
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 1-2 (Page 1-6)

2、练习儿歌 Practice the Pinyin Song (我们下节课会继续练习):

29 Replies to “家庭作业2024年9月9日至2024年9月14日”

  1. GCSE 网课基础/考试班
    1 ,复习书上第6-11页的所有词组,要求会读,会说,会写,下周抽查听写单词(喜欢,吃喝
    2 完成QUIZLET 练习
    3 完成PDF 练习题

  2. 六年级C班作业

    1. 复习第一课生词。Review the vocabulary of L1. https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 预习第一课课文(熟读、翻译)。Preview the text of L1, be able to read and translate it.
    3. 练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习1 & 2。Question 1 &2 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 1, Workbook 6.
    4. 准备说一说你知道的中秋节或讲一个有关中秋节的小故事。Prepare to talk what you know about 中秋节 or tell a story about中秋节.

  3. 学前班B班

    1, 看视频,每天至少看一遍。试着跟着唱一唱《四季歌》。
    Watch play list, watch at least once a day. Try to memorise the “Si Ji Ge”, we will sing together next week.


    2, 请你把课堂上发下去的画上上颜色。请爸爸妈妈问一问学生每棵树是季节是什么?
    Colouring the hand out picture. Please ask your child what season is for each coloured trees.

  4. 三年级C班作业
    Year Three C Homework
    Write your Chinese name 5 times
    Read the handout for year two review three times, will check in class next week
    Cope the handout for year two review for sentences 1/3/5/7/9

  5. 六年级B班

    Review the new words in the first lesson “In the Park”, write each three times, and make a sentence with each new word, and dictate in the next class.

    Read the first lesson carefully.

    Exercise Book A Lesson 1 Monday to Friday 1, 2, 3.

  6. 1. 画自己的肖像, 然后在另一面回答:
    Draw a self portrait of yourself. On the other side, please answer:
    -What is your nationality?
    -How old are you?
    -What do you like or dislike to eat?
    -What do you like or dislike to drink?
    -Do you have siblings?

  7. 三年级C班:
    1. 写几句话来简单地介绍一下自己,可以从姓名、年龄、家庭情况、喜欢做的事等几方面来介绍,如果能详细一些介绍并且分段就更棒了。
    Write a few sentences to introduce yourself. It could be your name, age, hobbies, family member, pets, favorite sport, food or color etc. If you could provide a more detailed explanation and organize it into clear sections that would be even better.
    2. (Memorize or read until fluent and please send a recording of your reading to the Wechat group.)
    小石头,变石猴 ,

  8. 熟悉自己的中文名字,中文学校名字,父母从中国哪个城市来。

  9. 三年级A班
    Make your own name tag and bring it to school next week
    Preview all new words in Lesson 1 “Traffic Lights”
    Read the first lesson until you can memorize it.

  10. 四年级B班

    1. 完成课本P4和P5的生字书写,请完成每一个笔画步骤。 没有课本的同学可以打印或在练习本上完成。请注意字形和每个笔画在格子中的位置
    Complete the writing of the vocabulary in P4 and P5 of the textbook, please complete each stroke step. If you don’t have the textbook yet, you can print it or complete it in the exercise book. Please pay attention to the shape of the character and the position of each stroke in the mizi grid.

    2. 完成练习册A第一课星期一到星期五(daily)
    Complete Exercise Book A, Lesson 1, Monday to Friday (daily).

    Read the text of lesson One ” A Letter to Grandfather”, take a video or radio.

    Please upload all the homework in our Wechat group in the form of notes before Saturday.

    The final grade will be generated by the sum of all the scores from class performance, dictations, and after-class homework, so please take each class and homework exercise seriously!

  11. 【本周作业】
    Finish writing the characters on page 4-5.
    Copy the 14 words for dictation next week, twice in Chinese, twice in Pinyin and once in English (page3).
    3.准备3个笔记本。一个做作业,一个记笔记,一个听写用。下周每人会从学校领到一个免费的听写本,我发给同学们。Prepare 3 notebooks next week. One for homework, one for class notes, and one for dictation. Everyone gets a free dictation book next week from LMS, and I’ll send them out on class.

  12. 八年级A班作业
    Homework for Class 8A
    1. 完成课本P4-5 写一写
    Complete the “Write” section on pages 4-5 of the textbook.
    2. 完成练习册A P1-8
    Complete pages 1-8 in Exercise Book A.
    3. 复习P3 生字 词语 下周听写
    Review new characters and vocabulary from page 3. There will be a dictation next week.

  13. A-level 作业
    1, 准备一本作业本, 翻译中文第十册第一课的第二段文字。

    Prepare a workbook and translate the second paragraph of the first lesson.

    2, 用中文写下AS 大纲中考试内容和考试形式,包括主题和次主题以及次主题中讨论的内容,3张考试卷中的内容,时间,以及你觉得需要特别注意和提高的地方。
    Prepare a workbook and write down as following, the test content and test format in ‘Specification_GCE_AS_level_L3_in_Chinese’, including themes and sub-themes as well as the content discussed in the sub-themes. Regarding to 3 test papers, the content in, the time, and what you think needs special attention.
    阅读AS考试大纲的第二部分‘Subject content and assessment information’,用中文写下自己觉得需注意的地方,下节课讨论。
    Read the second part of ‘Specification_GCE_AS_level_L3_in_Chinese’.

  14. 七年级C 班作业 Year 7B Homework

    1、练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习;
    Complete Exercise A Lesson One Monday to Friday questions;
    Read Lesson One Text until fluently;
    Translate and make one sentence with the words above;
    4. 说一说你知道的中秋节或讲一个有关中秋节的小故事。
    Talk about what you know about Mid-Autumn festival or any story about the festival.

  15. 五年级C班网课班家庭作业Year5C Homework:

  16. 学前A班reception A
    我们第一周学习了数字1-10 的认读。学会了自我介绍:你好,我叫xxx,我五岁了。还学会了对话: 你叫什么名字?我叫xxx.
    1. 听儿歌,唱儿歌。
    2. 完成课堂分发的剪纸并按顺序把数字排序粘贴好。

  17. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、练习册A 第一课星期一的练习;
    Complete questions on Exercise A Lesson One Monday;
    Review the vocabulary of L1. Prepare for the dictation.
    3. 预习第一课课文(熟读、翻译)。
    Preview the text of L1, be able to read and translate it.
    4. 说一说你知道的中秋节或讲一个有关中秋节的小故事。
    Talk about what you know about Mid-Autumn festival or any story about the festival.

  18. 二年级C班作业:

    1. 请把自己的中文名字写五遍。
    Please write down your Chinese name 5times.
    2. 口头作业:自我介绍,年龄,爱好等,至少5句话。
    Introduce yourself, like how old are you, your hobby, at least 5 sentences.
    3. 熟读发下的“数一数”,并背诵。
    Practice the hand out, please recite too.

  19. 五年级B班
    Make your own name tag and bring it to school next week.
    2.根据自己的眼、耳、鼻、口、外型、穿著等特点,生动有趣地描写一段自己长相的短文。(注意写作格式:题目写在中间,在段落开始前一定要空两格。)According to your own facial features, appearance, clothing and other characteristics, vividly and interestingly describe a short essay about your appearance.
    Please click this link to watch the video and learn to sing this song.
Preview Lesson 1.
Please prepare 3 exercise books: dictation book, essay book and note book.
To parents:Please help to upload your children’s homework to our wechat group. Thank you!

  20. 1 朗读第一课课文《红绿灯》并把录音发到班微信群。
    Please read lesson one “Traffic Lights” and send the recording to our WeChat group.
    2 完成第三册练习册A第一课《红绿灯》星期一的全部练习。
    Please complete lesson one
    Monday 1-7
    3 写一篇自我介绍包括姓名,年龄和兴趣爱好。
    Write a self-introduction including your name, age and interests.
    4 所有学生一定要正确书写自己的中文姓名。
    All students must write your Chinese names correctly.

  21. YCT C homework:

    Please practice speaking until you are able to introduce yourself fluently without reading the notes. You can also challenge to write a simple version of instruction of yourself. This homework requires all of you to submit a video recording for speaking, and a picture for writing challenge (extra work- optional)

  22. 六年级A班本周作业:
    要求不少于120字。不会写的字和词汇可以查字典或者是请教你的家长。( Finish the writing practice that wasn’t completed in class. You can focus on introducing yourself, describing your hobbies, your achievements in learning Chinese last year, and the new goals you’ve set for yourself this semester. You could also include other things you want to share, such as interesting experiences during your summer vacation, your pets, a recent movie you’ve watched, or a park you enjoy. Try to use adjectives to make your writing more vivid and express what you’ve seen, heard, and experienced. Use time expressions and transition words to make your sentences flow smoothly. The composition should be at least 120 characters. If you don’t know how to write certain words or phrases, you can use a dictionary or ask your parents for help.)
    2、预习课本第一课。要求大声朗读课文,圈出你不认识的字和本课的生字词。(Preview the first lesson in the textbook. Read the text aloud, and circle any unfamiliar characters or new vocabulary words in the lesson.)
    Prepare two exercise books (one for writing,one for making notes).
    4.每周作业尽量早点发送到微信群里,最迟在周六晚要发送完。(Please try to submit your weekly homework to the WeChat group as early as possible, and no later than Saturday evening.)

  23. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    Write down your Chinese name five times .
    2. 大声朗读第一课课文《在中文学校》,并发语音到微信群。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 1, and send a recording to the WeChat group.

  24. 五年级A班
    1.根据课堂上的自我介绍口语练习,写一篇自我介绍,介绍一下你自己,如果需要可以参考班级微信群里的框架文件(不是必须使用此框架)。可以按课堂上讲的先做一个mind map,参考微信群里的图片(两种图任选一个即可)。
    Based on the oral self-introduction exercise from class, write a self-introduction about yourself. If needed, you can refer to the framework document in the class WeChat group (you don’t have to use this framework). You can start by creating a mind map, as discussed in class, and refer to the images in the WeChat group (you can choose either of the two images).
    Prepare a folder to store the flashcards and other materials. In addition to the dictation book provided in class, please also prepare a writing notebook, and be sure to bring both to school every week.
    Preview lesson 1.
    4. 看视频回答问题,视频在微信群里。
    Watch the video(see the details in our Wechat group) and answers some questions.
    a 视频里介绍的是哪个城市?Which city is introduced in this video?
    b 这个城市的邻居有哪些?“Who” are the neighbours of this city?
    c ?Who used to live in the Forbidden City?
    d 视频里提到了哪些著名的景点?Which famous resorts are mentioned in this video?
    e 这个城市里有哪些美食?What are the famous food?
    d 视频中提到的“鸟巢”是什么地方?What is “niao chao ” in this video?

  25. 七年级A班
    1. 预习第一课生字和生词。
    Learn Lesson One’s New words and phases.
    Try to read the text and underline the familiar words.
    Bring the A book to the class on Sunday.

  26. 第一周
    GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 请同学们准备购买Edexcel GCSE Chinese书,另外请准备两本A4练习本和一个文件夹,这周日第一节课需要检查。GCSE书本可以在亚马逊上购买,以下是参考链接。
    Please purchase Edexcel GCSE Chinese books, and please also prepare two exercise books (normal thick A4 exercise books) and a folder, which need to be checked in the first class this Sunday. GCSE books can be purchased on Amazon. Here are the reference links. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-GCSE-Chinese-Student-Book/dp/1292210842/ref=sr_1_1?crid=93ZV8WJU2ZKJ&dchild=1&keywords=edexcel+chinese+gcse+9-1&qid=1599506968&sprefix=edexcel+chinese+%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1
    2. 预习新的生词表,需要在发下去的词汇表上做好笔记,比如近义词或是反义词等。(请把表格放在你的文件夹里)。

    To preview the new vocabulary list, you need to make notes on the vocabulary list that is handed out, For example, synonyms or antonyms. (Please put the form in your folder).

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第8页(阅读1)和第10页(阅读1)。阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 8 reading 1, and page 10 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    4. 请用中文回答以下几个问题,试着用高质量的句子回答,比如用关联词、复合句型或是扩展。
    Please answer the following questions in Chinese. Try to answer with high-quality sentences, such as using conjunctions, complex sentence structures or extensions.
    Q1. 介绍一下你自己。(你叫什么?你家有几口人?你家哪儿?你有没有兄弟姐妹?你的爱好是什么?
    Q2. 你有没有宠物?(是什么宠物?你喜欢它吗?为什么?将来你想养宠物吗?)

  27. 1.预习第一课《在中文学校》的所有生字。
    Preview all new words in Lesson 1 “i am in Chineseschool”
    2.听音频https://youtu.be/fHXXjE1L9a0?si=Hi5E-1TMUsa2Uhgm熟读第一课课文到背诵,下周课堂一起学习。 Listen to the audio and Read the first lesson until you can memorize it.Study together in class next week
    3.准备3个笔记本。一个做作业,一个记笔记,一个听写用。下周每人会从学校领到一个免费的听写本,我发给同学们。Prepare 3 notebooks next week. One for homework, one for class notes, and one for dictation. Everyone gets a free dictation book next week from LMS, and I’ll send them out on class.

  28. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 上课我们做了口头自我介绍,请同学们根据自己讲的内容,在Wechat群里面的Padlet链接里,写出至少3个句子再简单介绍一下自己,比如你的年龄?家庭?学校?兴趣爱好?假期活动?
    Please introduce yourself in 3 or more sentences. You can tell us about your age? Your family? Your school? Your interests? Or your holidays? Type into our Padlet page.

    2. 请完成练习册A第一课如下练习:
    Please finish the following exercises of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.
    星期一、星期二:1,5题 Mon, Tue: Exercise 1 & 5
    星期三:1,4,5题 Wed: Exercise 1,4 and 5
    星期四:1,3,5题 Thur: Exercise 1,3 and 5
    星期五:2,3,4题 Fri: Exercise 2,3 and 4

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