
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页)                                             To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音                                                                                                                     To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、阅读发下的《龟兔赛跑》歌词                                                                                          Read the handout <龟兔赛跑>

10月21日星期日放半学期假(Half Term Break),无课。10月28日返校正常上课。


24 Replies to “家庭作业2018年10月15日至2018年10月27日”

  1. 五年级B班本周作业:

    1. 请抄写第三课的词语(P.18)每个三遍。
    Please copy lesson3’s “word and expressions”, three-time of each one.

    2. 请完成练习册A第三课部分练习:Please finish part of the exercises on Book A, lesson 3.
    周一 周二 周三 周四 周五
    1-4题 2-4题 1-4题 2-4题 1-3题

    3. 请订正听写,复习第二课的字及词语,准备开学听写第二,第三课的字及词组。
    Please correct the dictation, go over the characters & “words and expressions” of lesson 2 and 3, get ready for the dictation.

    4. 请订正练习册B第二课。Please correct Exercise Book B, Lesson Two.

    5. 请每天大声的朗读第三课课文。Please read lesson 3 aloud every day.

    6. 请写一篇关于假期的日记。字数不限,不会用中文表达的句子可以用英语写, 不会写的字或者词语可以写拼音。
    Please write a Diary entry about you half term break. There’s no limitation on words and you can write in English and Pingyin if you feel struggling to express some of your ideas in mandarin.


  2. 二年级A(Year 2A)作业:

    1 纠正今天听写的错别字,每个错字写五遍
    Correct any wrong words of today’s dictation,please copy five times
    2 练习册A 第三课星期一至星期五1,2,3题
    Exercises book A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.
    3 大声朗读第三课课文直到流利
    Read aloud lesson 3 fluently
    4 请每位同学准备,把你们放学后有什么课外活动给大家讲一讲,参考用本课学的星期一…星期二…
    Speaking exercise: please tell us what are you doing after school, any school club, also can use our new words “星期一…星期二…

  3. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第四课生词并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L4 and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读课文。 Read the text of Lesson 4 fluently.
    3. 请看第21页上图画,根据提示用中文回答下列问题。Look at the picture on p21 and answer the questions in Chinese according to the hints:
    a. 你在做什么?
    Answers: 1) Drawing the sun and moon
    2) Watching TV
    3) Making phone call to you
    b. 你在找什么?
    Answers: 1) basketball
    2) the picture with the moon
    3) my Chinese book
    c. 你在找谁?
    Answers: 1) grandpa, he is not at home
    2) teacher Zhang to ask a question
    3) mother, she works in this hospital
    4. 请准备第五课的生词。Please prepare the vocabulary of L5.

  4. A level homework

    1. 完成以前没完成的作业,利用假期吧作业补齐。 Complete the homework that have been set, especially last week’s. Use the half-term holiday to catch up.

    2. 第二套词汇听写 – 第4次- Study the second set of vocabulary and prepare for dictation and essay writing – round 4 – dictation preparation. You are encouraged to do more phrases than the 24 each week

    3. 调研报告启动 – 阅读一篇关于你的研究题目的文章- Start IRP – reading one article and record source and summary. – Place it in your Individual wiki – minimum three DIFFERENT articles to record.

    4. 继续收集文章,1到3篇,放进wiki – Continue to collect articles, summarise them and place the link or the article itself in wiki. (This week, focus on research project OR the themes we discussed)

    5. 读完《故乡》,查字典,弄懂字词的意思,提问题并放进Hometown_wiki维基里。 – Read the novel Hometown and look up all the new words. Ask questions, including question related to vocabulary, comprehension and interpretation. Place them all in the Hometown_wiki.

    6. 看完电影 《请投我一票》,能复述. Watch the film “Please vote for me” on Youtube and be able to retell the story. 上周只有两个同学看完了!这一周大家都要看完,并提问题放进 Group_wiki_Vote4Me 维基里。

    7. 整理关于第三、四专题的词汇(课上的,网上的)并弄懂。compile the vocabulary for Theme 3 and 4 (the ones we discussed in lesson and the ones showed on Cando (Terminology – in Themes 3 and 4)

    每周至少3小时 – You need, at least, 3 hours dedicated to this course.

  5. 学前班A
    1.学说句子:say the sentences:
    2.学说句子say the sentences by using sentence pattern.

    3.背诵 recite 静夜思

    儿歌:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tDHrRavVsRE 蔬菜总动员

  6. @all 本周作业:homework
    课本 course book
    1.P24页 生字完成
    Please write new words of P24 on your notebook or paper.
    Please write new phrases of P24 on your notebook or paper.

    This part ask you have to hand in after half term.

    练习册A Practice A
    Monday: 4,5,6,7(it includes p17 text, p21 dialogue, p22 tongue twister, p23 hangzhou xihu)
    Tuesday:6,7(please finish writing of 7, this we already done in the class)
    Wednesday:4,5,6,7(Parents, please help you kids finished the sixth and seventh part)
    Thursday:5,6,7(please finish writing of 7, this we already done in the class)

    Please review and write every new words and phase, which are we already done all of in first chapter. And after half term break, I will test in the class.

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  7. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 抄写第12页第二题’读一读‘词语各五遍并理解词语意思。Copy 5 times of each words under ‘Read aloud’ on page 12 and try to understand them.
    2. 和家长配合互换角色阅读第六页和第十三页的第四题‘对话’。Read the ‘Dialogue’ on page 6 and page 13 with your parents.
    3. 用学过的部首检字方法查字典,查出以下生字然后写出每个字的拼音和偏旁部首:Use the method we learnt today of using Xinhua dictionary to check out the words below, then write down their Pinyin and radical.

  8. No Chinese class on the 21st. Chinese class begins on 29 October. Homework: Please help the students recite Chinese and English (number, color, fruit) by using the literacy cards you have bought. They will answer “What’s your name? What’s your last name? What color is this? What fruit do you like to eat? How old are you?” Recite “Mountain Village, The Ancient Long Moon Walk, The Swan”, recite the nursery rhymes (Any three photos of WeChat Group) and sing: Little Stars. Watch an episode of Undersea Column https://youtu.be/aXn-CwE_niE every day.

  9. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    learn the 20 words of today, you need to know how to write them, make two sentences for each word。

    口语练习task3 交谈会话部分
    Speaking practice task3 conversation
    Theme: About you and your family’s eating habits
    Requirement: write down All spoken content, (including the one-and-a-half-minute presentation part and the following three questions and answers)
    Suggestion: Use the following words to describe the rich content (觉得、认为、虽然…但是,每天、常常、一般、有时候、又…又、、一边…一边、以后、然后、跟…一起、不过,因为…所以)
    Note: Please refer to the template sent below, please do not copy for reference only.

    Write a short paragraph about a day at school
    Use the structures as a guidelines see page32 writing 4.

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 29 (Reading 4)and 31 (Reading 3) of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  10. 1.完成第三课的练习题1-6.
    Complete Workbook Lesson 3 Q. 1-6
    Remember all the new character and phrases. Read Lessons 1-3 fluently. You will be tested.
    On page 128-130 chart, find all the radicals used in the new characters of Lesson 1-2.
    Find the Chinese names of eight countries.
    Find ten institutions typically found in cities.

  11. 七年级B作业
    Review lesson 2 text and characters and words, copy 5 time of the wrong words from your dictation
    2 完成中文练习册星期三到星期五的作业
    Finish exercise book Wed to Friday
    According the correction from your writing last week, please rewrite your essay .
    4. 预习第3课,熟读课文,预习课文生字和单词
    Preview Lesson3, read fluently. preview new characters and words
    10月21日星期日放半学期假(Half Term Break),无课。10月28日返校正常上课。

  12. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第三课课文 。
    Read aloud Lesson Two “The Summer Palace” on page 11.

    2. 练习册A:星期一至星期四的一至四部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete Part 1 to Part 4 of Monday to Thursday of Lesson Three.

    3.订正听写的错别字 。
    Correct the mistakes in your dictation.

    10月21日星期日放半学期假(Half Term Break),无课。10月28日返校正常上课。

  13. 学前班B(ReceptionB)
    1.a).听儿歌:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tDHrRavVsRE 蔬菜总动员
    b).学说句子say the sentences by using sentence pattern.
    2.a).背诵 recite《 静夜思》

  14. 二年级B班作业 year two B homework
    1,写5个完整的句子,并用学过的两种方法把这5个句子改写成问句,最好5个句子用不同的动词或形容词, 共15个句子
    A. 句子+吗?
    B, 用动词+不+动词?或形容词+不+形容词?
    Make 5 sentences using” who do what” , try to use different verb or adj , and then using those 5 sentences to change to 5 question sentences, you need to use two ways:
    A, sentence + “Ma”?
    B, verb + not + verb? Or adj + not + adj ?
    2, 熟读第二课课本11页第二题“读一读”, 每天读三遍
    Read the text book page 11 question two ” read aloud ” three times every day.
    3, 完成练习册B第二课的部分练习:
    Complete the exercises in the book B lesson two
    Tue: 2/5
    Wed: 2/3
    Thur: 2/3
    Fri: 1/2/5
    假期愉快, 10月28号见
    Have a nice half term, see you all on 28/10/18

  15. 二年级C班(Year 2 C) Homework
    Finish exercise book A,Lesson 3,Monday to Friday.
    2. 准备第三课生字默写。
    Be ready for dictation next time.
    3. 生词组词:用第三课的每个生字组词。
    Use the new characters of Lesson 3 to make phrases.
    What would be cooked about your dinner in your family next week, if you were a little chef?

    10月21日是中文学校期中假期(half term holiday),10月28日正常上课。祝大家假期愉快!
    Have a nice holiday!

  16. HSK2 课后作业(2018-10-14)
    1.复习第二课的单词与句型;并且知道怎么用。Review the words and patterns of the second lesson; and know how to use them.
    2.课后练习2、3. After class exercises 2, 3.
    3.重点句型复习Critical sentence pattern review:主语subjectA+是is+ B ; 主语subjectA+不是 is not+ B。
    4.重点句型Critical sentence pattern : 主语subject+是不是is not it+……? 是不是is not it+主语subject+……? 主语subject+…., 是不是is not it?
    5.重点句型Critical sentence pattern :条件句Conditional sentence……., 那then……….。

    HSK3 课后作业After class homework
    1.复习第一课的单词与句型,并且知道怎么用。Review the words and patterns of the first lesson; and know how to use them.
    2.练习书写课文里的主要单词 Practice writing the main words in the text
    3.复习重点句型Critical sentence pattern review:……一点儿也不….;……not at all…..。
    4.听课文里的对话。Listen to the conversation in the text.

  17. 六年级B班 10月15日至2018年10月27日 Year 6B Homework:

    1, 熟练朗读第二课课文《去邮局》,并背诵第三自然段;
Read Lesson 2 text aloud fluently and recite the 3rd paragraph;
Copy and memorize the 15 singular characters in Lesson 3, ready for dictation next week;

    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 3, please complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri;
    Please write about your hobby in detail with the given title. You can include the following the areas: when you started, how long you’ve been doing it; what/who inspired you, what are your influences; who are your idol in the area; your progress/achievement so far; how it benefited/helped you; your future development plan in the area.


  18. Year 3B homework

    Please memorise all vocabulary from lesson 1 and lesson 2 and
    prepare for the dictation in two weeks。
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book B used in Lesson2.
    Monday 5,6,7 Tuesday 3,6,7
    Wednesday5, 6,7 Thursday5, 6,7
    Friday 3,4,5,6,7
    3 完成上课发的讲义。
    Please complete the handout that you were given in class.

  19. 6年级A班家庭作业
    Memorise all new words in Lesson 3,complete page 22 exercises 1,2.Ready for dictation next class.

    Recite paragraph 3 in Lesson 2,Read lesson 3 paragraph 1-3 aloud.

    Complete exercise 6A lesson 3 Monday to Friday questions 1-3.

    Write a 200 words composition about “My hobbies” or “My favourite place”submitting on 28th Oct.


  20. YCT1 homework:

    1. Revise lesson 4 from page 14 to 17. Copy the key words and key sentences on page 14, including pinyin. 复习第四课14页到17页。抄写第14页关键词和关键句,包括拼音。

    2. Read, write and translate the texts on page 15 and 16. 读,写并翻译第15和16页课文。

    3. Try to read aloud the texts on page 17. 试着大声朗读第17页课文。

    4. Learn the following two songs:

  21. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write YCT2 Lesson three ’s new words on Page 13 five times each 请将YCT2第三课第十三页的每个生词写五遍。The new words as following:

    Prepare for the dictation on nex Sunday. 请准备好夏周日的听写。
    2) Please form five sentences using the following words.请用下面的词造五个句子: 1) 呢 2)里面3)上边4)在
    3)Please read the poem on page 10 until you could remember it. And then translate It into English.
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。
    Have a nice holiday! 同学们假期愉快!

  22. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师
    1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

    2, 练习以下两首儿歌 Practice the following two rhymes:
    Xiǎo cì wèi, qù lǐ fǎ,
    小 刺 猬, 去理发,
    cā cā cā, cā cā cā,
    tóu shàng xiǎo cì quán méiliǎo,
    头 上 小 刺 全 没了,
    biàn chéng yīgè xiǎo wáwá.
    变 成 一个小 娃娃
    Sì shì sì,
    四 是 四,
    shí shì shí,
    十 是 十,
    Shí sì shì shí sì,
    十 四 是 十 四,
    Sì shí shì sì shí
    四十 是 四十。

    3, 背诵唐诗(悯农):Recite poem
    Chú hé rì dāng wǔ
    锄 禾 日 当 午,
    Hàn dī hé xià tǔ
    汗 滴 禾 下 土,
    Shéi zhī pán zhōng cān,
    谁 知 盘 中 餐,
    Lì lì jiē xīn kǔ
    粒粒皆 辛 苦。

  23. Year 5A homework 五年级A班家庭作业(half term)
    1. Exercise Book 5B: All content of Lesson 2.
    1. 请完成B练习册的第二课的剩余内容(周一到周五)。
    2.Revise all the new words in lesson 1 and 2 and ready for dictation after half term.
    3. To practise the song and recite the lyrics(poem ).
    4.Go to a park or countryside to feel the autumn.Please talk to your parents about the autumn,e.g. “what can you see?” “What can you smell?” “What can you hear?”“What can you touch?” “What can you feel?” “What are the signs of autumn?”
    5.Preview lesson 3.

  24. 一年级C班作业
    1、 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第十一、十二课所有练习第29至第35页 To complete Exercise Book Lesson 11 & 12 all exercises, page 29-35

    Recite and memorise the poem
    guò qiáo
    jì suàn tí ,sān sì dào ,
    yī pái děng hào xiàng xiǎo qiáo
    suàn duì le ,zǒu guò qiáo ,
    zuò cuò le ,guò bú le 。
    xiǎng yī xiǎng ,suàn yī suàn ,
    kuài kuài lè lè guò le qiáo

    3、跟唱拼音歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

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