
一年级B 班(YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第十一课课文2遍Copy the Lesson 11’s Text 2 times

2、抄写第十一课课本练习二词组各五遍 Copy Exercise 2 Phrases 5 times each in Text Book of Lesson 11

3、背诵《声律启蒙》第一、二、三段 Recite the first,second and third paragraph of Sheng Lv Qi Meng (Handout)


21 Replies to “家庭作业2018年6月18日至2018年6月23日”

  1. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    Read Lesson Twelve ‘Wolves Are Coming Soon’ until fluent.
    Exercise book 3B: Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Twelve.
    Memorise and recite ‘Mu Lan Shi’.

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      1、抄写第十二课生字各五遍,并默记。Please copy the new words 5 times in Lesson 12 and memorise all of them.

      2、完成练习册B 第十二课星期一至星期三所有问题。Complete all the questions in Exercise book B Lesson 11 from Monday – Wednesday .

      3、背诵第十二课课文。Recite lesson 12text.

      4、背诵唐诗《悯农》和《春晓》。Memories and recite 2 Tang poems.

  2. A Level 班

    Write to discuss and to promote the phrase, best to incorporate your own examples and thoughts.
    部分同学翻译英文 成中文
    Translate that policy into Chinese
    Practise to recite your poem LOUDLY and to sing LOUDLY.

  3. 五年级A班作业
    1.抄写并记忆第11课《普林斯顿的老人》生字, 准备下周听写
    Copy and memorise the new chararcters in Lesson 11 for dictation next week.

    Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 11 in workbook A
    If you have Unit 3 test paper, please complete at home in 45 minutes and hand in next week.

    Memorise the lyrics and practise the song.

  4. 学前班B(Reception class B):
    1.请复习第3-4课 。please revise lesson 3-4。

  5. 三年级B班作业/Year 3B homework

    Please memorise words from lesson 11 and prepare for the dictation next week 2. 完成第十一课练习册A的所有练习题。 Complete the questions from Exercise book A of Lesson 11.
    Monday 6,7 Tuesday 6,7
    Wednesday 5,6,7 Thursday all; Friday all
    Read aloud until fluent and retell the story.
    4. 参考下面链条,在家进行练习诗歌《登鹳雀楼》。
    please refer to the like below to practice AT home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z36Ib24Ggq0

  6. 六年级B班家庭作业 6月18日至2018年6月23日:

Revise Lesson 11 vocabulary and read the text aloud fluently;

    Thoroughly revise all vocabulary in Lesson 1-6;

Exercise Book 6A: Finish all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri in Lesson 11.

Recite our performance piece fluently with pauses and emotion.


  7. GCSE B
    Please finish 中文 book General exercise .
    Review lesson 1-12 all the words, sentences, characters, next week final term exam.
    3.继续背诵毕业表演诗词 《虞美人》,下周走台练习

  8. 成人中级班作业Homework for Adult Beginners Class:
    《新实用汉语课本第二册New Practical Chinese Reader 2》

    1. 复习第二十二课对话一生词。Revise the vocabulary of L22.
    2. 复习第二十二课对话一课文。Revise the dialogue 1 of L22.
    3. 根据对话一复习第二十二课语法。Revise the grammar of L22 in the context of the dialogue 1 of L22.

  9. 二年级B作业 year two b homework
    1, 背诵课文第11课 memorise lesson 11
    2, 准备背诵考试,共10段, 课本7/39/45/48/60/61-62/72/79, 绕口令“画画”和“山上五棵树” prepare the memorise test from the text book page 7/39/45/48/60/61-62/72/79 and the tongue twister exercise “画画”, “山上五棵树”
    3, 把绕口令练习中的“小四约小石”“日头石头舌头指头”每天读三遍 read the tongue twister exercise number 3/4 three times a day.

  10. 1.背熟 演唱的歌词,唱熟歌曲。memories the lyric, sing the song expertly.
    白日不到处,青春恰自来。苔花如米小,也学牡丹开。X 2遍
    如果没有那次眼泪灌溉,也许还是那个懵懂的小孩。溪流汇成海,梦站成山脉 ,风一来花自然会盛开,梦是指路牌,为你亮起来,所有黑暗为天亮铺盖。
    未来已打开,勇敢的小孩,你是拼图不可缺少的那一块。世界是纯白, 涂满梦的未来,用你的名字命名色彩。
    白日不到处, 青春恰自来。苔花如米小,也学牡丹开X 2遍
    雁声依旧在,年少时对白, 耳边音犹在,如风暖心怀。
    Where the sunlight does not shine, Spring-like scene prevails just fine.
    Blooming moss is small as rice, Still in prime as peony nice.
    Without that tear irrigation,Perhaps it was the ignorant child.
    Streams into the sea, dreams stand in mountains,
    When the wind comes, the flowers will bloom.Dreams are signs that light up for you,All the darkness was paved with light.
    The future is open, brave children,You are the indispensable piece of the puzzle.The world is a pure white, dream-filled future,
    Use your name for color.
    Where the sunlight does not shine, Spring-like scene prevails just fine.
    Blooming moss is small as rice, Still in prime as peony nice.

    The wild goose is still in, the young of ages dialogue,
    The sound of the ear is still, such as the Wind warm heart.


    2.整理你的第四册A,B 练习册。补上没有完成 的习题,改正错误的题目。下周把两本练习册,听写本交给老师。 Sort out your volume 4 A and B Exercise books. Make up the unfinished problem sets and correct the wrong ones. hand the two exercise books and dictation books to the teacher next week.
    3.认真复习1-12课生字,词。7月6日年终考试。revision lesson 1-12 vocabularies, underline phrases , 6th of July final exam.

  11. 五年级B班家庭作业 Year 5B Homework5B
    1. 练习册B第10课周一至周五 剩余的题
    Finish the rest exercises Monday to Friday in exercise book B lesson10
    2. 默写第10课生词,下次听写 write and practice vocabulary in lesson 10,be prepared for dictation in next lesson 。 3. 熟读第十课课文。 Please read the lesson 10 several times.

  12. YCT 3班
    1, 大声朗读YCT4课本第四册第23到34页课文,每天至少读3遍。
    Read YCT4 book from page 23 to 34 at least three times per day.

    2. 利用下面列出的每个单词各造两个句子。每个学生准备好将写好的句子在课堂上读出来。
    Make two sentences using the each word listed below. Each student need read his/her sentences in class.
    前, 后, 左, 右, 教师, 走, 过, 上午, 下午, 中午, 公共汽车, 动物园, 车站, 开, 对, 路, 远, 近, 旁边, 条

    Every day, read the following sentences five times. Each student need read these sentences in the next class.

  13. @All
    YCT1 Homework:
    1. Copy the 10 key words and the 2 key sentences on page 13. 抄写第十三页的10个生词和2个句子。

    2. Copy and translate the text on page 14. 抄写并翻译第十四页的课文。

    3. Be able to recite the poem – 赠汪伦. 能够背诵唐诗-赠汪伦。https://youtu.be/EP-h6aCq2ho

  14. 学前班A

    1.看图说话:look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud. 2.学习对话:你在哪里?我在超市。你买什么?我买冰激凌。say the sentences by using sentence pattern。
    唐詩聯唱 https://youtu.be/s5tRuzbabpo。 4.听故事:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl1g7AyLpHQ

  15. 四年级B班Y4B
    Read Lesson 7 to 12 aloud and fluent.
    Complete workbook B lesson 12:
    Monday 3, 5
    Tuesday 3, 4
    Wednesay 4, 6
    Complete exercises in the book on P115~116.
    Ready for dictation.

  16. 学唱h/Sing 我的爸爸是超人https://-My dad is superman https://youtu.be/r6J-bfLCvEw
    我的爸爸最伟大-My dad is greahttps://youtu.be/wLNc1HPAcjgt
    听故事/Story :我的爸爸-My dadhttps://youtu.be/TI0H-B7VAi4
    中国节日Chinese Festerval :端午节 https://youtu.be/mfFM9xipl-s
    绘画/Drawing:龙舟比赛 dragon boat

  17. GCSE A班家庭作业:

    Complete the Zhong Wen Chinese book, from page 59 to 63.

    For the male student , practice the song and memory it. The female students recite the recitation section. Here are the links.

  18. 成人班初级Adult beginner:
    1. 复习第九课对话一生词。Revise the vocabulary of Unit 9.
    2. 复习第九课对话一课文。Revise the dialogue and text of Unit 9.

  19. 六年级A班作业

    Memorise all new words 爱你的expressions in Lesson 12,ready for dictation next week.

    Complete revision exercises and revise all words and expressions from Unit 1 and 4.

    Complete exercise 6B lesson 12 Monday to Friday all questions



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