long Wen”

29 Replies to “家庭作业2024年2月26日至2024年3月2日”

  1. GCSE 网课班
    下周作业 1 复习84–87页的所有词组,复习词卡https://quizlet.com/771815687/my-town-mandarin-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=c9f7ca89-ecb9-40a2-9d9c-31459e2d2767
    2 练习KAHOOT 媒体的练习题https://kahoot.it/challenge/06116949?challenge-id=b99bc651-bacc-4701-87a4-0a493fca76a3_1708895258367
    3 完成群里的3个文档练习题

  2. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 熟读第八课课文《唐人街》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 8 – The Chinatown.

    2. 完成练习册B,第八课星期一、星期二、星期三全部练习题(练习册52-62页)。
    To complete Exercise Book B Lesson 8 Monday to Wednesday all exercises (page 52-62).

    To review the the four ancient poems from Lesson 7 and recite in page 63.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Copy two times of the “words” on text book page” on p74-75;
      Read aloud Lesson eight and upload your recordings.

  3. 1,完成练习册星期一和星期二

  4. 1. 复习第一课到第三课的词汇,准备下周听写。
    Revise the vocabulary of lesson 1to lesson 3, prepare for dictation.

    2.把 记忆卡配对并粘在纸上,下周日交上来。
    Match the flashcards and stick them to A4 papers, hand them up by next Sunday.

    3. 发一张春节假期时的照片到WeChat班群里。
    Upload a photo about what did you do during your half term holiday to our WeChat group.

  5. 六年级C班作业
    1. 复习第六课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L6 and prepare for the dictation. https://quizlet.com/553704041/zw6-6-flash-cards/?new
    2. 练习朗诵课文,准备朗诵比赛。Practice reading the text and prepare for the reading competition.
    3. 练习册第六课周一至周五的第六到七题。Question 6-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 6, Workbook 6B.
    4. 回答问题:Answer the questions:
    (1) 后来,那个人再也没有丢羊,为什么?
    (2) 拔高了的秧苗长高了吗? 为什么?
    5. 预习课本第55页阅读《小白兔和小灰兔》。 Preview the 《小白兔和小灰兔》on p55.
    6. 复习课文4对话(p54),看一看、想一想“得”、“地”和“的”是怎么用的?然后选用“得”、“地”和“的”填空:Review the dialogue in lesson 6, feel and think how the “得”、“地” and“的” were used and then choose them to fill the following gaps.
    1) 妈妈常常带我们去附近 公园玩儿,我和弟弟玩 可高兴了。
    2) 我拿出了带来 纸和笔认真 画了起来。
    3) 我们每星期都有一节常识课,学一些有很意思 生活常识,老师教 很认真,学生们也都仔细 听、认真 做实验。
    4) 我爱好集邮,已经集了几大本 邮票,每当有朋友来我家,我都高兴 拿出我 的集邮册介绍给他们看。
    5) 在海洋世界里我最喜欢看 节目是海豚表演,它们有时飞快 钻入水下,有时又高高 跳出水面,更令人惊奇 是他们还会唱歌、跳舞算数学题呢!
    6) 冬天到了,蚂蚁舒舒服服 在家里晒太阳,饿 发慌 知了飞了过来,有气无力 说:“我 好邻居,能借点儿粮食给我吗?“
    7) 孩子们在到处都开着鲜花 公园里又跑又跳,又唱又笑,玩儿 开心极了。
    8) 巨人看到孩子们在他 花园里玩生气 叫起来:“这是我的花园,不准你们在这里玩儿!”孩子们听到后都吓 跑走了。

  6. 学前班 B班作业

    Watch playlist, you can skip the ones if you have memorised it. Watch at least once a day.

    Complete 3A textbook page 34,3 Color it,
    page 35, 5. Do it,
    page 36 6.Exercises.

    3, 练习绕口令 《妈妈骑马》
    Practice tongue twister “Mama qima”

    4, 练习《幸福的孩子爱唱歌》从“阳光灿烂天空好清澈”到“咕噜咕噜噜在唱歌”
    Practice new song “xingfu de haizi ai changge”

  7. 一年级C班-傅老师

    1、背诵《春天的颜色》,并录制视频发给老师 Recite 《The Color of Spring》, and record a video

    2. 学唱《 春天在哪里》儿歌),并录制视频发给老师, 请看以下链接;Learn the song , watching the YouTube. Record a video.

  8. 七年级A班作业
    Complete Exercise Book A Lesson 7(page 56-66) from Monday to Wednesday.
    To be able to write the 14 new characters (there will be a dictation on next class)
    Identify words, phases and sentences describing the Great in the text, and write them down into the workbook.

  9. 六年级B班

    Complete Lesson 7 “Sun Moon Lake” in the exercise book from Monday to Friday, exercises 4,5, and 6.

    Copy each new word in Lesson 7 three times.

    3. 此前还没有完成课文背诵或者课文讲述的同学,请做好准备,可以录音也可以到学校背诵或者讲述给老师听。
    For students who have not completed the recitation or narration of the text before, please be prepared. You can record it or go to school to recite or narrate it to the teacher.

  10. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, three times each.
    Correct the paperwork.
    Preview the text of Lesson 8 and read it.

  11. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 7 of the exercise book A”Two Ancient Poems”: Monday12456Tuesday 12347Wednesday 345Thursday 345 Friday 2.
    Recite “Quiet Night Thoughts” emotionally and post the recording to the WeChat group.
    Preview the second poem and explain the meaning of this poem in your own language in class next week.

  12. 三年级C班:
    1. 完成练习册A第7课中以下几道题:
    Monday: 1, 2, 5
    Tuesday: 5, 7
    Wednesday: 2, 7
    Thursday: 4, 5
    Friday: 1, 2, 6
    2. 背诵《静夜思》并拍下视频发送到微信群。
    Recite and video Thoughts on a Silent Night then post it in the Wechat group.
    3. 请完成《静夜思》Blooket上的作业。

    4.背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    白骨精 变人形
    孙悟空 打妖精

  13. 二年级C班:

    1. 朗读第八课课文,语音发群里。
    Read Lesson 8 fluently, send your recording to group chat.
    2. 完成第八课练习周一至周五的1,2,3 题。
    Complete exercise of Lesson 8 Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.
    3. 复习第七课划线词语,下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 7 underlined phrases, ready for dictation next week.
    Watch the link, to study traditional Lantern festival.

  14. 第一、二、三组
    如果你是候选人的指导,你会如何组织安排竞选?(campaign strategist)

    练口试第一题: 把过去的考题全部练习一遍,并准备笔记。然后自己编题。

  15. 五年级B班
    1.背诵古诗《游子吟》和《江雪》并录音上传到微信群。Recite the poem and upload the recording to wechat group.
    Complete all exercises in Lesson 7 Exercise Book A: Monday (Mon), Tuesday (Tue), Wednesday (Wed).

  16. Year Two D Homework
    1, copy the Lesson seven onto A4 white paper, making sure the text is in centre of the paper
    2, read the following sentences three times a day and copy them twice.
    1) 我有两个哥哥和一个姐姐。
    2) 今天是我朋友的生日,上午 我们一起买东西, 下午我们一起唱生日歌。
    3) 老师说我的中文字写得对写得好,我真开心。
    4) 我们用口说用耳听,用脑思考,用手写字画画。
    5) 上个星期三我没有去学校,这个星期五我也不去学校。
    6) 今天我做了两件事。
    7) 三个人里有一个人会是我们的老师。
    8) 工作做不好是没有用脑,用脑用手工作会做得好。
    9) 学校又有个新老师。
    10) 姐姐在房间里又写又画,她给哥哥做了一张生日卡。

  17. 1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课读一读(第26页),每个词语抄写2遍
    Copy 2 times of the phases in the Lesson 5 Exercise 2
    2、抄写练习册A读一读 (第31页) 的句子,每个句子1遍
    Copy 1 times of the sentences in the Exercise Book A, P31
    Review the words in Lesson 5, we will dictate it next week.
    Recite , and record a video
    5、学习儿歌《上学歌》Learn the song:

  18. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 7,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday:

    ​yct 6 lesson 7: https://quizlet.com/887035559/yct-6-lesson-7-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96​2)

    ​2)Please finish the exercises at Page 56&57Yct6 Textbook

    ​3)Please read the Lesson7Let’s read and short speechs at least three times, and then translate into English. 请熟读第六课的课文和阅读至少三遍, 然后翻译成英文。

  19. 1. 课本第60-61页综合练习(二)
    Comprehensive Exercises (II) on pages 60-61 of the textbook
    2. 背诵《春晓》,熟读《悯农》,录音/录像发在班群
    Memorise 《春晓》,fluently read aloud《悯农》, record and sent it to the group chat
    3. 抄写《春晓》3次
    Write 《春晓》3 times
    4. 朗读《山行》和《绝句》
    Read aloud 《山行》and 《绝句》
    5. 准备下周听写《猴子捞月亮》的词语(全部来自课文)
    Preparation for next week’s dictation of words from 《猴子捞月亮》 (contents all from the text)

  20. 六年级A班
    1.完成练习册A 本第七课 周一到周五的前4题。
    Complete the first four questions from Monday to Friday of Lesson 7 in workbook A.
    Fluent reading of the text of Lesson 7 “Sun Moon Lake”, the teacher will check next class.
    Review words of Lesson 5 to Lesson 6 ,get ready for dictation next week.
    ​Preiew the “The story of Taurus and Vega”.

  21. 五年级A班
    1. 复习课堂上学过的生字,准备下周听写。
    Review the new vocabulary for dictation next week.
    2. 完成练习册B第八课从星期一到星期五1-3题
    Complete the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 8.
    Retell one of the four great Chinese folk tales that we learned in class, “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,” and tell it to your family.
    4. 完成春节相关词汇练习(见微信群)。
    Complete the Spring Festival related vocabulary exercises (please find the list in our WeChat group).

  22. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词 “糟糕、天气预报、春夏秋冬、去年暑假、名胜古迹、照片、纪念品、精彩、麻烦、滑雪、省钱、旅游车、便宜、行李、度假、安全、最低气温、满意、噪音、几乎、计划/打算、帮助/帮忙、剧院、亲戚、天安门广场、有礼貌、将来、服务员、交通、预订、付款、信用卡、入住、小吃、展览、新加坡、故宫、现金/刷卡、既…又…、游学” 需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。(请把这个表格贴在你的家庭作业本上并给老师批改)。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 作文:写一篇文章关于A trip to China.
    请按照课本上第122页A extended writing Task的要求来。
    Writing: an article, please follow the requirements of A extended writing Task on page 122 of the textbook.

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第28页(阅读1) 和31页(阅读3) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 28 reading 1, and page 31 reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    4. 预习新的生词表2.1的生词,需要在词汇表上做好笔记。(请把表格粘贴在家庭作业本上)。
    Preview the new words in vocabulary list 4.1, and you need to take notes on the vocabulary list. (Please paste the form in your homework book).

  23. 学前班A reception class;
    1. 学说quizlet W17 lovely kitchen 的词语和句子。
    2. 把课堂上猜的字谜说给爸爸妈妈听。

  24. 26/02/23-2/3/2024
    Please write the strokes and stroke order of Lesson 8, Page 56 in your workbook. Copy each character in order into the homework book three times.
    2.请继续预习第八课课文和继续复习1-7课学过的字,我会在课上抽查。Please continue previewing Lesson 8 text and reviewing characters from Lessons 1 to 7; I will randomly check during class.
    3. 完成第八课练习周一至周二的1,2, 3题。
    Complete exercise of Lesson 8 Monday to Tuesday question 1,2,3.
    4. “观看“为什么白天看不到月亮”?后,请把答案写在练习本上,在课堂一起讨论。https://youtu.be/After watching “Why Can’t We See the Moon During the Day?” video, please write the answers in your practice book for classroom discussion. Here’s the link: video.

  25. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第八课《司马光》如下练习:
    Pleaese finish the following questions of Lesson 8 on Exercise Book B.
    星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四:1-5题 Mon, Tue, Wed & Thur: 1-5
    星期五:1-4题 Thur & Fri:1-4

    2. 熟读第八课《司马光》课文,录制视频或者音频发到班级群。
    Please read Lesson 8 fluently, make a record and share in our Wechat group.

    3. 请每位同学找1-5个谜语,写下来或者录成小视频,发到班级群,我们穿插进下面几节课带同学们猜谜语。
    Please prepare 1-5 riddles, write them down or make a video and send to teacher.

  26. YCT B homework:

    1. Translate the 4 paragraphs in the homework document into English.

    2. Finish the colour in sheet given at the school. Learn the words 元宵节(lantern festival), 汤圆
    (rice ball), if you like, learn the sentences given as well.

  27. 3B班家庭作业
    1 抄写并背诵《静夜思》和《登鹳雀楼》
    Copy and recite “Thoughts on a Silent Night” and “At Heron Lodge”.
    2 完成练习册A第七课《静夜思》星期一和星期二的全部练习。
    Please complete lesson 7 “Thoughts on a Silent Night” in exercise book A.
    Monday: 1-7
    Tuesday: 1-7
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 诗____ 师 ____
    (2) 静 ____ 净 ____
    (3) 首____ 自 ____ 白____

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