
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

  1. 抄写1-12课生字各10遍Copy Lesson 1-12 new words 10 times each
  2. 抄写1-12课词语(每课的练习2 《读一读》)各5遍Copy Lesson 1-11 Exercise Question 2 phases 5 times each
  3. 背诵课本里所有的课文Recite all the text in the Textbook
  4. 背诵课本里所有的《阅读》Recite all the Reading text in each lesson
  5. 请用“我”与“你”开头写几句句子,写的越多越好。例如:我是学生。你是老师。我有爸爸、妈妈。 Please use “我” and “你”to write sentences, the more the better. For example: 1) 我是学生。2) 你是老师。3) 我有爸爸、妈妈。
  6. 记住89页部首表Memorise the Radical Table on page 89
  7. 记住91页汉字笔画名称表Memorise Chinese characters stroke name table on page 91
  8. 记住92页写字笔画规则表Memorise the stroke writing rules table on page 92
  9. 观看《孙悟空》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek_SP2mDI2c&t=12s


28 Replies to “家庭作业2023年7月17日至2023年9月9日(暑假作业)”

  1. 4A 王老师
    Min Wang:
    四年级A班 王老师
    1, 有感情地朗读《字诗. 身体》,并录制视频 。看微信群
    Read 《 Word Poetry。Body》 , record your reading and send it to We chat group( see we chat group)
    请大家尽快拍摄视频 。课堂上的拍的不理想需要重新剪辑。希望得到大家的合作,Please shoot the video as soon as possible. The unsatisfactory shooting in class needs to be re-edited. Hope to get your cooperation,

    2 读下面短文 ,写一写你要告诉自己什么?Read the following essay and write something about what you want to tell yourself。(summer holiday work)
       有时候我们都会说:在家靠父母,出外靠朋友!呵呵!真是这样最好,在外奔波劳碌toil时,有多少朋友在你遇到困难的时候,会伸出手来帮助你?有可能没有,不冷眼相对Cold-eyed relative就不错了,所以凡事靠自己。出门在外,不论受到什么样的待遇treatment,都别太往心里去!因为外面的世界,尊重respect的是实力而非舆论public opinion。
    告诉自己;靠树,树会倒、靠地,地会塌collapse 、靠父母,父母会老,只有靠自己,这样你在未来的道路上才会有选择select 权。

  2. GCSE网课班
    finish final end of year exam papers,upload to wechat group by next week

  3. Year Two C Homework
    二年级C 班作业

    Read one Lesson per day for year two book.


  4. 五年级C班暑假作业:
    Please review the words and phrases from lesson1-12 and read aloud the texts.
    Write weekly journals during summer holiday, it can be the book reviews, the interesting things around you or even can be the plan of the following week!
    Highly recommended summer holiday Chinese classic TV series ( I loved watching them when I was a child!)

  5. 6年级A班
    Write a essay 《 my summer holiday 》, it is required to be no less than three paragraphs.
    Enjoy your summer holiday!

  6. 三年级A班
    Review all the contents of Lessons 1 to 12 and complete the comprehensive exercises.
    Record interesting things you saw and heard during the holidays, and return to school to share with new teachers and classmates.

  7. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1,抄写1-12课生字各10遍Copy Lesson 1-12 new words 10 times each
    2,抄写1-12课词语(每课的练习2 《读一读》)各5遍Copy Lesson 1-11 Exercise Question 2 phases 5 times each
    3,背诵课本里所有的课文Recite all the text in the Textbook
    4,背诵课本里所有的《阅读》Recite all the Reading text in each lesson
    5,请用“我”与“你”开头写几句句子,写的越多越好。例如:我是学生。你是老师。我有爸爸、妈妈。 Please use “我” and “你”to write sentences, the more the better. For example: 1) 我是学生。2) 你是老师。3) 我有爸爸、妈妈。
    6,记住89页部首表Memorise the Radical Table on page 89
    7,记住91页汉字笔画名称表Memorise Chinese characters stroke name table on page 91
    8,记住92页写字笔画规则表Memorise the stroke writing rules table on page 92

  8. 学前班 B

    1,看视频 背诵古诗
    Watch play list and learn all the poem.

    2,美猴王汉语词卡2B(蓝色) 第42-80页,
    Monkey King Chinese 2B (Blue) page 42-80
    Monkey King Chinese 3A (Orange) page 1-46
    Monkey King Chinese 3B (Orange) Page 47-93
    Everyday, chose one from above choices, read the words card once, repeat until you can remember all the words by looking at the picture. (Parents, please help children fold up the part with the Pinyin to the back so they can not see)

    Draw a picture on your blue notebook.
    The tile is “the Chinese school that I like”

  9. 五年级B班
    Review all the contents of Lessons 1 to 12 and complete the comprehensive exercises.
    2. 暑假期间记录有趣的所见所闻,写一篇作文,题目《暑期见闻》,要求不能少于三个段落。
    Record interesting things you saw and heard during the holidays ,write a essay 《 暑期见闻 》, it is required to be no less than three paragraphs.
    Enjoy your summer holiday!

  10. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 1-14 of YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link

    Part 1


    Part 2



    1.Please review the key sentences for Lesson 1-14 of YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link

    Sentence bank 1

    Sentence bank 2

    3.Please write a short essay about “My Happy Summer Holiday Life”, 130 words to 180 words. You can write a good book you read , a good friend, a pleasant trip, a dinner that is reunited with you family or an unforgettable holiday trip, anything you enjoyed during your summer holidays.

  11. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 复习quizlet 2b 3A 3B 的词语和句子。
    2.复习quizlet 绘本故事的词语和句子。

  12. A Level 班

  13. 二年级A班

    1. 请复习发下的练习题A卷B卷。
    Please revise the two test papers A and B.

    2. 复习第一课到第十二课的生字,每个写五遍。

    Revise Lesson 1-Lesson 12 all the new words, write 5 times each.


  14. 六年级B班

    During the summer vacation, read the texts and vocabulary of lessons 1-12 regularly to lay the foundation for entering the 7th grade in September.

    Write a composition, “My Summer Vacation Life”, record what you see and hear in summer vacation life, the number of words is not limited.


  15. 四年级B班
    All written assignments are handed over to Year 5 teachers in September to be shared in class。

    During the summer vacation, read aloud the texts of lessons 1-12 of the fourth volume, write the new words and vocabulary of each lesson 3 times, and write them in the dictation book to lay a good foundation for entering the fifth grade in September.

    Use the dictation book, to write four diaries, one every week, to record what you have seen and heard during your summer vacation. The number of words is not limited. Use the four-character words, idioms, and adjectives we have learned. Welcome to add illustrations。

    3. 欣赏,学习央视的《经典永流传》节目
    To learn CCTV’s “Classic Forever” program.
    祝大家暑假愉快!I wish you all the best for the new school year.

  16. GCSE考试班家庭作业:
    Composition: Write an article about an interesting or meaningful event that happened during your summer vacation
    Word count requirement: no less than 300 words
    I wish you all have a lovely summer holiday!

  17. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、 完成课本第128-132页的总练习;
    Complete the excise on Textbook page 128-132;
    Revise whole Textbook.
    3、写一篇暑假里发生的趣闻趣事, 自拟题目, 字数不限。
    Write an assay about anything happened worth you think about during this Summer break.
    4、假期里至少读一本中文书(自选),可写一篇观后感, 字数不限。
    Read one Chinese Book at least during Summer holiday.

    With best wishes for the summer break.

  18. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、 完成课本第128-132页的总练习;
    Complete the excise on Textbook page 128-132;
    Revise whole Textbook.
    3、写一篇暑假里发生的趣闻趣事, 自拟题目, 字数不限。
    Write an assay about anything happened worth you think about during this Summer break.
    4、假期里至少读一本中文书(自选),可写一篇观后感, 字数不限。
    Read one Chinese Book at least during Summer holiday.

    With best wishes for the summer break.

  19. 1 复习: 抄写三遍第十课到第十二课的全部生字。
    Review: copy all the new words from Lesson 10 to Lesson 12 of the textbook three times.
    2 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 布____ 步____
    (2) 听____ 停____
    (3) 水____ 睡____
    (4) 钓____ 掉____
    (5) 石____ 石____
    (6) 几____ 极____
    (7) 小____ 少____
    (8) 捉____ 桌____
    (9) 跟____ 根____
    (10)比____ 笔____
    3 写出下列中文的英文意思
    Write the English meaning of the following Chinese.
    (1) 向前 (2)仍然 (3)得意 (4)终点 (5)专心 (6)三心二意 (7)结果
    (8) 故意(9)立刻 (10)欺骗
    4 造句
    Make sentences with the given words.
    (1) 得意
    (2) 奖励
    (3) 专心
    (4) 礼貌
    (5) 诚实
    (6) 美丽
    (7) 试验
    (8) 一边……一边

    5 写一篇假期生活的作文
    Please write an Essay about your summer holiday.

  20. 二年级B班

    1. 改正课本第96页到第101页的总练习。
    Correct the questions of exercises, page 96 to page 101 of textbook .

    2. 复习第一课到第十二课的生字,每个写五遍。

    Revise Lesson 1-Lesson 12 all the new characters, write five times each.


  21. 五年级A班
    Complete Review4 on the textbook P111 and Exercises on page 115.
    二、复习第一课到第十二课的所有生字生词,能够用学过的生词造句。Review all the words from lesson 1 to 12 and be able to make sentences with these words.

  22. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第十二课的以下练习。
    Thursday: 5, 6, 7
    Friday: all
    2. 请完成第二单元复习题。
    Complete review exercises.
    3. 点击链接完成第七课的作业。

    1. 请完成书上第99—101页的综合练习(四)
    Complete Review 4 on page 99—101.
    2. 请完成第三单元的复习题。
    Complete review exercises for unit 3.

  23. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1.抄写1-12课生字各5遍Copy Lesson 1-12 new words 5 times each
    2.抄写1-12课词语(每课的练习2 《读一读》)各2遍Copy Lesson 1-11 Exercise Question 2 phases 2 times each
    3.复习并会背诵课本里所有的课文Recite all the text in the Textbook
    4.复习并会背诵课本里所有的《阅读》Recite all the Reading text in each lesson
    5.请用“我”与“你”开头写句子,写得越多越好。例如:我是学生。你是老师。我有爸爸、妈妈。 Please use “我” and “你”to write sentences, the more the better. For example: 1) 我是学生。2) 你是老师。3) 我有爸爸、妈妈。
    6.记住89页部首表Memorise the Radical Table on page 89
    7.记住91页汉字笔画名称表Memorise Chinese characters stroke name table on page 91
    8.记住92页写字笔画规则表Memorise the stroke writing rules table on page 92
    9. 暑期推荐观看《孙悟空》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek_SP2mDI2c&t=12s

  24. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK36 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    Find files from class WeChat group and print. Read and remember all contents repeatedly. Then, further read and recite each section. And record your voice of reading. Complete each of the sections in 2 days.

    Have a Fantastic and Joyful Summer Holiday, Everyone!

  25. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 每周读两篇课文,请大声朗读,吐字清晰。
    Please read 2 texts every week and keep your reading loud and clear.

    2. 每周看一部中文电影或者中文动画片。
    Please see a Chinese movie or an animated movie every week.

    3. 每周读一篇中文的小故事或者小文章。
    Read a Chinese story or other reading materials every week.

  26. YCT B homework:

    Revise the YCT 2 textbook. Remember all the sentences in Q&A document. The students are encouraged to summarise more sentences that we have learned. Hope you all have a great summer break!

  27. Homework 20230716
    Please review the Book 7

    写作 暑假一定发生了很多有趣的事情吧?那么写一篇300-500字的作文记录下来吧。
    Please write a short article for your summer holiday fun trip or something memorable.

  28. 八年级A班家庭作业:

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