
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第九、十课(第二十二至第二十九页)                                             To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 9-10 (Page 22-29)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音                                                                                                          To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、阅读发下的《龟兔赛跑》歌词                                                                                          Read the handout <龟兔赛跑>

28 Replies to “家庭作业2018年10月07日至2018年10月12日”

  1. Year 5 A homework 五年级A班家庭作业
    1 . Copy and memorise the new words below, ready for dictation next week;
    1. 抄写并记忆以下生字词,下周听写;
    2. Exercise Book B: Lesson 2
    Monday:4;Tuesday:4,5; Wednesday:4,5;Thursday:4; Friday:4 .
    2. 完成B练习册的第二课周一到周五部分习题:
    星期一:第4题; 星期二:第4,5题
    3.Read Lesson 2 text aloud fluently。
    4.To practise the song.

    1. 一年级C班作业
      1、完成拼音练习册第九、十课所有练习(第二十二至第二十九页; To complete 《Pinyin Exercise Book》Lesson 9-10 on Page 22-29;


  2. 二年级A homework

    1 练习册B第二课周一至周五4,5,6题
    Exercise B book lesson two Monday to Friday question 4, 5, 6

    2 有感情的朗读或背诵第二课的阅读“我长大了”,把最后一句换成你自己儿子或女儿,还有自己的名字
    Read aloud or recite lesson two Reading on p13 with emotion, and change the last line as yourself

    3 复习第二课划线词语,准备下节课听写
    Review lesson two underline words, prepare next week dictation

  3. YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write YCT2 Lesson two’s new words on Page 11 five times each 请将YCT2第二课第十一页的每个生词写五遍。
    Prepare for the dictation on Sunday. 请准备好周日的听写。
    2) Please form five sentences using the following words.请用下面的词造五个句子: 1) 怎么 2)今天 3)起床4)每天
    3)Please translate the mini story on page 11 into English.请将第十一页的小故事翻译成英文。
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。https://youtu.be/TnsRqdTPagQ
    5)Please read and memories the rhythm gave to you on Sunday and also the mini story on page 11.请反复朗诵和记忆第十一页的小故事和周日发给你的儿歌《数青蛙》。

  4. Aimei Fang
    10/08/2018 AT 12:21 AM
    YCT2 Homework YCT2 家庭作业
    1)Please write YCT2 Lesson two’s new words on Page 11 five times each 请将YCT2第二课第十一页的每个生词写五遍。
    Prepare for the dictation on Sunday. 请准备好周日的听写。
    2) Please form five sentences using the following words.请用下面的词造五个句子: 1) 怎么 2)今天 3)起床4)每天
    3)Please translate the mini story on page 11 into English.请将第十一页的小故事翻译成英文。
    4)Please watch the following video clip at least 20mins a day, 请每天观看下面的视频至少20分钟。https://youtu.be/TnsRqdTPagQ
    5)Please read and memories the rhythm gave to you on Sunday and also the mini story on page 11.请反复朗诵和记忆第十一页的小故事和周日发给你的儿歌《数青蛙》。

  5. A level homework

    1. 完成以前没完成的作业. Complete the homework that have been set, especially last week’s

    2. 第二套词汇听写 – 第三次- Study the second set of vocabulary and prepare for dictation and essay writing – round 3. You are encouraged to do more phrases than the 24 each week

    3. 调研报告启动 – 阅读一篇关于你的研究题目的文章- Start IRP – reading one article and record source and summary. – Place it in your Individual wiki

    4. 继续收集文章,3篇或更多,放进wiki – Continue to collect articles, summarise them and place the link or the article itself in wiki. (This week, focus on research project)

    5. 完成小作文,并翻译成英文 – complete the essay that you started in lesson and translate it into English, 放进Learn_by_Teaching wiki 里。place the essay and the translation into the wiki – Learn_by_Teaching one with clear title and date.

    6. 看电影 《请投我一票》,能复述. Watch the film “Please vote for me” on Youtube and be able to retell the story.

    每周至少3小时 – You need, at least, 3 hours dedicated to this course.

  6. 学前班A
    1. 看图说话。 look at the pictures in lessons 3 and say aloud.
    2.学说句子:say the sentence:兔子跑得快,乌龟爬得慢。
    3.背诵 recite 静夜思

    儿歌:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tDHrRavVsRE 蔬菜总动员
    https://youtu.be/7Sli19-tsjY 多吃蔬菜水果
    https://youtu.be/QvG2p8mCp_o 好吃的蔬菜

  7. 二年级B班作业 Year two B Himework
    1,背诵课本第7页的“中文学校真是好”,下周检查测验 memorise the “what a great Chinese school” on the text book page 7, will test next week
    2, 把第二课的课文每天读三遍
    3,完成练习册B第2课星期一的所有练习 complete Monday ‘ exercises in the exercise book B of lesson two
    4, 完成练习册A第一课星期一第四题和星期三第四题. 当做辩字组词的题目时,要从所辩字的发音和写法上来分辨,先找到为什么要辩这两个字的原因然后再组词complete the exercise book A lesson one : Monday: question 4, Wednesday: question 4.
    When the question asking for compare the word and make the word expression, need to check their sound and writing to find out the reason why been asked to compare

  8. @all 本周作业:homework

    课本 course book
    1.P19页 生字完成
    Please write new words of P19 on your notebook or paper.
    Please write new phrases of P18 and P20 on your notebook or paper.

    This part ask you have to hand in next week.

    练习册A Practice A
    Monday: 1,2,3

    Please read louder 3 times of class 3 texts.
    The fourth time you have to read to your parents,
    This part ask parents should help your kids finishing. Please write your comments in Practice B page 26. Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  9. 本周作业:
    1. 请完成练习册B第二课:周一到周五的所有问题。Please finish the rest exercises Monday to Friday in Exercise BookB lesson 2.
    2. 请订正听写。复习所有第一课及第二课的字及词语,准备下周再次听写。Please correct the word errors of the dictation. Please revise all the ‘Words and expressions’ and ready for dictation.
    3. 请每天大声地朗读第二课课文。
    Please read lesson 2 aloud everyday.
    4. 预习第三课。
    Preview lesson 3.

  10. 六年级B班 10月07日至2018年10月12日作业 Year 6B Homework:
    1, 熟练朗读第二课课文《去邮局》,并背诵第三自然段;
Read Lesson 2 text aloud fluently and recite the 3rd paragraph;
Copy and memorize the 9 words and expressions in Lesson 2, ready for dictation next week;
Exercise Book 6B Lesson 2, please complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri.


  11. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 练习册B:星期四至星期五的剩余部分。
    Exercise book B: Complete the remaining part of Thursday to Friday of Lesson Two.

    2.课本第20页词语及专有名词各抄写3遍 。
    Copy 3 times the “Words and expressions” and “Proper nouns” on page 20.

    3. 复习第二课(包含阅读)生字及词语,下周听写。
    Review the Characters and Phrase of Lesson Two (including Reading), and get ready for dictation of these next week.

    Read clearly Lesson Three “The Versailles Palace” on page 21.

  12. 请学生指读作业本上的“颜色”字并用句型:这是什么?这是红色的苹果。学唱《彩色的地球》https://youtu.be/SaGP8IR_m8Q 绘画彩虹? 背诵《百家姓》的32个姓(作业本)每日听唱一遍百家姓https://youtu.be/8sdS_xdvYI8,请继续完成绘画作业(过去三周的作业):百家姓中的同学(作业本),咏鹅(请按唐诗意思画鹅),山村(按诗词内容绘画)看汉字故事“手‘https://youtu.be/rIIHwG3UyhI,口https://youtu.be/CVvIA5aahN8 目https://youtu.be/H91kiLFGIaw耳https://youtu.be/W__KkOkrb6U
    @None Chinese backgrounds parents- Homework: learning 1A”colours” , watch YouTube https://youtu.be/Sxq2p5d_GQU learning ‘这是什么颜色-What colour is it?”https://youtu.be/6sEttb2seZw Singing https://youtu.be/TibbAR-EhIQ

  13. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 5.Exercises (1),(2)and(3) (page 18-19)。

  14. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第14和15页的‘一和万‘直到流利并试着用自己的语言讲述。Read ‘One and Ten Thousand’ on page 14&15 until fluent, try to tell a story in your own words.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Two.
    3. 抄写第二课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation next week.

  15. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    Oral test last weeks: Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test this Sunday.

    3、口语练习task3 交谈会话部分
    Speaking practice task3 conversation
    Theme: About you and your family’s eating habits
    Requirement: write down All spoken content, (including the one-and-a-half-minute presentation part and the following three questions and answers)
    Suggestion: Use the following words to describe the rich content (觉得、认为、虽然…但是,每天、常常、一般、有时候、又…又、、一边…一边、以后、然后、跟…一起、不过,因为…所以)
    Note: Please refer to the template sent below, please do not copy for reference only.

    4、英文翻译中文: 完成第19页的第7题。(请写在家庭作业本上)
    English to Chinese translation: Complete the Writing 7 on page 19.(please write it in your homework notebook)

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 26 (Reading 2)and 18 (Reading 1) of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  16. @all 本周作业:homework
    课本 course book
    1.P19页 生字完成
    Please write new words of P19 on your notebook or paper.
    Please write new phrases of P18 and P20 on your notebook or paper.

    This part ask you have to hand in next week.

    练习册A Practice A
    Monday: 1,2,3

    Please read louder 3 times of class 3 texts.
    The fourth time you have to read to your parents,
    This part ask parents should help your kids finishing. Please write your comments in Practice B page 26. Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  17. 08-10-2018
    成人班作业 –Adult class homework.
    HSK3 作业
    1.继续句型练习:一…也/都….+不/没…. Continue sentence practice :One…also/all….+no/no…
    2.连词-那-字的用法:Conjunction-that-word usage.
    3.复杂句型的练习:Practice of complex sentence patterns.
    4.注意U的发音:Note the pronunciation of U: wu, yu, yuan.
    5.预习第一课对话:Preview the first lesson dialogue.

    HSK2 作业

    1.练习多的用法:Practice the usage of duo.
    2.看与见的区别:The difference between Kan and Jian:
    3.每天、每年、及每个月的用法:Daily, yearly, and monthly usage.
    4.很字的用法:The usage of Hen.

  18. 三年级B班作业/year 3B homework

    Please correct any errors in the Chinese characters that you
    wrote in the dictation book. Please copy this out 5 times.

    Please memorise Chinese characters from Lesson 2 and
    prepare for the mini test next week.

    Complete the questions from Exercise Book B used in Lesson 2.
    Monday 1,3,4/ Tuesday1 ,4,5/Wednesday 1,3,4,/Thursday1, 3,4

    Preview lesson 2 and read aloud until fluent; next week we will
    check this in class.

  19. 二年级C班 本周作业 Homework of this week

    Finish exercise book B,Lesson 2 ,Thursday to Friday.
    2.口头作业-——爸爸/妈妈,我想对你说……,准备下节课演讲。Spoken homework: Mum and dad, I want to say……,be ready for presentation next class.
    Copy six new characters of Lesson 3, five times each.
    Have a nice week!

  20. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师
    1、完成拼音练习册第九、十课(第二十二至第二十九页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 9-10 (Page 22-29)

    2, 练习以下两首儿歌 Practice the following two rhymes:
    小白鸽(Xiǎo bái gē)
    gēgē yǒu zhī xiǎo bái gē,
    哥哥 有 只 小 白 鸽,
    xiǎo bái gē ya ài chànggē
    小 白 鸽呀爱 唱 歌,
    gū gū gū, gū gū gū,
    gēgē tīngle xiào hēhē
    哥哥 听了笑 呵呵

    哈利拼音歌:j q x 标清 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K2jmqnjxBM
    jiùjiu hǎo, diǎn qǐ jiǎo, bào wǒ kàn, jīnqiánbào.
    舅舅 好, 踮 起脚, 抱 我 看,金钱 豹。
    qīngqīng cǎo, cǎo qīngqīng, shàngmiàn tíng, hóng qīngtíng.
    青 青 草,草 青 青, 上 面 停, 红 蜻 蜓。
    xiǎo xī liú, huā huā zǒu, péi shéi zǒu, xiǎopéngyǒu.
    小 溪 流, 哗 哗 走, 陪 谁 走,小 朋 友。

  21. 七年级B 作业:
    Read fluently lesson 2, memory the underline the words from the class
    Preview article from lesson 2, preview the words and charaters
    Review the words from lesson 2 , next week dictation.
    4.写一篇作文:我的旅游假期,要求字数最少200字。请写出一下几个POINT: 1.去的哪里?什么时间去的?2.这个旅游地点有什么出名的?有什么特色?3.假期你做了什么?4.你是否喜欢这个假期,为什么?5.你将来打算去哪里?为什么?
    Writing: please write about your travelling holiday. min 200 characters. pls including following points;1where did you go?when?2.what’s the special about this place?3.what did you visit or do ?3.if you like this holiday?why?4.in the future?where will you plan to visit or go?why?

  22. YCT1 homework:

    1. Write a few phone numbers with Chinese characters. We will guess each other’s number next lesson. 用汉字写几个电话号码。下节课我们互相猜号码。

    2. Revise lesson 2 &3, from page 5 to 12. Copy and translate the following sentences into English: 你认识她吗?她是谁?她叫什么?她是哪国人?

    3. Design a family tree by using the family members in Chinese which I wrote on Sunday. 爸爸(father), 妈妈(mother), 爷爷 (grandfather), 奶奶(grandmother), 哥哥(big brother), 弟弟(little brother),姐姐(big sister), 妹妹(little sister).

    4. Preview lesson 4. We will use the family tree to introduce our family members to the class. 预习第四课,下节课介绍自己的家人。

    5. Learn the song in the following video:
    https://youtu.be/uc7qd9xPpDY 学这首关于家人的歌。

  23. YCT1 homework:

    1. Write a few phone numbers with Chinese characters. We will guess each other’s number next lesson. 用汉字写几个电话号码。下节课我们互相猜号码。

    2. Revise lesson 2 &3, from page 5 to 12. Copy and translate the following sentences into English: 你认识她吗?她是谁?她叫什么?她是哪国人?

    3. Design a family tree by using the family members in Chinese which I wrote on Sunday. 爸爸(father), 妈妈(mother), 爷爷 (grandfather), 奶奶(grandmother), 哥哥(big brother), 弟弟(little brother),姐姐(big sister), 妹妹(little sister).

    4. Preview lesson 4. We will use the family tree to introduce our family members to the class. 预习第四课,下节课介绍自己的家人。

    5. Learn the song in the following video:
    https://youtu.be/uc7qd9xPpDY 学这首关于家人的歌。

  24. 六年级A班作业
    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 1and 3,ready for dictation next week.

    Copy 5 times all expressions and wrong words in test this week. Read lesson 2 aloud,recite paragraph 3 and check in class next week

    Complete exercise 6B lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions.Correct the wrong answer to with a different colored pen/pencil.

    Write a 200 words composition about “My hobbies” or “The favourite place of interest I visited”submitting on 28th Oct.


  25. 1.做完第一课的所有习题。complete the the EX A lesson 2 all questions
    2抄写按照课本24-26页里第三课生字的笔顺,抄写生字三遍。记熟它们。copy write the lesson 3 vocabularies three times with the text book page 24-26 strokes order.
    3. 在课本128-130页表里找出本课生字的偏旁。find out all radicals of lesson 3 vocabularies from the page 128-130. 宀, 木,厂,走,辶,钅,穴,女,禾,彡。
    4, 回答家庭树的问题:answer family tree questions.
    爸爸的哥哥_____, 妈妈的弟弟, 姑姑的妈妈, 姨妈的爸爸,
    你是爷爷的 , 你是外婆的 你是舅舅的 ,你叫伯伯的妻子
    你叫舅舅的妻子, 奶奶是爷爷的, 你是叔叔的 你叫 姑姑的丈夫

    ***5. 用字典查出这些字的读音,意思。丁,吕,此,竟,囱,央,use your dictionary find out follow characters pronounce and means .


  26. 1.做完第一课的所有习题。complete the the EX A lesson 2 all questions
    2抄写按照课本24-26页里第三课生字的笔顺,抄写生字三遍。记熟它们。copy write the lesson 3 vocabularies three times with the text book page 24-26 strokes order.
    3. 在课本128-130页表里找出本课生字的偏旁。find out all radicals of lesson 3 vocabularies from the page 128-130. 宀, 木,厂,走,辶,钅,穴,女,禾,彡。
    4, 回答家庭树的问题:answer family tree questions.
    爸爸的哥哥_____, 妈妈的弟弟, 姑姑的妈妈, 姨妈的爸爸,
    你是爷爷的 , 你是外婆的 你是舅舅的 ,你叫伯伯的妻子
    你叫舅舅的妻子, 奶奶是爷爷的, 你是叔叔的 你叫 姑姑的丈夫

    ***5. 用字典查出这些字的读音,意思。丁,吕,此,竟,囱,央,use your dictionary find out follow characters pronounce and means .


  27. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第三课生词并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L3 and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读课文。 Read the text of Lesson 3 fluently.
    3. 请用中文描写第10页上“Let’s chant”中的4张画。Look at the 4 pictures on p10 and describe what they are doing。
    4. 请用中文描写第9页上“Let’s read”中的2张画,谁在做什么?Look at the 2 pictures on p9 and describe who are doing what?
    5. 用“让”字造四个句子。Make 4 sentences with the word “让”.
    6. 请准备第四课的生词。Please prepare the vocabulary of L4.

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