17 Replies to “家庭作业2020年03月01日至2020年03月07日”

  1. 8年纪作业
    1 。自学中文第9课两首古诗和阅读部分古诗,查看微信群第9课的PPT
    Self learning lesson 9 two poems and reading part poems. learn lesson 9 ppt posted in class wechat. if you have any questions, do not hesitate to question me.
    2 完成中文第9课练习册星期一-星期五的练习
    Finish lesson 9 exercise book Monday-Friday
    3 背诵第9课第二首诗《枫桥夜泊》,背诵并录制背诵视频,发在班级群里或私信给老师,参加学校举行的古诗背诵比赛,3月8日截止,学校会评选出一二三等奖
    Recite lesson 9 2nd poem <枫桥夜泊〉,recite and video it and post in the wechat group or message me, participate school competition. 1st 2nd 3rd will be choosed by school. Deadline date: 3rd March

  2. 成人班家庭作业 Adult Class Homework HSK3
    1 越A越B 表示B随着A的变化而变化。
    The more A, the more B means B changes with A.
    2 完成句子Complete the sentences
    3 A跟B一样,表示A和B两者比较,结果相同。
    “A跟B一样”means A and B are the same after comparison.
    完成句子Complete the sentences.
    4 跟我一起朗读短语和句子(在微信群)
    Read the phrases and sentences with me.(Via WeChat group)
    5 选择适当的词语填空: HSK3 第9 课第76页
    Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks. Lesson 9 page 76.
    (1)参加 班 担心 影响 比较
    (2)放心 最后 先 中间 了解
    6 用本课新学的语言点和词语描述图片:HSK3 第9 课第77页
    Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words: Lesson 9 page 77
    7 根据课文回答问题。(问题在微信群里)
    Answer the questions according to the texts.(All questions are on the WeChat group.)

  3. 学前班B(RecceptionB)
    1.复习1-3课的生字和句子Revise Lesson1-3 the words and sentences .
    2.背诵古诗《江雪》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 7 March 2020 to join the competition. 请不要穿睡衣拍摄。

  4. 三年级C班作业:homework for year 3C

    2 ,背诵古诗《游子吟》并录制背诵视频,星期六前发在班级群或私信给老师。
    Recite two poems, choose one poem to recite and video it and post in the wechat group, participate school competition.

  5. 二年级B班作业
    2,学习/复习唐诗 – 杜甫 《绝句(一)》 Learn or Revise Dufu ‘s Poem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnFzxJ5PMSs&feature=youtu.be
    3,背诵《绝句》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 7 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装

  6. 一年级A班(Year 1 A) 傅老师
    1,学习/复习唐诗 – 杜甫 《绝句(一)》 Learn or Revise Dufu ‘s Poem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnFzxJ5PMSs&feature=youtu.be

    Jué jù
    táng•dù fǔ
    唐•杜 甫
    Chí rì jiāng shān lì,
    迟 日 江 山 丽,
    Chūn fēng huā cǎo xiāng.
    春 风 花 草 香。
    Ní róng fēi yàn zi
    泥 融 飞 燕 子,
    shā nuǎn shuì yuān yāng.
    沙 暖 睡 鸳 鸯。

    2,背诵《绝句》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 7 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装或唐装

    1)观看视频和学唱《咏柳》  Learn to sing 《YONG LIU》

    唐诗 – 咏柳 (朗读)

    2)背诵《咏柳》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Saturday 07 March 2020 to join the competition.
    Email: coffee1st66@gmail.com
    Yǒnɡ liǔ

    Hè Zhī zhāng (Táng )
    Bì yù zhuāng chéng yī shù gāo,
    Wàn tiáo chuí xià lǜ sī tāo.
    Bù zhī xì yè shuí cái chū ,
    Èr yuè chūn fēng sì jiǎn dāo.

    The Willow
    Emerald fashioned into a tall tree,
    Hung with myriad silk braids of green.
    Who tailored the dainty leaves?
    The snipping wind of early spring.

  8. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 阅读和复习第一课至第七课,以前没做完一至七课作业的同学请补上。Read and revise lesson one to lesson seven, please complete all the homework of lesson one to seven if they are not finished.
    2. 还没拍背诵唐诗视频的同学请在星期六之前把视频发给老师。请在第七课‘唐诗二首’中任选一首。Recite the Ancient poems and send the video clip to me if you haven’t done so. (please choose one from lesson seven)

  9. 4A 王敏
    A回答问题:answer questions
    1. Who is Sima Guang ? What is his surname and why he get the “guang”.
    2. why we say he is a great person ? What work he did? 3. Why people put a water vat in them garden? What to do ?
    4 司马迁 and司马池,who was 司马光 father?
    B,抄写第八课生字各五遍,字典查出同偏旁的字。copy lesson 8 charcters 5 times each use your dictionary find out a same radical charcter,
    聪 耳 八口 心 戏 又 戈ge 缶fou 工 装 壮,衣 吓 口 下
    哭 口口犬 惊 忄 京 慌 忄 荒 (艹 亡 川) 法 氵 去 块 土 夬guai
    使 亻一 史shi 劲 轻 力、 砸 石 匚fang 巾 救 求qiu 攵fan
    C。抄写下面一句话。copy follow sentence
    It is easy to turn thrift into extravagance;
    it is difficult to turn extravagance into thrift .

  10. 五年级A作业 Year 5A Homework
    1 .完成练习册5b第六课的习题。
    1. Complete exercise book 5 b lesson 6。
    (包括上周学习的“生病”主题的相关词汇)2.Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 6, dictation next week。
    3. 查找一个成语,下节课教其他学生使用这个成语。3.Find a four characters idiom which you can teach other students next week.
    4.Read the text fluently. Be able to retell the two stories with your own words.
    Recite the poem 《The traveller’s song》或者《The river in snow》(Lesson 7)and send your video to me by Saturday 7th March 2020 to join the competition.

  11. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1 观看视频和学唱《咏柳》 Learn to sing 《YONG LIU》
    2 背诵《咏柳》并把视频在星期六之前发给老师 Recite the poem 《YONG LIU》 send your reciting video to me by Saturday 7 March 2020 to join the competition. 请着正装
    Hè Zhī zhāng (Táng )
    Bì yù zhuāng chéng yī shù gāo,
    Wàn tiáo chuí xià lǜ sī tāo.
    Bù zhī xì yè shuí cái chū ,
    Èr yuè chūn fēng sì jiǎn dāo.
    3 预习第七课的生字。
    Preview new words of Lesson 7.

  12. 本周作业:
    2,背诵并录制视频,参加学校第二期古诗朗诵比赛。请与于周六前转发送至班级微信群, Recite the poem, make a video and send it to wechat Y5B by Saturday, 7th March 2020.

  13. A level班 家庭作业
    1、学习lesson 16,完成此单元的阅读理解练习,写作练习,口语练习,词语练习及翻译练习。.
    Study lesson 16. Complete exercise R, exercise W, exercise S, exercise G and exercise T.
    2、考A level的同学复习之前《故乡》的练习写作。
    For A level, review the writing practice of ‘Hometown’.
    3、考A level的同学在网上找与Theme3演变中的华人社会相关的内容,按通讯科技、经济环境分别归纳。按照口试的标准将口试内容写下来。
    For A level, summarize the content of evolving Chinses society in Theme3. Writing down your summarization according to speaking standard.
    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by Sunday 8 March 2020 to join the competition.

  14. 03/03/2020 GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Students who have not down for the rest part of test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next lesson. 
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 115 reading 5, and page 117 Reading 5 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class
    4、 写作:写一封信给你的朋友关于你计划去中国旅行并邀请你的朋友和你一起去。写作结构请参考书中的第117页 写作6
    Write a letter to your friend including an itinerary of a planned trip around China. Invite your friend to accompany you on the trip.
    Please follow the page 117 Writing 6 structure to complete your writing.

    5、背诵 【春 望】并录下背诵的视频发给我,3月8号截止
    【春 望】(杜甫)
    国破山河在,城春草木深。 感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。 白头搔更短,浑欲不胜

  15. 一年级C班 (Year 1 C) 应老师

    1、学习唐诗 – 杜甫 《绝句(一)》 Learn Poem

    Jué jù
      dù fǔ
    杜 甫
    Chí rì jiāng shān lì,
    迟 日 江 山 丽,
    Chūn fēng huā cǎo xiāng.
    春 风 花 草 香。
    Ní róng fēi yàn zi
    泥 融 飞 燕 子,
    shā nuǎn shuì yuān yāng.
    沙 暖 睡 鸳 鸯

    2 、背诵唐诗《绝句》并把视频在3月7日前发给我;
    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by 7 March.

    3、请家长下载zoom 准备下周网课。
     Please download “zoom” for next week lesson.

  16. 背诵 Memories : 村居https://youtu.be/juBxrxThoSQ
    绘画 Draw:根据村居诗意绘画
    请将视频,绘画发到班群 post students video and picture to class WeChat

  17. 一年级C班(Year 1 C) 应老师

    1、学习唐诗 – 杜甫 《绝句(一)》 Learn Poem

    Jué jù
      dù fǔ
    杜 甫
    Chí rì jiāng shān lì,
    迟 日 江 山 丽,
    Chūn fēng huā cǎo xiāng.
    春 风 花 草 香。
    Ní róng fēi yàn zi
    泥 融 飞 燕 子,
    shā nuǎn shuì yuān yāng.
    沙 暖 睡 鸳 鸯

    2 、背诵《绝句》并把视频在3月7日前发给我;
    Recite the poem and send your reciting video to me by 7 March.

    3、请家长下载zoom 准备下周网课。
     Please download “zoom” for next week lesson.

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