
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成发下的拼音练习Complete the handout Pinyin exercise

2、背诵第一课两首儿歌《猜一猜》Memorise Lesson 1’s Reading (Page 5) <Make a Guess>

3、抄写第91页27个笔画各5遍,每天抄5-6个 Copy 5 times of each stokes  on page 91 (total 27 strokes, but copy 5-6 strokes per day)


27 Replies to “家庭作业2019年12月09日至2019年12月14日”


    Please memorise new vocabularies from lesson
    10 and prepare for the test next week。
    Complete the questions from exercise book B of
    Lesson 10.
    Monday 6/7 Tuesday 4/6/7
    Wednesday 6/7 Thursday 6/7Friday 5/6
    Retell the story of Lesson 10.

  2. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读第五课‘我是谁’至少十遍直到很流利。Read Lesson Five ‘Who Am I’ at least 10 times until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A第五课:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Five on Exercise book 3A.

  3. 学前A班:reception classA
    1.看图说话。look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.2. 学说句子:say the sentences:今天是我的生日。我们一起吃蛋糕。我们一起玩游戏。我们一边唱歌一边跳舞。祝你生日快乐!3.熟读唐诗《相思》
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI_Qy3vxQgM 相思 王维
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5tRuzbabpo 唐诗联唱
    三字经 :养不教 父之过。教不严,师之惰。https://youtu.be/zW_HDHQT13c
    4.听儿歌:生日歌:https://youtu.be/m-0G9P6PLH05.看动画:熊出没46 光头强的生日礼物https://youtu.be/4Qz0b3Fxsd0

  4. 六年级B班 2019年12月9日至12月14日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorize 15 singular characters of Lesson 5, ready for dictation next week;

    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 5: complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri.;

    Read Lesson 5 text aloud fluently.

    Cut and organize your character cards by lessons.


  5. 本周家庭作业

    Please complete all the Exercises of Book B, Lesson 4
    Correct the mistakes of the Unit One test paper.
    3, https://youtu.be/IN_wW_JhMv4
    观看以上视频,跟读第四课课文,不会读的字请注音。Watch the video and read the text of lesson Four.
    4,准备下周第四课字和词语及第一课字的听写。Please get ready for next week’s dictation:lesson 4 characters and words&phrases plus Lesson 1 characters.

  6. 三年级C班作业:(homework for year 3C). 1.第四课的词语请再写几遍,特別注意在听写中写错的字。 Please copy new words in Lesson four a few times , pay more attention to those words that you made mistakes in the dictation.

    2. 读熟补充谜语之后,邀请家人一起猜一猜。Read the riddle you have from teacher then invite family members make a guess with you.

    3.读几遍第五课。Read Lesson five a few times.

  7. 二年级A班(Year2A)作业:

    1 背诵第五课课文。
    Recite Lesson 5 ” Go shopping”.
    2 完成练习册A第五课余下的练习题。
    Complete Exercise book A Lesson 5 the rest of the questions.
    3 熟读并理解阅读”加横歌”。
    Read and understands Reading ” Magic Chinese Characters”
    4 复习第五课划线词语,准备下周听写。
    划线词语: 买东西,今年,六岁,昨天,生日,给,蛋,面包,牛奶,水果,玩具,哥哥,姐姐,一张生日卡,唱歌,真高兴。
    Revise Lesson 5 underlined words, ready for next week’s dictation.

  8. 中文成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1. 请完成课堂上我们没有做完的练习。
    Please complete exercises we unfinished in the class.
    Complete the following story based on the hints given and add an ending. Make good use of “越来越”和“了”。
    冬天来到了,天气_____________ ,小红起床起得____________。以前她六点起床,现在___________。以前她常常运动,现在________。
    一个月以后,_______________________________________ 。
    3. 预习第6课生字和课文1-4。
    (1)眼睛 (2)突然 (3)离开 (4)清楚 (5)刚才 (6)帮忙
    (7)特别 (8)讲 (9)明白(10)锻炼 (11)音乐(12)公园
    (13)聊天(儿) (14)睡着 (15)更
    Preview Lesson 6 new words and Texts 1-4

  9. A level 家庭作业
    1. Complete transcript for the film- 每人5分钟,尽快完成电影的对话并放入Shared Word wiki
    2. Review lesson 14,
    1) 学习所有texts里的生词,下节课听写。
    Study all texts new words, dictation next class
    2) 完成词语练习,选词填空。标记为G的练习。
    Complete exercise G
    3) 完成翻译练习。
    Complete exercise T.
    4) 找一首自己喜欢的唐诗和一首宋词吟诵。明白这两首诗词的意思。
    Read a favorite Tang poem and a Song poetry. Know their meaning.
    3. 阅读课堂上打印的《中国-英国教育合作交流简况》,Writing: 你觉得今后中英教育合作的未来会如何发展? 为什么?Write the essay in 350 words.
    4. 下节课将12月8日课上发的《故乡》文学赏析带来。

  10. 8年纪作业
    Continue the translation homework from last week
    Review lesson 1-5, learn all characters and phrases.
    Preview lesson 6, understand two poems.
    Copy and write above words 10 times if you got wrong from the test.

  11. 4A homework
    1. 读一读24 节气歌,read the 24 solar term.
    2 认真抄写第四课课文。写好汉字很重要。copy write lesson 4. carefully write is very importent/
    3. 书写12 生肖。copy write the 12 animal symbol s, 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。
    4,做第五课周一到周五习题第一题,do Mon _Fri of lesson 5 question 1 /

  12. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    Complete all the questions from Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday – Friday;
    2、在练习本上抄写第二课这周新学的生字各5遍, 下周听写;
    Please copy the new words 5 times in Lesson 2 in the Exercise Book B, memories the new words and prepare for the dictation in next lesson;
    Read aloud and copy two times the words on ‘excise 2’ page 9 on Text Book;
    Read aloud and recites rhyme 《Count the Number of Fingers》.

  13. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    Read Lesson 5 fluently. We’ll read it in different roles next class.

    2. 完成练习册A:第五课星期一至星期五的1-4题。
    Exercise book A, Lesson Five: Complete exercise 1 to 4 of Mon to Fri

    3. 把第五课《小马过河》的故事讲给爸爸妈妈或者其他家人听。
    Tell your parents or other family numbers the story of Lesson 5.

  14. Year 5A Homework 五年级A班作业
    Copy and memorise 14 new singular words in Lesson 4, dictation next week;
    Exercise book B, Lesson 4 content, Mon-Fri: First 3 exercises;
    Preview lesson4 and read the text until you can read it fluently. By the help of dictionaries and network tools,prepare the new characters of lesson 4 which you are going to explain to your classmates next week.
    4. 熟读老师课堂上发的中国历史小故事,下周请把你的故事带回来和别的同学交换。
    Read the story you have got from the teacher and be able to retell the story with your own words. Remember to bring the sheet back so you can swap with other children next week .

  15. 二年级B班作业
    Year two B homework
    1, 熟读课本22页的“读一读”, 每天读三遍
    Read the “read aloud” on the text book page 22 3 times everyday
    2, 把第四课的生字每个写五遍,写在自己订的白格子纸上
    Copy the new words from lesson four each 5 times on the white writing book
    3, 把发给的绕口令练习一“画画”熟读五遍
    Read the tongue twister exercise one”huahua” 5 times

  16. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 完成练习册A第五课余下的练习题。
    Complete Exercise book A Lesson 5 ,the rest of the questions.
    Write down the spoken homework last week , at least five sentences, eg time, place ,people and what did they do.
    Revise text book page 36, be ready for dictation next week.
    Read text of lesson 6.

  17. 10/12/2019 GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的20个词:“参观、博物馆、太极拳、烤鸭、发电子邮件、将来、希望、身体、先…,然后…、超级市场/超市、舒服、聊天儿、玩游戏、滑冰/溜冰、健身房、跑步、看比赛、弹钢琴、踢足球、打篮球”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共20个句子,下节课准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    1、 口语测试2: 看图会话
    Oral task 2: picture-based
    You are required to prepare the speaking test in the next class according to the PDF. You can take notes!
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 64 reading 1, and page 67 Reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  18. 10/12/2019 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的10个词:“让、快乐、放学、毕业、离开、太极拳、交朋友、比萨饼、蛋糕、容易”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共16个句子。You need to know how to write 8 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    2、 请完成发下去的PDF格式里的作业
    Please complete the homework of PDF

  19. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 8/12/2019
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 5. After that, please read every day!

    第二部分: Second

    Please read loudly of lesson 5 in everyday!

    请各位家长一起配合,真心付出时间帮助您的孩子成长和学习,在练习册A 44 页写下您的评论!感谢?
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 44 of practice book A , which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  20. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、背诵第一课两首儿歌《猜一猜》Memorise Lesson 1’s Reading (Page 5)

    2,抄写第91页27个笔画各5遍,每天抄5-6个 Copy 5 times of each stokes on page 91 (total 27 strokes, but copy 5-6 strokes per day)

    3,练习圣诞歌”Jingle Bells (铃儿响叮当)”,看以下链接。Practice Christmas song “Jingle Bells ”,open the link below and learn the song.

  21. YCT2 homework:

    1. Memorize the texts on page 20 from the handout (4 sentences). 记住所发资料第二十页上的课文的(4句话)。

    2. Prepare the survey on page 21, write your own name in the 1st row. Fill in the ages of family members which applies to you. 准备第二十一页的调查问卷,在第一行写自己的名字。填写相关家庭成员的年龄。

    3. Read aloud the dialogue on page 21 three times, be able to translate it into English. 大声朗读第二十一页对话,能够翻译成英语。

  22. YCT2 homework:

    1. Memorize the texts on page 20 from the handout (4 sentences). 记住所发资料第二十页上的课文的(4句话)。

    2. Prepare the survey on page 21, write your own name in the 1st row. Fill in the ages of family members which applies to you. 准备第二十一页的调查问卷,在第一行写自己的名字。填写相关家庭成员的年龄。

    3. Read aloud the dialogue on page 21 three times, be able to translate it into English. 大声朗读第二十一页对话,能够翻译成英语。

  23. YCT4 MS. Qin Wei (Ms. Guo).

    1. Please write half page about Christmas activities with your family. About dress, food, habits, activities, family members etc. but in Chinese and ready to bring it this Sunday with speech to the class. All in Chinese, and try to use the new words you have learned from Lesson 1 to Lesson 3. Dress up in Christmas and see you on Sunday.

    2. Prepare for Lesson 4.

  24. 认读已学过词汇卡片,开学口语测试。 继续观看童声朗朗节目,请孩子观后,画出3个喜欢的表演者,并谈一谈喜欢什么,请家长记录在作业本。
    Please recognise and read all the phrases we learnt , we are going to have oral test in new term 2020.

  25. 6A家庭作业

    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 5,ready for dictation next week.Copy the wrong words 3 times each at last dictation

    Read lesson 5 aloud.

    Complete exercise 6A lesson 5 Monday to Friday questions 1-3


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