
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第三课练习二(第14页)词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in Lesson three Exercise 2 (Page 14).

2、完成《中文》第一册《综合练习一》(第16-17页)Complete Review 1 in Text Book Page 16-17

3、练唱《恭喜恭喜你》 Practice the Song < Gongxi Gongxi Ni> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17dZzHkTVg

23 Replies to “家庭作业2019年1月14日至2019年1月19日”

  1. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.

    Prepare a speaking test based on the questions in speaking 5 on page 95. Please write down the contents of the answer into your homework notebook.

    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 91 (Reading 4), page 93( reading 4) and 94 (Reading 1) of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  2. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 大声朗读第59页练习2中的词汇并用每一词汇各造一个完整的句子。Read the words in Exercise 2, p59 loudly till fluently, then make a complete sentence for each of the words.
    2. 查看第60页练习3中的两张图,找出8个不同的地方,并用中文写出这8个不同的地方。Find the 8 differences in the pictures in Exercise 3, p60, then write down the differences in Chinese characters.
    3. 根据第60页练习3中的情景用中文写一个小故事。Write a mini story in Chinese characters according to the scenario in Exercise 3, p60.

    Next week we shall use the YCT 4 textbook. Please bring £10 to school and buy the YCT 4 textbook from Chang Yan if you still have not gotten the textbook.

  3. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第六课’雪’,并阅读第47页的‘白云娃娃’十遍直到流利。Continue reading Lesson Six ‘Snow’, and also read ‘Baby White Cloud’ on page 47 until fluently.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Six.
    3. 订正第五课的听写错别字并且每个字写五遍。Correct the mistakes from your dictation and write each words five times.
    4. 抄写第六课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.

  4. 二年级B 班作业
    Year two B homework
    1, 练习背诵课本第45页的绕口令
    Practise and memorise the tongue twister on the text book page 45
    2, 完成练习册B第六课的部分练习
    Complete the exercises on the exercise book B
    Tue: question 2/3
    wed: question 2/3/4
    Thur: question 2/3/5

  5. 14-01-2019成人课程-Adult course
    一.HSK3—Text 5
    1.了-indicating a change, used at the end of a declarative sentence, the modal particle, “le”indicatedsa chage, the situation or the occurance of a new situation.
    2.越来越+Adj/Mental V —Followed by an andjective or a mental verb as in “yuelai yueleng”– “colder and colder”indicates the change in degree occurs as tiem passes by. Note that no adverb of degree is used before the adj or mental verb.
    3.听说—heard about
    4.不用 –don’t use vs 不要 don’t need
    二.练习题 lesson 5’s practice questions.
    三.预习第6课Preview the lesson six.
    HSK2—Text 6
    疑问代词The interrogative Pronoun “怎么”– how and why question.
    量词的重叠:Reduplication of Measure words. 每一 mei yi —- Every/ each , Emphsizing theat the specific feature is shared by every member in a certain group, usually followed by “dou–都”。
    EG. 个个each one,天天 day by day
    关联词The Pair of Conjunctions “因为..,所以”—because , as a result of.
    二.练习题lession 6’s practice questions.
    三.预习第7课Preview the lesson seven.

  6. A level homework 作业

    1. Write an essay for one of the 3 titles given – 从超下的3个作文题目里,选一个写进个人维基里
    2. Re-write Luolei article and keep it in your Personal Wiki! -重写罗雷一文,并放进个人维基里-最终版
    3. Mark your translation, correct, learn any new words – 自己给自己的翻译评分,改错并学会任何新词汇。
    4. Get your IRP ready – 交IRP

  7. 六年级B班 2019年1月14日至1月19日家庭作业
    Year 6B Homework:


    Copy and memorize the 8 words and expressions, ready for dictation next week;
    2,练习册6B 第六课:周一到周五的所有剩余练习;
    Exercise Book 6B Lesson 6: the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri;
    Tell or recite the second idiom story.
    Complete the first part (vocabulary section) of your hand-out on Unit 1&2 Revision.


    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      1、抄写第四课生字各五遍,并默记. Please copy the new words 5 times in Lesson 4 and memorise all of them.

      2、完成练习册B第四课星期一至星期三所有问题。Complete all the questions in Exercise book B Lesson 4 from Monday – Wednesday.

      3、大声朗读10 遍中文课本第21页练习二“读一读”。
      Read aloud exercise two “ read aloud” on Text Book page21.

  8. Year 3B Homework

    1. 默记第 五课中的生字,准备下周认字听写。
    Please memorise all new CHARACTERS of lesson 5
    and prepare for the recognition test next week.

    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A used in
    Lesson 5.
    Monday 1,2,3,4,5 / Tuesday 1, 2,3,4,5 Wednesday 1, 3,4

    Especially will check 2 Read aloud from Exercise Book A
    Monday and Tuesday in the class.

  9. 本周作业:

    Please translate the underlined sentences from lesson 4 to lesson 6.

    Please go over the characters, words& expressions and text from lesson Four to Six, get ready for the test. Please complete and correct the homework if you have not finished it.)

  10. 二年级A(Year2A)作业:

    1. 复习第六课划线词语,准备下节课听写。
    Revise Lesson 6 underlined words, prepare next week dictation.

    Recite Lesson 6, will check in class next week.

    3. 练习册第六课周一到周五,4,5,6题
    Please finish Lesson 6 Monday to Friday question 4,5,6.

    4. 请练习阅读P43,P44 的对话和绕口令直到流利。
    Please read aloud P43, P44 Dialogues and Tongue Twister until fluent.

  11. 七年级B作业
    1 复习第5课阅读文章,熟练阅读和复述。预习第6课《成语故事》,熟练阅读,预习生字和词语
    Review lesson 5 reading article, can retell with your own words. preview lesson 6, preview new characters and words
    2 课堂上听写的单词错的每个抄5遍,并熟记
    copy 5 times the wrong words from dictation on the class.
    3。复习课上学过 的GCSE 关于International and global dimension 的词语,要求会说会认
    Review the International and global dimension vocabulary taught on the class, see wechat group
    4。口语练习:描述图片(图片见微信家长群),小周课堂上小组式提问。 1。描述这张图片,2我认为穿校服很好,你觉得呢,为什么?3。上个星期你在学校做了什么?4,明年你想学什么科目?5,你喜欢做作业么?为什么?还有呢?
    Oral speaking practice, picture see wechat group

  12. 七年级B作业
    1 复习第5课阅读文章,熟练阅读和复述。预习第6课《成语故事》,熟练阅读,预习生字和词语
    Review lesson 5 reading article, can retell with your own words. preview lesson 6, preview new characters and words
    2 课堂上听写的单词错的每个抄5遍,并熟记
    copy 5 times the wrong words from dictation on the class.
    3。复习课上学过 的GCSE 关于International and global dimension 的词语,要求会说会认
    Review the International and global dimension vocabulary taught on the class, see wechat group
    4。口语练习:描述图片(图片见微信家长群),小周课堂上小组式提问。 1。描述这张图片,2我认为穿校服很好,你觉得呢,为什么?3。上个星期你在学校做了什么?4,明年你想学什么科目?5,你喜欢做作业么?为什么?还有呢?
    Oral speaking practice, picture see wechat group

  13. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 完成发下去的测试卷。
    Finish the test paper.

    2. 练习册B:第六课星期一至星期三的一至四部分。
    Exercise book B: Complete Part 1 to Part 4 of Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Six.

  14. 学前A班 reception class
    1. 学说句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern.
    句型:沙发真漂亮。 我家的沙发真漂亮。
    我家的客厅有电视,有沙发,还有书柜。 (有xx…有xx…还有xx)。 2.熟读唐诗《春晓》第一句:recite 春眠不觉晓。https://youtu.be/8g0ZbXonq6c
    熟读三字经:养不教 父之过https://youtu.be/zW_HDHQT13c

  15. 二年级C班

    Correct the dictation, three times each.
    Copy the characters of Lesson 7, five times each.
    Finish exercise book A, Monday to Friday, part 1,2,3.
    Read text of Lesson 7.

  16. 五年级A班作业
    Copy and memorize 15 new singular words in lesson 5, ready for dictation next week;
    Exercise bookA, Lesson 5 Mon-Fri: First 3 exercises;
    Recite the text of lesson 5.

  17. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册A第三课星期三到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 3 Wednesday to Friday all questions.
    2, 背诵课文”大小月。 “Memorize “The Months” Please watch the following link.

  18. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 6-7)。
    2.做手工,第五页。5.Do it(Page5)
    3.熟读唐诗《春晓》两句:recite 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。看动画:https://youtu.be/8g0ZbXonq6c
    养不教 父之过,教不严 师之惰。

  19. YCT1 Homework:
    1. Copy Lesson 11’s text on page 50, including pinyin and English translation. 抄写第十一课第五十页的课文,包括拼音和英文翻译。
    2. Copy the mini story on page 51, including pinyin and English translation. 抄写第五十一页的迷你故事,包括拼音和英文翻译。
    3. Watch videos:

  20. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。
    2)Please use “买”和“卖”to make two sentences.each in Chinese. 请用“买”和“卖”各造两个句子。
    For example: 你想买什么给妈妈?
    3)Please translate the YCT2 Lesson 6 Page 31 into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT2第六课课Page 31 翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。

    4)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,

  21. 6A家庭作业
    1.复习并抄写4-6课字词,每个两遍,下节课听写4-6课生字词语。Revise all new words and expressions from Lesson 4 to 6,twice for each words and expressions ,ready for dictation next week.

    2.熟读第二单元第4、5、6课并能复述每篇故事。Read aloud lesson 4、5、6 and Retell all the stories.

    3.完成并改正6A和6B练习册4、5、6课所有做错的练习题,下节课带到课堂检查。 Complete and Correct exercise 6A and 6B lesson 4,5,6 all wrong answers and bring them to check next week.

    4.设计并完成中国新年的贺卡,可以用水彩蜡笔等上色,下节课交上来参加比赛。Design and make your own Chinese New Year greeting card with water colors or pastels, bring it next week for competition.


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