
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

  1. 抄写1-12课生字各10遍Copy Lesson 1-12 new words 10 times each
  2. 抄写1-12课词语(每课的练习2 《读一读》)各5遍Copy Lesson 1-11 Exercise Question 2 phases 5 times each
  3. 背诵课本里所有的课文Recite all the text in the Textbook
  4. 背诵课本里所有的《阅读》Recite all the Reading text in each lesson
  5. 请用“我”与“你”开头写几句句子,写的越多越好。例如:我是学生。你是老师。我有爸爸、妈妈。 Please use “我” and “你”to write sentences, the more the better. For example: 1) 我是学生。2) 你是老师。3) 我有爸爸、妈妈。
  6. 记住89页部首表Memorise the Radical Table on page 89
  7. 记住91页汉字笔画名称表Memorise Chinese characters stroke name table on page 91
  8. 记住92页写字笔画规则表Memorise the stroke writing rules table on page 92
  9. 观看《孙悟空》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek_SP2mDI2c&t=12s



一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84  Complete P80-84 of “General Exercise” in the textbook

2、完成发下的handout练习 Complete the handout exercise

3、熟悉并诵读《天地》,拍摄视频 Familiar with and recite “Heaven and Earth”, and shoot videos



一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成发在群里的总复习练习Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat

2、 熟悉课本第85页所有生字并记住它们,考试时会听写20个字 Familiarise yourself with all the new words on page 85 of the textbook and memorize them. You will dictate 20 words during the test

3、还没有完成背诵《过新年》的学生请继续完成,拍摄视频 Students who have not finished reciting “Celebrating the New Year” please continue to complete and shoot a video