
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有的生字,开学后听写 Memorise all the new words, we’ll do dictation the first week back (5 Jan 2020).

3、练习歌曲《祝你圣诞快乐》Practice the song <With you Merry Christmas>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6-qqvypaT8

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!


YCT2  Homework: 王瑛

1. Review the key words and key sentences from your notes and handouts. Be able to introduce yourself with name, age, family members, 安顿nationality etc. 复习笔记和资料中的关键字和关键句。能够介绍自己的名字,年龄,家庭成员,国籍等。

2. Start doing the exercises from Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 in the activity book 1. You may purchase this book from the Deputy headteacher Mrs Yan Chang in your earliest opportunity. 开始做活动手册中第一至第五课的习题。请尽快从副校长常燕老师那里购买。

3. Finish your Christmas card at home. 请在家完成制作圣诞卡。

25 Replies to “家庭作业2019年12月16日至2020年1月4日”

  1. 三年级B班 作业:
    Please memorise all vocabularies from lesson 1 to 4 and lesson 10. and prepare for dictation after break.
    2.完成练习册B上第四课的练习题。Complete all questions from exercise book B of lesson 4.
    3.复述《龟兔赛跑》的故事,开学后检查。Retell the story of lesson 10 and prepare for the test after break.

    Happy holidays!

  2. 假期作业:

    1.请完成练习册A 第五课的部分练习。
    Please complete part of exercises on Lesson Five, Exercise Book A.


    3 https://youtu.be/ICoRaua84pk
    This is one of my favourite movie and I would like to share it with you. Please write a movie review after you watch it. You can think about what’s your favourite part of the movie, please explain why do you like it.


  3. YCT3 Home work:
    1、请完成《YCT3》活动手册第一课到第四课所有问题,游戏部分除外Please complete YCT3 Activity book Lesson 1
    to Lesson 4, all questions (Daily), not including the games.

    2、记住第一课到第五课所有的生字,开学后听写 Memorise Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 all the new words, we’ll do the dictation the first week back (5 Jan 2020).

    3. Please watch the video clips below and have a nice holiday!

  4. 8年级作业
    1.熟读 第6课 两篇 成语故事 ,完成 中文 练习册 第6课 星期1到 星期 5 所有的 练习
    Read fluently lesson 6, finish lesson 6 exercise book Monday-Friday all.
    2.抄写一遍 上周的 中文 翻译范本 ,学习 里面的 重点 词语 。
    Rewrite the translation Mandarin sample given at the class.
    3.假期 请继续 完成 课堂 上 发的 翻译 文章 (看 戏剧 )
    Continue finish the translation exercise given at the class.
    4.完成 发给的 作文 ,写在发给的 作文 纸上
    Finish writing task , please write on the writing paper given at the class
    5.祝同学们 圣诞 快乐 ,新年 快乐 !
    I wish all students Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!

  5. 二年级B班作业 Year Two B Homework
    1, 完成练习册B第四课的部分练习:
    星期二: 2/5/6
    Complete the Exercise Book B Lesson Four:
    Tue : 2/5/6
    Wed: 2/3/6
    Thur: 1/2/3
    Fri : 1/2/3/4/6
    2, 把发给的22个句子每天熟读三遍
    Read the reading exercise 22 sentences 3 times everyday.
    3, 背诵发给的绕口令 一和二: ‘画画儿’和‘山上五棵树’
    memorise the tongue twister exercise one and two

  6. 中文成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1. 请完成HSK3课本第52页。
    Please complete HSK3 Standard Course practise on page 52.
    A 离开 B 明白 C 特别 D 音乐 E 刚才
    Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
    (1)我快要离开( )这儿了,我们一起吃个饭吧。
    (2)这个电影( )有意思,我给你讲讲吧。
    (3)今天的考试有点儿难,不少题我都不( )。
    B: 你可以听听( )。
    (5)A: 小方,( )经理找你。
    B: 好,我现在就去经理办公室。
    Rearrange the words/phrases to make sentences.
    (1)明白 电话里 讲 不
    (2)听 清楚 你 什么 说 不
    (3)到 买 这儿 不 在 咖啡
    (4)完 得 饭不多 吃 我
    (5)吗 懂 看 汉语报纸 得 你
    (1)这条___裙子一___块钱。(白 百)
    (2)今天的___乐会会很有___思。(意 音)
    (3)对不起,我刚才没听___楚, ___您再讲一次,可以吗?(请 清)
    (4)学校旁边饭馆的菜比学校里面的__宜,也___好吃。(更 便)
    (9)明天你跟我一起去公园锻___,再去商店买___西,好吗?(东 锻)
    5. 完成练习册(我复印给你们的5张纸)第6和11-14.页
    Complete workbook the 5 copy papers (page 6 and 11 -14).

    1. 1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期一到星期五所有问题;
      Complete Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday all questions;
      2、 大声朗读课本第14页练习二”读一读”, 练习三”看图”读一读”各五遍, 抄写2遍;
      Read aloud 5 times and copy the words 2 times from exercise 2 and exercises 3 on Text Book page 14;
      3 、复习第一~三课的生字,开学后听写。 Memorise all the new words from lesdon 1 to lesson 3, prepare for the dictation in next lesson.
      Wish you all Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year!

  7. 假期作业(homework):
    学前班B(Reception class B):

    1.会说:我(我们)祝你圣诞快乐!我(我们)祝你新年快乐!(I(We )wish you a marry Christmas and I(we)wish you a happy new year!)say in Chinese.

    2、练唱:《我们祝你圣诞快乐和新年快乐》 Practice the Song 《We wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year》 :https://youtu.be/X6-qqvypaT8

    3.看动画(watch cartoon):


  8. 4A homework
    1. 熟读第五课课文,明白下面句子的时态. reading the lesson 5 fluently, understandfollow sentences tents
    1) 小马要过河。
    5) 小马不知道该怎么办。
    2, 做第五课周一到周五习题的2-5题。Do the Exercise Book Monday_Friday Question 2-5 of the lesson 5.
    3. 记熟12生肖动物的汉字。remember the 12 animals Chinese characters 鼠,牛, 虎,兔, 龙,蛇,马,羊, 猴,鸡,狗,猪
    对应的地支 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥
    拼音 zi chou ying mao chen si wu wei shen you xu hai 4, 复习1-5课 生字,生词。开学要测试。revision the vocabularies and phrases we have test when we back to school.

  9. 4A homework
    1. 熟读第五课课文,明白下面句子的时态. reading the lesson 5 fluently, understandfollow sentences tents
    1) 小马要过河。
    5) 小马不知道该怎么办。
    2, 做第五课周一到周五习题的2-5题。Do the Exercise Book Monday_Friday Question 2-5 of the lesson 5.
    3. 记熟12生肖动物的汉字。remember the 12 animals Chinese characters 鼠,牛, 虎,兔, 龙,蛇,马,羊, 猴,鸡,狗,猪
    对应的地支 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥
    拼音 zi chou ying mao chen si wu wei shen you xu hai

    4, 复习1-5课 生字,生词。开学要测试。revision the vocabularies and phrases we have test when we back to school.

  10. 六年级B班 2019年12月16日至2020年1月4日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorize 7 word and expressions in Lesson 5, ready for dictation when school resumes on 5th Jan;

    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 5: complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri.;

    Read Lesson 5 text aloud fluently.

    Write a story with a moral: compose a story that tells us a principle, your own or a well-known one, and please point out the moral of the story in your last paragraph. No less than 100 words.



  11. 三年级C班作业:
    home work for year3 C

    1. 完成练习册A第5课,星期一至星期四,第一题到第五题。Exercise Book A Lesson 5, Monday to Thursday part 1-5.

    Complete the exercise you have got from teach.

    3. 请读熟第38页“读一读”,第39页“对话”,第40页“阅读”。 please read page 38 Exercises 2, page 39 Exercise 4 ,page 40 Reading until fluently.

  12. 学前班A reception class
    1.复习1-6课。revise lesson 1-6。
    3. 学说:祝你圣诞(新年)快乐!

  13. 二年级A(Year2A) 作业

    1 复习第一课至第五课的划线词语,开学后听写。
    Revise the underlined words in Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 , be ready for a dictation when the new term starts.
    2 熟读发下的阅读作业,27个句子。
    Practice the hand out (reading the 27 sentences)
    3 学习并记住发下的反义词表。
    Practice and remember the list of antonyms.

    祝大家圣诞快乐! 新年快乐!

  14. A level 家庭作业
    1. Review lesson 13,
    1) 学习所有texts里的生词,下节课听写。
    Study all texts new words, dictation next class
    2) 完成句式学习
    Complete studying of sentence patterns.
    3) 完成词语练习,选词填空。标记为G的练习。
    Complete exercise G
    4) 完成翻译练习。
    Complete exercise T.
    2. 在假期看一本中国文学作品。口试练习:5-6分钟,你必须考虑以下几点: •介绍一个中国文学作品。 •你喜不喜欢这个中国文学作品?为什么?
    Read a Chinese literature. Speaking practice: 5-6 minutes, considering: do you like this Chinese literature? Why?
    3. 将《故乡》中各个人物形象的性格,前后对比都写下来。
    4. 《请投我一票》中,梳理每个孩子的性格及各个家长对孩子竞选所起的作用。要有观点有依据。字数不限。
    5. 下节课将今天发的《“后脱欧时代”英国正积极把握“一带一路”带来的机遇》带来。

  15. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第五课’我是谁’,并阅读第40页的‘猜猜我是谁’十遍直到流利。Continue reading Lesson Five ‘Who Am I’, and also read ‘Guess Who I Am’ on page 40 until fluently.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Five.
    3. 订正第四课的听写错别字并且每个字写五遍。Correct the mistakes from your dictation and write each word five times.
    4. 抄写第五课划线词语各五遍并准备新学期开学听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation in our first week next term.
    5. 写出六个有关圣诞节和新年的词语,并造两句句子。Write 6 words about Christmas and New year, also make two sentences.

    祝大家圣诞和新年快乐!Wishing you Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  16. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师
    1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、记住所有的生字,开学后听写 Memorise all the new words, we’ll do dictation the first week back (5 Jan 2020).

    Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  17. Year5A 五年级A班
    Go over all the new characters and word from lesson 1 to 4; prepare for dictation after holiday;
    Write your own version to continue the story of Lesson 4;
    Correct the mistakes on your Unit 1 test paper and copy the corrected words 3 times each.
    Make sure you can read lesson 4 text aloud.
    5. 熟读老师课堂上发的中国历史小故事,下次课请把你的故事带回来和别的同学交换。Read the story you have got from the teacher and be able to retell the story with your own words. Remember to bring the sheet back so you can swap with other children next lesson.
    Wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year!

  18. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 熟记第五课《小马过河》中的十一个划线词及词组:喝水、牛伯伯、突然、深得很、怎么办、只好、又高又大、那么、一定、原来、那样浅,下节课听写。
    Memorize the underlined phrases in Lesson 5. We’ll have dictation after the holiday (5th Jan).

    2. 练习册A:完成第五课《小马过河》星期一至星期五剩下的练习
    Exercise book B: Complete the rest of the exercise of Lesson 5.

    3. 熟读课上发的常用反义词
    Read and memorize the opposite words I handed out in the class.

  19. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 14/12/2019
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 5 and reading 5. After that, please read every day!

    第二部分: Second

    Please read loudly of lesson 5 in everyday!


    请各位家长一起配合,真心付出时间帮助您的孩子成长和学习,在练习册A 44 页写下您的评论!感谢?
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write down your comments in pages 44 of practice book A , which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  20. 二年级C 班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1 . 改正听写,每个五遍。
    Correct the dictation ,five times each.
    2. 完成练习册B,第六课的 星期一到星期五全部练习。
    Finish Exercise Book B, Lesson 6, Monday to Friday.
    3. 自己收集一首绕口令,抄写并熟读,开学后表演。
    Collect one tongue twister,copy and ready fluently.
    Spoken homework: .

    祝大家圣诞快乐! 新年快乐!

  21. YCT4 Ms. Qin Wei ( Ms. Guo)

    1. Read & write the following new words from Lesson 4: “弹钢琴”、“公园”、“散步”、“爬山”、“邻居”、“习惯”、“一会儿”、“以前”、“周末”、“带”、“奇怪”、“咖啡”, five times each and make a phrase, then a sentence for each.

    2. Complete the exercises from YCT Activity Book, Lesson 1 to Lesson 3. If you don’t have one, please make a copy from your classmate.

    3. Watch movie: About a girl learning Chinese Gongfu in China, very famous “Shao Lin Temple”.

    Wish you all Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 圣诞?快乐!新年快乐!

    17/12/2019 GCSE班家庭作业:
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next lesson. 
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 73 reading 4, and page 74 Reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    Write a short paragraph about what you think of these Internet-related activities. Use对…(没)有兴趣,爱,喜欢/不喜欢appropriately
    l  Buying books online
    l  Reading novels on e-readers
    l  Writing blogs

    17/12/2019 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的12个词:“咖啡、赛车、滑雪、参观博物馆、超市、饺子、爬山、睡觉、新闻、先…,然后…、除了…(以外),也/还…”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共16个句子。You need to know how to write 8 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    2、 请完成发下去的PDF格式里的作业
    Please complete the homework of PDF

  24. 6A家庭作业

    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 5,ready for dictation next week.Copy the wrong words 3 times each at last dictation

    Read lesson 5 aloud and use your own words to retell the story.

    Complete exercise 6A lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions.

    4. 用大概三分钟的时间给远方的亲人讲讲你的圣诞假期怎么过的,下节课上课讲给同学们听。 Tell your family abroad about how you spend your holiday around 3 mins and tell your classmates next lesson .


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