
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、背诵唐诗《望庐山瀑布》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIInGJjh5uU 

Recite the poem <Wang Lu Shan Pu Bu> and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装或唐装

21 Replies to “家庭作业2020年3月9日至2020年3月14日”

  1. @all 本周作业:homework
     七年级 08/03/2020

    Happy Women’s Day for your mother!

    Please write down once lesson 8’s new words in everyday.

    完成练习册B 第8课内容
    Tuesday 123456

    Please recite lesson 8 and upload vedio to WeChat group.
    (If you are shy , you can only send to teacher, Ms Wang or Ms Zhang, both fine)

    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you !

  2. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.背诵古诗《咏鹅》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14March 2020 to join the competition. (请不要穿睡衣拍摄。)

    《聪明的乌鸦》(watch a cartoon)

  3. 学前A班 reception class
    1.看图说话。look at the pictures in lesson 3 and say aloud.
    这是…this is/these are
    3.背诵古诗《草》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and upload your reciting video on wechat group by Saturday 14March 2020 to join the competition. (请不要穿睡衣拍摄。)

  4. 三年级B班作业/Homework for Year3B

    Memorise the poem 《山村咏怀》and take the video send it to Wechat group of class before this Saturday.


    Using the measure words were provided complete the sentences.
    三,仿造句子。Using contents provided write a sentence
    例子 ,一只美丽得小鸟在蓝蓝得天上自由自在地飞。

  5. Year Two Homework
    1, 把第七课的课文每天熟读三遍
    Read Lesson seven fluently 3 time everyday.
    2, 完成练习册A43-46 页的所有练习
    Complete all question in the Exercise book A from page 43-46
    3, 背诵唐诗《望庐山瀑布》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIInGJjh5uU
    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装或唐装

  6. HSK3 第9课练习
    1 练习册第60页阅读 第21-25题:选择合适的问答
    HSK3 Workbook page 60 Reading. Questions: 21-25 Match the two parts of the same dialogue.
    2 第26-30题:选择合适的词语填空
    Questions 26-30: Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
    3 第61 页 第31-35题: 选择正确答案
    Page 61 Questions 31-35: Choose the right answers.
    4 第62页 第36-40题 连词成句
    Questions 36-40: Rearrange the words/phrase to make sentences.
    5 第41-45题: 看拼音 写汉字
    Question 41-45: Write the characters based on the PINYIN.
    6 辨认汉字,选择正确的汉字填空
    Page 63 Questions 46-50: Distinguish the characters and fill in the blanks.
    7 第51-54题:用下面的汉字组词
    例如: 找(找人 找到)
    Questions 51-56: Make words using the following characters.
    8 根据课文内容填空
    Questions 1-2: Fill in the blanks based on the texts in the textbook.
    We will check the homework together in the next lesson.

  7. YCT2 homework:
    1. Read aloud the poem . Draw a picture of the scenery according to this poem. 大声朗读古诗《登鹳雀楼》。根据这首诗画出景色。

    2. Watch the videos https://youtu.be/K5E9yWvg6bY

    3. Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14th March to join the competition. 背诵这首古诗,并在3月14日星期六之前把你背诵古诗的视频发送给我来参加竞赛。

  8. 二年级A(Year2A)

    1. 熟读并背诵第七课课文。
    Read and recite Lesson7。
    2. 练习册A第七课周一至周五前三题。
    Exercise book A Lesson 7 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    3. 背诵唐诗《望庐山瀑布》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIInGJjh5uU

    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition.

  9. A level班 家庭作业
    1、 根据在课堂上的讨论,完成lesson 6 第45页的W/S练习并写在本子上,下节课在课堂上展示,字数250个字以上。
    According to the discussion of P45 exercise W/S, Write down the answer.
    2、 翻译lesson 6,text one.
    Translate lesson 6, text one.
    Rereading the article ‘The technique cold war between China and American’, answer the question in next class.
    4、考A level的同学在网上找与Theme4改革开放相关的内容,按变革、中英关系分别归纳。按照口试的标准将口试内容写下来。
    For A level, summarize the content of Chinses economic reform and open up in Theme4. Writing down your summarization according to speaking standard.
    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Sunday 15 March 2020 to join the competition.

  10. 三年级A(Year 3A)
    1. 反复阅读第八课‘壶盖为什么会动’直到流利。Read Lesson Eight ‘Why Does the Kettle Lid Move’ until fluent.
    2. 练习册3B:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Eight on Exercise book 3B.

  11. 8年纪作业
    1 。自学中文8课生字 ,熟读 课文 和 句子 。
    preview lesson 8 , understand new characters and read texts fluently.
    2 完成中文第8课练习册星期一-星期二 的练习
    finish lesson 8 exercise book Monday-Tuesday
    3 背诵第9课第三 首诗《送孟浩然 之广陵 》,背诵并录制背诵视频,发在班级群里或私信给老师,参加学校举行的古诗背诵比赛,学校会评选出一二三等奖
    Recite lesson 9 3rd poem 《送 孟浩然 之 广陵 》,recite and video it and post in the wechat group or message me, participate school competition. 1st 2nd 3rd will be choosed by school.

  12. 五年级A班家庭作业 Y5A Homework
    1. 复习并会写课本第57页第七课生字,下节课听写。
    1.Memorise all the new characters of lesson 7; prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 完成练习册A第七课星期一到星期五的1-2题。
    2.Complete questions 1-2 from Monday to Friday in exercise book A.
    3.Recite the two poems .
    4.Complete the Review 2(page53).

  13. 本周作业:
    Please complete part of the exercises on Exercise Book A, Lesson 7
    星期三: 1,2,3
    2,看视频,背诵唐诗,录制视频以参加学校第三周唐诗诵读比赛。Recite the poem and send the video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition, thank you.

  14. 4A Min Wang
    1. 给第八课下面的词划线,抄写2遍 underline follow phrases of the lesson 8. copy write 2 times
    古代 ,孩子,花园,游戏,爬树,大家,原来,水缸,装满,吓哭了,惊慌,办法,使劲,砸缸,流水, 得救,聪明,
    3.请完成练习册第八课习题周一到周五的第1- 4题.。 please do your EX B lesson 8 question 1-4 of Mon_Fri.
    4. 对你的家人说说司马光的故事。tell Sima Guang‘s’ story to your famliy 。



  15. YCT 4班作业Homework for YCT4

    1. 请准备YCT4 阅读第65-70题。Please prepare the Reading question 65-70 of YCT4 paper.
    2. 请准备YCT4 书写第71-75题。Please prepare the Writing question 70-75 of YCT4 paper.
    3. 请跟YouTube练习朗诵唐诗《早发白帝城》(见下),并录像发给我参加学校的堂诗朗诵比赛。也可自学唐诗参加比赛。Please prepare the Tang poem of《早发白帝城》for the school online recite competition. Whence you are ready, make a video recording and send it to me. Please see the information in the school wechat group.
    zǎofā báidì chéng
    Setting Off Early from Baidi City
    唐 李白
    táng lǐbái
    Tang Dynasty

    zhāo cí bái dì cǎiyún jiān
    Set off Early from Baidi City while was amongst rosy clouds;
    qiānlǐ jiānglíng yí rì huán
    Returned to Jiangling thousand miles away in one day

    两岸猿声啼不住 ,
    liǎng’àn yuán shēng tí bù zhù
    The chatter of apes from the shores were still echoing in my ears,

    轻舟己过万重山 。
    qīngzhōu jǐguò wàn chóngshān
    My little boat had passed ten thousands mountains.

    白帝: a city on the upstream of the Yangzi river
    江陵: a city at the downstream of the Yangzi river

    英译李白的《早发白帝城》 English Transaction

    小蓓蕾组合 – 15 早发白帝城 YouTube – Recite (The first 1:14 is for the reciting, therest is the explanation and the song. For the competition, the first 1:14 is enough)

  16. 三年级C班作业homework for year 3 C:

    Exercise book A lesson 7 Monday to Wednesday .

    Copy Two Ancient poem once .

    Read page 37 part 2,3 and page 57 Reading until fluently.

    Recite and video At Heron Lodge then post it in the Wechat group.

  17. 背诵绘画:村居, 春晓,登鹳雀楼( 继续完成作业) 请发到班群。背诵古诗江南春 https://youtu.be/5ECm72e4mWE 看雨水https://youtu.be/Wvs2Z18ux6U
    认读识字卡2 Recitation: Village House, Chun Xiao, Deng Stork Tower (continue to complete the homework) Please send it to Class Group.
    Reading and writing cards 2

  18. YCT3 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5 times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音: 生日,礼物,花,蛋糕,送,给,吧,但是,快乐
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。
    2)Please use “但是”“给””送”“会”to make sentences in Chinese. 请用“但是”“给””“送”“会”各造一个句子。
    3)Please translate the YCT3 Lesson 7 Page 34 into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT3第七课Page 34翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4) Please finish YCT3 ACTIVITY BOOK Page25 &
    26 请完成YCT3活动手册第25页和第26页的练习。

  19. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 背诵古诗《悯农》,并录制成视频,在周日(15日)晚8点前发到班级微信群,或者发给老师,参加学校第三期朗诵比赛。Study and recite the poem,Min Nong, on page 61, make a reciting video and send it to me by Sunday.
    2. 完成练习册A:第七课周一到周五的1-4题。
    Please finish Exercise book A, Lesson Seven: Complete exercise 1 to 4 of Mon to Fri.
    3. 抄写第七课的两首古诗:《春晓》和《悯农》
    Please copy the two poems we have learnt on Sunday.

  20. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师
    1、完成《中文》练习册A第五课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 5 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、背诵唐诗《望庐山瀑布》 并把视频在星期六之前发给老师https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIInGJjh5uU

    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 14 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装或唐装

  21. 一年级C班家庭作业 Year 1C homework
    To complete the questions in Lesson Five Exercise A Monday to Wednesday;
    2 、 把这星期学的生字每个写五遍;
    Copy the words 5 times those were learnt this week;
    3 、学习唐诗《悯农》 并在星期六之前把视频发给老师.

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