
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14 (Page 36-42)


To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、学唱歌曲《龟兔赛跑》  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5Bkodw-Go

Learn the song <龟兔赛跑> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5Bkodw-Go


23 Replies to “家庭作业2018年10月29日至2018年11月03日”

  1. 本周作业:
    1. 请完成练习册A第三课:周一到周五的所有问题。Please finish the rest exercises Monday to Friday in the Exercise BookA,lesson 3.
    2. 请订正听写,复习第一课到第三课的课文、字及词语,准备下周第一单元测验。Please correct the word errors of the dictation. Please revise the texts and all the ‘Words and expressions’ of lesson 1-3, get ready for the test.
    3. 请每天大声地朗读第1-3课的课文。
    Please read lesson1-3 aloud everyday.
    4. 预习第四课。
    Preview lesson 4.

  2. 二年级A班(year2A)郭老师

    10月28日-11月3日 作业:

    1. 继续完成P22-P23 综合练习 1。Please finish P22-P23 Review1
    2. 完成练习册A第三课星期一至星期五的4.5.6题
    Finish exercise book A lesson 3 Monday to Friday question 4.5.6
    3. 复习划线词语: 今天,星期,放学,告诉,下午,朋友,我问,他是谁,听了,真开心,准备下节课听写。
    Revise underline words, prepare for next week dictation.
    4. 大声朗读阅读P21“云云画画儿”。
    Read aloud Reading on page 21″云云画画儿”

  3. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3
    1. 复习第五课生词并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L5 and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读课文。 Read the text of Lesson 5 fluently.
    3. 请写出来四个有“饣”部首的字。Please write four characters which has the “饣”radical.
    4. 请写出五个你喜欢吃的食物,并指出你最喜欢吃的食物。Please write five food you like to eat very much and indicate which you like best.
    5. 请用中文写一个小短文,说说星期一你下学回家后妈妈给你做了什么饭?你喜欢吃吗?想不想跟妈妈学怎么做?Please write a short passage with Chinese about what your mum cooked for you after you came home after school on Monday, whether you like it, and if you want to learn how to cook it from your mum.
    6. 请准备第六课的生词。Please prepare the vocabulary of L6.

  4. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    1. 默记第三课中的生字,准备下周认字考试。
    Please memorise the new Chinese characters that we learnt
    form lesson 3 and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A used in Lesson 3.
    Monday 1,,3,4, / Tuesday 1, 3,4
    Wednesday 1, 3,4,5

  5. 六年级B班 10月29日至2018年11月03日 Year 6B Homework:

    1, 熟练朗读第三课课文《海洋世界》,并背诵第四自然段;

    Read Lesson 3 text aloud fluently and recite the 4th paragraph;


    Copy and memorize the 7 words and expressions in Lesson 3, ready for dictation next week;


    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 3, please complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri.


  6. @all 本周作业 Homework
    Please write 2 times every new words and Phrases from lesson 1 to lesson 3. ( It includes every part new words and new phrases, and reading part.)

    When you finish your writing, please read louder of those words and phrases to practice your pronunciation.

    To parents: please help your kids finish them homework, if they have any questions. And if you are not sure, please feel free and ask teacher (me or Ms. Li ). When they finish writing, please sign your name on the paper and give some comments. Thank you.

  7. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第三课‘在医院里’至少十遍直到流利。Read Lesson Three ‘In the Hospital’ at least 10 time until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Three on Exercise book 3A.
    3. 订正听写错别字并且每个字写两遍。Try to correct the mistake from your dictation and write each correct words two times.

  8. A Level homework

    1. Continue to catch up with the missing homework. 继续补齐未做完的作业

    2. Complete the first reading of Hometown and record questions and new words in Hometown_wiki。读完《故乡》并记录问题

    3. One article a week for Articles_I_Like_group_wiki, it can be in English or Chinese. Provide the link and a brief summary. 读一篇和4个专题相关的文章,记录并简述。

    4. What is the significance of ChengCheng’s failure? Update your Group_wiki_Vote4Me. 用中文回答:成成败选的意义有哪些?

    5. What is the author’s hope in Hometown? Evidence? Update your Hometown_wiki. 《故乡》的作者所指的“希望”是什么?给出证据。

  9. 七年级B作业
    Read fluently lesson 3 text, can speak its content with your own words.
    2. 抄写第3课课后单词每个5遍,并用这些生字每个造个句子写下来
    Copy 5 times of the new characters from lesson 3, and make sentence each from the new characters
    Finish exercise book Monday and Tuesday
    4.口语写作练习:描述一下你的一个朋友(2分钟),并写下来,要求最少150个字。 包括(朋友名字?怎么认识的?长什么样子?什么兴趣?你们一起喜欢做什么?。。。)
    Speaking and Writing exercise: describe one of your friend ( 2mins speaking ) and write down your sentence, min 150 characters. pls including ( friend’s name, how did you know each other? his/her looking ? what his/her hobby? what did you like to do with your friend….)

  10. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第三课课文直到流利。
    Read Lesson Three “The Versailles Palace” until fluent.

    2. 背诵课文最后一段。
    Recite last paragraph of Lesson Three.

    3. 练习册A:星期一至星期三的剩余部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Three.

    4. 课本第23页词语抄写3遍 。
    Copy 3 times the “Words and expressions” on page 23.

    5.预习(朗读) 第29页阅读。
    Read clearly the “Reading” on page 29.

  11. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    learn the 20 words of today, you need to know how to write them, make two sentences for each word。

    Write a short paragraph comparing your school with one in china. Use the framework to help you in page 33 . You may want to research the following:
    •school buildings
    •school food

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 34 (Reading 3)and 36 (Reading 1) of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  12. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14 (Page 36-42)

    2, 练习拍手歌 Practice the following rhyme:
    Nǐ shuō yī, wǒ duì yī, māmā gěi wǒ zhī máoyī.
    你说一, 我对一, 妈妈 给我织毛衣。
    Nǐ shuō yā, wǒ duì yā, yī qún xiǎo yā jiào gā gā.
    你说鸭, 我对鸭,一 群小鸭叫嘎嘎。
    Nǐ shuō yá, wǒ duì yá, měi tiān zǎo wǎn yào shuā yá.
    你说牙, 我对牙, 每天早晚要刷牙。
    Nǐ shuō yè, wǒ duì yè, qiū tiān luòyè yī piàn piàn.
    你说叶, 我对叶, 秋天落叶一片片。

    3, 继续背诵唐诗(悯农):Continue recite poem
    Chú hé rì dāng wǔ
    锄 禾 日 当 午,
    Hàn dī hé xià tǔ
    汗 滴 禾 下 土,
    Shéi zhī pán zhōng cān,
    谁 知 盘 中 餐,
    Lì lì jiē xīn kǔ
    粒粒皆 辛 苦。

  13. 二年级C班(Y2C) Homework

    Correct the dictation, 5 times each.
    2. 完成课本P22-P23 综合练习 1(课上基本完成了)。
    Please finish text book P22 to P23.
    3.抄写第四课新学生字: 用、记、请、谢、对、起,每个十遍。
    Copy 6 new characters of Lesson 4,ten times each.
    4. 每天大声朗读第四课课文《讲礼貌》。
    Read fluently lesson 4 text .

  14. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    1, 熟读课文第三课十遍
    Read lesson three for ten times.
    2, 把第三课的的13个生字每个写五遍,请写在老师发的白格子纸上
    Write the 13 new words from lesson three five times, please use the white writing paper
    Read the question two” read aloud” three times everyday
    4, 完成练习册A 第三课星期一的练习,第二/三/四题
    Complete the exercise book A the exercise on Monday, question 2/3/4

  15. Year 5A homework 五年级A班家庭作业
    1.Correct the mistakes from the dictation book this week(words of lesson1 and two).
    2.Copy and memorise the words in lesson 3 five times at least; prepare for the dictation next week;
    3. Exercise Book A: Lesson 3 Monday to Friday- First 3 .
    3. 完成A练习册的第三课周一到周五的前三题。
    4.Read “The Twenty-Four Solar Terms song”fluently.

  16. 1. 认真的朗读课文1-3课,记熟所有的生字词。和课文的大意。
    Seriously read the lesson 1-3 lesson and remember all the new words and phrases. And the general meaning of the text.
    2. 做课本31-33页第一单元的综合练习题。do text book page 31-33 unit 1 questions.
    3. 读懂课本19,29页的阅读,不懂的词请查字典。reading text book page 19,29 “reading”. use your dictionary check unknown phrases .
    4. 在课本偏旁表里找出第四课生字的偏旁。find out lesson 4 vocabularies radicals in text book page 128 form .
    5.做完两页一单元的练习题. finish the two page exercises.

  17. YCT1 homework:
    1. Count and write from number 1 to 100 in Chinese. 用中文从一数到一百,并写下来。
    2. Read and write key sentences and key words on page 19. 读和写第十九页的关键句和关键词。
    3. Read and write the texts on page 20, and also translate them into English. 读和写第二十页的课文,并翻译成英文。
    4. Read the mini story on page 22, and make your own photo album of your family. 读第二十二页迷你故事,制作一个你自己的家人相册。

  18. 10月29日
    1.熟记第3课生字,词语 ,下节课听写生字和词语。抄写上节课错误的生词每个三遍。
    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 3,Ready for dictation next class. Copy the wrong words from last dictation 3 times.

    Read lesson 3 aloud once every day, retell the lesson in your own words next week. Read P23 exercise 2 words and expressions 3 times.

    Complete exercise 6A lesson 3 Monday to Friday allquestions.

    4.掌握…的 +是+ …. 和 有时…有时…有时…并各造两个句。

    Learn to use …的 是 …, and use 有时…有时…有时…


  19. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write YCT2 Lesson three ’s new words on Page 13 and page 16 five times each 请将YCT2第三课第十三页的每个生词写五遍。The new words as following:
    房间,电视,椅子,铅笔,书包,里面, 钱包, 眼镜,鼻子

    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday. 请准备好下周日的听写。
    2) Please finish the exercises on the handout gave to you on Sunday. 请完成周日发给你的有关南瓜的作业题。
    3)Please read the mini story loudly on page 16 until you could remember it. And then translate It into English.
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。

  20. 成人班
    HSK2 课后作业 Homework(2018-10-29)
    1.复习单词Review the words:
    2.翻译句子 Translate the sentences in English.
    HSK3 课后作业 homework
    1.复习单词Review the words:
    2阅读课文1 Review and read the text1-下山的路上

  21. 请复习句型:我喜欢…我不喜欢(颜色,水果,动物-已学过的词汇)
    None Mandarin. Speaking background
    Learning ‘I like…”https://youtu.be/xkySrEZ4R-U
    Reading and repeating https://youtu.be/T8ifz5QWOOk

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