
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》课本总练习Complete the Final Review in the Text Book

2、完成发下的综合练习星期一至星期五,每天一题,记住答案。Complete the handout exercises from Mon to Fri, and prepare for the end of the year exam. Pass rate 60 marks.

22 Replies to “家庭作业2019年7月8日至2019年7月13日”

  1. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.看图说出第六课生词。look at pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud.
    2. 请完成第六课的练习题:6.(1),(2),(3)。(36-37页)
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) 。(page36-37)

  2. Y5A 五年级A班家庭作业
    1. 完成练习册B第12课周一至周五 的练习。
    Finish the exercises of lesson 12 from Monday to Friday.
    2. 复习1-12课生词,完成发给的期末总复习,准备下星期考试。
    Revise all the words from lesson 1 to lesson 12. Complete the end of year review exercises and prepare for the exam next week.
    The result of the end of the year exam will be taken into consideration if your child will be going to Year 6. Could parents please help your child to do the revision?

    1. 一年级C班作业 Year 1C homework
Please copy the new words learnt this week 5 times in Lesson Twelve and memorise all of them;
Complete all the questions in Exercise Book B Lesson 12 from Wednesday – Friday;
      3、大声朗读, 熟读背诵课文《新年到》;
      Read aloud lessin 12 text on page memories lesson 8 text.
      Talk about what do you/ your family do during Chinese new year.

  3. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 07/07/2019
    Please review all of those new words and phrases from lesson 1- 12

    Please review all of those practices after every three lessons.

    第三部分: Third
    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  4. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 练习册B:第十二课星期一,星期二和星期三的一至五部分, 星期四和星期五的一至四部分。
    Exercise book B: Complete Part 1 to Part 5 of Monday to Wednesday, Part 1 to Part 4 of Thursday and Friday of Lesson Twelve.

    2. 复习1-12的字词及句型,下周日课堂检测。
    Please review all the words and phrases from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12. We’ll check next week.

  5. 7年纪B 作业
    Continue finish lesson 12 exercise Thursday and Friday
    Continue finish zhongwen book General exercise four and Main exercise.

  6. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第十课的生词,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L10, and prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 请特别注意下列字的区分:今 & 令;车 & 东;迟到 & 吃到;雨 & 鱼;要 & 有;没 & 每;吧 & 把;白 & 百,下周听写中会检测。Please pay special attention to differences of the following characters: 今 & 令;车 & 东;迟到 & 吃到;雨 & 鱼;要 & 有;没 & 每;吧 & 把;白 & 百.They will be tested next week.
    3. 请写一个小短文,讲一讲你最近看了什么电影?是在哪儿看的?是和谁一起看的?这个电影有意思吗?为什么有意思?或为什么没意思?Please write a short passage about what a film you watched recently. Where and with whom did you watch it? Was it interesting? Why or why not?
    4. 你看懂了第四十六页的小故事《我们的家在哪儿?》吗?妈妈说“你太小,坐飞机回家会很累的”是什么意思?Did you understand the mini story《我们的家在哪儿?》 on page 46? The mother said “你太小,坐飞机回家会很累的”, what does it mean?

  7. 三年级A班作业 / Year3A Homework

    1. 第十二课生字表中每个生字抄写五遍
    Copy and memorize all new words in Lesson 12, write 5 times each.

    2. 朗读第十二课文直到流利, 以及熟记划线部门的词语
    Read aloud Lesson 12 until fluent and familiar with all the underlined vocabularies.

    3.*可选:鼓励孩子写一篇 大概100字左右的一篇作文,题目《三年级最难忘的一件事》
    * (Optional): Encourage your child to write an essay of about 100 words.

  8. 三年级A班作业 / Year3A Homework

    1. 第十二课生字表中每个生字抄写五遍
    Copy and memorize all new words in Lesson 12, write 5 times each.

    2. 朗读第十二课文直到流利, 以及熟记划线部门的词语
    Read aloud Lesson 12 until fluent and familiar with all the underlined vocabularies.

    3.*可选:鼓励孩子写一篇 大概100字左右的一篇作文,题目《三年级最难忘的一件事》
    * (Optional): Encourage your child to write an essay of about 100 words.

  9. 1. 读短文 ,回答问题。reading essay ,anser questions

      金丝si 猴,是中国特产动物,是和大熊猫齐名的国宝。
      分布在四川、甘肃su、陕shan西和湖北神农架的四川金丝猴,,成年雄xiong猴的肩及背部,披pi有长达30公分的金黄色长毛,金丝猴美名由此得来。它的 鼻孔上仰,脸是天蓝色,头顶黑褐he色毛冠guan,两耳长在乳ru黄色的丛毛里,棕zong红色的下巴由桔黄色的颈jing部bu衬chen托,胸xiong和肚子 都是乳白色,真是五颜六色,风雅ya华贵,实在是猿yuan猴界jie的“美人”。
      云南金丝猴生活在海拔3350-4000米处, 在积雪深达70厘米的高寒地带,全身呈灰黑色,披毛很长,状如蓑衣,臀部有大块白毛区,曾命名为黑仰鼻猴。 吃暗针叶林的针叶和苔藓、地衣之类。

    2.看视频 watch tv

  10. Reception class A 学前班:
    1.look at the pictures in lesson 6 and say aloud. 看图说话。
    2. revise all the vocabularies from lesson 1-6. 复习1-6课中所有词汇。

  11. Year 6B 六年级B班家庭作业

    Complete all exercises on Pg121-124 in our textbook;

    Revise our textbook thoroughly and study your 4-page revision kit.
    Get ready for our end of year test next week.

  12. 二年级A (Y2 A) 家庭作业:

    1. 订正听写的错别字,并且每个字写三遍。
    Please correct the dictation test and write three times each.

    2. 复习第一课到第十二课的生字和词语,准备下节课课上做总复习题。
    Revise Lesson 1 to Lessons 12 all the words and phrase to prepare the end of year test.

  13. Year3B Homework

    Complete the questions from Exercise book B of Lesson 12.
    Monday 6/7 Tuesday 6/7
    Wednesday 6/7 Thursday 6/7
    Friday 5/6/7


    Complete the Review 4 on pages 99-101.

  14. 1.请订正第十二课练习错误部分(练习册B):
    Please correct the Exercises of Lesson Twelve on Exercise Book B.

    2. 请完成课本第111页综合练习四(部分已在课堂上完成)及课本第115页总练习. Please finish all the exercises from P.111 to P.118 of the Text Book.

    3. 请复习1-12课的字和词语,准备下周听写及开卷考试。
    Please go over all the characters and phrases, get ready for the dictation and the test next week.

  15. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    Complete the handout of the review of the lesson 1-12

  16. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK
    Revise Lesson 1 to Lessons 12 all phrases which underlined in each text, be ready for dictation,just ten of them。

  17. A level 作业
    Research, introduce and recommend one Chinese folm of tv program for the class to watch, in writing or verbally.

  18. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    Please review the following 80 words, will select 20 words as part of the next week’s exam dictation.
    Please review the mock papers sent out in class and prepare for the next week’s exam.

  19. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    完成发给同学的”一年级期末综合练习 (1-12课)“,复习1-12 课学过的生字。
    Complete the handout exercises, revise the vocabulary from the 12 lessons that was taught this year.

  20. 6A家庭作业
    1. 完成发下去的期末总复习题练习,下节课期末考试。Complete the revision exercise, Final exam next week.
    2. 练习册AB里的所有习题完成和改正,下节课带到课堂上检查,作为期末考核的一部分。Complete and correct all exercise books A&B lesson 1-12 , bring both to check next lesson as part of exam for year 6.

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