
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写第二课生字各10遍Copy 10 times of each new word in Lesson two

2、练唱《我们祝你圣诞快乐》 Practice the Song < We wish you merry Christmas> : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17dZzHkTVg


21 Replies to “家庭作业2018年12月10日至2019年01月05日”

  1. 六年级B班 12018年12月10日至2019年01月05日家庭作业
    Year 6B Homework:


    Revise all vocabularies of Lesson 4 and 5;

    Recite the 3rd paragraph of Lesson 5 on Pg40;

    For those who haven’t submitted your story with a moral, please hand it in when school resumes in January.



  2. 三年级B班作业/ Year 3B Homework

    1.复习第一课到第四课以及第十课中的所有生字词,准备开学后听 写。
    Please review all vocabulary from Lesson 1/2/3/4 and Lesson 10 ,and prepare for the dictation after Christmas holiday.

    Complete all the questions from Exercise Book B of Lesson 10.

    Practice reading from Lesson 1/2/3/4 and lesson 10 daily, we
    will check in class.


  3. 七年级 B 作业
    1.熟读 第5课 课文 ,熟记生字 和词组
    Read fluently lesson 5 texts, memorize new characters and words
    2.完成 中文 练习册第5课星期一到 星期三的作业
    Finish exercise book A lesson 5 Monday to Wednesday
    3.写一篇作文 :我最近度过的节日,要求有一下 几点(1.你最近度过的假期 是什么?2 你是否喜欢这个假期?为什么?3.你假期里做了 写什么 ?4.你如何庆祝这个 假期的?5.你觉得和家人一起庆祝是否很重要,为什么)要求 最少200字。
    writing practice: subject: My recent Festival. please including following points:(1.what is your recent festival, 2.do you like this festival? why?3.what did you do during this festival?4.how did you celebrate this festival?tradition? 5.do you think if is important to spend time with your family during this festival?why?) minimum 200 characters.
    祝同学们 圣诞新年快乐

  4. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 继续熟读第五课’我是谁’,并阅读第40页的‘猜猜我是谁’十遍直到流利。Continue reading Lesson Five ‘Who Am I’, and also read ‘Guess Who I Am’ on page 40 until fluently.
    2. 练习册A:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3A: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson Five.
    3. 订正第四课的听写错别字并且每个字写五遍。Correct the mistakes from your dictation and write each words five times.
    4. 抄写第五课划线词语各五遍并准备新学期开学听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for dictation in our first week next term.

    祝大家圣诞和新年快乐!Wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. 学前A班 reception class
    1.复习两首唐诗revise 《悯农》《静夜思》。
    2.复习三字经 人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远 苟不教性乃迁 教之道 贵以专。 昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼 窦燕山有义方 教五子名俱扬。

  6. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1 复习第一课到五课所有生字和词语。
    Please review all vocabulary and phrase from Lesson1 to Lesson5.

    2 每天熟练地朗读第一课到第五课课文。
    Practice reading from Lesson1 to Lesson5.

    3 用中文说出10种水果和10种日常食物。
    Able to say 10 kind of fruit and 10 kind of food you normal eat in Chinese.


  7. 1. 读熟第六课,记熟课文 句子,和动词。reading the lesson 6 , remember verbs and sentences.
    2 抄写生词 三遍:懂得意思,写会,要听写:copy write the follow phrases, have to understand and write. 晚上,一群,井边,玩儿,突然,喊起来,掉到,真的,跟着,捞月亮,于是,爬到,一直,接到,挂在,伸手,刚碰到,觉得,奇怪,抬头。
    3. 完成第六课周一到周五的练习题。complete lesson 6 Mon-Fri Questions.
    4. 复习一到五课的词汇,j句子。开学第二周测试第二单元。 revision lesson 1-5 phrases sentences. we have test unit 2 2nd week when we back to school.


  8. In the pattern learned in lesson, practise on all the titles and Stimulus cards – 用相同的方法,练习所有的写作题和口试卡

    writing task – self-mark-improve
    prepare before seeing the questions
    then answer the questions – even better to ask someone test you with the questions.
    Read through the entire course’s content –

    Watch one Chinese TV program (not film!) 看一个中国的电视节目

    Read one Chinese newspaper (free ones in Chinatown!) 收集并阅读一份中文报纸

    Watch one Chinese Play/drama (local and regional ones are preferred) 看一个中国的戏剧,如京剧,豫剧,越剧,粤剧等

  9. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the exercises of lesson 6 on the Exercise Book B.

    Write about your Christmas holiday: there’s no limitation of the words; plan your writing and try to write in English first then compose it in mandarin. Remember to use 5W and H.

    3, 请复习第一课及第六课的字与词,准备开学听写。
    Please go over the characters and words& expressions from lesson One to Six, get ready for dictation on 6th of January 2019!

  10. Year5A 五年级A班家庭作业
    1.Finish the rest exercises from Monday to Friday in exercise book B lesson four.
    2.Correct the mistakes from the dictation book this week and copy the corrected words 3 times each.
    3.Preview lesson five.
    4.Please review all the new characters and words from lesson one to six.Get ready for the dictation after holiday.
    5.写一篇短文”我的圣诞节”至少120字。5. Write an essay about your Christmas holiday (about 120 words).

  11. 1.会说:我们祝你圣诞快乐!我们祝你新年快乐!(We wish you a marry Christmas and happy new year!)

    2、练唱:《我们祝你圣诞快乐和新年快乐》 Practice the Song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17dZzHkTVg



  12. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.

    Writing task: Role models
    Requirement: 130 and 180 characters
    Essay structure reference
    The first paragraph: who is role models you like?
    The second paragraph: What does she/he do? What is the achievement? Her/his background, family status. Why do you like him/her? Which aspect do you think is most worth learning?
    The third paragraph: How does your role models affect you? What do you want to do in the future as a result of the role model’s influence?

    3、阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第77页(阅读1)和 第80页(阅读2)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 77 Reading 1 and page 80 Reading 2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.


  13. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 练习册A:完成第五课剩下部分的作业。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Lesson Five.

    2. 复习第一到第五课生字和词语,开学后听写 。
    Review the Characters and Phrase of Lesson One to Lesson Five, get ready for dictation after Christmas holiday.

    3. 写一篇关于圣诞节假期的作文,不会的生字可以用拼音代替。
    Write a piece about your Christmas holiday, use pinyin for characters that you do not know.

    Wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  14. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3

    1. 复习第十课生词,抄写每个生词十遍并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L10, copy each vocabulary 10 times and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第十课课文并读懂课文。 Read the text of Lesson 10 fluently, and understand the text.
    3. 请用中文写出下列句子的大意。Please write the gist of the following sentences in Chinese:
    1) The fat tiger, the skinny tiger and the little tiger are going to have a running race.
    2) The fat tiger, the skinny tiger and the little tiger are having a running race.
    3) The fat tiger, the skinny tiger and the little tiger had a running race yesterday.
    4) Who is the one who can run fastest?
    5) Who can run fastest?
    6) I think that the skinny tiger can run the fastest, as he has a plan on his shoes to help him.
    4. 请根据自己的能力试做YCT 3 或 4 考卷。可以用 quizlet 学习相关词汇。Try to do the YCT 3 or 4 test according to your ability. You may use the quizlet to study the vocabulary.
    YCT 3
    Listening sound file: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_audio/Y3.mp3
    The test paper: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_samples/yct3_sample.pdf
    The vocabulary from QUIZLET: https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/

    YCT 4
    Listening sound file: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_audio/Y4.mp3
    The test paper: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_samples/yct4_sample.pdf
    YCT4 vocabulary from QUIZLET:https://quizlet.com/186410532/yct-4-flash-cards/

  15. 二年级B班作业 Year Two B Homework
    1, 把课堂发的句子练习每天读三遍
    Practise the sentence exercises, try to read 3 times every day.
    2, 背诵课堂发的四个绕口令练习
    Memorise the 4 tongue twisters exercise
    Complete the exercise book A the Friday exercise question 1-7 in the lesson five page 39-42

    Merry xmas and happy new year!

  16. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation after the holiday 准备假期结束后听写。
    2)Please use “会不会“比”“高不高“漂亮不漂亮”to make four sentences in Chinese. 请用“会不会”“比”“漂亮不漂亮”“高不高”造四个句子。
    For example: 我的小鸟漂亮不漂亮?
    3)Please translate the YCT2 Lesson 5 ‘Mini story ‘ into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT2课本的小故事翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。
    4) Please try to write your holiday timetable in Chinese.请用中文写一个你的假日时间表,For example :早上9点起床, 9点半吃早饭……
    5)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,
    Have a very nice holiday!!

  17. 一年级A 班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 练习和熟记第91页笔画名称表。
    Practice and memorize the Chinese characters’strokes

  18. 看圣诞卡通https://youtu.be/Tb870QxCavQ

     Christmas film, : https://youtu.be/Tb870QxCavQ
    Sharks spend Christmas :t https://youtu.be/-ZAEsaSQzqs
    Story: Christmas is coming : https://youtu.be/5BHNgsng_Hs
    Christmas is coming :https://youtu.be/39aazRwuGes
    Learn to sing songs https://youtu.be/D-qZ71ejyjw
    Learn to Sing Christmas Eve https://youtu.be/HoVDfRchwUw

  19. 6A家庭作业(新学期1月6日开学)
    1.熟记第六课生字,并复习论语:“不学礼,无以立。” 下节课听写第六课生字及论语。复习1-6课所学字词。Revise all new words from Lesson 6,ready for dictation next week.Revise all words and expressions in lesson 1-6.
    3. 完成6B第六课周一至周五练习题1-3。 Complete exercise 6B lesson 6 Mon to Fri questions 1-3.
    4. 给你在中国的亲人或朋友写大约80-100个字的一封信关于你的圣诞节是怎么度过的,包括以下部分:A)描述你从前度过的一个最棒的圣诞假期;B)英国学校假期分别有哪些;C)你觉得学校有很多假期的好处和坏处;D)你希望你下一个圣诞节怎么度过。 Write a letter around 80-100 words to your family/ friend in China about your Christmas Holiday, mention: A)how was the best ever Christmas holiday you spent so far ; B) how many holidays are there in UK school; C) What do you think of the pros and cons about many school holidays; D) How would you like to spend your next Christmas holiday.
    5. 翻译以下短文,没有交的同学1月6日和作文一起交上来Better to Teach Fishing than to Give Fish
    There is a Chinese saying that goes,”It’s better to teach a man fishing than to give them fish”, meaning that teaching people how to obtain knowledge or wealth is more useful than imparting to them the existent knowledge or wealth.etc. The truth behind it is quite simple, “fish”is the aim, and “fishing” is the method. One who wants to always have fish needs to learn the method of fishing.The same is true at work.If someone meets a problem, the best way to help is not to finish the task for them,but to teach them how to solve the problem and overcome the difficulty.



  20. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
    Complete all the questions from Exercise A Lesson 3 Monday – Friday.
    Please copy the new words 5 times in Lesson 3 in the Exercise Book.
    Practice and memorize the Chinese characters’ strokes on page 91.
    4. 熟记第15页儿歌《大小月》并向家长解释内容。
    Memorize the rhyme “The Months” on page 15 and explain the meanings to parents.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  21. YCT1 homework

    1. Read and write the mini story on page 42, and its translation on page 60. 读写第四十二页迷你故事,和第六十页的译文。

    2. Write Lesson 10’s key words and key sentences on page 44, including pinyin. 写第十课第四十四页的关键词和关键句,包括拼音。

    3. Copy and translate the texts on page 45, including pinyin. 抄写并翻译第四十五页的课文,包括拼音。

    4. Pactice telling the time in Chinese at home. 在家练习用中文表达时间。

    5. Watch the following vedio clips

    Wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy New Year! Have a good break!

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