31 Replies to “家庭作业2023年10月30日至2023年11月4日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 3 of the exercise book “In the Hospital”.
    Review the lesson 1 and lesson 2, and comprehensively review the first unit next week.
    Continue to complete the crafts that were not completed in class.

  2. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第二课中星期四和星期五的全部习题。
    Complete all the remaining questions in exercise book B lesson two.

    2. 请点击下方链接完成作业,选择family这个主题。
    Please choose family topics in the link below:

    3. 背诵或熟读儿歌(recite or read fluently)
    玉帝怒 天将出
    熏红眼 炼金睛

  3. 1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12
    2. 你觉得·孙悟空适合什么样的武器?请你把它画出来。
    What kind of weapon is best match with Sun Wukong? Please draw it out.

  4. 六年级B班

    Complete the rest of the exercise book lesson 3.

    2,画出海龟下蛋的几个步骤并配上文字说明,需要用到以下生词 和动词:注视,动静,爪子,悄悄,挖,埋,爬。
    Draw several steps for turtles to lay eggs and add text explanations. The following new words and verbs need to be used: watch, move, claw, quietly, dig, bury, crawl.

  5. A level 作业

    Group 1 第一组
    1. 阅读幻灯片的第三至第十五页
    2. 用表格或思维导图,准备下面个问题,包括正面的和负面的影响.如果是负面,还要包括应对或解决方法.
    a. 社交媒体怎样影响中国年轻人的生活。
    b. 互联网怎样影响中国年轻人的生活
    c. 社交媒体怎样影响中国老年人的生活
    d. 互联网怎样影响中国老年人的生活


    Group 2 第二组
    1. 阅读幻灯片的第三至第十五页
    2. 继续独立研究,争取圣诞节前把4个专题都做一遍,节后补充改进。
    3. 展示你的“好方法” – 学习新词汇的方法
    4. 继续小说和电影的练习—利用课上收集的问题来提高效率.

  6. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)

    1. CQ复习第二课生词。Review the vocabulary of L2. https://quizlet.com/_abnvvp?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ练习册B第二课周一至周五的第六到七题。Question 6-77 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    3. CQ 课本综合练习习题1 & 2。 Exercises 1 &2 of Review 1
    4. 借助quizlet准备第三课的生词。Prepare the vocabulary of L3 with the help of Quizlet.
    5. 预习第三课课文。Preview the text of L3.

  7. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个写5遍。
    Correct the dictation, write 5 time each.
    2. 完成第三课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 3 the rest of the questions.
    3. 熟读阅读“云云画画儿”,语音发群里。
    Practice reading “ Yunyun is drawing pictures”, send your recording to group chat.

  8. GCSE网课班
    1 复习书上26-29页的所有词组,抄写词组
    review vocabs on book p26-29,tracing vocabs
    2 完成作文书上29页第6题,要求最少100个字
    Finishing p29 question 6 writing, min 100 characters
    3 完成练习 kahoot ,见谷歌教室链接
    Practise again kahoot link ,see Google classroom
    4 practise Quizlet https://quizlet.com/432495362/%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E7%A7%91%E7%9B%AE-flash-cards/


  9. 四年级B班 第七周作业
    1. 完成练习册B 第二课 ‘星期三~星期五’的练习
    To complete lesson 2, Exercise Book B ‘Wednesday to Friday’
    2. 更正第二课听写有错误的词语,每个写错的词语写3次。听写答案如下:(1)沿海 (2)登山 (3)走完 (4)美丽 (5)石桥 (6)十分 (7)景色(8)小岛 (9)岸边 (10) 两座桥
    Correct the phrases dictation, write each of the wrong phrase three times.

  10. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 2, textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 数学、美术、音乐、体育

    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习,练习册第十页的练习。

    3)Please practice the song 《三只青蛙》


  11. Year Two D Homework
    1, Read the “ Yunyun is drawing pictures” on text book page 21 three times every day, will check next week in the class
    2, Complete the “Review 1” on text book page 22-23
    完成课本22-23页的“综合练习1 ”
    3, Complete the exercise book A for lesson three
    Thur: 1-6
    Fri: 1-6
    4, Practice the words from Lesson three as below, will test next week

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

      1、练习册A 第三课周一至周五的练习1 & 2;
      Complete Exercise A Lesson Three Monday to Friday question 1 &2;
      2、改正听写错误的词语并抄写至少2遍, 直到确认记住;
      Correct the wrong words those made in the dictation and copy 2 times or more making sure memorise them;
      Read aloud Lesson Three.

  12. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写三遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word three times.

    2. 熟读第三课《加油站》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 3 – Gas Station.

    3. 完成练习册A,星期一和星期二的1和2题. (第17-21页)。
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 3 (page 17-21) Monday all exercises and Tuesday 1 and 2.

  13. 7年级A班作业
    1. 课上听写写错的生字,每个字在练习本上写5遍
    Characters written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them five times in the exercise book.

    2. 写一篇游记,可以写你假期的一次旅行,也可以写你之前去过的印象深刻的一个景点或者城市,如,《北京游记》,《游伦敦自然博物馆》

    Title: An Unforgettable Journey
    This travelogue can be about a recent holiday trip or a remarkable visit to a specific destination, like “Beijing Travelogue” or “Exploring the London Natural History Museum.”

    Requirements: Include a clear title, use paragraphs, start each paragraph with an indentation, pay attention to punctuation usage, and keep the word count between 150-200 words.

  14. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第三课课文《在医院》。
    Reading the book of lesson three “In the Hospital”.
    2 完成练习册A 第三课《在医院》星期一,星期二的全部练习和星期三的练习1-4。
    Please complete Exercise Book A.
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    Wednesday 1-4
    3 比一比 再组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 带______
    (2) 代______
    (3) 戴______
    (4) 袋______
    Copy the new words in Lesson 2, writing each word 3 times.
    5 看视频并诵读古诗《秋夕》
    Watch the following videos and recite ancient poems.

  15. 1,完成连词册“星期五”
    2,完成课本P33 第6题

  16. 六年级A班
    1.完成练习册A本,第三课 。
    Finish the exercises required for Lesson 3 in Workbook A.
    Read the text and answer the questions.
    Read the last two paragraphs fluently and read them to the teacher next week during the break.
    Review the new words and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Prepare for the reading in advance.
    Ensure that any unfinished writing tasks from the previous week are completed.

  17. 五年级A班

    1. Exercise book A lesson 3: B
    练习册第三课Monday:1,2,3; Tuesday:1;Wed:1,3;4; Thursday:1,2,3,4;Friday:1,2
    2.Make your own vocabulary cards of transport(Use the template which was given by your teacher). C
    3. Send me a photo about the autumn. Please describe the picture to your parents so you can talk about the picture in front of your classmate next lesson.
    3. 拍一张你眼中的秋天的照片,请在周六晚上前发送给我,以便我能加在PPT里。请在家里练习描述从这张照片里你所能看到的,以及这张照片能带给你什么样的关于秋天的感受,下次上课每位同学轮流把自己拍摄的照片讲给别的同学听。A
    4. Practise the new characters of lesson 3;get ready for dictation next week. A

  18. 1、完成拼音练习册第十三、十四课(第36至第42页)                                              To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14(Page 36-42)

    Practice and read Pinyin Exercise book 2. Disyllabic (p30 and p33), upload your video to WeChat.

    “人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
    苟不教性乃迁 教之道 贵以专
    昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼
    窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬”

    Practice and recite Three-character Classic, upload your video to WeChat.



  19. GCSE 考试班家庭作业
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词“空闲时间、一般、运动中心、弹吉他、玩儿滑板、看足球比赛、健身房、英镑、半价、开放、打羽毛球、打乒乓球、骑自行车、打电话、多长时间、宠物、应该、练体操、跑步、钓鱼、太极拳、发邮件、遛狗、舒服、超级市场、方便、门票、先…,然后…、锻炼、将来、希望、爬山、年轻、邻居、热狗、记得、歌手、差不多、虽然…,但是…、舞台”需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词
    Review the 40 new words have learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson.

    2. 口语—看图会话:请根据要求准备口语,你需要把你要回答的部分写在家庭作业本上。每个问题请用5-6个复合句子来回答, 口语内容要求请看课本61页。
    Speaking¬¬ task——picture Based: Please prepare speaking as required and answer each question in 5-6 compound sentences. Please write in your homework notebook. For oral content requirements, please refer to the GCSE book on page 61.

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第66页(阅读3)和第67页(阅读4) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 66 reading 3, and page 67 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

    4. 请点击视频链接再次巩固课堂上学习的 “帮、帮忙和帮助” 的用法,然后完成群里发的练习。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8dAY6CqSRs&t=102s
    Please click on the video link to reinforce the usage of “help, help and help” again, and then complete the exercises posted in the group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8dAY6CqSRs&t=102s

    5. “得、的、地 “的复习,请在家点开以下链接关于” 得、的、地“的视频讲解,完成以下练习,答案写在家庭作业本上。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaLXtZVSAw
    To review “得,的,地”, please click the following link at home for the video explanation of “得,的,地”, complete the following exercises, and write the answers in the homework notebook.

  20. 四年级A 班 王老师
    1. 读熟第三课课文,跟读录音,录下你的朗读,发到群里。Read the lesson3, follow the recording, record your reading, and send it to the WeChat group.
    2. 抄写第三课 词汇5遍,记熟他们,要听写。copy lesson 3 phrases 5 times remember them need dictation。
    3. 还有九位同学没交作文,本周请补上。已经交的同学,请按照老师批改,更正再抄写一遍。Nine students didn’t hand in their compositions. Please make them up this week. Students who have been handed in, please correct by the teacher to correct and copy again.

    4.根据空格的提示,填写空格。According to the space prompt, fill in the space。
    这是我们的 school___________,学校gate______在south ___面,走进gate________,right __边是teacher’s office block _______________,学校centre______,有一棵高高的tree__________,学校的east ______面是教室楼,里面have_______三十间教室。那是我们每天上课的地方。我们学校north ______面是hall______。every day_______都有学生在里面上体育课(PE),,meeting_______,我们还经常在inside______表演节目。west ________面有运动场。break time ______后,有很多学生在那里play______。
    5 学习下面生字。learn foollow characters。
    省shěng province 市shì city 县xiàn county 镇zhèn town 乡xiāng countryside 村cūn village 区 qū district 路 lù road 街jiē street 号hào number 楼lóu dlock 室shǐ room

    6 给出下面名词的measure Word(量词) give correct measure words for nouns
    文物 树林 笔 草 星星 桥洞
    狮子 信 邮票 桥 窗子 花
    桌子 椅子 电脑 河 帽子 鞋子
    眼镜 牛 马 木棍
    座 张 封 棵 颗 个 只 支 片 件 扇 条朵 台 双 顶 副 头 匹 根

    1. 第二题 词汇
      园林 以前 现在 王宫 镜厅 房间 文物
      有趣 窗外 如同……一样 映入 更美
      明净 鸟语花香 湖光树影 风景如画 迷人

  21. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1 C) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14 (Page 36-42)


    To use the Pinyin song to help you to memorise the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

    3, 练习以下儿歌:Practice the following song

    Nǐ shuō yī, wǒ duì yī, māmā gěi wǒ zhī máoyī.
    你说一,我对一, 妈妈 给我织毛 衣。
    Nǐ shuō yā, wǒ duì yā, yī qún xiǎo yā jiào gā gā.
    你说鸭,我对鸭,一 群小鸭叫嘎嘎。
    Nǐ shuō yá, wǒ duì yá, měi tiān zǎo wǎn yào shuā yá.
    你说牙,我队牙, 每天早晚要刷牙。
    Nǐ shuō yè, wǒ duì yè, qiū tiān luòyè yī piàn piàn.
    你说叶,我队叶, 秋天落叶一片片。

    4, 背诵古诗:登 鹳雀楼
    (请看以下视屏)Recite Poem – please watch the video at the following link:

    Dēng guàn què lóu
    登 鹳 雀 楼
    Wáng zhī huàn
    王 之 涣 – 唐(táng)
    bái rì yī shān jìn
    白 日 依 山 尽 ,
    huáng hé rù hǎi liú
    黄 河 入 海 流 。
    yù qióng qiān lǐ mù
    欲 穷 千 里 目 ,
    gèng shàng yì céng lóu
    更 上 一 层 楼

  22. YCT B Homework

    Task 1. Review the Lesson 2 vocabularies. Memorise the English meanings.

    Task 2. Activity book: Complete question 1,2,3,6,7 on page 5 to 8.

    Task 3. Standard course book: Read aloud and translate the mini story on page 11, submit your recording.

  23. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK
    Correct Review 1, page 22 to 23 of textbook.
    Be ready for dictation next Sunday.
    Read aloud page 21 of textbook.
    Learn to sing the song.

  24. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 读quizlet 第4课天气。read quizlet lesson 4
    2. 继续画完晴天,阴天,多云,刮风,下雨,下雪的天气。please draw the weather.
    3. 听儿歌: 今天天气怎么样https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyo3Rzbtl3w&t=24s

  25. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A第三课《凡尔赛宫》如下练习:
    Please finish the following exercises of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.
    Mon, Tue and Thur: Question 1-5
    Wed and Fri: Question 1-4

    Revise the following words and phrases. We’ll have dictation next class.

  26. 本周作业(homework):
    Complete the exercise book A Lesson 3: Monday to Wednesday.

    2.写作《美丽的秋天》,分三个自然段来描写秋天。Write a composition “Beautiful Autumn”. Describe autumn in three paragraphs.


    可以参考上上周大家抄写在课堂笔记本里的关键词。You can refer to the key words that you copied in your class notebook last time.

  27. 五年级B班
    Complete the exercise book A Lesson 3: Monday to Wednesday.

    2.写作《美丽的秋天》,分三个自然段来描写秋天。Write a composition “Beautiful Autumn”. Describe autumn in three paragraphs.


    可以参考上上周大家抄写在课堂笔记本里的关键词。You can refer to the key words that you copied in your class notebook last time.

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