
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、在一小时内独自完成发下的拼音测试试卷 (家长可以帮忙解释每题的要求,但是不要提示或帮孩子做,这是开卷考试,同学们可以抄课本里的内容)Complete the Pinyin Test Paper within one hour on your own. Parents can help explain the requirements of each question, but do not prompt or help your child/ children do it. This is an open-book exam, and pupils can copy the content from the textbook.

4、每个学生需将拼音测试的第一题里的声母和韵母背出来,并拍成视频发到群里。Each pupil needs to recite the initials and finals in the first question of the Pinyin test, make a video and send it to the Wechat group.

32 Replies to “家庭作业2023年11月13日至2023年11月18日”

  1. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)
    1. CQ复习第三课生词,准备听写。Review the vocabulary of L3 and prepare for dictation. https://quizlet.com/_8wl3z2?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ 练习朗诵第三课,准备朗读比赛。Practice reading the text of L3 and prepare for the reading competition.
    3. CQ练习册A第3课周一到五第4-7题。Question 4-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 3, Workbook 6A.
    4. COQ华文水平测试,第一部分 识字,题37-54(见班群)。

  2. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写三遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word three times.

    2. 预习第四课课文《狼和小羊》。
    Preview the text of Lesson 4 – The Wolf and the Lamb.

    3. 完成练习册A,星期五全部练习题。(练习册33-35页)。
    To complete Exercise Book A Lesson 3 (page 33-35) Friday all exercises.

    4. 复习第一单元的所有课文。
    Review all the texts in unit 1.

  3. GCSE 网课
    1 复习书上34-35页的所有新词组,完成抄写
    Learn all new vocabs on book p34-35, finish tracking words, learn quizlet card
    2 继续口语练习,你学校都有什么规定?你认为合理么?为什么?
    Oral speaking practise : what’s your school rule(s)?do you think whether is reasonable or fair ?why?
    3 完成听力和阅读练习,PDF ,MP3 见 wechat group
    Finish listening and reading practise, see pdf and mp3 in wechat group

  4. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises in Lesson 4 “Guess” in Exercise Book B: Monday to Thursday: 1234.
    Read and recite the guess in Lesson 4.
    A riddle guessing contest will be held in the class next week. Parents are asked to help their children find 1-2 riddles. (The riddle must be in Chinese)

  5. 1. 完成拼音练习册第十五和十六课
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16

    2. 练习童谣并发视频或语音到微信群
    To practise the rhyme, upload your video or voice recording to the We Chat group.

    3. 如果孙悟空真的偷吃了仙桃, 你觉得他将会要承受什么后果呢?
    In your opinion, what is the consequences to Sun Wukong if he eats the peaches without permission?

  6. 231112 YCT B Homework:

    Task 1. Standard course book: Read aloud and translate the mini story on page 16, submit your recording.

    Task 2. Activity book: Complete question 1,2,3,6,7 on page 9 to 12.

    Task 3. Learn the sentence structures, then put the words in order to make your own sentences.(Please see the Word document)

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete the Exercise on Text Book page 27-30;
      Complete the paper attached.

  7. 六年级B班

    Copy the spelling test with incorrect dictation 5 times each time.

    Make a sentence each using only… then… and as long as… then…

    Complete Exercise Book B “Gold Buried in the Ground” from Monday to Friday.

  8. 四年级B班

    1. 完成练习册A 第三课 ‘星期一~星期二’的练习
    To complete lesson 3, Exercise Book A ‘Monday ~ Tuesday’
    2. 熟读第三课的课文
    Read the text from Lesson3
    3. 用一下词语各造2个句子:(1)……又……又…… (2)以前……, 现在……
    Make two sentences using each of the words.
    4. 模仿课文句子,用“数量+多+量词+名词”的形式造句:凡尔赛宫有七百多间大厅和房间。
    Imitate the sentences in the text and use the word “多” to make sentences

  9. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第四课课文《猜一猜》。
    Reading the book of lesson four “Make a Guess”.
    2 完成练习册B 第四课《猜一猜》星期一,星期二的全部练习和星期三的练习1-4。
    Please complete lesson 4 Exercise Book B.
    Monday 1-7
    Tuesday 1-7
    Wednesday 1-4
    3 填空
    Fill in the blank
    (1) 一_____ 衣服
    (2) 二_____ 树
    (3) 三_____ 车
    (4) 四_____ 鱼
    (5) 五_____ 牛
    (6) 六_____ 纸
    4 把听写错误的字抄写三遍,下周我会检查。
    Correct your wrong words and write it three times, I will check them next week.
    5 写出下列谜语的答案。(打一物)
    Please answer to the following riddle.

  10. 二年级C班

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写五遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 5 times each.
    2. 熟读或背诵第四课课文,语音发群里。
    Practice reading or recite of Lesson 4, send your recording to group chat.
    3. 完成第四课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 4 Monday to Friday the first three questions.

  11. 1, 今天学完第四课,朗读第四课课文

  12. 一年级C 班 (YEAR 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)

    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorize the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

    3、在一小时内独自完成发下的拼音测试试卷 (家长可以帮忙解释每题的要求,但是不要提示或帮孩子做,这是开卷考试,同学们可以抄课本里的内容)Complete the Pinyin Test Paper within one hour on your own. Parents can help explain the requirements of each question but do not prompt or help your child/ children do it. This is an open-book exam, and pupils can copy the content from the textbook.

    4、每个学生需将拼音测试的第一题里的声母和韵母背出来,并拍成视频发到群里。Each pupil needs to recite the initials and finals in the first question of the Pinyin test, make a video, and send it to the WeChat group.

  13. A level 作业:

    ALL groups: 全体同学
    Complete a list of vocabulary in google sheets 在下列指定的文件里添加生词 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/130qbiVkZLD_TYxsirZTcIOfvke4KrfHmI04SMz6Ub_I/edit?usp=sharing 

    Group 1 第一组
    Complete one of the three questions from Slide 14 完成幻灯(14)上的任意一道题

    Group 2 第二组
    Complete 1 question from Slide 18.完成幻灯(18)上的任意一道题
    Complete one of the literary questions from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1svFrTB85DmwKbSN5Pzv7-Hm-K8MRRIgQWzTG3Ot3Ig4/edit?usp=sharing 完成这里的任意一道题

    Group 3 第三组
     Read slides 106 – 142.OR new words from Lesson 1, 2 and 7
    ADD new words into the Google Sheet for next week’s lessoons.

  14. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 3,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 正在、安静、一边、刻、响


    2)Please finish the exercises at page 15 &18, Yct6 activity book

    3)Please translate the Lesson 3 ‘s short speech into English.

  15. 学前班B

    Please watch playlist, at least once a day. You may skip the clip if you have memorised it.

    2, 教科书第31页 第二题 color and match.
    Please complete text book page 31 (2) color and match.

    3, 录制 《弟子规》 从“冬则温” 到 “亲心伤”, 并发到微信班群中。
    Please record “dizigui” from “dong ze wen” to “qin xin shang”, then forward to the Wechat, Group chat.

    4, 把“丢手绢”这首儿歌背下来,下周做游戏。
    Please memorise “Diu Shou Juan” , we will play this game next week.

  16. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第三课的以下几道题:
    Monday: 6, 7
    Tuesday: 5, 6, 7
    Wednesday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    2. 请完成链接中的作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.

    3. 熟读第三课《在医院里》并把朗读视频或音频发到微信群。
    Read lesson 3 fluently and send your recording to Wechat.

  17. 7年级A班作业

    1. 小测验写错的字、词,句,在练习本上写2-5遍,以记住为目标;造句有错误的请重新造一个句子。
    Characters, words and sentences written incorrectly during the class dictation, please write them two to times in the exercise book; and please make a new one if there were any errors for “create a sentence”(zaoju).
    2. 使用字典,自行修改课上完成的华测四级模拟试卷。修改内容包括:a.答案空缺的 b.不确认的。修改部分的答案请使用不同颜色的笔。下节课讲解试卷。
    Using a dictionary, make corrections to the Huace Level 4 mock exam completed in class. Please use a different color pen for the amended sections. We will go over it during next class.
    3. 根据课文,完成《乌鸦喝水》的故事图,要求至少4个场景(画插图+文字描写)。
    In accordance with the lesson, create an illustrated story/map of story, with at least four scenes (illustrations + textual descriptions).
    4. 前三项作业完成后,如果还有时间,请完成练习册B册第四课(第19-24页)周一至周二的练习。
    If time permits, complete Exercise Book B Lesson 4 (page 19-24)from Monday to Tuesday.

  18. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Finish the rest of the questions of Lesson 4, exercise book B.
    Be ready for dictation.
    Recite the text of Lesson 4.
    Read aloud from page 30 to page 31.
    Sing the song.

  19. 学前班A reception class :
    1. 读 quizlet w9 L 5 on the playground & 交通工具 中的词语和句子。

  20. 四年级A 班 王老师
    1 朗读第四课课文,需要背诵。给下面词组画线Read the fourth lesson text, need to recite。under line follow phraces
    照四方 好处 寻常 草绿 苗长 果熟
    花香 衣服 被子 暖洋洋 大家 健康

    2 完成练习册第四课周一到周五习题 。complete EX B lesson 4 Mon-Fri all questions

    3 模仿课文里’“不……不……”句型改写下面句子simulatethe sentence “No… No…” and rewrite the following sentences
    例如 太阳 -晒草- 绿 太阳不晒草不绿。
    1)-学习- 进步.
    2) -吃饭长- 高
    3) -跑步- 健康
    4) 房间 -打扫(sǎo) – 干净

    4 将下面句子改成“把”字句。 change follow sentences into 把 sentence
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    6. 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7. 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8. 要下雨了,带上伞。
    唱新歌 读熟下面句子Sing the new song and read the following sentences
    3 模仿课文里’“不……不……”句型改写下面句子simulatethe sentence “No… No…” and rewrite the following sentences
    例如 太阳 晒草 绿 太阳不晒草不绿。
    1) 学习 进步.
    2) 吃饭长 高
    3) 跑步 健康
    4) 房间 打扫(sǎo) 干净
    4 将下面句子改成“把”字句。 change follow sentences into 把 sentence
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    6. 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7. 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8. 要下雨了,带上伞。

    5 唱新歌 读熟下面句子Sing the new song and read the following sentences
    这(zhè)是(shì)幸(xìnɡ)福(fú)( xìnɡ fú)的(de)味(wèi)道(dào) ,
    给(ɡěi)我(wǒ)一(yì)首(shǒu)从(cónɡ)前(qián)的(de)歌(ɡē)谣(yáo) ,
    这(zhè)是(shì)幸(xìnɡ)福(fú) 的(de)味(wèi)道(dào)
    拥抱 hug
    微笑 smile; beam on
    幸福 happiness
    味道 taste smell
    歌谣 ballad
    时光 time
    温暖warm; warmth
    闪耀 shine;flash
    岁月 years
    (3,4 5 题见微信群)

  21. 四年级A 班 王老师
    1 朗读第四课课文,需要背诵。给下面词组画线Read the fourth lesson text, need to recite。under line follow phraces
    照四方 好处 寻常 草绿 苗长 果熟
    花香 衣服 被子 暖洋洋 大家 健康

    2 完成练习册第四课周一到周五习题 。complete EX B lesson 4 Mon-Fri all questions

    3 模仿课文里’“不……不……”句型改写下面句子simulatethe sentence “No… No…” and rewrite the following sentences
    例如 太阳 晒草 绿 太阳不晒草不绿。
    1) 学习 进步.
    2) 吃饭长 高
    3) 跑步 健康
    4) 房间 打扫(sǎo) 干净

    4 将下面句子改成“把”字句。 change follow sentences into 把 sentence
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    6. 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7. 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8. 要下雨了,带上伞。

    5 唱新歌 读熟下面句子Sing the new song and read the following sentences
    这(zhè)是(shì)幸(xìnɡ)福(fú)( xìnɡ fú)的(de)味(wèi)道(dào) ,
    给(ɡěi)我(wǒ)一(yì)首(shǒu)从(cónɡ)前(qián)的(de)歌(ɡē)谣(yáo) ,
    这(zhè)是(shì)幸(xìnɡ)福(fú) 的(de)味(wèi)道(dào)
    拥抱 hug
    微笑 smile; beam on
    幸福 happiness
    味道 taste smell
    歌谣 ballad
    时光 time
    温暖warm; warmth
    闪耀 shine;flash
    岁月 years
    (3,4 5 题见微信群)

    1. 6 写出服装的英文Write out the English means of the clothing
      1衬衫 2 大衣 3 雨衣 4 裙子
      5连衣裙 6 短裤 7 牛仔裤 8 西装
      9校服 10 汗衫 11 毛衣 12 外套

  22. Year Two D Homework
    1, Read the “read aloud” on text book page 28 three times every day, will check in the class next week
    把课本28页的”读一读’ 每天熟读三遍, 下周课堂检查
    2, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson four as below
    Tue: 1-6
    Wed: 1-5
    完成练习册B 第四课的以下练习
    3, Use “用心‘ to make three sentences, you need to add ‘ when” and “ where” in the sentences
    用”用心” 造三个句子, 要求每个句子要有时间和地点。

  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成课本第31页的综合练习(一)。
    Please finish the Review 1 on page 31 of our Book.

    2. 请完成练习册B上,第四课《晒太阳》如下练习:
    Please finish the following exercise of Lesson 4 on Exercise Book B.

    星期一:练习1、2、4 Mon: Question 1, 2 and 4
    星期二、星期三、星期四:练习1-4 Tue, Wed & Thur: Question 1-4
    星期五:练习1、2 Fri: Question 1 and 2

    3. 请把两次听写中写错的字词改正过来,并在后面写三遍。
    Please correct the mistakes in your dictation. Write the corrected words or phrases for 3 times.

  24. 5年级A班家庭作业
    Please complete the remaining exercises for lesson 3.
    Complete exercises(Review 1) from page 25 to page 28 in the textbook.
    Review unit 1(including the 8 idioms we have learnt);prepare for the unit 1 test .

  25. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 课堂上学习的20个词: “偶像、榜样、刻苦、成功、同一、影迷、要想、大概、摄影、演员、导演、语言、毕业以后、博客、支持、一部电影、语言、文化、成/成为、反对” 要求会认会写,每个词造一个复合句子总共20个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making one complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    2. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第77页(阅读1)和第80页(阅读2) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 77 reading 1, and page 80 reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    3. 翻译题:完成两篇翻译题
    Translation task: Complete two translation tasks
    Chinese to English translation, Translation read 1 on page 77
    English Translation City Chinese, Translation Writing 2 on page 81
    Please write in your homework notebook.
    4. 写作:写一段话 。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    Writing task: write a short paragraph about what you think of young people surfing the net. Try to use following the vocabulary and structures to help you, please also can find Listening 8 on page 69 to help your writing. Please write in your homework notebook.
    在我看来,我觉得/认为 上网 浪费时间 年轻人 可以 但是/可是/然而 因为…,所以…。 不但…, 而且… 对…不好
    In my opinion, I think/think waste time young people online can but/but/however because of…, so…. not only…, but also… not good for…

  26. 六年级A班
    Please correct the mistakes in your dictation. Write the corrected words or phrases for 3 times.
    Read Lesson 4 fluently before doing the workbook exercises. Next week, each student should read it aloud to the teacher.
    Finish the exercises required for lesson4 in workbook B.
    Preview the reading “The Ants and Cicadas.”

  27. 五年级B班
Correct your dictation, write 3 times each.
    2. 完成两套华测题。(详情见微信群)
Complete the paper attached.

  28. 本周作业:
    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18
    “人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
    苟不教性乃迁 教之道 贵以专
    昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼
    窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬
    养不教 父之过 教不严 师之惰”
    子不学 非所宜 幼不学 老何为并发视频到微信群
    Practice and recite Three-character Classic, upload your video to WeChat.
    3.在一小时内独自完成发下的拼音测试试卷 (家长可以帮忙解释每题的要求,但是不要提示或帮孩子做,这是开卷考试,同学们可以抄课本里的内容)Complete the Pinyin Test Paper within one hour on your own. Parents can help explain the requirements of each question, but do not prompt or help your child/ children do it. This is an open-book exam, and pupils can copy the content from the textbook.
    To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:

  29. 1.请改正王老师批注的写错的字。比如“谢”错了,那就按笔画笔顺认真再书写一遍在改正本上。
    Please correct the words marked by Teacher Wang. For example, if ‘谢’ is incorrect, carefully rewrite it in stroke order on the correction book.

    Complete all homework from Lesson 4 in Workbook B for Monday to Friday.

    Learn the song ‘礼貌歌’ (Politeness Song).

    Next week, there will be a dictation of the new words from Lesson 4. Students are encouraged to log in to the following link for self-review and testing: https://quizlet.com/class/26946155/. This will help you easily assess your understanding and focus on areas that need improvement. Parents, please encourage your children👊

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