
一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、运用网上材料继续预习《中文》练习册B第四课 To continue to preview Lesson 4 all the new words

《中文》教材第一册 Chinese – Book 1  http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd1/default.htm

2、学习歌曲《你笑起来真好看》 Learning the new song 《You look very pretty when you are smiling 》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2Qztg2p2aU

26 Replies to “家庭作业2020年02月03日至2020年02月08日”

  1. 8年纪作业
    Review lesson 1-lesson 7 all characters and phrases and idioms, next week we do dictation 50 words or idioms.
    Preview lesson 8, read fluently texts and self learning new characters and phrases.
    3. 网上多媒体 练习http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd8/default.htm

    1. 应老师: 一年级C班家庭作业 Year 1C homework
      1、预习《中文》练习册A第五课 “天地春夏秋冬 “六个生字;
       To preview Lesson 5 all the new words;

      2、 大声朗读并抄写中文课本第14 页练习三, 16页和21页 练习二的词语各一遍。
      Read aloud and copy the words exercise 3 on Page 14, exercise 2 on page 16 and 21 on Text Book.

  2. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 02/02/2020
    Please write those new words,phrases two times from lesson 1-6 and reading 1-6 After that, please read every day!

    Watching Spring Festival and lantern festival video. learn about Chinese New Year knowledge.

    Please find a Spring Festival song or dancing from YouTube. Then maybe you can learn this performance and show your families.

    In Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, how many relevance stories, histories, cultures do you know? Maybe you can find a interesting story and use your own language writing down. When we back to school, you can share with us.
    Words: Around 150

    Happy Lantern Festival !

  3. 五年级A班家庭作业(Y5A Homework)
    1. 学习与爱好相关的词汇及句型。词汇详见另外两篇文档。
    1.Learn the vocabularies and useful expression of the hobbies. (Please see attached PDF files in Wechat group.)
    例如:词汇:踢足球 ——意思:Play football (可用中文或英文) ——画图:画一个踢足球的图——造句:我每周六都和朋友去踢足球。/我喜欢踢足球。
    The method to learn the new vocabularies: Vocabulary—definition –draw a picture –use it in a sentence.
    2. 听力与口语练习:学习材料上的关于爱好的有用表达,和家人练习对话,如:你有什么爱好?你学钢琴多长时间了?你喜欢运动吗?为什么?……..
    2. Listening and speaking practise: Learn the useful expression and talk about your hobbies with your parents.
    3.A piece of writing about your hobby. (no less than 120 characters)
    4.Reading: My hobby(Please see attached PDF files in Wechat group)
    5. Watch the video to learn the song .

  4. A level班 家庭作业
    1、学习lesson 5,完成口语练习,词语练习及翻译练习。.
    Study lesson 5. Complete exercise S, exercise G and exercise T.
    2、考A level的同学背诵《故乡》第六到第三十段。
    For A level, recite ‘Hometown’ paragraph 6 to paragraph 30。
    3、考A level的同学根据自己的时间和进度背诵《请投我一票》的台词。
    For A level, recite part of “Please vote for me”.
    4、考A level的同学将Theme1中关于教育与工作的内容分类归纳。按照口试的标准将口试内容写下来。
    For A level, summarize the content of Education and Work in Theme1. Writing down your summarization according to speaking standard.

  5. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 继续复习第四课至第六课的划线词语,准备下节课听写。
    Please continue to revise all characters and phrases in Lesson 4 to Lesson 6. Prepare for a dictation next lesson.
    2. 复习之前发下的阅读(27个句子)。
    Revise the hand out (reading the 27 sentences)
    Use the link below to preview Lesson7.

  6. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    1, 每天把第一课到第六课的课文每天读一遍
    Read the lesson one to lesson six one time everyday
    2, 完成第六课练习册B星期一到星期三的练习
    Complete the exercise book B lesson six the exercises from Monday to Wednesday

  7. 4A 班王敏
    上星期作业。last week home work
    1 做完第六课习题。finish theEX B lesson 6 all questions
    2 在课本生字表里找出“扌”汉字。find out character with “扌” redical from vocabulary form
    3.看新型冠状病毒绘本 reading the virus picture information

    这个星期 this week
    1, 请读课本56页的短文,写出答案. reading the text book page 56 story write the answer.
    2. 完成课本58页综合练习。di the book page 58-59 reviews
    3.抄写课本62页第七课生字3遍。用字典查查字义。copy write 5 times vocabularies of the lesson 7. use dicationary find them means
    4,学习生字—— 尧yáo, 民mín,帝dì, 洛luò, 干gān,舟zhōu、皿mǐn,食shí,歺è,立lì,比bǐ,白bái,古gǚ。learn follow single characters.尧yáo, 民mín,帝dì, 洛luò, 干gān,舟zhōu、皿mǐn,食shí,歺è,立lì,比bǐ,白bái,古gǚ
    5,上网搜索春晓,悯农,两首诗的英文翻译,读懂二首诗。 website search two peoms english mean(Page 60)

  8. 1, 继续复习第四课至第六课的字和词语,准备开学后听写。
    Please continue to revise all the characters and words & expressions from lesson 4 to lesson Six, get ready for dictation.

    2,预习第七课. Please preview Lesson Seven.

    Watch Three monks story online, read the story and answer questions.

  9. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4
    Please go to the website http://www.hwjyw.com/textbook/dzjc/zh/cd1/main12/index.htm and study the lesson 12 新年到 in volume 1, and complete the following tasks:
    1. Read and understand the text, and answer the following questions:
    课文 Text
    1) 今年的中国新年是几月几号?
    2) 新年的时候和别的时候有什么不一样?
    3) 新年的时候中国人,特别是是孩子们做什么?
    4) 新年的时候大家见面都说什么?

    2. 练习exercises:
    1) 海豚表演:write down the sentences you completed.
    2) 改错别字:write down your correction
    3) 连火车:write down the sentences you completed.

  10. 六年级B班 2020年2月3日至2月8日家庭作业 :

    Please complete your last week’s homework as listed below:
    Read the picture booklet as attached below about the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak in China and translate it into English in your own words. Write it down in your Essay book.

    Preview lesson 7: read text aloud and choose one new character from the singular character list and find out its meaning and origin, share your findings with the rest of your class.

    cut out and organise your character cards.


  11. 03/02/2020 GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 96 reading 1, and page 97 Reading 5 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

  12. 03/02/2020 GCSE补习班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的8个词:“春夏秋冬、不冷也不热、下雪、雾、天气、多云、晴天、气温”要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共7个句子。You need to know how to write 7 words, make two sentences for each phase word.
    Please complete the homework of PDF

  13. 三年级C班作业:(homework for year 3 C)
    1.复习4-6课生词,用“看、遮、写、查”的方式写1-2遍,准备好听写。Write the new words from Lesson four to Lesson six twice get ready for dictation.

    2. 预习并熟读第七课。
    Please preview Lesson seven.

    3. 观看有关第七课的视频https://youtu.be/xnWw2gbNw4U


  14. 学前班A班:reception class A
    1.复习句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern. 谁~在哪里~做什么。 a. 爸爸坐在沙发上看报纸。 b.妈妈在厨房做饭。 c.我在教室里做作业。
    2. 熟读古诗《山村》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wgYkRDZD7A
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7BSdL6m9r8 儿歌
    3.三字经 :为人子 方少时 亲师友 习礼仪
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxyplHGZb-g 儿歌
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac9mAvDKHM0 春节习俗

  15. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第三课生词。look at pictures in lesson 3 and say aloud.
    烤鸭 / kǎo yā /roast duck
    春卷 / chūn juǎn /spring roll
    饼 / bǐng / a round flat cake
    饺子 / jiǎo zi /dumpling
    炒饭 / chǎo fàn /fry rice
    炒面 / chǎo miàn /fried noodles


    3.看视频watch a Vidio 《用中文点菜》:https://youtu.be/5_6zVxAEsBo

    4.做菜单(Make a Chinese food menu).

  16. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 复习4-6课的生字词及划线词,准备复课后听写。
    Please review the words and expressions from Lesson 4 to Lesson 6.

    2. 检查1-6课做过的练习,把做错的改正过来,把以前没有做完的完成。
    Please correct all the exercises that you did wrong before and finish the unfinished exercises from Lesson 1 to 6.

    3. 预习第七课生字。
    Preview new words of Lesson 7.

  17. 三年级B班作业/homework for Year3B

    Please memorise all vocabulary from Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 and also Lesson 10,prepare for the dictation.

    2.每天拿出5-6分钟的 时间朗读课文,开学后检查朗读情况。
    Please spend 5-6mins daily practise reading text from Lesson 1 to Lesson5 and also Lesson 10,will check in class。
    Preview lesson 6 .

  18. 1.Please use the sentence pattern “我今天穿(戴)……”to make 10 sentences  and draw a picture to match each of your sentence.请用“我今天穿(戴)……”造10个句子,并根据句子内容画一幅画。For example: 我今天穿一件绿色的衣服;我今天戴红色的帽子。
    2.请每天观看下列视频至少二十分钟Please watch the videos clips at least 30mins.

  19. 中文成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1. 预习第9课生字:Preview Lesson 9 new words
    (1)中文 (2)班 (3)一样 (4)最后 (5)放心 (6)一定(7 )担心 (8)比较(9)了解 (10)先 (11)中间 (12)参加 (13)影响 专有名词:(1)大山 (2)李静
    2. 预习第9课课文1-4
    Preview Lesson 9 Texts 1-4
    3. Notes:越A 越B 看例句,完成句子。
    the more A, the more B. Complete the sentenced 4-6.
    4. A跟B一样 看例句,完成句子。
    A and B are the same. Complete the sentenced 4 -6.

  20. YCT2 Homework:
    1. Recite the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Be able to say yours and your families’. 背诵中国的十二生肖。能够说出你的生肖和家人的生肖。

    2. Continue learn the song in the following link:

    3. Please research on Chinese New Year 2020. Have you learned any fact and keywords in either Chinese or English? 请调查研究关于2020年的春节。你学到了哪些中文或英文的事实和词语?

  21. 二年级C班作业 HOMEWORK Y2C

    Please memorise all vocabulary from Lesson 1 to Lesson 7 ,prepare for the dictation.
    Please practise reading text from Lesson 1 to Lesson 7.

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