
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、用练习本抄写《中文》第一册第三课练习二(第14页)词组各5遍 Use exercise book to copy 5 times of each phrases  in Lesson three Exercise 2 (Page 14).

2、第一单元生字练习 Handout – Lesson 1-3 Words Exercises

3、综合练习 (一)- 《中文》课本P16 Complete the Review (1)

4、练习唐诗《春夜喜雨》,先朗诵,再演唱,横屏拍视频 Practise Poem <春夜喜雨>,Recite and singing and make a video.

26 Replies to “家庭作业2021年1月18日至2021年1月23日”

  1. @all 20210117 homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read Lesson7. Please record video to upload wechat group in next term start.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson7’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in Wechat group.
    第三部分:Practice A


    Writing:Around 100 words
    “The Great Wall in your eyes”
    Please do some research on website, and find some relevant information and some interesting information of The Great Wall, and write a short Essay to describe “The Great Wall in your eyes”

    第五部分:录制视频 video
    Please find a poetry of “Spring”, recite and record video.
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给薛老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Xue. Thank you!

  2. 四年级C 王艺霖

    Please complete the remaining exercises from Monday to Friday in Lesson 7 of Workbook 4A

    2,请熟读并学会吟唱古诗“绝句”p68 (链接在群里)
    Please read and learn to sing the ancient poem “Queju” p68

    Please complete the online exercise

    Please complete the lesson 7 classroom exercise “Describe One, Describe One”

    Please review the lesson 7 new words and vocabulary p65. Read it and dictate next week.

  3. 8年级作业
    1 熟练阅读第6课课文《精卫填海》,复习划线词组,下周听写
    Fluently read lesson 6 part 2 <精卫填海》,review underlined phrases, next week dictation
    2 完成第6课练习册剩下所有的练习
    Finish all the rest of lesson 6 exercise book
    3 继续完成作文比赛的写作,见微信群
    Continue finish wirting competition task
    4 录制歌颂春天散文或者诗歌的录像,要求横屏,个人录像视频1-1.5分钟 (2-3句即可)
    Start record video about Spring poetry or prose recitation. see above youtube linke

  4. 本周作业(homework):
    学前班B班(reception B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2)and(3) (page 6-7)。

    Listen to: Papa on the Three-Character Tree

    Small task1: Please use your imagination and talk about what happened to Yuan Jia before Wang Duo Duo crossed. (You can choose video, drawing, etc.)
    Small task 2: Please recite “yáng bù jiào,fù zhī guò.jiào bù yán ,shī zhī duò.”And talk about the meaning of these two sentences.

    3.学古诗《村居》:practice poem《cūn jū》:

  5. 三年级C班作业 Homework for year 3C:
    1. 完成练习册B第六课 剩下的习题。Complete all remaining questions in Lesson six.
    2. 第六课的生词用“看、遮、写、查”的方式写3-5遍,准备下周听写。
    Use “look ,cover,write,check”method write new words 3-5 times get ready for dictation next week.
      3. 请读《冬天是个魔术师》3-5遍之后再拍视频。Read Winter is a Magician three to five times.
      4. 学唱歌曲《行香子.树绕村庄》。 https://youtu.be/kc9wNyseH7o

  6. 六年级A班作业
    1. 课本第57页第3题,照例子组词语,再造句。Form phrases and make sentences after the model.
    2. 课本第58页第4题,选 词 语填空 。Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
    3. 课本第58页第5题,连 一 连 , 写 一 写 。Link and write.
    4. 课本第58页第6题,读 句 子 , 用 加 点 的 词 语造句。 Read the sentences and make sentences with the dotted words and expressions.
    5. 课本第59页第8题,读课文 ,判 断 句 子 ,对 的 打“ √ ”,错 的 打 “ × ”(Judge the correctness of the sentences below with “√”on each right sentence and “×”on each wrong sentence according to the text.
    5. 练习朗诵唐诗《春风》,并录象发到微信群。Practise《春风》, video record your recite and send it to wechat.
    〔唐(táng)代(dài)〕白(bái) 居(jū)易(yì)
    春风 先 发 苑中梅, 樱杏 桃梨 次第开。
    chūnfēng xiānfā yuànzhōng méi, yīngxìng táolí cìdì kāi.
    荠花 榆荚 深村里,亦道 春风 为我来。
    jìhuā yújiá shēncūnlǐ, yìdào chūnfēng wèi wǒ lái.

    6. 为配合全球华裔青少年作文大赛请选下面三题之一写一篇作文(可以多写),具体要求请参考网页https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/emEe-P8P2N1OQ9hk0-TFzQ:
    This is one of the homework, everyone should choose a topic to write. The three topics are from the writing competition, the detailed requirement for the writing can be found on the web page provide. If your writing is chosen, you can then copy it according to the required format.

  7. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的20个词:“偶像、导演、努力、歌星、成功、机会、报纸、幼儿园、认识、杂志、浪费、成为、放松、钢琴”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共20个句子,下节课准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2、 作文: 写一篇文章关于偶像
    第二段:你为什么喜欢他/她? 说说他/她的经历,他是怎么样影响到你?
    Write an article about role models.
    220 words at least.
    The first paragraph: who is your role model? What does she/he do?
    The second paragraph: why you like him/her?  Talk about his/her experiences. What has this role model influenced you?
    The third paragraph: what do you want to do in the future as a result of this role model’s influence?
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 79 reading 2, and page 80 Reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  8. Year Two B Homework
    1. Memorise the ‘ tongue twister’ on text book page 45, will check in class next week. ( no need to record video)
    背诵课本第45页的绕口令, 下周课堂检查 ( 不需要录制视频)
    2, Read the question two ‘ read aloud’ on text book page 42 five times.
    3, complete the exercises Exercise book B Lesson Six
    Mon: 1-6
    Tue: 1-6
    Wed: 1-6
    4, Read the poem “Spring Breeze” three times and explain it next week
    〔唐(táng)代(dài)〕白(bái) 居(jū)易(yì)
    春风 先 发 苑中梅, 樱杏 桃梨 次第开。
    chūnfēng xiānfā yuànzhōng méi, yīngxìng táolí cìdì kāi.
    荠花 榆荚 深村里,亦道 春风 为我来。
    jìhuā yújiá shēncūnlǐ, yìdào chūnfēng wèi wǒ lái.

  9. 六年级B班家庭作业:
    1. 复习第六课生字词,下节课准备听写。
    Review the new words and phrases in Lesson 6, get ready for the dictation.

    2. 完成练习册B第六课,周一到周五,4-7题。
    Complete Exercise Book B, Lesson 6, Monday- Friday, Question 4,5,6,7.

    3. 按课堂上的要求,继续完成2021年全球华裔青少年作文大赛的作文。

    Continue to complete your writing for the 2021 Global Chinese Youth Writing Competition.

  10. 翁冰 学前A班 reception class
    1. quizlet 网站学说生字词。 read aloud :W16 我的家 on quizlet
    书,冰,房间,电视,沙发,洗手间,客厅,桌子,草,长,飞,月,天,春,学 ,来,早,东,风,放。
    2. 学说句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern.
    句型:沙发真漂亮。 我家的沙发真漂亮。这是我家的客厅(卧室)。。。
    我家的(客厅,卧室,厨房)有电视,有沙发,还有书柜。 (有xx…有xx…还有xx)。
    3. 朗诵唐诗《村居》
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT0tkeoMdsQ 请录制视频时 录制一遍朗诵古诗,一遍唱古诗。视频请发微信群。

  11. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Finish Lesson 7 Exercise Book A, part 1,2 3,Monday to Friday.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 7.
    Listen to this song. Please tell me how to solve your problem by yourself in your life.

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 熟读和背诵第七课的‘静夜思’,并试着默写。Read and recite ‘静夜思’ and try to write from memory.
    2. 练习册3A第七课以下部分:Please complete the following contents of Exercise Book 3A for Lesson 7.
    星期一 Mon:1,2,3: (1)-(4),4,8
    星期二 Tue:1,2,7
    星期三 Wed:2,7
    星期四 Thur:4,5
    星期五 Fri:1,2,3: (1)-(4)
    3. 按以下链接学唱歌曲《行香子*树绕村庄》Use the link below and learn the song 《行香子*树绕村庄》


    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework
      To complete Exercise B Lesson Four Monday to Friday all questions (Daily);
      2、大声朗读并抄写《中文》课本练习二(第21页)词组各两遍 ;
      To read aloud and copy 2 times of each phrases in Lesson Four Exercise 2 page 21;
      To make video for the performance of Tang poem “Raining at a Spring Night”,
      refer the link as below:

  13. 王敏 四A
    1。 重新练习上周的测试练习。
    一,选择正确答案  ✔
    1. 课文里没有提到的北京景点是; A.天坛   B.故宫   C.颐和园   D.长城
    3. 写中文地址时,哪个放在最前面?A 人名B城市C 路名D国家
    4.亮亮答应爷爷今后怎么做?  A.争取进步 B.去北京 C.学英文 D.多写信
    5,颐和园在北京的: A 东北    B西南     C  西北      D东南
    6. 《颐和园》课文里没有的景色是:A 万寿山 B昆明湖 C苏州街 D 长廊
    7. 从湖东岸到小岛要走过: A石桥   B石舫   C石板路  D长廊
    8. 凡尔赛小城在巴黎的:A东面    B西面   C南面    D北面
    9. 凡尔赛王宫现在是: A国家图书馆 B国家博物馆 C艺术馆 D 国家档案馆
    10. 第三课宫外花园里没有的是:A花 B河 C鸟 D 老虎
    11.  花、草,苗,果都需要:  A 月亮  B 星星  C 阳光   D 雪花
    12.  小马的妈妈叫它去:A从桥上过  B妈妈带它过  C去试试  D 不要去
    13.  老牛喝水的河水对小马来说:  A 不知道深浅   B 水很浅 C水很深 D不深也不浅
    14.  猴子们为什么要捞月亮?A捞着玩B觉得月亮会淹死 C 捞来吃D找事儿

    1.夏天亮亮全家去北京是(   )。那时他就可以去(     )(       )(       ).
    2 颐和园那座石桥下面有( ),桥两边的(   )上有很多( ),它们都很(  ),十分可爱。
    3打开凡尔赛宫镜廊的窗子, 窗外的园林景色( )镜中,人在厅中,就( )身在画中( ) 啊!
    4.  (  ) ( )晒一晒,晒过太阳(   )。
    5. 突然,一只小松鼠 (  )跳下来,说: “小马,( )你会淹死的。
    6. 猴子们一只( )一只,( 一 )接到水里,小猴子的手( )水,月亮就不见了。
    2。学习古诗.朗读背诵,歌唱 。画画它们learn ancient peoms reading。memories read sing draw them
    绝句 唐 杜甫
    A Quatrain
    Two golden orioles sing amid the willows green;
    A flock of white egrets flies into the blue sky.
    My window frames the snow-crowned western mountain scene;
    My door oft says to eastward-going ships “Goodbye!”
    绝句二首 其一 唐 杜甫
    迟日江山丽 ,春风花草香。
    泥融飞燕子 ,沙暖睡鸳鸯。
    The mountains and rivers bathed in the beauty of the spring,
    the spring breeze sent the fragrant flowers and flowers.
    Swallows nested in wet mud
    and nestled on the sand.
    3.做课本58-59页练习,do the text book page 58-59 exercises.

  14. 二年级A班(Year2A)
    1. 熟读并背诵第七课课文。
    Read and recite Lesson 7.
    2. 把51页“读一读”熟读5遍。
    Practice reading on page 51 “Read aloud” 5 times.
    3. 完成第七课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 7 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    4. 听“新黑猫警长”故事, 完成打卡任务。链接在班群里。
    Listen to the story and complete the task。

  15. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第四课所有的生字每个字十遍并记住,下星期天时听写 Copy down all new Chinese characters from Lesson 3, 10 times each and memorize them, we’ll do dictation next Sunday.

    2,综合练习 (一)- 《中文》课本P16 Complete the Review (1)

    3,继续练习唐诗《春夜喜雨》,先朗诵,再演唱,横屏拍视频 Continue practice 《春夜喜雨》recite aloud then sing:

  16. A level班 家庭作业
    Review the article learned in class, and master the yellow words in the text.

    Oral practice

    3、英译中:The number of Chinese students at UK universities has soared – rising by 34% in the last five years. It means China now sends more students than any other country, inside or outside the EU, to the UK. The 120,000 Chinese students are an important source of income for universities because international students pay fees two to three times higher than UK students. The government is keen to attract more students to the UK.
    Translation practice.

    Students who are preparing to take the A level will watch “Please vote for me” and discuss.

    5、练习朗诵散文《咏春》。我班朗诵的内容从第八段“有时候听到花开的声音” 到结束,1月30日前交视频。
    Practice recitation of prose

    6、继续完成其中一篇作文。题目1:2020,我想对你说”;“题目2:逆向行走的钟” ;题目3:成长的脚印。同时在Google document《2021全球华裔青少年作文大赛-海外组报名表》填写相关信息。
    Complete the writing.

  17. YCT B Homework for 18-1-2021 to 23-1-2021(Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1. (Compulsory) Remember the following phrases, and write down the English meanings. 记住下列词语,然后写下英语的意思。
    吃(chī): 包(bāo) 子(zi) 米(mǐ) 饭(fàn) 面(miàn) 条(tiáo) 面(miàn) 包(bāo) 蛋(dàn) 糕(gāo) 苹(píng) 果(guǒ)
    喝(hē): 水(shuǐ) 牛(niú) 奶(nǎi) 茶(chá) (tea)
    是(shì) 不(bú) 是(shì): 医(yī) 生(shēng) 厨(chú) 师(shī) 老(lǎo) 师(shī)
    会(huì) 不(bú) 会(huì): 做(zuò) 饭(fàn) 做(zuò) 包(bāo) 子(zi) 做(zuò) 茶(chá)
    很(hěn) 大(dà) 很(hěn) 高(gāo) 很(hěn) 长(cháng) 很(hěn) 漂(piào) 亮(liang)
    真(zhēn)大(dà) 真(zhēn)高(gāo) 真(zhēn)长(cháng) 真(zhēn)漂(piào)亮(liang)
    好(hǎo) 吃(chī) 好(hǎo) 喝(hē) 好(hǎo) 看(kàn) (good looking)
    学(xué) 校(xiào) 商(shāng) 店(diàn) 饭(fàn) 店(diàn)

    Task 2. (Compulsory) Activity Book: Finish page 18 exercise 3, 4 and 5. 完成活动手册中第18页练习题3, 4和5。
    Task 3. (Compulsory) Standard course book: Read aloud the mini story on page 26 twice a day, and then write down the English translation. 大声朗读第26页的迷你故事每天两遍,然后写下英语译文。

    Task 4. (Optional) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 to 5): 在线词汇练习第二级第一课到第五课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/
    Task 5. (Compulsory) Watch video clips. 看视频https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaswueqMGlw&feature=youtu.be How to say Chinese food.
    https://youtu.be/5qNS08x0vHs How to use 呢
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJBO8eU3rqg Practice the poem 春晓

  18. 五年级A版
    1. A复习课堂上学过的生字,准备下周听写。用以下几个词造句:萧条、繁荣、繁华、买卖。1.Review new vocabularies for dictation next week.Make a sentence with each word”萧条、繁荣、繁华、买卖”
    2.B 完成练习册B第八课从星期一到星期五1-3题2.Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 8 in workbook B.
    Read the two poems every day until fluently.
    4.A 录制你的圣诞节PPT讲解视频并上传https://admin.flipgrid.com/manage/topics/22544474。请按照课堂上老师通知,输入自己的用户名登录,如果忘记了登录名请在微信群里询问。
    Record you Christmas PPT presentation(you can use Flipgrid to record or use you phone to record then upload.)

  19. 本周作业:
    1. 请完成练习册B第六课的所有的作业。
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson Six on Exercise Book B.
    2. 请每天大声朗读春(片段),花的种子和春风两遍。朗诵诗歌详见班微信群。
    Please read aloud three poems twice a day.
    3. 画一画:参考诗歌春(片段),花的种子和春风,画一画自己心中的春天。
    Draw a picture of a landscape in spring.

  20. 三年级B班家庭作业 / Year3B Homework
    1. 熟背第七课古诗两首《静夜思》和《登鹳雀楼》。Recite Two Poems of Lesson 7.
    2, 熟记并练写第七课课后的十三个生字(见课本53页),完成课本第54-55页的‘课堂练习’写字。Memorise and practise to write the new words (see page 53), suggest write 5 times each word.
    3, 完成练习册A第七课的‘星期一’和‘星期二’的问题。Please complete the questions on Exercise Book A from page 51-56.
    4. 请参见微信班级群信息,打印出来对着拼音熟读/朗诵《行香子*树绕村庄》,跟着链接一起学唱《行香子*树绕村庄》。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wP4jkujDus

  21. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the words of YCT 4 Lesson 7 and play the games. Please write each words five times preparing for the dictation and games on Sunday.



    2.Please finish the exercises on Page 25&36 of Yct4 Activity book .请完成练习册第25、26页的全部练习。

    3.Please translate the text on Page 34 of Yct4 textbook into English. 请把Yct4 课本第34页翻译成英文。

    4.Please watch the video clip below and learn to sing along.

  22. 四年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 用第六课《猴子捞月亮》中学过的以下七个表示动作的字/词造句:捞,拉,接,挂,伸,碰,抬。Make sentence with the verbs.

    2. 熟读并背诵第七课第一首古诗《春晓》。
    Read and memorize the ancient poem.

    Follow the video to read, memorize and record the following ancient poem.
    绝句 唐 杜甫

  23. Qian Wang Class YCT-A WEEK16 Term2 20-21 / YCT A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Read PinYin & copy all the words, including the ones we have learnt and the ones made by using the single characters we have learnt (Lessons 1-7) as well as the Tang poem ‘Dawn of Spring’, of ‘头发、鼻子、眼睛、耳朵、大小、真长、个子、高手、我的、你的、他的、她的、高大、猫狗、鱼鸟、这那、看这、那好、多儿、多大、几岁、也有、没有、人和、几个、有个、他人、谁是、哪国、中国、我叫、什么、认识、高兴、很好、老师、再见、是吗、不是、春晓、春眠 不觉 晓、处处 闻 啼鸟、夜来 风雨 声、花落 知 多少’ on given pre-formatted paper (A PDF file has been sent to class WeChat group. Print to use.). Use traditional pencil only, write according to the way and order of strokes as demonstrated in lesson.

    2.Read both the PinYin and the text of “Let’s read” from Lesson7 of the Standard Course book. And also translate the text into English.
    2,读标准教程第七课的课文”Let’s read” 及拼音,并将课文翻译成英文。

    3.Read both the PinYin and the text of “Let’s chant” from Lesson7 of the Standard Course book, till fluent.
    3,读标准教程第七课课文”Let’s chant” 及拼音, 直至熟练。

    4.Complete exercise 4 of Lesson7 from the Activity Book, by filling in the table and then make sentences for each animal, as per the given example.

    5. Follow link one below to read precisely the Tang poem of ‘Dawn of Spring’ until fluent enough and you are able to recite it. Refer to PDF file, found from class WeChat group, in helping you to learn the PinYin and characters as well as to remember the poem. Continue to prepare for the school show over the Spring Festival 2021. Please display each of the links below repeatedly to practice everyday. Get ready A.S.A.P. and video record (horizontally) both your reciting, movements and singing.

    1) http://www.taozhi.cn/a/160334.htm

    2) https://v.qq.com/x/page/w0306hnmwyk.html

    3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZkzQOdv0Q

  24. 学唱,背诵唐诗 任选一种形式

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