
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、用练习本抄写《中文》第一册第三课练习二(第14页)词组各5遍 Use exercise book to copy 5 times of each phrases  in Lesson three Exercise 2 (Page 14).

2、练唱《恭喜恭喜你》 Practice the Song < Gongxi Gongxi Ni> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17dZzHkTVg

27 Replies to “家庭作业2020年1月19日至2020年1月25日”

  1. 本周作业:

    1, 完成练习册B第六课练习:
    Please complete all of the exercises on Exercise Book B, Lesson Six
    2, 准备第六课字词的听写。
    Prepare the dictation of Lesson Six
    3, 跟读第六课课文
    Practice reciting or retelling the first idiom.

  2. 三年级C班作业:home work for year 3C:
    1. 完成练习册B第六课 剩下的习题。Complete all remaining questions in Lesson six.

    2. 第六课的生词用“看、遮、写、查”的方式写3-5遍,准备下周听写。Use “look ,cover,write,check”method write new words 3-5 times get ready for dictation next week.

    3. 完成课本上的综合练习二
    Complete Review 2

    4. 读几遍“春节童谣” Read “Chinese Festival” rhyme a few times.

    5. 准备作品《红绿灯》参加全英中文联会的硬笔书法比赛。Prepare the work “traffic light” to participate in the calligraphy competition held by the Chinese language association of the UK.

  3. 8年纪
    1 。熟读第7课阅读文章《赤道雪山》。掌握第7课课文和阅读文章里划的所有成语和词组。下周听写
    Read fluently lesson 7 reading article. learn all underlined phrases and idiom。 next week dictation.
    Finish lesson 7 exercise book Wed-Friday.
    Writing task: write a movie review what we watched before Christmas holiday. please including follow points:1.if you like this movie? why?2 what this movie tell you about? what did you learn from this movie?3. what do you think of the movie ‘s picture design?

  4. 学前A班:reception class A
    1.看图说话。look at the pictures in lesson 2 and say aloud.
    2. 学说句子:say the sentence in lesson 2
    3.熟读古诗《山村》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wgYkRDZD7A
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7BSdL6m9r8 儿歌
    三字经 :为人子  方少时 亲师友  习礼仪
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxyplHGZb-g 儿歌

  5. 四年级A班
    1. 请给第六课里的下面词语划线,Please underline phrases of L 6 :
    晚上,一群,井边,玩儿,突然, 喊起来,掉到,真的,跟着,爬到,捞上来,直接,挂在,刚碰到,觉得,奇怪,抬头。
    2,读熟第六课文,记熟句子,reading lesson 6 fluently , remember the sentences..
    3. 做第六课练习题第一题到第四题。please do the EX B lesson 6 question 1-4 .
    4. 请读懂下面句子,更正错字。please reading and understand sentences,correct mistake characters.

  6. 令天视到爷爷的来信,我很喜欢信挂上的长成油漂。
    2.我至道,北京是中国的首陼 ,北京有长成,故宫,颐和园,天安门广场。
    8. 哂太阳后,就会 草绿、苗张,果孰,花香,哂过太阳暖羊羊。

  7. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year3B

    1. 默记第 五课中的生字,准备下周认字测试。
    Please memorise all new CHARACTERS of
    lesson 5 and prepare for the recognition test
    next week.
    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A
    used in Lesson 5.
    Monday 1,3,4,5 / Tuesday 1,3,4,5
    Wednesday 1,3,4,5 Thursday 1,3,4,5
    3.每天拿出3-5分大声朗读并熟悉第 五课的课文内容。
    Read aloud and familiarize yourself with the text in
    Lesson 5 for 3-5 MINS every day .

  8. Year Two B Homework
    1, Read the Lesson Six fluently 3 times everyday.
    熟读第六课的课文, 每天三遍
    2, Copy the 11 new words from Lesson Six on the white writing book five time for each word.
    把第六课的11 个生字每个字在白格子练习本上写五遍
    3, Please correct the word and expression diction in Lesson Five, and write five times in the blue diction book
    订正上周第五课词语的听写错误, 每个错误的词在听写本上写五遍
    4, Complete the exercise book A the Friday exercises page 39-42

  9. 中文成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1. 阅读HSK3 练习册
    第53页,第21-25题: 选择合适的答案
    HSK3 Workbook
    Page 53 Reading 21-35: Match the two part of the same dialogue.
    2. 第26-30题: 选择合适的词语填空
    Questions 26-30: Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
    3. 第54页31-35题:选择正确答案
    Page 54 Question 31-35: Choose the right answers.
    4. 书写 第55页 第36-40题: 连词成句
    Page 55 Writing Questions 36-40: Rearrange the words/phrases to make sentences.
    5. 第41-45题 看拼音,写汉字。
    Questions 41-45: Write the characters based on their PINYIN.
    6. 第56页 辨别汉字,选中正确的汉字填空
    Page 56 Questions 46-50: Distinguish the characters and fill in the blanks.
    7. 复习第8 课
    Review Lesson 8
    8. 预习第9课生字
    Preview Lesson 8 new words.

  10. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图1说话。Look at the picture 1 and say aloud.
    2. 看图2学说句子:Look at the picture 2 say the sentence :
    ……多。There are many…
    ……少。There are few….
    3.看视频watch videos:

  11. 二年级A(Year2 A) 作业:

    1 改正听写的错别字,每个字写三遍。
    Correct the dictation, write three times each.
    2 如果课上你没有完成”综合练习二”,请继续在家完成。
    If you have not finished “Review two” , please finish it at home.
    3 熟读第四,第五,第六课课后的”读一读”,每天两遍。
    Practice reading Lesson 4,5,6 “Read aloud” two times a day.
    4 预习第七课。
    Preview Lesson7.

  12. Year 5A Homework五年级A班作业
    Copy and memorize 15 new characters in Lesson 5; get ready for dictation next week;
    Exercise bookA(Lesson 5) Mon-Fri: the first 3 exercises;
    3.Read the children’s folk rhymes to your parents twice a day. You can cut out the sheets that I gave to you and complete the activities(you may want to add more information about Chinese new year). Then you can put them in order and make your own Chinese New Year Celebration book. You can colour in the pictures if you would like to .
    Watch the video to learn the song .

    1.Please finish the questions on Page30 YCT3 text book; the reading part of Page32. 请完成YCT3 课本第30页的练习题和第32页的阅读题。
    2. Please finish the YCT3 activity book, Page 22, 23 & page24. 请完成YCT3 练习册第22页、23和第24页。

    3.请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 20 mins.

  14. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 复习YCT第五册第四课的生词及其使用,并准备写词组及造句。Revise the vocabulary of YCT 5 L4, and prepare to use them to make phrases and sentences.
    2. 第五册第四课小测验2和3.The test 2 & 3 of YCT 5 L4.
    3. 请根据下面句子用中文写一写他/她的习惯是什么。Please write about his / her habit according to the following sentences in Chinese characters.
    1) He drinks a glass of milk every morning.
    2) She finishes her homework before playing the piano every afternoon.
    3) He listens to music for a while before going to bed.

  15. 六年级B班 2020年1月20日至1月25日家庭作业 :

    copy and memorize the 8 words and expressions in Lesson 6, ready for dictation next week;

    Practice reciting or retelling the first idiom fluently;

    Exercise Book 6B: please complete all remaining exercises of Lesson 6;

    4, 完成课本第57至60页的《综合练习二》。
    Complete Review 2 on Pg57-60.


  16. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 练习册B:完成第六课《猴子捞月亮》星期一至星期五剩下的练习
    Exercise book B: Complete the rest of the exercise of Lesson 6.

    2. 熟记第六课划线词语:捞月亮、晚上、一群、不好啦、于是、一直、接、挂、伸手、刚碰到水、抬头,之后的课上会抽查。
    Memorize the underlined phrases in Lesson 6. We’ll have dictation later.

    3. 用中文把《“年”的故事》或者《十二生肖的故事》讲给家长听。
    Retell the story of ‘Nian’ or the story of ‘12 Zodiacs’to your parents.

    4. 准备参加英国中文学校联会书法比赛的作品,请统一使用课上发的稿纸,抄写内容是第四课的课文《晒太阳》。下周上课时带回来交给老师。
    Prepare the calligraphy work, Enjoy the Sunshine for the competition hold by the UK Federation of Chinese Schools. Return it to me next class.

  17. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 请家长打开以下链接, 让同学们练习说唱(元日)庆祝春节的诗歌。
    Please open the following link , helping recite and memorize this poem.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwKFblXRNiU 说说唱唱《元日》- 廖泓睿

    元日 王安石
    Bàozhú shēng zhōng yī suì chú
    爆 竹 声 中 一 岁 除,
    Chūn fēng sòng nuǎn rù tú sū;
    春 风 送 暖 入 屠 苏;
    qiān mén wàn hù tóng tóng rì,
    千 门 万 户 瞳 瞳 日,
    zǒng bǎ xīn táo huàn jiù fú
    总 把 新 桃 换 旧 符。

  18. 一年级C班 Year 1C 应老师
    Please copy and memorse the new words from “风~电” 5 times on page 24;
    Complete all the questions on Exercise Book A Lesson 5 from Monday – Tuesday;
    Please practice the song 《gong xi gong xi ni》;
    Talk with parents about the story “年”。

  19. YCT1 &2 homework:

    1. Copy the reading test questions on page 23. 抄写第二十三页的阅读考试题。

    2. Research on 3 well known people, tell us their names, ages, zodiac signs and the nationalities next week. 查资料下周告诉大家三个名人的名字,年龄,生肖和国籍。

    3. Complete question 1,3,4 on page 9 and 10 from Activity Book 1. 完成活动手册第九页和第十页的第一,三,四题。

  20. all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 21/01/2020
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 6 and reading 6. After that, please read every day!

    完成书本综合练习二 P55-P58
    Please complete page 55-58 practice in the book.

    大声第四课 第五课 第六课七则 寓言故事,每天读一遍!
    Please read loudly of lesson 4、5、6 in everyday!

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 55 in the book, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  21. A level 家庭作业
    1. Review lesson 6,
    1) 学习所有texts里的生词,下节课听写。
    Study all texts new words, dictation next class
    2) 完成句式学习
    Complete studying of sentence patterns.
    3) 完成词语练习,选词填空。标记为G的练习。
    Complete exercise G
    4) 完成翻译练习。
    Complete exercise T.
    2、抄写lesson 2中听写错误的单词。
    Copy the wrong words in lesson 2 in last class.
    Completion the Calligraphy competition.
    Bring the printed ‘Home country’ and ‘Technical cold war’ in next class.
    Continue to read the texts in the book and online.

  22. 六年级A班作业
    1. 熟记并抄写第四到六课生字和词语每个一遍。下节课看拼音测试第四到六课所有生字词语。Memories and copy all words and expressions once,test in class for lesson 4-6 next week.
    2. 熟读第四到六课课文,并用自己的话把课文内容讲给父母听。 Read aloud lesson 4-6 retell all to your parents with your own words.
    3. 完成并改正练习册4-6课里错误的题目,改正后给家长签字,下节课检查。 complete and correct all wrong answers from exercises lesson 4-6, and to be signed by your parents , to be checked next week.
    4. 选古诗抄写在书法比赛的纸上。 copy poem to the squared paper for calligraphy competition .

  23. 二年级班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写三遍。
    Correct the dictation, write three times each.
    Revise the phrases which underlined of Lesson 6 and Lesson 7.
    3 .熟读第七课阅读《猜一猜》。
    Read text book page 53 .

  24. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 88 reading 2, and page 89 Reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    1、 写一段话:描述你住的地区是在哪儿
    Write a short paragraph describing the area where you live.
    The structures include:
    The kind of area you live in
    Local amenities
    Type of scenery
    Your opinion

  25. 21/1/2020 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、课堂上学习的10个词:“郊区、农村、城市、卧室、厕所、厨房、浴室、冰箱、打电话、客厅”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共10个句子。You need to know how to write 10 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    Please complete the homework of PDF

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