
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成发在群里的总复习练习Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat

2、 熟悉课本第85页所有生字并记住它们,考试时会听写20个字 Familiarise yourself with all the new words on page 85 of the textbook and memorize them. You will dictate 20 words during the test

3、还没有完成背诵《过新年》的学生请继续完成,拍摄视频 Students who have not finished reciting “Celebrating the New Year” please continue to complete and shoot a video

28 Replies to “家庭作业2023年7月3日至2023年7月8日”

  1. 三年级A班
    1. 熟读第十二课课文,发朗读语音到微信群里。
    Read the text of Lesson 12, and send the reading voice to the WeChat group.
    Review lesson10 and lesson11.

  2. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 唱https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV575CxiOMk 听我说谢谢你。

  3. 八年级&GCSE基础班作业:
    Write a letter to your best friend. Minium 150 words.

  4. GCSE 网课班
    1 继续熟读中文第8册第3课课文,《一场篮球比赛》,复习讲过的生字,
    Continue Read fluently lesson 3, review all new vocabs
    2 完成中文练习册第3课练习题星期四和星期五
    Finish exercise book lesson 3 Thursday and Friday

  5. 6年级A班
    Review the view practice of the book. We have a final exam next week.

  6. 四年级A班 王老师
    Shoudao shoudu xin feng youpiao guang chang fang jia kan wang shui ping jin bu ti gao
    qin ‘ai zheng qu sun zi shen ti shi zi
    Zou lang hu’an xiao dao deng shan jing se qiao dong
    ke ai wang gong jian zhu wen wu ru tong ming jing mi ren xun chang bei zi nuan yang yang cao lǜ guo xiang jian kang
    1,爷爷给亮亮写信时,贴tie了一张( )邮票.
    2.夏天亮亮全家去北京是(   )。那时他就可以去(     )(       )(       ).
    3.亮亮说,今后还要好好( ),( )更大( )
    4.走进颐和园的东大门,前面有一条长长的( ),那就是有名的( )。
    5.走完( ),( )万寿山。颐和园的( )都能看到。
    6 颐和园那座石桥下面有( ),桥两边的(   )上有很多( ),它们都很(  ),十分( )。
    7.凡尔赛宫过去是( ),现在是( )。那里有七百多间( )和( ),里面有很多( )。最( )的是( )。
    8打开凡尔赛宫镜廊的窗子, 窗外的园林景色( )镜中,人在厅中,就( )身在画中( ) 啊!
    9宫外的园林( ),园里有一条十字( ),还有( )湖,( )树,
    ( )花,鸟( ),湖( ),( )如画,( )人。
    10 太阳不晒( 不 ), ( 不 ),( 不 ),( 不 ).
    11,(  ) ( )晒一晒,晒过太阳(   )。
    12 突然,一只小松鼠 从(  )跳下来,说: “小马,( )你会淹死的。
    13马妈妈说:老牛( ) 他会( )水很浅;松鼠那么小, 他( )会说水很深。河水是深还是浅,( )你自己去( )。
     14 于是,猴子们爬到树上,一只( )一只,( )接到水里,小猴子的手( )水,月亮就不见了。猴子们( )很( ),这时,大猴子( )一看,( )叫了( ):“月亮不是( )天上吗?
    15 .中国的首都是:( ) A 重庆 B.上海 C.北京 D.香港
    16 下面的景点,哪一个不在北京?( )
    A.颐和园 B.天安门广场 C.长城 D.西湖
    17 杜甫被称为:( ) A诗仙 B.诗圣 C.诗佛fó D.诗鬼guǐ
    18《资治通鉴》的作者是:( )
    A.司马炎 B.司马迁 C.司马相如 D.司马光
    20.中国最早的朝代(cháo dài)是:( )
    A.夏 B.清 C.唐 D.东汉
    21.下面哪一个动物不是十二生肖(shēng xiào)里的?( )
    A.兔 B.猫 C.狗 D.马
    22.吃粽(zòng)子、赛龙舟(sài lóng zhōu)是哪一个中国传统节日的习俗(xí sú)?( )
    A.中秋节 B.春节 C.重阳节 D.端午节
    23 .下面哪一个不是元宵节(yuán xiāo jié)的习俗?( )
    A.吃元宵 B.猜谜语 C.挂艾ài草 D.赏shǎng花灯
    24 .谁知盘中( ),粒粒皆辛苦。 A果 B.食 C.饭 D.餐
    25.春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼( )。A.叫 B.鸣 C.鸟 D.声
    26. 我们学校旁边,有一个小( )。
    A.公元 B.公圆 C.公园 D.工员
    27. 下课了,小朋友们都在一起( )游戏。A.作 B.做
    28. 凡尔赛宫后面的园林,风( )如画。 A.景 B.影
    29. 车上的( )位都被占满了。 A.坐 B.座
    30. 天气太冷了,地上的水都结( )了。 A.冷 B.冰
    31. 爸爸经常( )着我和妹妹去图书馆看书。 A.带 B.代
    32. 妈妈买的西瓜( )大( )甜。
    A.有……有…… B. 右……右…… C.又……又……
    33. 阳光照在身上,暖( )的。
    A.阳阳 B.羊羊 C.洋洋 D.样样
    34. 下了好几天雨,希望明天是个大( )天。
    A.睛 B.清 C.青 D.晴
    35. 大自然的语言是多么丰( )、多么奇妙啊!A.富 B.福 C副
    36 我每个周( )都会去中文学校上课。 A.末 B.未
    37. 河里的水( )不像老牛说的那样浅,也不像松鼠说的那样深。 A.即 B.既
    38. 爷爷经常给我讲他那个时( )的故事。 A.代 B.带
    39. 我们( )经学完了第十一课。 A.已 B.己 C. 巳
    40. 多吃水果,对我们的( )康非常有好处。 A.建 B.健 C键
    41. 司马光一点也不惊( )。 A.慌 B.荒 C 谎
    42. 司马光砸缸救人,真是一个( )的孩子。A.安静 B.聪明
    43. 张衡小时候喜欢坐在院子里数星星。其中的“数”读:( ) A.shǔ B.shù
    44. 今天是( )。
    A. 6日7月2022年 B.2022年7月 6日 C 7月 6日2022年
    45.小猴子的手( )碰到水,月亮就不见了。
    A.刚 B.钢 C.纲 D.冈
    46. 院子里长满了( )草。 A.青 B.清
    47. 房间里放着三( )床。 A.只 B.张
    48 吃月饼、 拜月亮、全家团圆是什么节日?A 清明节 B中秋节
    49 张衡不是中国古代的( )。A 历史学家,B文学家 C天文学家
    50.大自然的( )多么( )、多么( )啊!只有( )学习,细心( ), 你才能看见听得懂。让我们做个爱学习、爱( )的好学生吧。
    51.只有司马光不( )。他很快想出了一个( ), 找来一块大石头,( )向水缸砸去。水缸破了,水流了出来,那个小朋友( )了。大家都说:“司马光真 ( ).
    52 小马听了妈妈的话,又跑到河边,( )过了河。( ),河水( )老牛说的那样浅,( )松鼠说的那样深。
    53 .于是,猴子们( )树上,一只拉着一只,一直( )水里。( )最下面的小猴子( )去捞月亮。他的手刚( )水, 月亮就不见了。猴子们觉得很( ).
    54.这个数星星的( )叫张衡, 是一千九百年前的( )。他( )学习,长大后成了( )的天文学家。
    55.( )弯弯挂天边,( )弯弯停江边。( )红红水中游,太阳红红( )。( )尖尖手中握,( )尖尖冲上天。苹果( )树上挂,( )圆圆一串串。
    56.人有语言,( )也有语言吗?有的,大自然的语言可( )。
    57..白云飘在蓝天上,明天一定是个( ),你可以去( )游玩了。
    58.( )打开飞船的门,看见月球上( )都是( ),到处都是( )和( ),看不见一只( ),听不到一点儿( )。月球是一个非常( )的( )。 七月二十四日, 他们( )月球上的( )和( ),( )回到了地球。


  7. Year Two C Homework
    1, Practise the dialogue on text book page 91, read 3 times a day.
    练习课本91页的对话, 每天读3遍
    2, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson 12
    Fri: 1-6

  8. 03/07/2023
    2. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写十遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    3. 课堂上学习的13个字,赏、逗、饼、玉、默、盒、哎、州、含、笼、吹、仿、佛”要求每个组词+造一个句子总共13个词组13个句子。例:“兽-兽医-长大以后,我想当兽医。”
    You need to know how to write 13 words and make one phase of words and sentences for each. For example: “兽-兽医-长大以后,我想当兽医。”

    4. 请试着阅读《中文》课本的第2课《中秋之夜》,不会的字标注拼音,在中文书的第10页到第11页。并用中文回答以下问题。
    Please try to read the text ‘mid-autumn night “Zhong Wen”. For the words that you don’t know, use the dictionary to find out then mark with Pinyin. On pages 10 to 11
    5. 完成中文练习册B,星期一到星期四的前三题从第13页到16页。
    Complete the Chinese Workbook B, the first three questions from Monday to Thursday from page 1 to page 11.

  9. 一年级C班 (Y1C)- 傅老师

    1、完成发在群里的总复习练习Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat

    2、 熟悉课本第85页所有生字并记住它们,考试时会听写20个字 Familiarise yourself with all the new words on page 85 of the textbook and memorize them. You will dictate 20 words during the test

    3、还没有完成背诵《过新年》的学生请继续完成,拍摄视频 Students who have not finished reciting “Celebrating the New Year” please continue to complete and shoot a video

  10. 六年级B班

    1. 完成课本《综合练习4》。
    Complete the textbook “Comprehensive Exercise 4”.

    Review the new words in each lesson, and take the final exam in the next lesson.

  11. 五年级A班
    1.抄写并记忆第11课的生字, 准备下周听写。Copy and memorise the new characters of Lesson 11 ;get ready for dictation next week.
    2. 继续完成作文,下周交给老师。选择如下:
    A 端午节的故事:题目自拟,可以是你了解的端午节的故事,也可你在英国过端午节的经历(比如包粽子,做蛋袋,编五彩线,看赛龙舟等等),也可以发挥想象力,比如你坐着时光穿梭机回到了战国时期,遇到了正要投江的屈原……
    B 太空历险记:你是一个宇航员,到了月球上,在那里遇到了嫦娥……/ 由于全球变暖,地球越来越热,人们将无法在地球上生存,你不得不代表人类去寻找新的利于人类生存的家园……
    C 难忘的一件事/一次旅行或者节日,如父亲节/母亲节,或者是本次年终表演:记录一件在你身边发生过的难忘的事,包括什么时候,发生了什么,为什么让你很难忘……
    Continue with your essay. Choose from the following: (at least 250words.)
    A. The Story of Dragon Boat Festival: Choose a title of your choice. It can be a story about Dragon Boat Festival that you are familiar with, or it can be about your experience celebrating Dragon Boat Festival in the UK (such as making zongzi, creating egg pouches, weaving colorful threads, watching dragon boat races, etc.). You can also use your imagination, for example, traveling back in time to the Warring States period and encountering Qu Yuan just as he was about to jump into the river…
    B. Space Adventure: You are an astronaut who arrives on the moon and encounters Chang’e there… / Due to global warming, the Earth is becoming increasingly hot, and people will no longer be able to survive on Earth. You have to represent humanity in search of a new habitat that is conducive to human survival……
    C. Unforgettable Experience ,a trip or Festival, such as Father’s Day/Mother’s Day: Document an unforgettable event that has happened to you, including when it happened, what occurred, and why it was memorable…
    Who is Newton and why is he famous?
    When Newton had finished cooking, his guests didn’t come then where did he go?
    c. 客人们为什么不敢去打扰他?
    Why didn’t the guests disturb Newton?
    d. 客人们决定怎么做?
    What did the guests decide to do?
    When Newton remembered his guests, what did he do?
    f. 从牛顿的故事里你学到了什么?
    What have you learnt from the story?
    Preview the new characters of lesson 12.

  12. 2年级A班:

    1. 抄写课本104页音序生词表,每个3遍。
    Copy the text book page 104 all the words and phrases, 3 times each.
    2. 用Quizlet 复习字词,链接在群里。
    Revise the words and phrases, the link is in the group chat.

  13. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1. 完成发在群里的总复习练习。Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat.

    2. 复习学过的所有生字,请参看课本 ‘音序生字表’ (85-86页)期末考试会听写其中的20个生字。Review, and memorize all Chinese characters we have learned. Please see pages 85-86 ‘Alphabetic Vocabulary’.

  14. 五年级B班
    1.抄写并记忆第11课的生字, 准备下周听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters of Lesson 11 ,get ready for dictation next week.

Who is Newton and why is he famous?
When Newton had finished cooking, his guests didn’t come then where did he go?

    c. 客人们为什么不敢去打扰他?
Why didn’t the guests disturb Newton?

    d. 客人们决定怎么做?
What did the guests decide to do?

    When Newton remembered his guests, what did he do?
f. 从牛顿的故事里你学到了什么?

    What have you learnt from the story?
    Preview Lesson 12 New Words

  15. 四年级B班
    1. 完成第十二课练习册星期一到星期五的1-3题。

    Complete questions 1-3 from Monday to Friday in the exercise book of Lesson 12.
    2. 预习第十二课课文。
    Preview the text of Lesson 12.

  16. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Be ready for dictation this Sunday.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 12.
    Read the READING ,page 92 to page 93 of textbook.

  17. 六年级C班作业
    1. CQ借助quizlet复习第十二课的生词。Review the vocabulary of the L12 with the help of quizlet (https://quizlet.com/601660657/zw6-12-flash-cards/?new).
    2. 复习第一到第十一课课文及生词,准备期末考试。Review lessons 1 to 11 and the vocabulary and prepare for the end-year exam.
    3. 请把下列句子翻译成中文。Translate the following sentences into Chinese:
    1) Every summer holiday my parents take my brother and me to China to visit our grandparents and to see some interesting places.
    2) There are many beautiful mountains in China.
    3) My grandpa often sends me the newest set of commemorative stamps to me.
    4) I often forget where I left my Chinese textbook and could not find it when I need it.
    5) As long as you work hard, you can certainly do whatever you want well.
    6) It is surprising to me that using Quizlet to learn Chinese words is so interesting and so easy.

  18. A level班




  19. 1 复习: 抄写三遍第三课到第六课的全部生字。
    Review: copy all the new words from Lesson 3 to Lesson 6 of the textbook three times.
    2 比一比,在组词语。
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 第____ 弟 ____
    (2) 次 ____ 欢 ____
    (3) 眼____ 很 ____
    (4) 推____ 谁 ____
    (5) 比____ 鼻 ____
    (6) 分____ 粉 ____
    (7) 东____ 动 ____
    (8) 才____ 采____
    (9) 到 ____ 道 ____
    (10)字 ____自 ____
    3 写出下列中文的英文意思。
    Write the English meaning of the following Chinese.
    (1) 湖 (2)河 (3)海 (4)海洋 (5) 雪 (6)云 (7)雨 (8)水 (9)冰
    4 造句
    Make sentences with the given words.
    (1) 我去
    (2) 一边…… 一边
    (3) 知道
    (4) 马上

  20. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    Please revise all the hand out papers. We’ll have the end of term examination in next lesson.

  21. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK34 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1. Find files from class WeChat group, complete the assigned work.
    1, 完成任务(文件见班级微信群)。

    2.Reaview the texts on pages 34 and 35 of Lesson 7.

  22. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK34 Term3 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1. Find files from class WeChat group, complete the assigned work.
    1, 完成任务(文件见班级微信群)。

    2.Review the texts on pages 34 and 35 of Lesson 7.

  23. YCT 2 homework:

    Part 1. Revise how to introduce yourself:
    1. Name:我 叫 ( )。My name is …….
    2. Age: 我 ( ) 岁。 I’m …… years old.
    3. Date of birth: 的 生 日 是 ( )月 ( )号。My birthday is …… (month)…….( date).
    4. Chinese zodiac animal: 我 属 ( )。I belong to the year of ……
    5. Nationality: 我 是( )人。I’m British/I’m Chinese/……
    6. Family members: 我 家 有 ( )口 人。 爸,妈 妈,( )和 我。There are …… people in my family. Dad, mum, …… and me.
    7. Year in school: 我 上( )年 级。 是 小 学 生/ 中 学 生。I’m in Year ……. I’m a primary student/I’m a secondary student.

    Part 2. Revise Lesson 1-11. Think about any sentence you can add to the introduction of yourself. We will summarise it in the next lesson. Please bring your textbooks and notebook.

  24. Homework 20230702
    请把第1课到12课 课文和阅读的生字每天写2遍。
    Please write down lesson1-12‘s and reading1-12‘s new words every day two time.

    please practice your speaking skills with lesson 7-12. Record and send to WeChat group by Satuarday.

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