
一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、练唱儿歌《恭喜恭喜你》Practise the songs:《恭喜恭喜你》

3、记住学过的第三课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 3 and to prepare for the dictation

25 Replies to “家庭作业2020年01月13日至2020年01月18日”

  1. 六年级B班 2020年1月13日至1月18日家庭作业 :

    copy and memorize the 14 singular characters in Lesson 6, ready for dictation next week;

    practice reciting or retelling the first idiom fluently;

    Exercise Book 6B Lesson 6: complete all exercises related to our first idiom;

    4, 预习第六课的第二则成语故事《拔苗助长》。
    Preview the second idiom of Lesson 6.


  2. 本周作业:
    1, 完成练习册B第六课部分练习:
    Please complete part of the exercises on Exercise Book B, Lesson Six
    2, 订正听写。
    Correct the dictation.
    3, 跟读第六课课文
    Extra Reading.

  3. 4A 班 王老师
    1. 请复习1-5课,记熟字、词、句. 我们还会抽查。Please review the 1-5 lessons and memorize the words, phrases and sentences. We’ll also spot test.
    2. 从1-5课里找出动词圈起来。find out verbs from lesson 1-5 ,circle. them.
    3 抄写第六课生字三遍,记熟他们。cope write lesson 6 vocabularies ,remember each
    4 看视频,了解汉字结构 watch vedio, understand characters stocks and radicals.

  4. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 复习YCT第五册第四课的生词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of YCT 5 L4, and prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 将下列句子翻译成英文:Translate the following sentences into English:
    1) She played the piano for a while, now she is tired and want to have a rest.
    2) He is used to play piano for 30 minutes before going to bed.
    3) He is used to climbing stairs, not to take the lift.
    4) The custom in their family is that the parent take their children to the park every weekend.
    5) I feel really strange that they do not use air-condition in very hot summer.
    3. 活动手册第16页第一题。Activity Book question 1, p16.
    4. 活动手册第19页第六题,根据下面的图完成对话, Activity Book question 9, p19. Look at the picture below and complete the dialogue.

  5. 学前班B(Reception B):

    1. 念新单词(new words)Say aloud:门doors, 窗户Windows, 窗帘curtains,花瓶Vases, 茶壶teapots, 灯笼lanterns,真real ,漂亮beautiful。
    2.学说句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern: ……真漂亮。How beautiful…is/are!
    3.做手工,(用鸡蛋壳做一个玩具虎)所需材料:一个空鸡蛋壳,剪刀,纸,彩色笔,胶水。Make a toy tiger out of an eggshell. (Need an eggshell, scissors, paper, colors pens, glue)

  6. 学前A班 reception class
    1. 学说句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern.句型:沙发真漂亮。 我家的沙发真漂亮。我家的(客厅,卧室,厨房)有电视,有沙发,还有书柜。 (有xx…有xx…还有xx)。
    2.熟读唐诗4首:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5tRuzbabpo 唐诗联唱

  7. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year 3B

    Memorise the vocabulary that you circled from Exercises in Class 2 of Lesson 4m, next week and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Please complete the handouts ( two pages)
    that you were given in the class.
    Read the Reading -The Second Round Race between the Hare
    and the Tortoise, and complete the questions.

  8. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第六课’雪’,并阅读第47页的‘白云娃娃’十遍直到流利。Continue reading Lesson Six ‘Snow’, and also read ‘Baby White Cloud’ on page 47 until fluently.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Six.
    3. 抄写第六课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.

  9. 三年级C班作业:
    home work for year3 C

    1. 完成练习册B第6课,星期一至星期四,第一题到第五题。Exercise Book B Lesson 6,Monday to Thursday part 1-5.

    2.第5课听写错的字、词写3遍。Correct 3 times the mistakes words in your dictation.

    3. 继续熟读第6课。Read Lesson until fluently.

    4.熟读第45页的“读一读”、第46页的“对话”以及第47页的“阅读”。Read page 45 “Read aloud”,page 46 “Dialogue”and page 47 “reading”.

  10. 二年级A(Year2A)作业:

    1 完成练习册B 第六课余下的练习题。
    Finish Exercise book B Lesson 6 the rest of the questions.
    2 熟读并背诵”绕口令”。
    Read fluently and recite ” Tongue twister”.
    3 复习第六课划线词语,准备下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 6 underlined words and phrases, prepare next week’s dictation.
    词语: 我会做的事,小学生,可是,别说,收拾,房间,还,洗衣,饿了,真不少。

  11. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成练习册B:第六课,星期一至星期五的1-4题。
    Exercise book B, Lesson Six: Complete exercise 1 to 4 of Mon to Fri

    2. 熟读课文《猴子捞月亮》,注意语气。
    Read Lesson 6 fluently.

    3. 熟读课上发的《春节童谣》,注意语气。
    Read the traditional Chinese rhyme ‘Spring Festival’ fluently.

    4. 上周作文没有写完的同学请继续完成,本周交。
    Finish the writing.

  12. 8年纪作业
    Read fluently lesson 7, understand history background. learn new characters. finish exercise A book Monday-Wednesday.
    Finish online exercise on above link
    Watch online movie《The Climbers》。

  13. Year Two B Homework
    1, Memorise the lesson Five, will test next week
    2, Prepare the word and expression in Lesson Five on text book page 33 , get ready for the dictation next week
    3, Complete the exercises on the exercise book A lesson Give
    Tue: 2/3/4
    Wed: 4/5/6

  14. A level 家庭作业
    1. Review lesson 2,
    1) 学习所有texts里的生词,下节课听写。
    Study all texts new words, dictation next class
    2) 完成句式学习
    Complete studying of sentence patterns.
    3) 完成词语练习,选词填空。标记为G的练习。
    Complete exercise G
    4) 完成翻译练习。
    Complete exercise T.
    Summarize the content of family in Theme1. Writing down your summarization according to speaking standard.
    Continue to read the texts in the book and online.

  15. 五年级A班家庭作业(Y5A)
    1.复习第一课的生字词,下周听写;Review the words in Lesson 1, prepare for the dictation next week;2.改正上周听写中的错误,每个字抄三遍。
    Correct the mistakes on the dictation last week and copy the corrected words 3 times each.3.熟读第四课课文.
    Make sure you can read lesson4 text fluently.
    Preview lesson 5 and try to find your own way to remember the new characters.
    5. 熟读老师课堂上发的中国历史小故事,能够用自己的语言讲述这个故事,下周请把你的故事带回来和别的同学交换。Read the story you have got from the teacher and be able to retell the story with your own words. Remember to bring the sheet back so you can swap with other children next week .

  16. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 记住学过的第四课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 3 and to prepare for the dictation

    3,练习“上下左右前后” 儿歌并配合动作(在课堂上老师有教),请看以下链接。Practice “上下左右前后” song with actions , please see following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvhiMTjT-Y8

  17. YCT2 homework:
    1. Review Lesson 3: Who is he? Be able to introduce yourself and a classmate with the name, age and nationality. 复习第三课:他是谁?能够介绍自己和一位同学的名字,年龄和国籍。

    2. Recite the 12 zodiac animals from handouts. Find out your family members’ animal sign and their ages. 背诵12生肖。查出家人的生肖和他们的年龄。

    3. https://youtu.be/5UwuWuEGRsM

  18. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 完成练习册A第七课余下的练习题。
    Finish Exercise book A Lesson 7, the rest of the questions.
    2. 熟读并背诵第七课课文《人有两件宝》。
    Read fluently and recite the text of Lesson 7.
    3. 复习第七课词语,准备下周听写。
    Revise Lesson 7, words and phrases, prepare next week’s dictation.
    词语: 两件宝、双手、大脑、做工、思考、工作、万一、又写又画、做得好。
    Make phrases 又**又**,at least five phrases.

  19. 中文成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    练习册第七课 第46-49页
    Workbook page 46-49
    1 阅读 第21-25题:选择合适的答案
    Reading Questions 21-25: Match the two parts of the same dialogue.
    2 第26-30题:选择合适的词语填空
    Questions 26-30: Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
    3 第31-35题:选择正确答案
    Questions 31-35:Choose the right answers.
    4 书写 Writing第36-40题 连词成句
    Questions 36-40: Rearrange the words/phrases to make sentences.
    5 第41-45题:看拼音,写汉字
    Questions 41-45: Write the characters based on their PINYIN.
    6 第46-50题:辨认汉字,选择正确的汉字填空
    Questions 46-50: Distinguish the characters and fill in the blanks.
    7 预习第8课生字和课文1-4
    Preview Lesson 8 new words and Texts 1-4

  20. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的20个词:“偶像、导演、努力、歌星、成功、机会、报纸、幼儿园、认识、杂志、浪费、成为、放松、钢琴”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共20个句子,下节课准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2、 作文: 写一篇文章关于偶像
    第二段:你为什么喜欢他/她? 说说他/她的经历,他是怎么样影响到你?
    Write an article about role models.
    220 words at least.
    The first paragraph: who is your role model? What does she/he do?
    The second paragraph: why you like him/her?  Talk about his/her experiences. What has this role model influenced you?
    The third paragraph: what do you want to do in the future as a result of this role model’s influence?
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 79 reading 2, and page 80 Reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  21. GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、课堂上学习的8个词:“跟…一起、鸡蛋、以后/以前、有时候…,有时候…、外卖、玩电脑游戏、明星、旅游”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共16个句子。You need to know how to write 8 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    Please complete the homework of PDF

    1.请记住第六课所有的生字,每个字写五遍,并标注拼音,准备周日听写 Please memorise Lesson 6 all the new words, write 5 times each with PINYIN , we’ll do the dictation on Sunday.
    2. Please finish the YCT3 activity book, Page 10& page21. 请完成YCT3 练习册第10页和第21页。
    3.请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 20 mins.

  23. 一年级C班家庭作业 Year 1C homework
    1、抄写课本第十九页这周已学生字从”坐” 到”走”各5遍,并默记;
     Copy 5 times of each new word learnt this week from “坐” to “走” on text book page 19;
    Complete all the questions from Wednesday to Friday on Excise Book B;
     Read aloud and copy 2 times of the words in Excise two on Text Book Page 21.

  24. 认读家人识字卡片,家具识字卡片,学唱儿歌小孩小孩你别馋https://youtu.be/0guqygv-CEI 看春节习俗https://youtu.be/A_YMe211rNY

    Practice family members flash cards
    Watch https://youtu.be/SWvbkcaCGi0

  25. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 12/01/2020
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 6. After that, please read every day!


    Please read loudly of lesson 6 in everyday!

    请各位家长一起配合,真心付出时间帮助您的孩子成长和学习,在练习册B 44 页写下您的评论!感谢?
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 44 of practice book B, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

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