
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84  Complete P80-84 of “General Exercise” in the textbook

2、完成发下的handout练习 Complete the handout exercise

3、熟悉并诵读《天地》,拍摄视频 Familiar with and recite “Heaven and Earth”, and shoot videos


30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年7月10日至2023年7月15日”

  1. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册B第十二课《狼来了》剩下的练习题。
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 12 “Wolf is Coming” in Workbook B.
    Memorize the phrases in the text of Lesson 12 and dictate next week.
    Review all the contents of Lessons 1 to 9, new words and texts.
    Parents are requested to supervise their children to be familiar with “Occupation”. We will videotape the class next week.

  2. 6年级A班
    Read 《宅院》frequently, and upload horizontal video to WeChat group.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete Exercise B Lesson Twelve Monday to Friday daily;
      Understanding and Read aloud Lesson Twelve.

    2. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete Exercise B Lesson Twelve Monday to Friday daily;
      Understanding and Read aloud Lesson Twelve.

  3. 六年级B班

    Complete the textbook “General Workbook”.

    2. 请分配到任务的孩子熟读《家私》,下节课录视频。
    Please ask the children assigned to the task to read “Furniture” familiarly, and record the video in the next class.

  4. 八年级&GCSE基础班作业:
    Practice GCSE vocabulary.
    Review & revise Year 8 text book and prepare the final exam next week.

  5. @所有人 本周请大家复习第七册1-12课的课文、生字、词语和句型以及课本最后的总练习。下周我们进行期末测试。祝大家期末考试顺利!

  6. 四年级B班
    Continue to complete all practice problems in Lesson 12.

    Review the new words and vocabulary from Lesson 1 to Lesson 11, and prepare for the exam next Sunday.

    Parents are requested to supervise their children to be familiar with “Occupation”. We will videotape the class next week.

  7. 二年级A班

    1. 请完成发下去的试卷B。
    Complete the hand out of paper B.
    2. 请同学们背诵《颜色》横屏录视频,背景干净,发到群里。
    Please recite 《颜色》recorded and send it to group chat.

  8. 五年级A班
    1.完成练习册A第11课从星期一到星期五的内容。Complete the exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 11 in workbook A.
    Read and memorize the poem“餐饮”and record a video to share in the group.
    3. 继续完成作文,下周交给老师。选择如下:
    A 端午节的故事:题目自拟,可以是你了解的端午节的故事,也可你在英国过端午节的经历(比如包粽子,做蛋袋,编五彩线,看赛龙舟等等),也可以发挥想象力,比如你坐着时光穿梭机回到了战国时期,遇到了正要投江的屈原……
    B 太空历险记:你是一个宇航员,到了月球上,在那里遇到了嫦娥……/ 由于全球变暖,地球越来越热,人们将无法在地球上生存,你不得不代表人类去寻找新的利于人类生存的家园……
    C 难忘的一件事/一次旅行或者节日,如父亲节/母亲节,或者是本次年终表演:记录一件在你身边发生过的难忘的事,包括什么时候,发生了什么,为什么让你很难忘……
    Continue with your essay. Choose from the following: (at least 250words.)
    A. The Story of Dragon Boat Festival: Choose a title of your choice. It can be a story about Dragon Boat Festival that you are familiar with, or it can be about your experience celebrating Dragon Boat Festival in the UK (such as making zongzi, creating egg pouches, weaving colorful threads, watching dragon boat races, etc.). You can also use your imagination, for example, traveling back in time to the Warring States period and encountering Qu Yuan just as he was about to jump into the river…
    B. Space Adventure: You are an astronaut who arrives on the moon and encounters Chang’e there… / Due to global warming, the Earth is becoming increasingly hot, and people will no longer be able to survive on Earth. You have to represent humanity in search of a new habitat that is conducive to human survival……
    C. Unforgettable Experience ,a trip or Festival, such as Father’s Day/Mother’s Day: Document an unforgettable event that has happened to you, including when it happened, what occurred, and why it was memorable…

  9. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习课上观看的视频里的词组,要求会写
    Review all vocabs from the videos watched during the lesson.
    2 完成中文第8册书上的综合练习 P27-P29页的第1-第7题
    zhognwen book 8 general exercise p27-p29 quesitions 1-7

  10. 六年级C班作业
    1. 借助quizlet复习第十二课的生词。Review the vocabulary of the L12 with the help of quizlet (https://quizlet.com/601660657/zw6-12-flash-cards/?new).
    2. 练习册B第十二课周一至周五的第四到五题。Question 4-5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 12, Workbook 6B.
    3. 复习第一到第十一课课文及生词,准备期末考试。Review lessons 1 to 11 and the vocabulary and prepare for the end-year exam.
    4. 练习朗诵《宅院 (门对第)》并录像(请用横屏),《宅院 (门对第)》已上传至6C webchat。Practice《宅院 (门对第)》 and record the video clip and upload it onto the 6C webchat (Please use landscape), the poem is on the 6C webchat .

  11. 六年级C班作业
    1. 借助quizlet复习第十二课的生词。Review the vocabulary of the L12 with the help of quizlet (https://quizlet.com/601660657/zw6-12-flash-cards/?new).
    2. 练习册B第十二课周一至周五的第四到五题。Question 4-5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 12, Workbook 6B.
    3. 复习第一到第十一课课文及生词,准备期末考试。Review lessons 1 to 11 and the vocabulary and prepare for the end-year exam.
    4. 练习朗诵《宅院 (门对第)》并录像(请用横屏),《宅院 (门对第)》已上传至6C webchat。Practice《宅院 (门对第)》 and record the video clip and upload it onto the 6C webchat (Please use landscape), the poem is on the 6C webchat .

  12. 学期班B

    1, 看视频
    *Watch playlist learn to sing “Shui neng zai shaonian”
    *Review “Dizigui” and 10 poems that we have learnt in the past.
    *If you have not learnt how to sing “Diu shoujuan”, please memorise it so you can enjoy our out door activity next week.


    Draw a picture of what you have bought in the class, and tell your parents what they are.

  13. 学前A班receptionA:

  14. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1. 复习学过的所有生字,请参看课本 ‘音序生字表’ (85-86页),为下周的考试做准备。Review, and memorize all Chinese characters we have learned. Please see pages 85-86 ‘Alphabetic Vocabulary’.

    2. 熟悉并诵读《方位》(汉语拼音对照已经发给同学们),请拍摄视频发在群里。Familiar with and recite ‘Direction’. Please post the video to WeChat Group.

  15. 四年级A班 王老师
    1, 有感情地朗读《字诗. 身体》,并录制视频 。看微信群
    Read 《 Word Poetry。Body》 , record your reading and send it to We chat group( see we chat group)
    2,看视频 ,了解中医,watch TV ,understand traditional chinese medical science
    3,读下面短文 ,写一写你要告诉自己什么?Read the following essay and write something about what you want to tell yourself。(summer holiday work)
       有时候我们都会说:在家靠父母,出外靠朋友!呵呵!真是这样最好,在外奔波劳碌toil时,有多少朋友在你遇到困难的时候,会伸出手来帮助你?有可能没有,不冷眼相对Cold-eyed relative就不错了,所以凡事靠自己。出门在外,不论受到什么样的待遇treatment,都别太往心里去!因为外面的世界,尊重respect的是实力而非舆论public opinion。
    告诉自己;靠树,树会倒、靠地,地会塌collapse 、靠父母,父母会老,只有靠自己,这样你在未来的道路上才会有选择select 权。

  16. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish the rest questions in exercise book B, Lesson 12.
    Finish pages 94 to 95, Review 4 of the textbook.
    Finish pages 96 to 101, Exercise of the textbook.
    Practice every day, recite it, and send a video to the WeChat group.

  17. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the lesson 1- Lesson 12 3 times
    2, Complete the ‘ Review 4 ‘ on text book page94-95
    完成课本94-95 页的综合练习4

  18. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 1-14 of YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below and prepare for the test on the following Sunday.

    Part 1

    Part 2


    2.Please make sentences using the following words


  19. 本周作业:
    Complete all the exercises of Lesson 12, on Exercise BookB.
    2, 复习1-12课字,词和句子。熟读课文,第七课古诗二首要求会背诵且默写。
    Please revise lesson 1-12 and focus on improving your reading fluency to get ready for the end of the year assessment on Sunday.

  20. 一年级C班 (Y1C)- 傅老师

    1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84 Complete P80-84 of “General Exercise” in the textbook

    2、 继续熟悉课本第85-88页所有生字并记住它们,考试时会听写20个字 Continue to familiarise yourself with all the new words on page 85-88 of the textbook and memorize them. You will dictate 20 words during the test.

    3, 熟悉《部首表》 第89页。Familiarise page 89 “Table of Radicals”

  21. 1 复习: 抄写三遍第七课到第九课的全部生字。
    Review: copy all the new words from Lesson 7 to Lesson 9 of the textbook three times.
    2 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 诗____ 思____
    (2) 低____ 底____
    (3) 举____ 具____
    (4) 成____ 咸____
    (5) 层____ 云____
    (6) 课____ 科____
    (7) 怪____ 快____
    (8) 眼____ 验____
    (9) 是____ 试____
    (10)几____ 机____
    3 写出下列中文的英文意思
    Write the English meaning of the following Chinese.
    (1) 故乡 (2)月光 (3)诗歌 (4)实验 (5)发明 (6)有名 (7)马上
    (8) 出来(9)过来 (10)下来
    4 造句
    Make sentences with the given words.
    (1) 故乡
    (2) 变成
    (3) 喜欢
    (4) 科学
    5 熟读并背诵字.诗《身体》并录制视频发到群里。
    Read and memorize the poem “BODY” and record a video to share in the group.
    颈(jǐng) 对(duì) 项(xiàng),膀bǎng 对(duì) 肩(jiān),赤手(chìshǒu) 对(duì) 空(kōng) 拳(quán)。
    十(shí)指(zhǐ) 对(duì) 双臂(shuāngbì),四肢(sìzhī) 对(duì) 五官(wǔguān)。
    胸腔(xiōngqiāng) 硬(yìng),腹腔(fùqiāng) 软(ruǎn),背(bèi)腰(yāo) 臀(tún)腿(tuǐ) 连(lián)。
    血气(xuèqì) 心(xīn)肺(fèi) 送(sòng),营养(yíngyǎng) 肠胃(chángwèi) 传(chuán)。
    百(bǎi)脉(mài) 九(jiǔ) 窍(qiào) 心(xīn) 千(qiān) 结(jié),五脏六腑(wǔzàngliùfǔ) 肠(cháng) 百(bǎi) 转(zhuǎn)。
    七(qī)尺(chǐ)男儿(nánér),侠(xiá)肝(gān)义(yì)胆(dǎn) 铮(zhēng) 铮(zhēng) 骨(gǔ);
    窈(yǎo)窕(tiǎo)淑(shū)女(nǚ),月(yuè)貌(mào) 花(huā) 容(róng) 楚(chǔ) 楚(chǔ) 颜(yán)。

  22. GCSE考试班家庭作业:
    Complete the Chinese Workbook B, the first three questions from Monday to Thursday from page 2 to page 13.

    For the dictation part of the test next week, please refer to the textbook to read pages 5, 6 and 14.

    3、 熟悉并诵读《看见》(汉语拼音对照已经发给同学们),请拍摄视频发在群里。Familiar with and recite ‘see’. Please post the video to WeChat Group.

  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请同学们完成课本第120页的《总练习》。
    Please finish the Exercises on page 120 of our text book..

    Please read the peom ”Yi Guan” loudly, take a video and upload to our Wechat Group.

  24. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK35 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Finish questions 4-6 from Lesson 7 of the Activity Book 4.

    2.Recite the texts on pages 34 and 35 of Lesson 7.

    3. Find files from class WeChat group and complete the extra learning/review.
    3, 完成额外的学习/复习任务(内容见班级微信群)。

  25. A level班




  26. 五年级B班
Complete all the exercises of Lesson 12, on Exercise BookB.

Read and memorize the poemeand record a video to share in the group.

  27. YCT B homework:

    Revise the sentences in YCT 2 Q&A document. These are some examples, the students are encouraged to find more Q&As that we have learned. Please let the students watch the video in the group chat, we will have a similar competition and filming this Sunday. Hope they prepare well and enjoy it!

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