
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师


(Please do the homework daily)

  • 抄写1-11课生字各10遍Copy Lesson 1-11 new words 10 times each
  • 抄写1-11课词语(每课的练习2 《读一读》)各5遍Copy Lesson 1-11 Exercise Question 2 phases 5 times each
  • 背诵课本里所有的课文Recite all the text in the Textbook
  • 请用“我”与“你”开头写几句句子,写的越多越好。例如:
  • 我是学生。
  • 你是老师。
  • 我有爸爸、妈妈。

Please use “我” and “你”to write sentences, the more the better. For example: 1) 我是学生。2) 你是老师。3) 我有爸爸、妈妈。

  • 记住89页部首表Memorise the Radical Table on page 89
  • 记住91页汉字笔画名称表Chinese characters stroke name table on page 91
  • 记住92页写字笔画规则表Memorise the stroke writing rules table on page 92
  • 观看《孙悟空》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek_SP2mDI2c&t=12s

12 Replies to “家庭作业2019年7月15日至2019年9月07日”

  1. 暑假作业
    学前班B(Reception class B):
    1.请巩固第1-6课 学过的生字和句子。Please review the sentences and look at pictures in lesson 1-6 and say aloud.
    4.祝大家暑假快乐!Have a lovely summer holiday!

  2. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习YCT3 的词汇。Revise vocabulary of YCT3
    2. 请将下列问题翻译成中文,并用中文回答。 Translate the following questions into Chinese and answer them in Chinese.
    1) Which fruit is yellow outside and white inside?
    2) In your English school how many students are there in your class? How many teachers are there who teach you?
    3) Can you read and write Chinese?
    4) What is the most difficult in learning Chinese?
    5) When do you have Chinese lesson? When does the school open the door?
    3. Write a passage about what you did in the summer holiday (暑(shǔ)假(jià)) 。

  3. 7年纪B作业
    Review zhongwen book lesson1-12 all characters, phrases, sentences, continue finish general exercise four and main exercise at the end of book
    2。复习GCSE 的所有词汇
    Review and study GCSE vocabulary.
    包含以下几点 1 电影主要讲了什么 2。什么部分对你来说印象最深 3。对于这个电影你受到了什么启发?3 ,你将来的梦想是什么?为什么?
    Write a essay about the movie, min 300 characters. please including following points: 1.what the movie about? 2. which part of the movie you are impressed the most? 3 what are you inspired from this movie. 4, what is your future dream? why?
    4. 祝同学们假期愉快,平安
    Have a lovely and safe summer holiday

  4. 二年级A (Year2A)

    1. 请认真完成发下的总复习题.
    Please finish the end of term revision exercise.

    2. 请复习1—12课的生字,词语和句型。
    Please revise Lesson 1-12 all the words, phrases and sentence pattern.


  5. 五年级B班暑假作业:
    Please review the words and phrases from lesson1-12 and read aloud the texts.
    Write weekly journals during summer holiday, it can be the book reviews, the interesting things around you or even can be the plan of the following week!
    Highly recommended summer holiday Chinese classic movies ( I love watching them when I as a child!)
    https://youtu.be/JNUiHXEsKw4 https://youtu.be/Hu0XosgxCyU

  6. 五年级A班(Y5A)
    Please review the words and phrases from lesson1-12 and be able to recite the texts.
    A piece of writing during summer holiday.

  7. 二年级C班 Y2C .HOMEWORK
    Please review the words and phrases from lesson1-12 and be able to recite the texts.
    A piece of writing during summer holiday.


  8. 三年级 B班作业

    Please review all the vocabulary from Lesson1-Lesson 12.

    Complete the questions in the Exercise, from pp.102-104.


  9. 四年级B 暑假作业 / Year 4B Homework
    1. 复习1-12的字词及句型。
    Please review all the words and phrases from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12.

    2.继续完成115 -119页的综合练习4和总练习。
    Complete the Review 4 and Exercise, from page 115-119.


  10. Year Two B Homework
    Review the revision of end of year exercises.
    Read the lesson 1-12 once a week.
    把第1-12 课的课文每周读一遍
    Have a nice summer holiday

  11. GCSE班作业:

    Please correct the wrong place in the test paper.

    Write an interesting or meaningful thing about what happened during the summer holiday
    Requirements: around 200 words
    Have a lovely summer holiday!

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