
1、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住学过的第五课的生字,下次上课听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 5 and to prepare for the dictation (请于上课前准备好本子和笔)

3.  家长帮助孩子背诵唐诗第四篇《鹿柴》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6msd4mKUjPo Parents to help child to recite 《鹿柴》

21 Replies to “家庭作业2020年3月16日至2020年3月21日”

  1. 六年级B班 2020年3月15日至2020年3月22日家庭作业 :


    Make a rainbow at home, then take a picture and upload it to our wechat group.

    2. 练习册6B第八课
    周二 :1,5,6

    Excise book 6B lesson 8

    Copy and memorize all the word and expressions in Lesson 7, ready for dictation on 22nd March;

  2. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the questions of Exercise Book A lesson seven.
    2. 背诵古诗二首。
    Recite the poems.

  3. 4A Min Wang
    1. 学习下面传统游戏的中文名称。learn Chinese traditional game characters phrases
    捉迷藏 zhuo mi cang hide-and-seek
    跳绳tiao sheng rope skipping
    踢毽 ti jian shuttlecock
    掷沙包zhi sha bao Throwing sandbags
    滚铁环gun tie hua rolling loop
    跳皮筋 tiao pi jing rubber band skipping
    打弹珠 da dan zhu pinball
    翻花绳 fan hua sheng Flip up
    斗鸡 dou ji game fowl
    打弹弓 da dan gong Shotgun
    跳房子 tiao fangzi hopscotch
    拔河 ba he tug-of-war
    跳 马 tiao ma Horse jumping
    2, 填空题
    聪 =耳 +八+口 ?
    戏 = ?+戈
    ?= 缶 +工
    装 =壮+?
    吓 =?+ 下
    ?= 口+口+犬
    ?= 忄+ 京
    慌= 忄+ 艹+ 亡+ 儿+ 丨
    法=?+ 去
    块 =?+ 夬guai
    使= 亻+ 一+ ?
    劲= ?+ 力
    ?=石 匚 巾
    救 =求+ ?
    3.读 张衡的介绍 reading story about Zhangheng
    Born in the town of Xi’e in Nanyang Commander (located north of modern Nanyang City, Henan province), Zhang Heng came from a distinguished but not very affluent family. His grandfather, Zhang Kan, had been governor of a commandery, and one of the leaders who supported the restoration of the Han Dynasty by Emperor Guangwu (r. 25–57), following the death of the usurper Wang Mang and his short-lived Xin Dynasty (CE 9–23). At age ten, Zhang’s father died, leaving him in the care of his mother and grandmother. An accomplished writer in his youth, Zhang left home in 95 to pursue his studies at universities in the ancient capitals of Chang’an and Luoyang. While traveling to Luoyang, Zhang passed by a hot spring near Mount Li and dedicated one of his earliest fu poems to it, the Wenquan (溫泉).[11] After studying for some years at Luoyang’s Imperial University (太学), he became well-versed in the classics, and befriended notable persons, such as the mathematician and calligrapher Cui Yuan (78–143), the official and philosophical commentator Ma Rong (79–166), and the philosopher Wang Fu (78–163). Government authorities offered Zhang appointments to several offices, including a position as one of the Three Excellencies, yet he acted modestly and turned down those positions. At age twenty-three, he returned home with the title “Officer of Merit in Nanyang,” serving as the master of documents under the administration of Governor Bao De (in office from 103–111). As he was charged with composing inscriptions and dirges for Bao De, he gained experience in writing official documents. As Officer of Merit in the commander, he was also responsible for local appointments to office and recommendations to the capital of nominees for higher office.He spent much of his time composing rhapsodies on the capital cities. When Bao De was recalled to the capital in 111, to serve as a minister of finance, Zhang continued his literary work at home in Xi’e.Zhang Heng began his studies in astronomy at the age of thirty, and began publishing his works in astronomy and mathematics.

    4.看视频 watch tv

    5,认真抄写第九课生字3遍。朗读,读懂第九课。 Copy the new words in lesson 9 three times. Read aloud, understand lesson 9.

  4. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 15/03/2020

    Please write down once lesson 7,8,9’s new words in everyday.

    完成练习册B 第8课内容

    Please finish practice 1,2,3,4 from your book in p82.

    Please practice your reading skills. You can choose one lesson to read in everyday.

    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you !

  5. 学前班A reception class:
    1. 复习第三课的词语和句型。revise words and sentences taught last week.
    2. 学习古诗《草》。recite the poem .

  6. Year Two B Homework
    1, Memorise the lesson Seven and the tongue twister on text book page 45
    背诵 课本第七课课文和课本45页的绕口令
    2, Complete the exercise book A the Friday exercises from page 53-55
    完成练习册A第七课53-55 页的星期五练习
    3, Read the ‘Read Aloud’ on the exercise book A page 52 question five three times everyday
    把练习册A第52 页第五题的‘读一读’ 每天读三遍

  7. 学前班B(Reception class B):
    1. 动手做一个中国菜单。Make a Chinese food menu.
    2.复习第三课的词语和句型。revise words and sentences taught last week.(这是…… This is /These are…)
    2. 学习古诗《悯农》。recite the poem .

  8. 三年级C班作业homework for year 3 C:

    Exercise book A lesson 7 Thursday and Friday.

    Copy Two Ancient poem once .

    Read Lesson 8 until fluently.

    Prepare 3 new characters of lesson 8 which you are going to explain to your classmates next week.

  9. 五年级A班作业:
    Please complete all the questions of Exercise Book A lesson seven.
    2. 背诵古诗二首并拍摄视频发给我。
    Recite the two poems and send the videos to me.

  10. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1 . 完成练习册A第七课的所有练习。
    Please complete all the questions of Exercise Book A Lesson seven.
    2. 复习第七课的划线词语, 准备下周听写。
    Revise the underlined the phrases of Lesson 7, prepare next week’s dictation.
    3. 请用”写不好”,”画不好”,”做不好”,”吃不完” 各造一个句子。
    例: 这么多菜吃不完。
    Please make four sentences using each of the words above.

  11. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第八课’壶盖为什么会动’直到很流利。Continue reading Lesson 8 ‘Why Does the Kettle Lid Move’ until fluently.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson 8.
    3. 抄写第八课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.

  12. A level班 家庭作业
    1、 复习lesson 5 短文一和二,抄写并翻译短文一。
    Review lesson 5, transcript in chinses and translate text one.
    2、 写一篇关于自己学习生活的作文,字数250字以上,下节课堂上展示。
    Write an essay about your own learning life.
    Rereading the article ‘The technique cold war between China and American’.
    4、考A level的同学复习《请投我一票》之前的习作。
    For A level, review the writing exercise of 《Please vote for me》

  13. 1 复习第9课
    Review lesson 9
    2 预习第10课生字
    Preview lesson 10 new words
    (1)个子 (2)矮(3)历史 (4)体育 (5)数学 (6)方便 (7)自行车 (8)骑(9)旧(10)换(11)地方 (12)中介 (13)主要 (14)环境 (15)附件
    3 预习第10课课文1-4
    Preview Lesson 10 Texts 1-4
    4 下节课我们将参照HSK3 课本第79页双人活动和小组活动一起做口语练习
    We will do speaking practice see HSK3 Book page 79. Pair work and Group work In the next lesson.

  14. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year3B

    Memorise the Chinese characters we learnt above,.Form a phrase and memorise the story which includes all the characters that we learnt above.
    Memorise the Chinese characters we learnt from Lesson6.
    Form a phrase,try to make a story which includs all the character we learnt 猫、狗、糖、盐、争、兔.
    Please complete the questions from Exercise Book B of Lesson 6.

  15. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    Correct the dictation, five times each.
    Finish Exercise book B, Lesson 8, Monday to Friday part 1 to part 3 .


  16. 8年纪
    1 熟读第8课课文,学习生字,词组,熟练造句,下周听写10个词组。
    Read fluently lesson 8, learn new words, next week dictation.
    2 完成中文练习册第8课星期三到星期五的练习
    Finish exercise book lesson 8 Wed-Fri
    3 预习第8课阅读文章
    Preview reading article of lesson 8

  17. 1) Please finish YCT3 ACTIVITY BOOK Page28 请完成YCT3活动手册第28的练习。
    2)Please watch the following video clip and draw a picture for you most favorite way to celebrate birthday , you should write a chinese sentence on it, for example: 我喜欢在中国过生日吃面条。
    Birthdays Around the World (世界各地的生日习俗) | Single Story | Culture | Chinese | By Little Fox
    3) Please recite two paragraphs of lesson 7, page

  18. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1, 抄写《中文》第六课生字,每个字十遍。Copy new words from Lesson 6 ten times each.

    2、继续背诵唐诗《望庐山瀑布》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIInGJjh5uU

    Continue recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装或唐装

  19. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B
    1. 完成练习册A:第七课剩下的题。Finish the rest of the exercises for Lesson 7.
    2. 背诵第七课课后阅读:《绝句》,录制成视频并发到班级群里面,或者发给老师(请注意着装,不要穿睡衣)。Study and recite the poem,Jue Ju, make a reciting video and send it to me by Sunday.
    3. 抄写第七课课后阅读《绝句》Please copy the poem we just learnt on Sunday.
    4. 复习第七课62页上的生字,准备下节课默写。Review the new words on page 62. We’ll have dictation next class.

  20. 一年级C班家庭作业 Year 1C homework
    To complete the questions in Lesson Five Exercise A Monday to Wednesday;
    2 、 把这星期学的生字每个写五遍;
    Copy the words 5 times those were learnt this week;
    3 、大声朗读《中文》课本练习二”读一读”五遍;
    Read aloud exercise Two on Text Book 5 times;
    4、学习唐诗《春晓》 并在星期六之前把视频发给老师。

  21. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 请把下列句子翻译成中文。Please translate the following sentences into Chinese:
    a. Can you finish your exercises first, and then watch TV?
    b. Over suddenly it rained very heavily, we all ran home immediately.
    c. Yesterday was my mother’s birthday, my little sister and I made a big cake with “We love you, mummy” on top, she was very happy!
    d. My little brother lost his beloved book “The Little Teddy Bear”, he cried sadly.
    2. 请复习第五课生词及课文,想一想你有什么好习惯,并准备在课上说一说。Please revise the vocabulary and text of L5, think about what good habit do you have and prepare to use Chinese to tell others in the class on Sunday.
    3. 请参加诗歌朗诵的同学把视频发给我。Those who want to participate the recital competition please send me your video clip to me.

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