
一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、继续完成《中文》课本第十一课练习一  Continue to complete the Exercise 1 in Lesson 11 from the Year 1 Text Book

2、练习册A第十一课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 11 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

3、练习《声律启蒙》第一、二和三段 Practice the second paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout),按快板节奏(录音另发)

4、继续准备YCT1的考试。在家长的帮助下学习发下的YCT1 需掌握的词语 With parent’s help, continue to learn or revise the words and phrases of YCT1 (Handout)

5、认真核对老师发下已经改过的YCT1阅读考卷,记住改正的地方。Check carefully the marked exam papers and remember the corrections.

Next Sunday 17 Jun 18 is the EXAM DAY. The Exam will be started at 1pm. Please do not be late!

五年级A班作业 – 杨玲老师

1.抄写并记忆第十课《曹冲称象》生字和生词, 准备下周听写Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 10 for dictation next week(10 times each).
2.完成练习册B第十课从星期一到星期五所有练习题。Complete the exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 10 in workbook B.
3. 练习歌曲。
Practise the song 。
4.Learn “Selections of Confucius’ Analects and Handan Chinese Idioms ”at home.

20 Replies to “家庭作业2018年6月11日至2018年6月16日”

  1. 1. 抄写下面汉字2遍。记熟它们。have to know these character cope two times
    一 不,万,大,太,犬,头,夏,天,雨、雪,哥,再,面,世,东,南,菜,黄,蓝,厉,成,长,
    二 , 干,于,千,土,去,走,块,坏,坐,士,工,午,牛,年,生,开,云,示,开
    三, 手,打,握,提,接,採,摘,接,拾,捡,扔,撕, 热,拿,左,右,在,有,友,双,看,毛,丰,青,
    四,西,要,口,只,叫,听,喊,嘴,足,路, 踢,中,日,晴,时,暖, 晚,早,星,是,号,白,百,目,眼,睛,自,鼻,田,果, 里,黑,由,甲,申,电,界,月,腿,脚,脑,期, 朋,国,因
    六,方,文,言,立,交,站,部 ,心,惯,说, 讲,话,语,冷,凉,灯,家,字,宠,害,学,买, 卖,房,窗, 颜,
    七,北,它,我,见,习,书,女,妈,姐,她,妹,奶,好,,结,经,红,绿,了,子,边,第,算,化,你,他,们,俩,行,很,物,外,条,岁,名,多,冬 ,能,,色,角,刮,刻,阴, 子
    八,人,入,儿,几,分,公,少,小,水,关,半,,米,单,弟,羊,前,父,爸,爷, 会,后,
    九,风,几,儿,凡,丹,舟,已 己,片,斤, 同, 间, ,门,问, 周
    2做今天发下的习题。记熟意思,不懂的地方问家长。 do today I give the paper any question ask your parents.
    2018年6月2日 复 习 题 4A
    1.make phrases for each Characters
    万 -方 刀 -力 司 -习 白 -百 少 -小 文 -交 午 -牛
    白 -百 开 – 井 申 -中 几 -儿 末 -未 太 -犬 已 -己
    王 -玉 睛 -晴 问 -同 见 -贝 分 -公 凡 -风 片 -斤
    干 -于 季 -李 岁 -名 话 -活 半 -米 ,东 -车 天 -夫
    坏 -还 面 -回 年 -五 进 -讲 会 -合 关 -先 足 -号
    2.Read pinyin write characters
    Xiàtiān hěnjiǔ yuànzi (courtyard) liánqǐilái nǔlì zhùmíng
    wānchuán zhàomǎntiān wòzài yuánpíngguǒ pútáochuàn bǐ jiān
    yǔyán zìrán fēngfù xìxīn guānchá rénlèi
    Shìjīè mèngxiǎng shíxiàn líkāi dàodá fēicháng
    3. put a correct verb for bottom short sentences.
    吃、尝、喝、叫、讲、问、 听、看、读、写、画、做、教、坐、站、躺、脱、醒、走、穿、用、挂、搬、戴、加、减、借、还、出、丢、送、带、拿、放、给、找、行、等、完、破、关、来、进、笑,哭,接、停、爱、换、开、让、想、回、玩、买、响、花、去、卖
    1.__,这个苹果很好__. 2.奶奶喜欢__在沙发里__茶 。 3.小鸟__ 在树上.叫的真好__ 4. 请__ 一下这句子。5.不懂的地方就要____. 6.女孩___什么名字? 7.可以___一下这支笔吗? 8.今天学校__他们__白衣服。9.天冷,__上帽子,别__掉。 10.老师____.着书___来了。 11.门上_ 的画是我__的。 12. 哥哥___了他一只狗。 13.二 ___五 是七. 14.我可以___支笔吗?15.猫__了,快去___ 。16.___我点钱吧, 明天__你。17,他家是新__ 来的。18.妈妈__要___我到学校去的。 19.快下雨了,__ 把雨伞。 20小方在车站____.车呢。21小弟还__ .在床上,没__ 呢。 22. 那儿很远,__ 过去不____.。 23我___你在___什么?还没__呀。24 __下车,把车窗打__,__下空气。 25明天我__要爸爸__车 __我__家的。26妹妹是个又__哭,又__ __的女孩。 27你__多少钱__的衣服呀,真好看。 28 夏天,爷爷要__ London。
    4,translate follow verb phrases into English.
    帮2助、运3动2、跑3步3、排队、、踢足1 球、打3篮球、唱歌2、跳3舞、(爬)登4山1、骑马1、旅游2、
    弹钢琴、表演、锻炼、参观、参加、上1班3、出1发2、离4开1、流2汗4、散步3、打1电1话3、上1网、照4相、打1扫、见1面1、联系、准备、开1始、照4顾、放2假2、介绍、打3针3、 发2烧3、感3冒3、疼、生1病3、健4康4、游2泳2 喜2欢2、认1识4、觉3得2、知3道3、 希4望4、害怕、担3心2、记2得2、忘记2、小1心2、以2为2、同1意3、明2白1、懂4、打2算、注意3、选择、决3定4、打3扰、坚持、好1像4、变3化4、休4息4、睡3觉3、洗2澡、刷牙、起2床3、起2来1、学1习1、复习1、练习1、毕业、说1话3、听2说1
    3,唱会这支歌sing this song
    4. 请打开上周的作业把yct 4 链接

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      1、大声朗读第一课至第11课的课文, 复习每课的生字。Read aloud the text book from lesson 1 to 11 and revise all the new words.
      Copy lesson 1~11″Read aloud” words.
      3、学习/复习YCT1 需掌握的词语; Learn/revise YCT1 all new words;

  2. A level 班作业
    1 Privacy policy 翻译作业没做完的同学,请务必本周内完成!it is your first published work! If you have not published before.
    Your school website needs you!
    2 到news forum 找6月10号,复习课堂内容
    Find 10th June in News Forum, revise or learn the content.
    3 翻译里面给出的英文成中文
    Translate the given English into Chinese
    4 练熟静夜思和自己的诗词
    Practise singing of jingyesi and your own poem till fluent and loud.

  3. 六年级B班家庭作业 6月11日至2018年6月16日:

Revise Lesson 11 vocabulary and read the text aloud fluently;

Exercise Book 6A: Finish all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri in Lesson 11.

Recite our performance piece fluently.

    There will be YCT/HSK exams Next Sunday, so please bring 2B pencil to your exam room and rejoin the rest of the class after your exam. School finishes as usual at 4pm.

    Please visit the following link for YCT/HSK revision:

  4. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read lesson 7~12 aloud and fluent.
    Copy the vocabularies in lesson 12.
    Learn the vicabularies in YCT 3/4 and do exercise.

  5. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework5B
    1. 练习册B第10课周一至周五 的1-3题
    Finish the exercise 1-3 Monday to Friday in exercise book Blesson10
    2. 默写第10课生字,下次听写 write and practice characters in lesson 10,be prepared for dictation in next lesson 。 3. 熟读第十课课文。 Please read the lesson 10 several times.

  6. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B Homework

    Please memorise words from lesson 11 and prepare for
    the dictation next week。
    Complete the questions from Exercise book A
    of Lesson 11.
    Monday 1 ,2 ,3,4,5 Tuesday 1,2,3,4,5,
    Wednesday 1,2,3,4
    3. 参考下面的链接,准备YCT考试。

  7. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    For the one who did wrong over 2 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    The 15 words learned in the class require make phrase, and then make a sentence for each(a total of 15 phrases and 15 sentences), try to use complex sentences.

    Pre-read the text lesson 8 of “Zhong Wen”. The words that you don’t know, use dictionary find out then mark with Pinyin. Complete the lesson eight of the Chinese Workbook B, from page 50 to 56.

    The following are the materials for the idiom contest for the Analects, so please prepare at home. The registration deadline will be the next week.

  8. @全体家长@All parents:作业Homework: 学习以下问答方式:”现在几点? 现在…点“。 请家长将和孩子的对话写在作业本上。每天一句,共6句。请看链接, please watch aging and singing the link : https://youtu.be/fDtryvNWWIU 听,重复listening and repeating https://youtu.be/rYDH8fEsqac

  9. 一年级A 班(YEAR 1 A)
    1、大声、熟练地朗读第十一课的阅读“大象的朋友” Reciting Lesson 11 Reading “The Elephant’s Friends”

    2, 继续背诵唐诗(池上)&(小松)Continue practice and memories the Poems (池上)&(小松)

    3、在家长的帮助下学习发下的YCT1 需掌握的词语With parent’s help, learning or revising the words and phrases of YCT1 (Handout).

  10. YCT3

    Every day, read the following sentences five times. Each student need read these sentences in the next class.

    2. 参考以下链接学习YCT3模拟题。
    Follow the links below to practise YCT3 mock test.

    3. 参考以下链接朗读YCT3词汇。
    Follow the link below to read the YCT3 vocabulary.

  11. 二年级A班2A:

    Ready for your YCT2/3 Exam on this Sunday 17/06. Bring two(2B) pencils and rubber for your exam. Please come back to your classroom after exam and we will be finished at 4pm.

    Please visit the following link for YCT revision:

    2. 继续练习“清平调”,注意配上动作。
    Well practice ‘qin pin diao’.

    Wish you all the best for your YCT exam and good luck!

  12. 学前班B(Reception class B):
    1.请复习第1-2课 。please revise lesson 1-2。

  13. 三年级A (Year 3 A)
    1。熟读并背诵木兰诗。Read and memorise ‘Mu Lan Shi’.
    2。考YCT的同学根据自己YCT的考试级别,参考以下连接学习YCT词汇并做模拟试题。According to your YCT level, please following the link below, practice and prepare for YCT exam.

  14. 1.完成中文教材第12课星期四和星期五的课后练习。
    Please finish exercise Thursday and Friday for lesson 12.
    Next week 17th of Jun Chinese text.please prepare stationary and arrive on time, please read email and wechat group information for your venue No and exam time.
    According to your Chinese test level, please download your
    , next week feedback to the teacher.
    4.继续背诵毕业表演诗词 《虞美人》

  15. 成人初级班,adult beginner
    finish the reading part of the mock paper in workbook.
    do the revision for the HSK exam.

  16. 二年级B班作业
    1,完成练习册A第83-85页第十一课星期五的练习 Complete the lesson 11 Friday exercises on Exercise book A page 83-85
    There will be YCT exams Next Sunday, so please bring 2B pencil to your exam room and rejoin the rest of the class after your exam. School finishes as usual at 4pm.

    Please visit the following link for YCTrevision:

  17. 学前班A

    1.看图说话:look at the pictures in lesson 5 and say aloud. 2.学说句子:你在哪里?我在图书馆。我在超市。say the sentences by using sentence pattern。
    唐詩聯唱 https://youtu.be/s5tRuzbabpo。 4.听故事:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl1g7AyLpHQ

  18. 1. 请复习发给你的YCT的词汇和语法句子,理解和记忆它们。
    Please go though all the vocabulary and grammar list given to you, make sure you understand them and memorise them.
    According to your YCT level, please following the link below, practice and prepare for YCT exam.
    Please practice the lyrics of 《三字经》.

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