
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第六课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 6 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住学过的第六课的生字,特别关注“黑、白、绿、黄、蓝”这几个关于颜色的字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 6 and to prepare for the dictation,especially pay more attention to the words about the colour “Black, white, green, yellow and blue”.

3、背诵唐诗《鹿柴》,参加唐诗第四篇比赛memorise Tang Poem <Lu Zhai> for the fourth Competition

21 Replies to “家庭作业2020年3月23至2020年3月28日”

  1. 22/3/2020 GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    2、 写作:写一封信给你的中国笔友关于英国的圣诞节,可以参照第135页的写作5
    Writing task: Write a letter to your pen pal in China about Christmas in UK; refer to Writing 5 on page 135
    Requirements: no less than 200 words
    Note: Letter format
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 135 reading 4, and page 137 listening & Reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  2. 三年级C班作业homework for year 3 C:

    1,完成练习册B第八课,星期一到星期四 1-4题。
    Exercise book B lesson 8 Monday to Thursday part 1-4.

    2,请继续完成page 61 的课堂练习。 complete page 61 “Learn to write”.

    3,若还没读熟第八课请读熟。Read Lesson 8 until fluently.

    4,订正练习册第七课中的错误。Correct the mistakes that you have made in exercise book lesson seven.

  3. 8年纪作业
    1 。熟读第8课阅读课文《活字印刷术》,了解中国四大发明的来历。复习第8课的所有词组,下周听写
    Review lesson 8 reading article, get to know four inventions from acient china. review all phrases from lesson 8. next week dication again.
    Finish book general 3 exercise page 88
    preview lesson 10 , know all the characters.
    4 。复习课堂上练习的GCSE口语第一个主题的所有问题。
    Review all the GCES oral speaking exam theme 1 20 questions.

  4. @all
    七年级2020.03.22 作业
    Year 7 homework 2020.03.22
    Happy Mother’s Day!
    First: Words
    Please write down once lesson 7,8,9’s new words in everyday.
    Please use below words to create a useful and meaningful sentence
    1. ……终于……
    2. 我+(动词)+(雄伟建筑),崇敬之情油然而生。
    3. (Adj.)+是+(主语)+的一大特点。
    4. 无论……还是……,都……
    5. 无论……,都……
    6. 的确
    7. 好像
    8. 之间
    9. 一直
    10. 创造
    11. 设计
    12. 实现
    13. ……之一
    14. 没多久
    15. 雄伟
    16. 伟大
    17. 愿望
    18. 格外
    19. 向往
    20. 终于
    21. 奇妙
    22. 丰富
    23. 通过
    24. 顶端
    25. 那么
    26. 不但……,而且……
    Please write a short article and describe a great building. This building could be any great building which is you been to visit before and give you really good memory one.
    Count: around 150
    Please practice your reading skills. You can choose one lesson to read in everyday.
    Fifth:Upload homework
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you !

  5. 五年级A班家庭作业
    1.Review the new vocabularies and new words in lesson8;get ready for dictation next week;
    2.Complete the exercises from Monday to Friday.

  6. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
    To complete all the questions on Exercise B Lesson Six from Monday to Friday (Daily);
    To memorise all the words in Lesson Six and to prepare dictation in next lesson;
    3、 大声朗读五遍课本第32页练习二读一读;
    Read aloud 5 times Exercise Two on pages 32 in Textbook;
    To memorise Tang Poem

  7. A level班 家庭作业
    1、 复习lesson 5 短文二,抄写并翻译短文二。
    Review lesson 5 text two, transcript in chinses and translate text two.
    2、 找两首自己喜欢的关于清明的唐诗,并抄写,下节课堂上展示。
    Find two Tang poems about Qingming that you like, copy them, and show them in the next class.
    Write a letter to your parents or friends about your own learning life.

  8. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1 改正听写的错别字, 每个字写5遍。
    Correct the dictation, write the correct one 5 times each.
    2 熟读第八课课文,每天两遍。
    Practice reading of Lesson 8, twice daily.
    3 完成第八课练习题周一至周五前三题。
    Complete Lesson8 Monday to Friday the first three questions.

  9. 六年级A班作业
    Memorise all new words and expressions in Lesson 8,ready for dictation next week.

    Read lesson 8 aloud and use your own words to retell lesson 8.

    Complete exercise 6B lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions.


  10. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B homework
    1, 把第八课的课文每天读三遍,下周检查
    Read the lesson Eight 3 times everyday, will check next week
    2, 把第八课的13个生字每个字写五遍
    Copy the 13 new words from the lesson Eight 5 times
    Read the question two ” read aloud ” 5 times on the text book page 58

  11. 本周作业:
    Please correct all the mistakes of dictation, lesson 7.
    2, 订正练习册A第七课的练习。
    Please correct all the mistakes in Exercise Book A, lesson Seven.
    3, 背诵第七课:古诗二首 准备下周默写。
    Recite the poems of Lesson Seven.
    4, 预习第八课
    Preview Lesson Eight

  12. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成练习册B:第八课周一到周五的1-3题。
    Finish exercises 1 to 3 of Monday to Friday in Lesson 7 Book B.
    2. 每天读2遍《朝代歌》。
    Read “Chao Dai Ge” two times a day.
    3. 抄写第七课课后阅读《山行》
    Please copy the poem Shan Xing which we just learnt on Sunday.
    4. 复习第六课划线词,准备下节课默写。
    Review the underlined words of Lesson 6. We’ll have dictation next class.

  13. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 请熟读下面的短文,然后将下面的问题翻译成中文并根据短文用中文回答。Please read the short passage fluently and translate the questions into Chinese and answer them according to the passage.
    Questions: Please ask a peer in Chinese
    1) What kind of person is my neighbour?
    2) What kind of habit does he have?
    3) What does he do on top of the mountain?
    4) Why does he do these things there?
    5) When does he go home?
    6) What does he do after he go home?
    7) Why does he do so?
    8) Can he still do so now? Why?
    我的邻居以前有个很奇怪的习惯,每个周日的早上他都要带着咖啡和吃的东西爬山,到山上的公园去玩。在那里他一会儿散步,一会儿弹钢琴,一会儿看风景,一直到中午吃完午饭,再休息一会儿,然后慢慢地走下山。可是到了家以后他就什么事也不做了,一直睡到星期一的早上。有一次我问他,“你周末为什么那么早就上山啊?”他说“早上山上的风景太漂亮了,在那里散步、弹琴、吃饭特别舒服。”“那你为什么一回家就睡觉,还一直睡到第二天早上?”他说“我今年75岁了,爬了一上午的山,你说我累不累啊?”现在他不能去爬山了,因为新冠(guàn)病毒(dú)(coronavirus) 他不可以出门了。
    2. 请想一想你有什么好习惯,并准备在课上说一说。Please think about what good habit do you have and prepare to use Chinese to tell others in the class on Sunday.
    3. 请预习第五课生词及课文。Please revise the vocabulary and text of L5.

  14. 成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1 记住俗语:三人行,必有我师
    Remember the Common saying: When I walk with two others, there must be one whom I can learn from.
    2 听写第10 课生词
    Dictation lesson 10 new words
    3 预习朗读第10课课文1-4
    Preview and Read well Lesson 10 Texts 1-4
    4 完成句子 Complete the sentence.
    (1) 小丽的中文越_________________。
    (2) 小刚经常跑步,身体越_________。
    (3) 这本书越_______________。
    (4) 这2辆车的大小_________________。
    (5) 这2条裤子的颜色_______________。
    (6) 今天的天气和昨天的_____________。
    (7) 马可和大山_____________________。

  15. 本周家庭作业(homework):
    学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第四课词语。look at the pictures in lesson 4 and say aloud.
    2.说句子 say sentences by using sentence pattern. 我们爬山。我们骑车……
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 24-25)。

  16. 4A MinWang
    1.熟读课文第九课,划线下面词语。reading lesson 9 underline follow phrases 夏天, 夜晚,布满,院子,靠着,仰着头, 很久, 数得清,连起来, 勺子, 北斗星。 北极星, 努力, 长大, 著名, 天文学家

    2, 用中文写出下面词汇。trnslate follow words into Chinese
    Mathematicians, geographers, writers, astronomers, painters, inventors,

    *3 查字典 连词 make phrases for follow charcters do 50%
    书,熟,鼠,数 勺,烧,少,梢
    空,孔,控,恐 努 奴,努,怒
    离,里,力 粒 著,朱,竹,主
    星,行,醒,幸 晚,弯,玩,腕
    满,顢,瞒,慢 名,茗,命 鸣
    衡,哼,悙 横 连,脸,练,莲
    靠 考 ,烤,犒 清,晴,请,庆
    久 ,酒 ,灸 ,救 颗,壳,渴,客

    4 完成第九课的练习题、complete lesson 9 phrases .
    5 , watch tv

  17. 4A MinWang
    1.熟读课文第九课,划线下面词语。reading lesson 9 underline follow phrases 夏天, 夜晚,布满,院子,靠着,仰着头, 很久, 数得清,连起来, 勺子, 北斗星。 北极星, 努力, 长大, 著名, 天文学家

    2, 用中文写出下面词汇。trnslate follow words into Chinese
    Mathematicians, geographers, writers, astronomers, painters, inventors,

    *3 查字典 连词 make phrases for follow charcters do 50%
    努 奴,努,怒
    离,里,力 粒
    名,茗,命 鸣
    衡,哼,悙 横
    靠 考 ,烤,犒
    久 ,酒 ,灸 ,救

    4 完成第九课的练习题、complete lesson 9 phrases .
    5 , watch tv

  18. 三年级A(Year 3A)
    1. 阅读第九课‘蔡伦造纸’至少十遍直到流利。Read Lesson Nine ‘Cai Lun Invented the Paper’ at least 10 times until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Nine on Exercise book 3A.

  19. YCT3 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5 times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音: 下雨,下雪,听,外面,里面,出,别,作业
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。
    2)Please use “但是”“别””出”“外面”to make sentences in Chinese. 请用“别”“出””“外面”各造一个句子。
    3)Please translate the YCT3 Lesson 8 Page 38 into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT3第八课Page 38翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4) Please finish YCT3 ACTIVITY BOOK Page29 请完成YCT3活动手册第29页.
    5)Please watch the folloeing video clips,repeat it if you could . 请观看下面的视频,并复述和跟读。
    1)How’s the Weather? (天气怎么样?) | Learning Songs 1 | Chinese song | By Little Fox

    3)小猪佩奇 ? 最新视频 | 粉红猪小妹 直播 | Peppa Pig | 动画

  20. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1 改正听写的错别字, 每个字写5遍。
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    2 熟读第八课课文,每天两遍。
    Practice reading of Lesson 8, twice daily.
    3 完成第八课练习题周一至周五前三题。
    Complete Lesson8 Monday to Friday the rest of questions.

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