家庭作业2023年10月16日至2023年10月28日 (Half Term 22/10/23)

一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

2、练习歌曲《如果开心你就跟我一起拍拍手》Practice <If You are Happy>


3、练习《五指歌》拍视频 Practice <Five Fingers>  and take a video


29 Replies to “家庭作业2023年10月16日至2023年10月28日 (Half Term 22/10/23)”

  1. GCSE网课班
    1 复习第一单元 (我的生活)所有的词组,要求会说会读会写,单词表在书上24-25页
    复习每周发的QUIZLET 链接里的词卡
    Review all vocabs on first chapter, review all quizlets flashcard.
    2 上传口语音频, (1)书上21页第1题,描述图片,要求覆盖5个BULLET POINTS . (2)23页的口语第6题,要求覆盖书上6个问题
    Upload 2 speaking mp3 exercise 1. Book p 21, picture description .need cover all bullet points. 2 book p23 question 6, need cover all 6 questions.
    3 完成PDF 阅读理解题,见微信群
    Finish PDF comprehension exercise, pdf see wechat group.
    4 完成抄写作业
    Finish word tracing homework
    下周half term 假期,祝同学们假期愉快。10月29日回来上课。

  2. 三年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A第三课《去医院》以下练习题:星期一:1234;星期二和星期三:123;星期四:1234;星期五:123。
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 3 of Exercise Book A “Going to the Hospital”: Monday: 1234; Tuesday and Wednesday: 123; Thursday: 1234; Friday: 123.
    Read the text of lesson3, please send your voice to the WeChat group.
    “Tell me about your holiday ” What did you do ? Where have you been? When back to school and share it with your teachers and classmates.

  3. 四年级B班 第六周作业 刘老师

    1. 完成练习册B 第二课 ‘星期一~星期二’的练习
    To complete lesson 2, Exercise Book B ‘Monday to Tuesday’
    2. 熟读第二课的课文
    Read and familiar with the text in lesson 2
    3. 熟悉第二课的所有汉字和词汇,重点复习课本第16页读一读的词语,half term break回来若有时间会听写
    Familiar with all the characters and vocabularies in lesson 2, especially for the phrases in page 16 on the text book. We will have dictation after half term break if we have time.
    4. 根据第二课的课文和生活经验,准备课本上第18页‘想一想,说一说’的问题
    Prepare the answer of questions in page 18 according to the text and your live experience.

    下周half term break,祝大家假期愉快。

  4. A level 班

    Group 1 第一组
    1. 把第二课翻译成英文。
    2. 用中文提2个阅读理解的问题。
    3. 为你自己设计一个学习中文词汇的好方法 -design a methods that suits your vocab learning
    4. 展示如何利用此方法学习第二课的词汇Demonstrate it with Lesson 2’s phrases.

    Group 2 第二组
    1. 继续独立研究,争取圣诞节前把4个专题都做一遍,节后补充改进。
    2. 准备给同学讲解你的报告,像今天(10.8)的2个同学,讲得非常好。讲过的同学要准备新的内容,下一次汇报是10月29日.
    3. 设计一个最适合你自己的学习中文词汇的好方法。
    4. 收集卷2 关于文学和电影的所有考题 collect all the questions in Paper 2 and classify by The Work.

  5. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 2, textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 容易、难、希望、将来、参加

    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习,练习册第十二页到第十三页的练习。

  6. 学前班B 假期作业

    1. 看视频,每天看至少一遍,背下来的视频可以跳过不看。
    Watch playlist, please make sure watch it at least once a day, and you can skip it if you have memorised it.

    2. 完成教科书第17页内容,并把完成的作品贴在蓝色本子上。
    Complete text book page 17 and then glue your work on your blue notebook.

    3. 背诵《弟子规》从“弟子规 圣人训” 到 “父母责 须顺承”,并录制视频发到班群中。
    Memorise and record Dizigui, and then sent the clip to WeChat class group.

  7. 1. 完成拼音练习册第九、十课(第二十二至第二十八页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 9-10 (Page 22-28).

    2. 练习写中文数字 practise to write numbers in Chinese.

    3. 看视频, 学讲数字 Watch the video to learn to say the numbers in Chinese.

    4. 你觉得花果山发生什么事了?写下你的答案, 下节课一起分享 What happened at the Mount of Hua Guo? Write down your answer and share with the class in the next lesson.

  8. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 复习quizlet W5 第三课phisical labour
    2. 听故事并录制视频发群里。please record video and upload to the wechat group.

  9. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第二课生词。Review the vocabulary of L2. https://quizlet.com/_abnvvp?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ熟读课文。Read the text of L2 till fluent.
    3. CQ练习册B第二课周一至周五的第三到五题。Question 3-5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    4. COQ 写一篇作文《说说我的爱好》,内容包括介绍自己的爱好,为什么有这样的爱好,从爱好中学到了什么。Write a composition about your hobbies, including introducing what is (are) your hobby(ies); how you got the hobby(ies); what you learn from them.

  10. 7年级A班作业:
    1. 课上听写写错的生字,每个字在练习本上写5遍
    Characters written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them five times in the exercise book.

    2. 会写课后17个生字(课本p20,下节课会听写)
    To be able to write the 17 new characters (dictation on next class)

    3. 完成练习册A册第三课(第18-35页)周一至周五的练习
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 4(page 18-35)from Monday to Friday.

    3. 熟读《逛外滩》
    Read text fluently

    4. 时间允许的情况下,复习一下第一课第二课的内容,为单元测验做准备
    Review lesson 1 and lesson 2 to prepare for the test if time permits.

  11. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

    Read aloud Lesson Two and upload your recordings;
    2、将课本第二课练习二“读一读”的词语每个写两遍,下周听写本课生字词语 ;
    Copy two times of the words on Textbook Excise Two, new words and vocabulary will be dictated next week;
    Write an essay entitled “Somewhere” (a place which could be anywhere, could be you had been or you would like to go, or you’ve heard of).

  12. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 完成练习册A第三课周一至周五的前3题。
    Complete exercises book A Lesson 3 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    2. 复习第二课的划线词语,下节课听写。 “教室里,这是,你的书吗,不是,那是,她的笔和本子吗,讲中文”
    Revise Lesson 2 underlined the phrases, ready for dictation in the next lesson.
    3. 阅读第三课课文,语音发群里。
    Practice reading Lesson 3, send your recording to group chat.
    4. 观看视频《画蛇添足》,根据你的理解,画一幅画。
    Watch the Chinese idioms, according to you understanding draw a picture.

  13. 1.听写错的,每个字/句子抄写5遍。(全对的就不用做。)
    If you made mistakes in dictation, write each word/sentence five times. (You don’t need to do this if it’s all correct.)
    Please try to write a letter to your mom and dad. (Please refer to the format on page 14 of the textbook.)
    Please write and describe the text on page 17. Then copy the newly learned characters stroke by stroke in your practice book, each character 5 times.
    Copy the word phrases “放学” (after school), “今天” (today), “星期” (week), “告诉” (tell), “下午” (afternoon), “朋友” (friend), “开心” (happy) three times each.
    Read the text on page 19 three times every day. There will be spot checks in class.
    Familiarize yourself with Lesson 3, ‘放学了,and Preview and read the text on page 21 under the “阅读” (reading) section.
    Please record the audio for “我长大了” (I have grown up) and send it to the WeChat group.
    Please students continue to log in to https://quizlet.com/join/9NQbYKKKz and do self-review tests.
    下周half term 假期,祝同学们假期愉快。10月29日回来上课。

  14. 1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页)

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)
    Practice and read Pinyin Exercise book 2. Disyllabic (p23 and p26), upload your video to WeChat.

    Practice and recite Three-character Classic, upload your video to WeChat.



  15. 六年级B班

    Complete Exercise Book A “Sea World” from Monday to Friday 1, 2, and 3.

    Write each new word in Lesson 3 three times, and create a sentence each using “sometimes…sometimes…sometimes” and “what makes people…”.

    3,half term期间,请熟读前三篇课文。
    During half term, please read the first three texts thoroughly.


  16. Year Two D Homework
    1, Memorise Lesson three, Please send your recording to group chat.
    背诵第三课课文, 并把语音发到群里。
    2, Read the question two “ Read aloud “ on the text book page 19 three times every day, will check when back to class.
    把课本19页的第二题“读一读” 每天读三遍, 开学检查
    3,Complete the exercise book A for lesson three
    Mon: 1-6
    Wed: 1-6
    4, Practise the seven days in the week / twelve month in a year in Chinese, also the words below in chinese:
    1)The day before yesterday/ yesterday/ today/ tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow
    2) the year before last year/ last year/ this year/ next year/ the year after next year
    3) the month before last month/ last month/ this month/ next month/ the month after next month
    4) the week before last week/ last week / this week/ next week / the week after next week
    练习用中文熟练说出一周的七天, 一年的十二个月, 以及以下词语:
    2) 前年/去年/今年/明年/ 后年
    No Chinese lesson next week, Have a lovely half term. See you all on 29th Oct.

  17. 四年级C班

    1. 完成练习册B上面第二课《颐和园》剩下的练习。 
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 2 on Exercise Book B. 

    2. 写作练习:介绍一个熟悉的地方,比如自己或者朋友的家、学校、也可以是一个熟悉的地方。要求:不少于100字,灵活运用我们这课学的一些表示方位的词,请参考课文第二、三段,以及练习册B星期三的第7题。 
    Writing:Please introduce a place using the words and phrases we learnt in the lesson.  

    3. 复习第二课画的重点词汇,29日课上会进行听写。 
    Please revise the words and phrased we marked in the Lesson. 

    4. 读熟两个特别行政区和我们sllide里面的10个省的名字。 
    Read the name of some provinces in our slides fluently. 

    下周是Half Term假期,我们没有课,下次课是10月29日。祝同学和家长们假期愉快!

  18. 五年级C班
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word five times.

    Copy each character and word five times


    Exercise Book B: Questions 1-3 from Monday to Friday

    Review new words and vocabulary in lesson 2, and dictate next time


  19. Half-term Homework:
    1, 完成练习册星期三 P28-P31
    2,完成练习册星期四 P32-P34

  20. 五年级A班

    1. 复习第一课及第二课生字词(包括我们已经学过的五个成语:熟能生巧、花好月圆、人山人海、对牛弹琴和垂涎欲滴),开学后听写,词汇链接见微信群; A
    Revise the words in Lesson 1 and 2(including the 5 idioms);get ready for dictation after half term;
    2. 熟读课文并完成练习册B的第二课的剩余练习。 B
    Complete the rest of the questions of lesson 2 on Exercise Book 5B.

    3. 做一道菜,可以是课堂上老师教的糖醋排骨也可以是你或家人喜欢的菜,并用你自己的话写出制作过程并拍照,可以采用word文档插入图片完成作业,也可以做成PPT开学后给其他同学介绍制作过程(如果你上周未完成)。C
    Make a dish(Sweet and sour ribs or your favourite dish) and write down the instructions with your own words and take pictures of your dish if you didn’t finish this task last week.

    According to the five senses method we discussed in our class, write an essay based on a meal you have prepared yourself, and please include a photo of the dish.
    Send me some photos about the autumn. Please describe the picture to your parents so you can talk about the picture in front of your classmates after half term. You should send me the photo Sat 29th Oct .

  21. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页)To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

    2, 用拼音儿歌(z c s zh ch sh r) 帮助记忆拼音 To use the Pinyin song to help you memorize the pinyin

    3, 练习 以下两首儿歌 practice the following two Children‘s songs:
    Xiǎo cì wèi, qù lǐ fà,
    小 刺 猬, 去理发,
    cā cā cā, cā cā cā,
    tóu shàng xiǎo cì quán méi le,
    头 上 小 刺 全 没了,
    biàn chéng yīgè xiǎo wáwa.
    变 成 一个小 娃娃。
    Sì shì sì,
    四 是 四,
    shí shì shí,
    十 是 十,
    Shí sì shì shí sì,
    十 四 是 十 四,
    Sì shí shì sì shí
    四十 是 四十。

    4, 背诵古诗: 悯 农 (请看以下视屏)Recite Poem (Min Nong) – please watch video at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8pIj5CIuho
    Mǐn nóng
    悯 农
    Chú hé rì dāng wǔ
    锄 禾 日 当 午,
    hàn dī hé xià tǔ
    汗 滴 禾 下 土,
    shuízhīpánzhōng cān
    谁 知 盘 中 餐,
    Lì lì jiē xīn kǔ
    粒 粒 皆 辛 苦.


  22. GCSE 考试班家庭作业: 
    1. 课堂上学习的20个词: “太极拳、发邮件、遛狗、舒服、超级市场、方便、门票、先…,然后…、锻炼、将来、希望、爬山、年轻、邻居、热狗、记得、歌手、差不多、虽然…,但是…、舞台” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共20个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making one complex sentence for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    2. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第55页(阅读5)和第57页(阅读6) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 55 reading 5, and page 57 reading 6 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    3. 作文:写一篇有关你参加过的音乐会或是其他活动(比如,看足球比赛、世界杯等)
    Writing task: Write an essay about a concert or other event you attended (eg, watching a football match, the World Cup, etc.)
    Requirements: 150 words
    Please write according to writing 7 on page 57 of the textbook.
    Enjoy your half-term!

  23. 3B班家庭作业
    1 完成练习册B 第二课《去书店》星期四和星期五的全部练习。
    Please complete Exercise Book B.
    Thursday 3-7
    Friday 1-7
    2 用下面词语造句
    Make sentences using the following words.
    (1) 书店
    (2) 儿童
    (3) 故事
    (4) 街道
    (5) 交通
    (6) 高高兴兴
    3 看视频抄写并诵读古诗:《天净沙. 秋思》
    Watch the video to copy and read ancient poems:
    注:下星期日22号是Half Team,29号正常上课。

  24. 四年级A班 王老师
    1. 还有九位同学的语音没有发,请补发第二课课文的语言录音。There are nine students’ have not been sent recording, please reissue the language recording of the lesson 2 text.
    2 做完练习册B第二课的习题 complete EXB lesson 2 all questions
    3 做练习册A 第三课周一到周五习题 1-4, do the EXB lesson 3 Mon-Fri Question 1-4
    4,跟着多媒体网页练习朗读第三课课文。读准每个字的发言Practice reading the third lesson text on the multimedia web page. Read the speech of each word correctly
    5 请大家收藏你们1,2,课的老师批改的作业,更正错误。返校要检查。Please collect your 1,2, the teacher corrected homework, correct mistakes. Check back to school.
    6 完成你们的作文《给家人或者朋友的一封信》150字Finish your composition “A letter to your family or friends” in 150 words
    。你现在的生活(几岁了,上几年级,做了……事情,参加……活动)Your life now (age, grade, do… things, attend… activities)
    。家人的近况 The current situation of the family(爸爸妈妈工作怎么样,身体怎么样,哥哥,姐姐,弟弟,妹妹,怎么样)
    。说说伦敦Talk about London(这里有……有……还有……)
    。 你今年的计划Your plan for this year(要参加11+考试,争取成绩更好)

  25. 二年级B班
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish parts 1,2and 3,…Monday to Friday, Exercise book A of Lesson 3.
    Read aloud text of Lesson 3.
    Read aloud page 21 of textbook.

  26. 二年级B班
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish parts 1,2and 3,…Monday to Friday, Exercise book A of Lesson 3.
    Read aloud text of Lesson 3.
    Read aloud page 21 of textbook.

  27. 六年级A班
    Please check the homework that the teacher has marked, and correct any mistakes. The teacher will recheck it when we return to school.
    Before you do the exercises,please read the text for lesson 3 at least three times .
    3.用下面的词语造句,写在练习本上。Create a sentence for each using the following words, write it in your exercise book.
    显得  格外 开始  附近  庆祝  宝贵  增长  认识 了解   欣赏  表演  有时…有时…
    4.写作练习 (80-150字)。
    Choose a topic from the following: someone you love, family, friends; a favorite pet;a preferred activity; a beloved place to visit; a cherished season;or a much-loved book.
    Guidelines: Describe the people and things you choose with detail and the new words we’ve learned.
    Read the text of lesson 3,the teacher will check .
    6.看视频https://youtu.be/bkhinR-616M?si=y8IIf66iI4eMTWcR (中国城市——西安)
    Watch the video .
    下周是Half Term 假期,我们没有课,下次课是10月29日。

  28. 五年级B班
Complete the Friday of the questions on exercise book B lesson 2.
Revise the words in Lesson 2 ,get ready for dictation after half term.
    3. 预习第三课课文及生字词。
Preview lesson 3.
    Write a conversation dialogue about dining in a Chinese restaurant.
    5.寻找“秋天”:带上手机或相机出门去寻找-“秋天”。把照片做成影集或拍成小视频或以图片配上文字的形式做成PPT上传到群里,比比看谁找到的秋天最美丽,内容最丰富!(可以从天气、穿着、植物、动物、食物、节日等方面着手)。Looking for “Autumn”: Take your mobile phone or camera and go out to take picture for – “Autumn”. Make an album or short video or make a PPT with pictures and text and upload them to the group. Compare and see who finds the most beautiful autumn with the richest content! (You can start with weather, clothing, plants, animals, food, festivals, etc.).

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