
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住学过的第六课的生字,特别关注“黑、白、绿、黄、蓝”这几个关于颜色的字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 6 and to prepare for the dictation,especially pay more attention to the words about the colour “Black, white, green, yellow and blue”.


一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第五课练习二词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Five.

2、练唱《唐诗联唱四首》 Practice the Song < Tang Poem Lian Chang> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwS0xeZJHY



1、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、预读发下的《唐诗联唱》Preview the handout <Tang Si Lian Chang>

3、记住学过的第五课的生字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 4 and to prepare for the dictation



一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第四课练习二词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Four.

2、练唱《恭喜恭喜你》 Practice the Song < Gongxi Gongxi Ni> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17dZzHkTVg

3、请家长与孩子聊聊中国春节的习俗,可以讲讲你小时候是怎样过春节的。Please talk about the Chinese New Year with your child and maybe tell him/her about how you spent your time in Chinese New Year period.


一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、练唱学过的儿歌《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》、《恭喜恭喜你》 Practise the songs:《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》、《恭喜恭喜你》

3、记住学过的第四课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 4 and to prepare for the dictation


一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、练唱学过的儿歌《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》Practise the songs:《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》

3、记住学过的第三课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 3 and to prepare for the dictation


一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、第一册《中文》课本第八课课文抄写两遍  Copy Lesson 8 Text twice from the Year 1 Text Book

2、抄写第八课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 8 Class exercises

3、背诵第47页阅读材料 《去学校》Memorise the Reading material on the page 47

4、练习《声律启蒙》第一段 Practice the first paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout)

5、在家长的帮助下学习发下的YCT1 需掌握的词语 With parent’s help, learning or revising the words and phrases of YCT1 (Handout)


一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、继续完成《中文》课本第八课练习一  Continue to complete the Exercise 1 in Lesson 8 from the Year 1 Text Book

2、练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

3、练习《声律启蒙》第一段 Practice the first paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout),按今日学的快板节奏

4、尚未交作业的请继续做《我的春天》的手工制作Please continue to do a handcraft <My Spring> by using the card I gave you in class, if you haven’t handed to me yet.