
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第二课“读一读”词组各10遍Copy 10 times of each phase in exercise 2 “读一读” of Lesson two

2、背诵《数数手指头》并拍摄视频 Recite <Count the Fingers> and make a video

3、练习《圣诞节快乐》,拍摄视频并发给老师。Practice the song <Merry Christmas>  and make a video


四年级B班 – 王颖雅老师

1. 完成第五课的练习册星期一到星期五的所有练习题。
Complete the workbook of lesson 5 from Monday to Friday.
2. 朗读第五课课文和“阅读”,并发录音到微信群。
Read the text of lesson 5 and “Reading,” and record it to the WeChat group.
3. 复习第一到第五课的生字和词汇并预习第六课。
Review the new words and vocabulary from lessons 1 to 5 and preview lesson 6.
4. 用一封信给王老师,信的内容是关于你如何渡过圣诞和元旦假期,字数不限。关于信的格式请查看相关的笔记和课文的内容。
Write a letter to Mrs.Wang about how you spent your Christmas and New Year holidays. Please check the notes and the text for the format of the letter.

27 Replies to “家庭作业2022年12月11日至2023年1月7日(圣诞假期)”

  1. 六年级B班:

    Workbook A, Lesson 5 “Giant’s Garden” Monday through Friday, 4, 5, 6, 7.

    Christmas holiday homework: Composition “Christmas this year”, including, Christmas mood (happy, joyful or anticipation); whether and why to expect it; how to spend Christmas (with whom, where); What a difference. The number of words is 400 words.

    Please use the following link to watch https://youtu.be/-uzuhqQIaTM at home during the holidays. We’ll learn this song after the holidays.

  2. 1.完成练习册A第五课所有问题。
    Complete all remaining questions in Exercise book A lesson five.
    Read lesson 5 fluently and send your recording to Wechat group.
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    Please review 11 words in lesson five, get ready for the dictation.
    5. 背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)(optional)
    (9) 沙和尚拜师
    流沙河 遇沙僧
    观世音 把宝赠

  3. 本周作业:
    Copy hsk3 vocabularies and make words and phrases or sentences for each of the words.
    1.总是 2.努力 3. 热情 4. 回答 5.聪明
    6.比赛 7. 照片 8. 年级 9. 又 10. 站
    11. 饿 12. 超市 13. 蛋糕
    Read aloud the dialogues.
    Please correct the mistakes of your dictation.
    3, 预习第五课的生字和词语。
    Preview new words from Lesson Five
    4, 观看视频:雪孩子

  4. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第四课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L4, and prepare for dictation. https://quizlet.com/544957602/zw-6-4-flash-cards/
    2. CQ练习朗诵课文
    3. CQ练习册B第4课周至周五第6-7题。Question 6-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 4, Workbook 6B.
    4. CQ 把下列句子翻译成中文。Please translate the following words into Chinese.
    1) You can only become rich if you work hard.
    2) If we study hard, we certainly can study Chinese well.
    3) Although I live in London, I only can visit the London Aquarium once a year.
    4) Although dolphin is very cute, I love panda even more.
    5) I love the Harry Potter movie so much that I have watched it three times.
    6) I do not like the movie “Harry Potter”. I only went to see it once and did not finish it.
    7) Only by looking at the globe (地球仪)then you can know how big the ocean is.
    8) Only if you see the panda with your own eyes, you will know how lovely it is.
    9) If you walk to the station in front of the post office, you can see me.
    10)He loves jogging very much and goes jogging every day, he only stops jogging when he is ill.
    5. COQ写一篇不少于四百字的短文说一说《蚂蚁和知了》给了你什么启示?Write a passage that is not less than 400 characters about what you learned from the 《蚂蚁和知了》.

  5. 完成手工制作拼版。背诵作业本上的儿歌,唐诗。认读已学词卡1A-1,2,3,4,5

  6. 八年级&GCSE基础班作业:
    Complete the Lesson 7 practice book
    Read the text book, review Lesson 7 vocabularies

  7. 学前班A reception class :
    1.复习quizlet 2B 1-6 课 的词语和句子。

  8. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A第五课《我是谁》剩下的所有练习题。
    Complete all the practice questions in Lesson 5 “Who Am I” in the workbook.
    Please correct the mistakes in the dictation of phrases in Lesson 5, each 3 times
    Write a short essay on the theme of “My Christmas”.


  9. 20221211homework

    Please preview lesson 5 and practice your speaking skills, and read the lesson 5 everyday. Please record your voice and send to Wechat group by Saturday.


    Please write the new words from the Lesson 5everyday.

    练习册 A practice A

    I believe in the Christmas and New Year, it will happen a lot of interesting things or fun trips, please write down 200-300 words to share with us your story

  10. GCSE 网课考试班
    1 复习87-90页所有得词组和好词好句,熟练口语表达如何问路和指方向, 完成模拟阅读卷子,见微信群。
    Review GCSE book p87-p90 all new vocabs, and finish GCSE mock reading paper, see wechat group
    2 完成89页第5题作文,描述一下你住的地区,包括一下几点BULLET POINT ( 你住在什么类型的地区?郊区?城市?海边?。。。当地都有什么设施?有什么风景?你喜欢你住的地区么?为什么?你认为你住的地区的优点和缺点是什么?你将来打算住在什么地方?)要求最少180个字
    GCSE book P89 writing 5, describe your local area, make sure follow the bullet point on the book
    3 熟练掌握中国4大节日的中英文名称,传统食物,习俗和活动+圣诞节的食物和活动,阅读GCSE 书上135页第4题,回答问题
    Learning Chinese four major festivals, understand its name , name, customs and activity , read GCSE book P135 reading 4 and answer the questions.
    4 完成135页第5题,写一下圣诞节的介绍,最少80个字
    GCSE book p135 writing 5, about Christmas, min 80 characters

  11. Year Two C Homework
    1, Complete the exercises on Exercise book A for Lesson Five
    Thursday: 1/2/5/6
    Friday: 1/2/3/4/6
    星期四: 1/2/5/6
    星期五: 1/2/3/4/6
    2, Practice the words and expressions for Lesson Five on text book page 33, and there will be dictation after the school starts.
    练习第五课第33页的词语, 开学后有课堂听写
    3, Imitate the Lesson Five, try to use the words we learn to write ‘ mum’ birthday’
    4, Explain in Chinese how you spend Christmas and New Year, the preparations for the celebration, the food you eat, the things you do, what do you think is special
    5, watch the video, tell the story in Chinese
    观看视频, 用中文讲故事:雪孩子

  12. Yct C class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 6 YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below: https://quizlet.com/683997536/yct5-lesson6-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY
    2.Please write the new words five times with Pinyin and English meaning

    3.Please use the following words make five sentences:

    4. Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  13. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵《数数手指头》并拍摄视频 Recite and make a video

  14. 6年级A班
    Write a essay :unlimited subject , at least 2 paragraphs and 300 words.
    2. 复习第五课的生词,开学后考试
    Review the vocabulary of . It will be tested after holiday.
    Learn the song. It will be made a video for our form performance in Chinese New Year.


  15. YCT A Homework
    Task 1. Standard Course Book: Watch the video clip first- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYXvrwy2Qyk
    Record your reading and translation of the mini story on page 51.

    Task 2. Imitate the above story, make your own sequel book of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
    Food name in Mandarin Chinese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUrBawMorN4

    Task 3. Watch the video clips.
    Jingle Bells Chinese version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBdv5Pi09U
    Silent Night in Chinese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBdv5Pi09U
    We wish you a Merry Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6-qqvypaT8
    Christmas vocabulary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg8gsOU4Obs

    Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 圣诞快乐! 新年快乐!
    See you on Sunday 8-Jan-2023. 2023年1月8日见。

  16. A level班 家庭作业

    1、预习新单词,rural areas / villages 乡村/农村、 second-class citizens 二等公民 、 service industry / sector 服务业 、 sino-foreign joint venture 中外合资 、 social conflicts 社会矛盾social stability 社会稳定、 socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济、special economic zone 经济特区 、 standard of living 生活水平 、 status 地位 、 sweatshop 血汗工厂 、 to alleviate / ease (pressure) 纾缓、 to enjoy (rights) 享有。下学期第一节课听写。

    《Please vote for me》

    3、A level第二年的同学开始逐步复习上学年所学的内容。

  17. 二年级A班

    1. 完成第五课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 5 the rest of the questions.
    2. 复习第五课划线词语,下节课听写。
    “ 买东西,今年,六岁,昨天,生日,面包,牛奶,水果,给,玩具,哥哥,姐姐,一张生日卡,唱歌,真高兴
    Revise Lesson 5 underlined the phrases, ready for dictation in next lesson.
    3. 熟读发下的寒假阅读作业,开学后课上检查。
    Practice reading the hand out, will check in the next lesson.
    4. 写一篇关于你的圣诞假期作文,不少于50字。
    Write a essay about your Christmas holiday, no less than 50 words.
    5. 学说十种水果和十种食物的名称。
    Learn to speak 10 kinds of fruits and 10 kinds of foods name.

  18. 四年级A班
    1 复习课文1-5生字,句子 Review the text 1-5 new words, sentences
    2 做复习题,见微信 Do the review questions, see wechat
    3,唱中文的圣诞歌 Sing the Christmas songs in Chinese
    叮叮当叮叮当铃声多响ding亮 我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇qiao上
    叮叮当叮叮当铃声多响亮 我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上
    冲chong过大风雪 他们坐在雪橇上
    奔驰chi 过田野 我们欢笑又歌唱
    马儿铃声响 你的精jing神shen多欢畅chang
    今晚滑雪真快乐把滑雪歌儿唱 嘿 叮叮当叮叮当铃声多响亮
    我们滑雪多快乐我们坐在雪橇上 叮叮当叮叮当铃声多响亮


  19. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词“最近、特别、顿、晚餐、洗筷子、稀饭、餐厅、素菜、干净、希望、豆腐、蛋糕、健康、蔬菜、各种各样、热闹、庆祝、又饿又渴、肯德基、肥胖症、
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 预习新的生词表,需要再发下去的词汇表上做好笔记。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。

    Preview the new vocabulary list and make notes on the vocabulary list that is handed out. (Please paste this form in your homework book and take a photo for the teacher to mark).

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第104页(阅读1) 和105页(阅读6) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 104 reading 1, and page 105 reading 6 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  20. 五年级B班
    Please recite .You can follow this link to https://youtu.be/M zCOhZNOqA
    Use your imagination,to continue the story, you have to write at three paragraphs, but you can write as many as you want! We’re looking forward to reading your wonderful stories.)
    Keep practicing the table dance (watch the group video).
Please correct the mistakes of your dictation.
Preview new words from Lesson Five
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  21. 学前班B班 假期作业

    What playlist once a day. You may skip the song(s) if you have remembered them.

    2, 阅读生词卡2(Word Cards2)(蓝色) 的2B部分( 42页-80页) 所有单词。每天读一课内容,读到第六课后,回到第一课重复。
    Read Word Cards2 (Blue) from page 42 to page 80 all words. One lesson a day, and then repeat when get to lesson 6.

    Draw a picture of the how you spent the Christmas Day, and tell your parents what you have drew.

  22. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Read aloud Lesson one to Five and the Readings until fluent;
    Copy Lesson One ~Five the words in Exercise 2 two times;
    Memorise the poem;
    4、 写一写你的圣诞/新年的是怎样度过的。
    Write a short story about your Christmas /New year.

  23. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    1. 抄写第二课 “读一读” 的词组(第九页)。请每个词组抄写5遍。
    Copy 5 times of each phase in exercise 2 “读一读” of Lesson two.

    2. 背诵儿歌《数数手指头》并请拍摄视频发在微信群里。
    Please recite the poem of and take a video. Please submit to WeChat.

    3. 背诵古诗《江雪》并请拍摄视频, 发在微信群里。Please recite the poem of and take a video. Please submit to WeChat.

    4. 今天听写写错的字,请在听写本上每个字抄写10遍。如果全对,请忽略此项。
    Correct the wrong words in today’s dictation and write down 10 times of each in the dictation book.

  24. 1请完成练习册3第五课星期三3-7, 星期四和星期五的3-8题。
    Please complete the following exercises
    Wednesday 3-7
    Thursday and Friday 3-8
    2 加上偏旁部首组成新字
    Add radicals to make a new word
    包: _____ ______ _______
    3 写出带有下列偏旁部首的字
    冫_______ ______ ________ ________
    4 跟着视频学唐诗联唱:《静夜思》《悯农》 《春晓》《相思》

  25. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK13 Term1 2022-23/汉考B班 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Find and print out the PDF files (see class WeChat group). Read PinYin & recognise characters. Copy over each character whilst reading out loudly.

    2.Play audio file (find from class WeChat group) and read the texts (on pages 34-35 from Standard Course book) accordingly with the same tone, till fluent & remembered. Then record your voice of reading & send to class WeChat group.
    Lesson7 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiZrzbift9Q

    3.Complete all questions on pages 26-29 from the Activity Book.

    4.Continue to complete all other assigned homework. And record your voice of reading for each text of every lesson we’ve learnt.
    4, 继续完成其它未完成的作业。读学过的各课课文,并录下来发给老师。

    5.Learn/review song(s) and poems and the lyrics given. See class WeChat group.

    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

  26. 五A家庭作业
    Review all that we have learnt in unit 1 (including the idioms and the vocabularies
    of stationery, Transport and Festivals). Get ready for the unit1 test after Christmas holiday.

    2、你将要给在中国的孩子做一个关于圣诞节的介绍,你可以选用Google slide 或者PowerPoint,插入合适的图片并加以文字说明。内容包括:什么是圣诞节?在英国,人们如何庆祝圣诞节?圣诞节期间人们做什么?吃什么?穿什么?去哪里等等…
    You are going to make a presentation to introduce Christmas to some
    children in China. Your presentation should include :
    a.What is Christmas?
    b.How do people in UK celebrate Christmas? What do they do during Christmas?
    What do they eat? What do they wear? Where do they go?
    c.What are your favourite parts of Christmas?Why?
    Read lesson4 text fluently and send your recording to our Wechat group.
    Write your own version to continue the story of Lesson 4.

  27. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 作文:从课堂上老师给的四格漫画中选择一组,根据上面的图画,自己编一个小故事,写成不少于50字的小作文。也可以自己创作一组四格漫画,并且根据它写一个小故事。
    Writing: According to the Comic we saw in the class, compose a story and write them down. Or you can choose to do your own comic and story. No less than 50 words please!

    2. 把课堂听写的错字改正过来,写错的字在后面写三遍。
    Please correct your mistakes in the dictation and write the corrected ones three times.

    3. 口语作业:说说自己的圣诞、新年假期是怎么度过的,有没有跟家人一起布置房间?吃了什么美食?去了哪些有趣的地方?读了哪些有意思的书?开学后的第一节课,会请同学们说给大家听。
    Speaking homework: Please prepare for our chat on the first lesson of next year. We’ll talk about this winter holiday. How do you celebrate Christmas and New Year with your family? Did you eat some special foods? Have you been to some interesting places? Have you read some good books? Please prepare to share your answers with us.

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