
一年级B 班(Year 1 B) 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise A Lesson 4 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、练唱学过的儿歌《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》、《恭喜恭喜你》 Practise the songs:《如果高兴你就拍拍手》、《龟兔赛跑》、《泥娃娃》、《恭喜恭喜你》

3、记住学过的第四课的生字,下星期日听写 Memorise the words of Lesson 4 and to prepare for the dictation

25 Replies to “家庭作业2019年01月21日至2019年01月26日”

  1. 三年级A (Year 3A)

    1. 完成发给的第二单元练习。Please complete the Unit 2 exercise from the handouts.
    3 课堂上未完成综合练习二的同学请继续完成。If you haven’t finished the Review 2 on page 49-51, please continue to finish it.

  2. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 12-13)。

  3. A level homework 作业

    Complete the essay on Xiaofei’s mother on paper for next week.在纸上写完小菲妈妈作文,下周用。
    Organise the notes on Spring Festival and keep in file. 整理春节讲稿,以后还要用。
    Research and prepare the speech on Qingmingjie.准备好清明节的讲稿。
    Get your IRP ready – 交IRP
    Prepare to discuss “Social media’s impact on China’s youth”. 准备讨论社交媒体对中国青年的影响。

  4. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第一课生词,每个生词抄写十遍并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L1, copy each vocabulary 10 times and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第十一课课文并能复述课文。 Read the text of Lesson 11 fluently the text, and be able to retell the text.
    3. 用第二页第三题“let’s find” 中所给的字任意组成二十个词组或短语,并翻译成英语。Use characters given in the Exercise 3, p2 to make 20 phrases as your wish and then translate them into English.
    4. 把第二页第四题 “Let’s match”做在作业本上。Please do the Exercise 4 on page 2 on your homework book.
    5. 请用中文回答下列问题。Please answer the questions in Chinese:
    a. 你们年级有多少学生?
    b. 你有手机吗?你的手机可以上网吗?
    c. 你知道你的手机多少钱吗?
    d. 你用手机做什么? 用:yòng, to use, to employ,
    e. 你每天上网的时间是不是太多了?

    Please bring £10 to school and buy the YCT 4 textbook from Chang Yan if you still have not gotten the textbook.

  5. 六年级B班 2019年01月21日至2019年01月26日家庭作业
    Year 6B Homework:
    Thoroughly revise all Unite 1&2 (Lesson 1-6 )vocabularies and our hand-out last week, the same content will be tested next week.


  6. 1. 默记第 五课中的生字词,准备下周听写。
    Please memorise all new VOCABULARY and new words of
    lesson 5 and prepare for the dictation test next week.

    Complete the questions from Exercise Book A
    used in Lesson 5.
    Monday 6, 7 Tuesday 6
    Wednesday 5 ,6 Thursday 1 , 3,4,5
    Friday 1,2,3,4,5

  7. 七年级B班
    1 熟读第7课两篇成语故事《胸有成竹》《掩耳盗铃》,完成课后生字抄写。
    Read fluently lesson 7 ,finish copy and write the new characters.
    Finish exercise book lesson 7 Monday to Wednesday
    Preview lesson 7 reading article
    4.继续复习GCSE 上周学习的关于全球的单词
    Continue review the GCSE vocabulary of global related.

  8. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 订正听写的错别字,错字重新写3遍 。
    Correct the mistakes in your dictation, write them correctly 3 times.

    2. 练习册B:第六课星期一至星期四的第二部分,大声朗读3遍,下堂课检查。
    Exercise book B: Read aloud Part 2 of Monday to Thursday of Lesson Six 3 times. This will be checked in class next week.

    3. 练习册B:第六课星期一至星期三的剩余部分,星期四的一至五部分,星期五的一至四部分。
    Lesson Six in Exercise book B: Complete the remaining part of Monday to Wednesday; part 1 to 5 of Thursday; part 1 to 4 of Friday.

    4. 朗读课本54页绕口令 (狗与猴) ,55页对话及56页阅读。
    Read clearly the Tongue Twister (Dog and Monkey) on page 54, “Dialogue” on page 55 and “Reading” on page 56.

  9. 学前班B(reception class B):
    Please complete: 6.Exercises (1),(2),(3) (page 12-13)。

  10. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 21/01/2019
    please finish words writing in text book.
    Please write those all of the reading part words two times, include lesson 4, lesson 5, lesson 6.

    Next week we still have a practice for writing new words, I will say 20 words totally, all of them come from class 4-6 , (including reading part). Make sure you can read, listen and write those new words. Don’t worry and don’t be nervous, all the words will come from our class, nothing more, nothing different, nothing extra.

    第二部分: Second
    课本综合练习1-6 p55
    Please finish page 55 (text book) practice 1-6

    Please continue practice your skill, which is telling good stories to others. If you already finished in the last class, please telling this story to you parents, if you are not finish, please continue prepare, and make sure you understand story, and can use your own language talk to someone, the story should be sounds logical and you have to use appropriate words.

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write your comments in the pages 55 of text book, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

  11. 一.HSK3-Text 5
    时间状语Time adverbial::前几天a few days ago、 现在now、 最近recent。
    那么So、that、不那么not so,not that.
    反义疑问句The rhetoric question: 我能少穿?Can I wear less?
    练习3、4: exercises 3 and 4.

    二.HSK2-Text 7
    1.还(2)–语气副词The Modal Adverb表示动作或状态的延续。
    E.G. It indicates the continuation of action or a state. Its negative form is “还没”. E.G. 八点了,他还在睡觉。
    2. 就–时间副词,The Adverb of Time It is used for emphasis, indicating that the speaker thinks sth happened early or went fast and well. 强调说话人认为事情发生得早,进行的快,顺利。
    E.G. 同学们七点半就来教室了。 Tongxue men qi dianban jiu lai jiaoshi le .

  12. 二年级A(Year2A)作业:

    Please correct the mistake s in your dictation, write 3 times correctly.

    2. 练习册A 第七课周一到周五前3题。
    Exercise book A Lesson 7, Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.

    3. 熟练朗读并背诵第七课课文。
    Read aloud and recite Lesson 7.

  13. 本周作业:
    星期二: 2、4
    星期三: 1、2、3和4
    星期四: 2、3和4
    Please complete part of the exercises in exercise Book A, Lesson Seven.

    Read lesson 7 aloud once a day.

  14. 1, 抄写第七课生字3遍,翻译或解释字义。copy the lesson 7 vocabularies three times, translate or explain the means.
    2,做练习册A 第七课习题,周一到周五的第一,二,三题。do the
    EX B lesson 7 1-3 questions of Min-Fri.
    3, 读熟第七课两首诗,直到会背。reading the lesson 7 poetry until remember them.

    4,抄写两首诗,再根据诗的意思画出图画。copy the two poetry and
    Draw a picture according to the meaning of a poem。

  15. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next week.  In page100.
    Write a letter to your friend in China telling them what you do at home and at school to help protect the environment. Ask your friend if people in China and in Chinese schools have similar campaigns to try to make their environments’greener’too.
    4、阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第104页(阅读1)和 第105页(阅读6)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 104 reading 1 and page 105 reading 6 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  16. YCT1 homework:
    1. Review Lesson 12 on page 54. Be able to remember the words for places, food and drink, people, and animals. 复习第五十四页的第十二课。能记住表示地方,饮食,人和动物的词语。
    2. Read the text on page 55 three times. Be able to translate it into English for parents. 读第五十五页的课文三遍。能够给家长翻译成英文。
    3. Read aloud the new words circled, and the dialogue in the handout, until fluently. 大声朗读练习纸中画圈词语和对话,直到流利。
    4. 请看: Please watch https://youtu.be/7VhOCX5WLpw

  17. 五年级A班作业(Y5A Homework)
    1. 抄写并记忆第五课的九个生词,下节课听写;1.Copy and memorize 9new words in Lesson 5;get ready for dictation next week.
    2.Finish all the exercises of “Fox and the grapes” in your workbook.2.完成练习册A“狐狸和葡萄”的全部练习。
    3.Recite lesson 5.(You may need the story map that you made during the lesson to help you.)
    4. 预习第六课,“成语故事” 。
    4.Preview lesson 6, “Idiom stories”。

  18. 二年级B班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    Read the lesson seven three times a day.
    Complete the exercises of Friday on the exercise book B lesson six.
    Memorise the tongue twister on the text book page 45, will check next week.

  19. 一年级C班家庭作业
    1、完成练习册B第四课星期四至星期五所有问题。Complete all the questions in Exercise book B Lesson 4 from Thursday – Friday . 
    2、 抄写中文课本第21页练习二词语五遍。
    Copy the words 5 times each in exercise two on Text Book page21.
    3、练习歌曲 “卖汤圆”;
    practice song ” Mai Tang yuan”.

  20. YCT2 homework YCT2班家庭作业
    1)Please translate YCT2 textbook Page68 Lesson 4 , Lesson 5 and Lesson 6 into English. 请将课本第68页第四课,第五课和第六课的听力文本翻译成英文。
    2)Please translate Page65 Lesson 6 mini story into Chinese and memories the Chinese text on page 29 and page31. We going to test you to say it out looking at these pictures but not the book.
    3)Please watch these video clips as much as you could.

  21. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第四课生字各10遍,并默记。下星期日听写 Copy 10 times of each new words in Lesson 4, memorize all them and prepare for next week’ dictation.
    2、完成《中文》练习册B第四课星期一到星期二所有问题 Exercise book B Lesson 4 Monday to Tuesday all questions.
    3,练习“上下左右前后” 儿歌并配合动作(在课堂上老师有教),请看以下链接。Practice “上下左右前后” song with actions , please see following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvhiMTjT-Y8

  22. 6A家庭作业
    1. 抄写并熟记第七课生字,下节课听写生字。Revise all new words from Lesson7,ready for dictation next week.
    2. 完成练习册6A第7课1-3题.Complete exercise book 6A lesson 7 question 1-3.
    3. 抄写上课时听写错误的字词每个3遍。Correct the wrong words and copy each words and expressions 3 times from last dictation.
    4. 预习第七课课文,了解中国其他的著名景点。Prepare lesson 7 and find out other tourist attractions in China.


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