
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)

2、学习歌曲《龟兔赛跑》并拍摄视频   Practice the song 《龟兔赛跑》and make a video.

33 Replies to “家庭作业2023年11月6日至2023年11月11日”

  1. 三年级A班
    Complete “Comprehensive Exercise 1” in the textbook
    Review the underlined words in Lesson 3 and take dictation next week.
    Preview Lesson 4 “Make a Guess”
    There will be a riddle guessing contest in the class on 19th November.Please use these two weeks to find some Chinese riddles.

  2. GCSE 网课班
    1 学习书上30-33页的所有词组,要求会读会写会说,
    Learn all new vocabs on page p30-33。
    2 完成抄写 见PDF
    3 完成谷歌教室里的KAHOOT 的练习,见谷歌教室。
    4 完成33页第5题写作,要求最少120个字,见PDF
    Finish P33 question 5, min 120 characters , see pdf in wechat group
    5 完成华测四级卷子练习,见PDF
    FINISH HUACE grade 4 mock paper, see pdf

  3. GCSE 网课班
    1 学习书上30-33页的所有词组,要求会读会写会说,
    Learn all new vocabs on page p30-33。
    2 完成抄写 见PDF
    3 完成谷歌教室里的KAHOOT 的练习,见谷歌教室。
    4 完成33页第5题写作,要求最少120个字,见PDF
    Finish P33 question 5, min 120 characters , see pdf in wechat group
    5 完成华测四级卷子练习,见PDF
    FINISH HUACE grade 4 mock paper, see pdf

  4. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写五遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word five times.

    2. 熟读第三课《加油站》,并能够复述文章内容。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 3 – Gas Station, and try to retell the content of the article.

    3. 完成练习册A,星期三和星期四的全部练习题。(练习册26-32页)。
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 3 (page 17-21) all exercises of Wednesday and Tuesday.

  5. 1. 完成拼音练习册第十三和十四课
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 13-14

    2. 练习绕口令并发视频或语音到微信群
    To practise the tongue twister posted to our class We Chat group, upload your video and voice recording to the We Chat group.

    3. 你觉得闫王会让孙悟空改生死簿吗?写下你的答案,下周日我们一起分享。
    Would the Judge of death let Sun Wukong change the directory? Write down you answer and share your thinking with the class next Sunday.

  6. 二年级C班

    1. 完成课本的《综合练习一》。
    Complete “Comprehensive Exercise 1” in the textbook.
    Review the underlined words in Lesson 3 and ready for dictation next week.
    3. 观看视频,学习成语《对牛弹琴》,可以画一幅画,也可以复述成语故事。
    Watch and learn the Chinese idioms, you can draw a picture or retell the idioms story.

  7. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第三课阅读课文《虚惊一场》。
    Reading the book of lesson three “A false Alarm”.
    Please complete Exercise Book A.
    Wednesday 5-6
    Thursday 1-7
    Friday 1-7
    3 比一比 再组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 要____
    (2) 药____
    (3) 感____
    (4) 赶____
    4 下周听写第三课课本里划线的词语。
    Dictate the underlined words in Lesson 3 textbook next week.
    5 请你准备几个谜语
    Please prepare 2 or 3 riddles.

  8. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第三课阅读课文《虚惊一场》。
    Reading the book of lesson three “A false Alarm”.
    Please complete Exercise Book A.
    Wednesday 5-6
    Thursday 1-7
    Friday 1-7
    3 比一比 再组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 要____
    (2) 药____
    (3) 感____
    (4) 赶____
    4 下周听写第三课课本里划线的词语。
    Dictate the underlined words in Lesson 3 textbook next week.
    5 请你准备几个谜语
    Please prepare 2 or 3 riddles.

  9. A level 班

    Group 1 第一组 和Group 2 第二组
    Today we completed the introduction to Theme 3.今天我们介绍完了第三专题。
    1. Pick 1 from today’s 4 questions (slide 30) and outline your discussion and presentation.从今天介绍的4个问题中选一个,给出你的讨论和讲解的要点(第三十张幻灯)
    2. Lesson 7, 8, and 9 could be relevant to Theme 3. Investigate and submit conclusion.第十册书里的7、8和9 课可能与第三专题有关。阅读并给出结论-有关、无关,主要理由

    3. Update your vocab.添加-记录生词。
    4. 选择题(optional)More articles are on  this slides to this slide,关于第三专题,幻灯片文件里还有文章供你阅读。(slide 110 onwards)

    Group 2第二组
    5 利用第六张幻灯片准备第四专题。Use Slide 6 to prepare for Theme 4.
    Pick 1 question for EACH of the sub-themes from the list and outline your points. 从给出的题目中,选一个次主题是“变革”,列出你的要点;选一个次主题是“中英关系”的, 列出要点。可以参考利用幻灯片129-146的内容。

  10. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第三课生词。Review the vocabulary of L3. https://quizlet.com/_8wl3z2?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ 练习朗诵第三课。Practice reading the text of L3.
    3. CQ练习册A第3课周一到周五第1-3题。如有需要可以查在线字典archchinese.com。 Question 1-3 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 3, Workbook 6A. You may reference the online dictionary archchinese.com for help, if necessary.
    4. COQ 用中文回答下列问题:Answer the following questions in Chinese:
    1) 你去过海洋世界吗?
    2) 你去的海洋世界在哪里?
    3) 你是什么时候去的?跟谁一起去的?
    4) 你在海洋世界看到了什么?
    5) 在你去的海洋世界里,你最喜欢的动物或节目是什么?为什么?

    2) 如果你没去过海洋世界,你想不想去?想什么时候去?
    3) 你最想和谁一起去?
    4) 到了海洋世界你最想看的动物或节目是什么?为什么?
    5. CQ华文水平测试,第一部分 识字,题1-36(见班群)。 ,

  11. 学前班B

    1, 看视频,每天至少一次
    Please watch playlist, at least once a day.

    Please complete text book page 23 question 4.

    Please draw a big circle, then cover your mom/dad’s eyes, and then direct them to draw eyes, nose and mouth in the circle using Shang, Xia, Zuo, You (上下左右)

    阅读弟子规新学的部分 “事虽小——亲心伤”
    Memorise. Dizigui. “Dong ze wen——ye wu bian”
    Read out loud Dizigui “shi sui xiao——qin xin shang”

  12. YCT B Homework:

    Task 1. Review the Lesson 3 vocabularies. Fill in the English meanings in the Word Document.

    Task 2. Standard Course Book page 14: Read aloud and translate the texts, submit your recording please.

  13. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 3,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 醒、着急、上班、开会、来得及


    2)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习,练习册第十四页和第十五页的练习。

    3)Please practice the song 《三只青蛙》


  14. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 读quizlet w8 颜色 colour 词语和句子。
    2. 背诵古诗《草》 并录制视频发微信群。

  15. 7年级A班作业
    1. 复习第一课-第三课的生字、生词和句子,准备下节课的单元测验
    Review characters, words and sentences of lesson 1- lesson 3, there will be a small test next class
    2. 预习第四课课文《乌鸦喝水》
    Preview the text of lesson 4

  16. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第三课的以下几道题:
    Monday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Tuesday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Friday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Please choose “hobbies” topic in the link below

    3. 背诵或熟读儿歌(recite or read fluently)
    齐天圣 本领强
    陈玄奘 变三藏

  17. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, three times each.
    1.问方向 2.谁的车 3.开心 4. 朋友5.中午6.告诉7.今天 8放学9.星期六 10.讲中文 11.笔和本子 12.她的书 13.喜欢 14.画画儿 15.听歌 16.读书 17.写字 18.教汉语 19 中文学校 20在教室里
    Finish parts 1,2 and 3 , Monday to Friday,exercise book B,Lesson 4.
    Think about good manners words in your life.

  18. 四年级B班 第八周作业

    1. 第三课所有的生字每个写5遍
    Write each of the Characters in lesson three 5 times.
    2. 朗读第三课的课文和Page26-27的读一读,下周会检查朗读情况
    Read the text and ‘Read aloud’ from page 26- 27 in lesson 3
    3. 完成《课本》第31-32页的综合练习(一)【不用完成第33页的练习】
    Finish exercise on TEXTBOOK from page 31-32, don’t need to finish page 33

  19. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册A上第三课《凡尔赛宫》剩下的作业。
    Please finish the rest of the exercises of Lesson 3 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 请复习第三课画的重点词汇:园林,以前,国家,这些,文物,有趣,一样,里面,鸟语花香,湖光树影,风景如画,十分迷人,下周课上我们会进行听写。
    Please revise the highlighted words and phrases of Lesson 3. We’ll have dictation next class.

    3. 熟读第三课《凡尔赛宫》的课文,有精力的同学,请把课后阅读《故宫》也读熟,然后录制视频或者音频,发到班级微信群。
    Please read the text of Lesson 3‘The Versailles Palace’ fluently, take a video or audio and upload to our Wechat group. Optional homework: read the reading ‘The Forbiden City’fluently, take a video and upload to our wechat group.

  20. 1、完成拼音练习册第十五、十六课(第四十三至第四十九页)

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)

    “人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
    苟不教性乃迁 教之道 贵以专
    昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼
    窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬
    养不教 父之过 教不严 师之惰”

    Practice and recite Three-character Classic, upload your video to WeChat.


    故事讲解1:人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
    故事讲解2:苟不教性乃迁 教之道 贵以专https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dMlaE46X7U&list=PLA8VyTP52uqEKl_wVHDf2115w4YrUkyR-&index=5

    故事讲解3:昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCxBJdlT7iU&list=PLA8VyTP52uqEKl_wVHDf2115w4YrUkyR-&index=7
    故事讲解4:窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1yYvjtxE7o&list=PLA8VyTP52uqEKl_wVHDf2115w4YrUkyR-&index=3

    故事讲解5:养不教 父之过,教不严 师之惰

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework

      1、练习册A 第三课周一至周五所有未完成练习;
      Complete Exercise A Lesson Three Monday to Friday all unfinished questions;
      Read aloud Lesson Three.
      Complete the paper attached.

  21. Year Two D Homework
    1, Memorise the “ yunyun is drawing pictures” on text book page 21, send your recording to group chat
    背诵课本21页的“云云画画儿”, 并发送视频
    2, Write the “ learn to write” on text book page 26 only
    完成课本“描一描, 写一写” 只写26页的生字
    3, learn the song on YouTube
    4, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson 4
    Mon: 1-6 only
    完成练习册B第四课星期一的1-6 题
    5, Read Lesson 4 three times a day.

  22. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写五遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    2. 预习新的生词表4..1的生词,需要在词汇表上做好笔记。(请把表格粘贴在家庭作业本上)。
    Preview the new vocabulary list 1.2 on the second page of New Words, you need to make notes on the vocabulary list that is handed out. (Please paste the form into your homework book).

    3. 请用以下20个词写一段话,主题自己决定,但需要有逻辑性: “过节、面对面、对…不好、生活、感到、不错、动画片、电视剧、流行歌曲、报纸、交网友、发短信、看地图、用处、脸书、微信、社交媒体、浪费时间、试过、比赛”(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    Please write a paragraph using the following 20 words. You can make your own topic, but it needs to be logical and high quality.

    4. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第73页(阅读4)和第74页(阅读1) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 73reading 4, and page 74 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your class notebook.

  23. 六年级A班:
    Correct the dictation three times each.
    Please complete the remaining exercises for Lesson 3.
    Finish ‘Comprehensive Exercise 1’ in the textbook (Pages 28-32).
    4.复习第一到第三课Quizlet 词汇,下节课听写。
    Review vocabulary from the Lesson1 to lesson 3 on Quizlet. There will be a dictation in the next class.
    5.继续完成课堂上未完成的“乌龟下蛋”的story map,要注意描述故事的时间,地点和发生了什么的细节,你也可以发挥想象力延续后面的故事。下周我们在课堂上展示及讲述分享。
    Continue working on the ‘ The Turtle Lays Eggs’ story map. Describe the details of when and where the story takes place, and what happens. You can also use your imagination to further develop the story. We will present and share your story in class next week.

  24. 五年级B班
    1. 请点击这链接跟读课文《加油站》到流利并录音上传到微信群里。
    Please click this link ,Read aloud until fluent and send your recording to the WeChat group.
    2. 复习第三课的生字和词语,下周听写。
    Practice new words and vocabulary, and dictate next week.
    Complete the remaining exercises for the lesson 3 of Workbook A
    Read and use your imagination to draw what you think the car of the future will look like.
    Please continue to complete the Exercises (一)in the textbook.

  25. 1,复习第四课新学的生词,下节课默写:寒冷,厚,薄,看来,温暖,舒服,蛇,跟前,一切,如果。

  26. 1.请认真订正课文第22页综合练习(-)里面错误。
    1. Please carefully correct the errors in the integrated exercises on page 22 of the main textbook.
    Please continue to complete the “Describe” and “Write” exercises on page 26 of the main textbook (ignore those already completed in class).
    Please read the words on page 28 out loud three times every day and carefully copy each word three times.
    4.预习第29页的对话,并熟读它,下周做模拟对话。Prepare for the dialogue on page 29 and become familiar with it, as there will be a simulated dialogue next week.
    Memorize the fourth lesson and send a video to the WeChat group.

  27. 五年级A班
    Go over all the new words that we have learned in lesson 3 (including the transportation vocabulary)

    Read lesson 3 text twice a day and send your recording to the Wechat group .

    3. C根据自己拍摄的秋天的照片,写下自己的感想(五感法5 senses)看、听、闻、触摸、尝到了什么?
    A piece of writing about Autumn(using 5 senses).

    4.B 练习册Monday:4,56, Tuesday:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Thursday:5,6

    5. 完成课堂上提到的小任务,要求:1.用表达顺序的连词:首先,其次,接着,然后,最后;2.用“把”字句。任务卡见微信群。

  28. 五年级A班
    Go over all the new words that we have learned in lesson 3 (including the transportation vocabulary)

    Read lesson 3 text twice a day and send your recording to the Wechat group .

    3. C根据自己拍摄的秋天的照片,写下自己的感想(五感法5 senses)看、听、闻、触摸、尝到了什么?
    A piece of writing about Autumn(using 5 senses).

    4.B 练习册Monday:4,56, Tuesday:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Thursday:5,6

    5. 完成课堂上提到的小任务,要求:1.用表达顺序的连词:首先,其次,接着,然后,最后;2.用“把”字句。任务卡见微信群。

  29. 一年级C班 (YEAR 1 C) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Pages 43-49)

    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorize the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

    3,练习 以下儿歌 practice the following Children‘s songs
    Dà xié zi, xiàng zhī chuán.
    Bàba chuān, wǒ yě chuān.
    爸爸穿, 我也穿。
    Yī èr yī, xiàng qián zǒu.
    Zǒu a zǒu, fān le chuán
    走啊走, 翻了船。

    Shéi de ěr duo chǎng? Shéi de ěr duo duǎn?
    谁 的耳朵 长? 谁 的 耳朵 短?
    Shéi de ěr duo zhē zhe liǎn? Lǘ de ěr duo chǎng,
    谁 的耳朵 遮 着 脸?驴的耳朵 长,
    mǎ de ěr duo duǎn, xiàng de ěr duo zhē zhe liǎn.
    马的耳朵短, 象 的耳朵遮 着 脸。

  30. 六年级B班

    Copy each new word 3 times and dictate it in the next class.

    2、练习册B《埋在地里的金子》星期一到星期三 1,2,3.
    Exercise Book B “Gold Buried in the Ground” Monday to Wednesday 1, 2, 3.

    How did the sons live from then on? How to work? Continue the story.

  31. 四年级A班 王老师
    1 抄写第四课生字5遍 copy lesson 4 vocabularies 5 time each
    2 做练习册B 第四课习题周一到周五的第一题。do EX book B lesson 4 question 1 of Mon- fri.
    3.按照班级群里学生作文的批改,誊抄在作文稿纸上,还有四位同学没有完成作文,本周一定补上。According to the correction of the students in the class group, copied on the paper, there are four students did not complete the composition, this week must make up.

    4,见微信,写出各种服装的中文名称。See wechat and write down the Chinese names of the various clothes.

    5 学习歌曲《量词歌 》Learn the song “measure Word song”

    6 和视频一起读偏旁部首三字经 (前十四句)。Read the first three characters (the first fourteen sentences).
    一(yì)+ 火(huǒ)= 灭(miè),
    One,fire =destroy
    二(èr)+ 儿(ér)= 元(yuán),
    Two+ son=principal
    八(bā)+ 刀(dāo)= 分(fēn),
    Eight+knife= component
    人(rén)+ 王(wánɡ)= 全(quán),
    女(nǚ)+ 子(zǐ)= 好(hǎo),
    Girl + boy = good
    田(tián)+ 力(lì)= 男(nán),
    日(rì)+ 月(yuè)= 明(mínɡ), Sun+moon=bright
    小(xiǎo)+ 大(dà)= 尖(jiān)
    small+big = pointed
    竹(zhú)+ 毛(máo)= 笔(bǐ)
    bamboo+ feather=pen
    白(bái)+ 水(shuǐ)= 泉(quán),
    withe +water =spring
    爪(zhuǎ)+ 木(mù)= 采(cǎi)
    claw+wood= pick
    舟(zhōu)+ 皿(mǐn)= 盘(pán)
    boat + utensil = plate
    示(shì)+ 见(jiàn)= 视(shì) show+see=regard
    目(mù)+ 艮(ɡěn)= 眼(yǎn)
    eye+ tough = eye

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