
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song (我们下节课会继续练习):

拼音儿歌 (我们下节课继续学习)

张开喉咙a a a
公鸡打鸣o o o
白鹅唱歌e e e
我穿新衣 i  i  i
天上乌云 u u u
就要下雨 ü ü ü

32 Replies to “家庭作业2023年9月11日至2023年9月16日”

  1. 三年级A班
    1. 继续制作自己的名牌,下周上课带到学校。用自己的语言介绍自己,下周上课和大家介绍自己。
    Continue make your own name tags to bring to school next week. Introduce yourself in your own words and share with you in class next week.
    Preview the first lesson “Traffic Lights” and read the text.

  2. GCSE 网课班作业
    1 熟悉了解GCSE 考试内容,主体,口语形式,见谷歌教室pdf
    Understand introduction of GCSE exam, themes,topics, speaking exam contents,see pdf in Google classroom
    2 熟悉中秋节的介绍,见课上重点词汇截图和书上135页阅读第4题,学习135页词组
    Understand introduction of Mid Autumn Festival,read Questions 4 in gcse book p135,learn new vocabularies on p135
    3 完成谷歌教室里的assignment quizlet 连接才会,下周抽查听写。观看中秋节介绍视频
    See Quizlet to learn flashcard, next week dictation
    4 完成PDF抄写和练习题,见微信群和谷歌教室
    finish pdf copying worksheet and exercise worksheet, see wechat group or Google classroom

  3. 三年级C班:
    1. 写几句话来简单地介绍一下自己,可以从姓名、年龄、家庭情况、喜欢做的事等几方面来介绍。
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself.,include your name, age, hobbies, family member, pets, favorite sport, food or colour etc.
    2. 以下词语抄写2遍。
    围巾 围栏 抢救 救火 求救 围魏救赵
    👇from 2:50 to 5:00

  4. 准备好文件夹,并与老师分享。这个文件夹里应保存你的笔记,练习和作业
    教材 1 或 2 – 点击插图链接 (optional)
    中文第十册课文及AB练习册 – 点击插图链接 (optional)

  5. 预习第一课《在机场》
    Preview lesson one 《at Airport》
    Read the main text
    Be able to read and write 17 new characters, write each character for 3 times ( page 15-16 on text book)

  6. 1.复习巩固以前学的拼音。
    Review the previous Pinyin 。
    What’s in my school? A brief introduction to the school. For example: facilities and functions. My school has a playground, we play table tennis on the playground and so on
    Preview Lesson 1. Try reading aloud according to Pinyin. Try looking up new words in the dictionary. We’ll learn the lesson together next week.

  7. 学前B班作业

    1, 看视频,每天至少看一遍。试着跟着唱一唱《四季歌》。
    Watch play list, watch at least once a day. Try to memorise the “Si Ji Ge”.


    2, 请你把课堂上发下去的画上上颜色。请爸爸妈妈问一问学生每棵树是季节是什么?
    Colouring the hand out picture. Please ask your child what season is for each of the trees.

  8. 五年级B班
1.根据自己的五官、外型,穿戴等特点,生动有趣地描写一段自己长相的短文。(注意写作格式:题目写在中间,在段落开始前一定要空两格。)According to your own facial features, appearance, clothing and other characteristics, vividly and interestingly describe a short essay about your appearance.
Preview Lesson 1.

Please prepare 3 exercise books: dictation book, essay book and note book. Prepare a folder to save the flash cards you are going to make
To parents:Please help to upload your children’s homework to our wechat group. Thank you!

  9. Year Two D Homework
    1. Write your Chinese name 10 times, try to memorise it.
    2. Practise a brief introduction for yourself in Chinese.
    3. Preview the Lesson one, reading aloud 5 times.

  10. 四年级A班
    1 复习第三册课文的生字, 见课本的142-143页。revision volume 3 all vocabularies
    2 在生字表里找出带有下面偏旁的汉字Find the Chinese characters with the following redical from aedoeology
    扌—— ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    亻—— ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    氵—— ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    讠—— ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    3 记熟下面第三册的句子。remember follow sentences
    1. 看 见 绿灯往 前 走 。
    2.我 高高 兴 兴 地 走 出了 书店。
    3.我去医 院 看 病
    4.一边 说话一 边听。
    6.大家 尝 一尝 就 知 道了。
    8.水 蒸 气 能让 壶盖动 起来。
    10.兔子飞快 地 跑了出去
    11.我怎么钓 不到鱼呢
    12.人们又被他欺 骗了。

    4 抄写第一课的生字五遍 copy write Lesson 1 vocabularies 5 time each。
    5 朗读下面诗歌Read the following poems( see WeChat group )

  11. 五年级C班 李老师
    1, 写一篇短文:介绍自己,内容包括但不限于名字、年龄、兴趣爱好、为什么学习中文,字数不限。
    Writing a paragraph/paragraphs about yourself.
    Finding a map of China, count how many provinces and autonomous regions there are in China, and find where your hometown is on the map.
    3, 熟读第一篇课文“买文具”。
    Reading ‘Buy Stationery’

  12. 二年级C班

    1. 把自己的中文名字写10遍,试着记住。
    Write your Chinese name 10 times, try to memorise it.
    2. 练习用中文简单地介绍自己。
    Practice a brief introduction for yourself in Chinese.
    3. 熟读发下去的绕口令“数一数”.请录音频发到群里。
    Practice reading the hand out “数一数”. Please send your voice recording to group chat.

  13. 六年级A班
    Writing Exercise: Please introduce yourself, including your interests, what you enjoy doing, your learning goals for this year, and any interesting experiences you’ve had while learning Chinese. Your response should be between 120-150 words.”
    Preview the vocabulary for the first lesson and read the text.
    Think about your favorite park and what specifically attracts you to it. You can bring a photo or draw a picture to share in next week’s class

  14. 四年级B班-杨老师

    1. 请熟写自己的中文名字(请家长们帮助);
    Please be familiar of how to write your Chinese name.
    2. 请给老师写一封信介绍自己(参照第四册第一课);
    Please try to write a letter to teacher and introduce yourself ( approximately 50-100 Chinese characters);
    3. 看视频,了解北京 https://youtu.be/eSqceF8mT40
    Watch this video and to know Beijing.

  15. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please preview the new words for Lesson 1, textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below请预习第六册第一课的生字和生词


    2.Please write a paragraph in Chinese to tell us about yourself , it should include your name, your interests, your habits and your future plan. At least 100 words , and must using 每天、兴趣、习惯、打算、不但…而且

    3. Please watch the video clip below, and learn the words for Chinese zodiac animals.

  16. 一年级C 班 (YEAR 1 C) — 傅老师


    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

    2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song (我们下节课会继续练习):
    张大嘴巴ɑ ɑ ɑ
    圆圆嘴巴o o o
    扁扁嘴巴e e e
    牙齿对齐i i i
    嘴巴突出u u u
    像吹笛子ü ü ü

    声调歌 ((我们下节课继续学习)

  17. 1、完成拼音练习册第一课第三、四、六题

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1 the third, fourth and sixth question.


    Read Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1 the second question, and take video or audio upload to our Wechat group. Thank you!

  18. 学前班A班:
    1. 学习数字一到十。learn number 1to 10.
    2。学说自我介绍:我叫贝贝虎,我今年5岁了。introduce youself by using the sentence patern .

  19. 五年级A班作业
    1.根据课堂上的自我介绍口语练习,写一篇自我介绍,介绍一下你自己,如果需要可以参考班级微信群里的框架文件(不是必须使用此框架)。可以按课堂上讲的先做一个mind map,参考微信群里的图片(两种图任选一个即可)。
    According the oral practice in class, write a piece of writing to introduce yourself(you could use the structure in our Wechat group to help you if you needed).
    Prepare a folder to save the flash cards you are going to make , an exercise book for writing practice and bring these in every week.
    Preview lesson 1.

  20. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:@all
    1. 请同学们准备购买Edexcel GCSE Chinese书,另外请准备两本练习本,这周日第一节课需要检查。GCSE书本可以在亚马逊上购买,以下是参考链接。
    Please purchase Edexcel GCSE Chinese books, and please also prepare two exercise books (normal thick exercise books), which need to be checked in the first class this Sunday. GCSE books can be purchased on Amazon. Here are the reference links. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-GCSE-Chinese-Student-Book/dp/1292210842/ref=sr_1_1?crid=93ZV8WJU2ZKJ&dchild=1&keywords=edexcel+chinese+gcse+9-1&qid=1599506968&sprefix=edexcel+chinese+%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1
    2.  预习新的生词表,需要在发下去的词汇表上做好笔记。(请把表格粘贴在家庭作业本上)。
    To preview the new vocabulary list, you need to make notes on the vocabulary list that is handed out. (Please paste the form in your homework book).
    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第8页(阅读1)和第10页(阅读1)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 8 reading 1, and page 10 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    4. 为那些想要挑战的人准备的扩展作业,建议已在GCSE中文班呆了一年和中文基础很好的学生,作业要求请看以下截图,
    Extended assignments for those who want a challenge, recommended for students who have already spent their first year in GCSE Chinese classes and have a good foundation in Chinese. Please see screenshot below for homework requirements

  21. 六年级C班作业
    1. 借助微信群中的word 文件学会使用padelet,并建好账户、邀请我(guo6358@hotmail.com)和助教程老师(hbbyootoon@gmail.com),准备用padlet交作业。With the help of the word file in Wechat to learn how to use padlet and set up an account for the purpose of handing in the homework.
    2. 复习第一课第一段,复习并学会读、写、翻译、使用下列生词:决心、画家、附近,写生。Review the first paragraph, review how to red, write, translate and use the following words: 决心、画家、附近,写生.
    3. 预习第一课第二、三、四段课文。Preview the 2-4 paragraphs.
    4. 练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习1 & 2.

  22. 六年级B班

    Preview the first lesson, read the text thoroughly, be able to read and write new words after class, and copy each new word 3 times.

    Write an essay “I” and introduce yourself based on the game in the first class. There is no limit to the number of words.

  23. 1 请所有同学把自己的中文名字写正确
    Please write your Chinese name correctly.
    2 完成练习册A第1课《红绿灯》星期一的全部练习
    Please complete Monday exercise 1-7 on Exercise Book A.
    3 朗读第一课《红绿灯》
    Reading the book of lesson “Traffic Lights”.
    4 看视频《红绿灯》学中文
    Watch videos and learn Chinese:

  24. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 参照微信中的图片,用里面的字组词(三年级学过的),每个字可多次使用,组词多多益善。标上序号,写在作业本里面。

    2. 口头作业,下面几次的课上会让孩子们作为课堂发言:请介绍自己或者父母的家乡,也可以介绍你知道或感兴趣的中国的某个城市或者地区。可以从以下几个方面进行介绍:

  25. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    1. 制作自己的名片,下周上课带到学校。用你自己喜欢的方式介绍自己(可写字,可画画)
    Make your own name tags in your own ways (writing or drawing) and bring to school next week. Show each other next week.
    Write your Chinese name 10 times, try to memorise it.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 1 every day.

  26. 预习第一课《开学典礼》
    Preview lesson one 《School Opening Day》
    Read the main text
    Be able to read and write 17 new characters
    3) 抄写8个新词语,每个3遍(会场,热烈,互相,握手,问好,宣布,首先,介绍)下节课默写,如有错每个抄10遍
    Write 8 new words 3 times each. Next lesson write from memery. If there are mistakes, please copy each word 10 times in the next lesson.

  27. YCT B homework for 10-9-2023 to 16-9-2023:

    1. Translate the dialogues into English in the Word document. Be able to translate back from English to Chinese, this will be tested in the next lesson.
    Extra challenge – write down the dialogues without the pinyin.

  28. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习1 & 2;
    Complete Exercise A Lesson One Monday to Friday question 1 &2;
    Preview Lesson one;
    Translate and make one sentence with the words above.

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