
一年级B 班 (YEAR 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页)To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3-4 (Page 7-10)

2、练习并背诵儿歌 :《咏鹅》、《河边两只鹅》,并录制和发视频到微信群 Practice and recite nursery rhymes: “Yong e”, “He Bian Liang Zhi  e” and record and send videos to WeChat group.

31 Replies to “家庭作业2024年9月16日至2024年9月21日”

  1. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习GCSE 书上12页-17页的所有绿色的词汇,下周抽查听写(工厂,食堂,散步,睡觉,用泳池,高矮胖瘦短,解决问题,依我来看,爱好,做运动,跳舞)
    2 复习词汇卡,见谷歌教室链接
    3 完成PDF 练习题,见微信群PDF

  2. 1.在课本练习册和听写本上写上自己的名字,制作自己的姓名牌,下周上课带到学校。
Writing your name on all of your books and dictation book, make your own name tag and bring it to school next week.


    Write a “thanks letter” according to the letter format of the text in Lesson 1 and two samples. The text should be no less than five sentences.


    Practice textbook p3 words for yourself, copy 5 idioms twice, we will dictation idioms and the words next class.


    Read the words in textbook p6 and record the video/audio


    Correct the wrong answer and writing in exercise book A lesson 1 and bring it to our class, the teacher will check them.

  3. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第一课的以下练习:
    Monday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Tuesday: 1, 2, 3, 4
    Wednesday: 1,2,3,4
    Friday: 1, 2, 3
    2. 请点击下方链接完成作业。
    Complete the homework in the link below.

    3. 请熟读或背诵第一课《红绿灯》。
    Memorize or read lesson one until fluent then please send a recording of your reading to the Wechat group.

  4. A-level 本周作业
    1. Review the first text of Chapter 12, complete the questions of second and third texts, and master the origins and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Use the website https://www.archchinese.com/ to review/study the new vocabularies from the texts. There will be a dictation test in the next class.
    2. Complete the vocabulary exercises and translation exercises on pages 108 and 109.
    3. Observe how your family celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival. Next week, we will share it in class.

  5. 六年级B班

    Review the new characters in this lesson(The first part of the third page), and use each new character to form words (the more the better, at least one) the words formation competition in the next lesson.

    Write an essay of about 200 words “This Year’s Mid-Autumn Festival”. Please use the keywords of Mid-Autumn Festival: mooncakes, moon, etc., which is best to reflect the festive mood of the Mid-Autumn Festival: reunion and miss.

  6. 三年级A班
    Complete the following questions in Lesson 1 of Workbook A: Monday to Thursday: Questions 12345.
    Recite the text of the first lesson and send the recording to the WeChat group.
    In class next week, talk about how you celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with your family.

  7. 七年级B班

    1. 复习第一课的生字生词,准备下节课听写,用每个生字组词(越多越好,至少组一个词)下节课组词比赛。
    Review the new vocabularies and characters in lesson prepare for the dictation, and use each new character to form words (the more the better, at least one) the words formation competition in the next lesson.

    2. 写一篇作文《最难忘的中秋节》200字左右。
    Write an essay of about 200 words “This Year’s Mid-Autumn Festival”.

    3. 完成练习册A第一课剩下的题目:星期二到星期五。
    Complete the rest questions of Lesson 1 of Workbook A: Monday to Friday.

  8. 五年级C班(网课班)2024年9月16日到9月22日第二周家庭作业:
    星期一 第三页的第六题和第四页的第七题;
    星期二 第四页第一题,
    星期三 第八页第一题
    我在Quizlet学习中文 第五册 Lesson 1: https://quizlet.com/cn/942493752/chinese-book-5-lesson-1-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96

  9. 学前A班 reception本周作业:
    1. 完成课堂分发的剪纸贴纸,填色,找不同和根据图片找出少了谁的作业。

  10. 八年级A班作业
    Homework for Class 8A

    1. 订正听写错字,每个字写十遍。
    Correct the misspelled words from the dictation, and write each word ten times.

    2. 复习课本p3词语和p10生字词语,下周听写。
    Review the words from page 3 and the new vocabulary from page 10 of the textbook. There will be a dictation next week.

    3. 完成练习册A p9-19星期三到星期五的内容。
    Complete the exercises from pages 9 to 19 of Workbook A for the content covered from Wednesday to Friday.

    4. 写一篇关于中秋节500-600字的作文。
    Write a 500-600 word essay about the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  11. 三年级C班
    Year Three C Homework
    1, 把第一课的课文每天读三遍, 下周课堂检查
    Read Lesson One three times a day, will check in the class next week
    2,把第一课学过的六个生字 ‘灯-交通-街道-宽’每个字写五遍
    Write the first six new words from lesson one five times,
    3, 完成练习册A星期一的1-7题, 请不要多做或提前做
    Complete the exercise book A for Lesson One question 1-7 only, please don’t do more.
    Talk about how you celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with your family in class next week.

  12. 七年级A班
    1. 完成练习册A 第一课的星期一 问题1,2,4;星期二问题1,2,3,4;星期三的问题1,2,4.
    Exercises Book A Lesson One
    Monday Q 1,2,4.
    Tuesday Q 1,2,3,4.
    Wednesday Q 1,2, 4.

    2. 朗读课文和熟悉P2生字,P3词语。
    Read the new words and text。

    3. 观看Youtube:https://youtu.be/vqy_Ua0kFhA?si=zvGJb7SXlReIFV1i

    4. 自备一个文件夹放老师发给材料。

  13. 二年级B班 Homework

    1.抄写生字 教、汉 、语、读、歌、欢 ,需要会认读,本周听写。
    Copy new characters, five times each, and be ready for dictation.
    Retell the story about the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    Learn the song.

  14. 五年级B班
Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson one on Exercise Book A.
Thursday: 1,2,7
    2. 朗读第一课课文《买文具》每天至少一遍。可以点这链接跟读:Read the text at least once a day. You can follow this link:
    3.请记住笔画名称, Please remember the name of the strokes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry8zvLN-B2A
    4.请记住写字笔顺规则: (please remember the rule of Stroke Order) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eJ5ys03NHA
    写作:《我的中秋节》 (要求三百字左右)
    Write a composition of “My Mid-Autumn Festival ”


  15. 六年级A班:
    必做题Compulsory questions.
    Complete part of the execcises in workbook A .

    Writing exercise: Write an essay about the Mid-Autumn Festival. You can write about how you celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival while abroad, how you learned about this holiday, what kind of activities your family does for the festival, or any activities you participated in at school to celebrate. You can also mention any stories or cultural traditions your teachers or parents told you about the festival. Finally, share your thoughts on the significance of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival overseas.
    The essay must have at least three paragraphs and be no less than 120 words.
    3.流利地朗读课文并发送语音到微信群。Fluently read the text and send a recording to the WeChat group.

    4.复习已经学过的生字。Review the characters you have already learned.

    5.按照老师开学的要求:准备好文件夹和一个写作练习本。Please prepare a folder and an exercise book for writing practise .

    The homework must be uploaded by 6 PM on Saturday.

  16. 六年级C班作业
    1. 借助quizlet(https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij)复习第一课生词,请注意理解词义,会写,会使用,并准备听写这些词汇。With the help of quizlet review the vocabulary of the Lesson one, please understand the meaning, be able to write them by hand, learn how to use them, and prepare to dictate them.
    2. 练习朗诵课文,准备朗诵比赛。Practice reciting text and prepare for recitation competitions.
    3. 练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习3 到 5。Question 3-5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 1, Workbook 6A.
    4. 写一篇题为《我家的中秋节》的作文,讲述你过中秋节的趣事。Write an essay entitled “My Family’s Mid-Autumn Festival” and tell interesting stories about your Mid-Autumn Festival.
    5. 预习课本第8页阅读课文《罗丹》。Preview the Reading article《罗丹》 on page 8.
    6. 借助quizlet预习第2课生词。Preview the vocabulary of L2 with the help of quizlet https://quizlet.com/_abnvvp?x=1qqt&i=fkwij.

  17. 六年级C班作业
    1. 借助quizlet(https://quizlet.com/_a6qwrm?x=1qqt&i=fkwij)复习第一课生词,请注意理解词义,会写,会使用,并准备听写这些词汇。With the help of quizlet review the vocabulary of the Lesson one, please understand the meaning, be able to write them by hand, learn how to use them, and prepare to dictate them.
    2. 练习朗诵课文,准备朗诵比赛。Practice reciting text and prepare for recitation competitions.
    3. 练习册A 第一课周一至周五的练习3 到 5。Question 3-5 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 1, Workbook 6A.
    4. 写一篇题为《我家的中秋节》的作文,讲述你过中秋节的趣事。Write an essay entitled “My Family’s Mid-Autumn Festival” and tell interesting stories about your Mid-Autumn Festival.
    5. 预习课本第8页阅读课文《罗丹》。Preview the Reading article《罗丹》 on page 8.
    6. 借助quizlet预习第2课生词。Preview the vocabulary of L2 with the help of quizlet https://quizlet.com/_abnvvp?x=1qqt&i=fkwij.

  18. 二年级C班:

    1. 熟读并背诵第一课课文。
    Practice reading and reciting Lesson 1.
    2. 完成练习册A第一课周一至周五的1,2,3题。
    Complete the exercise book A Monday to Friday questions 1,2,3.
    3. 画一幅画《我的中秋节》。
    Draw a picture of 《My mid autumn festival 》

  19. YCT C Homework:

    Task 1. Translate the conversations in Word document into English. 翻译文档中的对话。

    Task 2. Standard Course book: Complete exercise 3 and 4 on page 2. 完成课本第二页的习题3和4.

    Happy Mid- Autumn Day! 中秋节快乐!

  20. 一年级A班 (YEAR 1A)- 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第三、四课(第七至第十页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 3-4 (Page 7-10)

    2, 看链接学唱声母b, p, m, f 歌, Watching the following YouTube and learn b, p, m, f Song

    3, 熟练朗读以下《儿歌》 Recite songs below:
    Xiǎo shānyáng shàng shān pō
    小山羊, 上山 坡
    shān pō shàng cǎo er duō
    山坡上, 草儿多
    biān chī cǎo biān chàng gē
    边吃草, 边 唱 歌
    bèngbèng tiào tiào zhēn kuài lè
    蹦蹦 跳跳 真快乐
    Miáo miáo yǒu zhì xiǎohuāmāo
    huā māo míngzì jiào máomao
    máomao èle miāo miāo jiào
    miáo miáo gǎnjǐn wèi máomao

  21. 1. 学习写 中秋,设计月饼 (到我们班微信把作业打印出来)。
    Learn to write “zhong qiu” (mid-autumn), design a mooncake. ( Find the worksheet in our WeChat group, print it out and complete the worksheet).

  22. 1.请完成课文第3页的描一描,写一写。并且把这些字按笔画写,每个字写2遍写在作业本上。
    Please complete the tracing and writing on page 3 of the text. And write these characters according to the strokes, write each character twice in the exercise book.
    Complete the exercise book A Monday to Friday questions 1,2,3.
    3.朗读第一课课文《在中文学校》每天至少一遍。可以点这链接跟读:Read the text at least once a day. You can follow this link:https://youtu.be/fHXXjE1L9a0?si=gsacVhaPPTMvNJqe
    Draw a picture called “My Mid-Autumn Festival” and share with us in the next class how you celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with your family.

  23. GCSE考试 家庭作业
    1. 注册Quizlet,并且点击以下链接https://quizlet.com/join/QesjsSr6G进入GCSE班,找到Chapter 1.1开始练习生词。你需要练习配对和测试,然后截图你练习的结果,作为你作业的一部分。
    Sign up for Quizlet and click on the link below to practice new words Chapter1.1 https://quizlet.com/join/QesjsSr6G You need to practice Matching and testing two parts, and then take a screenshot of your practice results and send them to the group. This is your part of homework.
    2. 课堂上学习的20个词: “有意思、跟…一起、因为…,所以…、一个多小时、可是、对…好/不好、节目、比赛、酷、…的时候、打篮球、身体、踢足球、宠物、听音乐、上班、回家、睡觉、吃晚饭、看电视” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个句子总共40个句子。每个句子尽量用复合句(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please try to use compound sentences in each sentence and write in your homework notebook。

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第11页(阅读4)和第13页(阅读3) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 11 reading 4, and page 13 reading 3 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

    4. 翻译 Translation

  24. 1 朗读第一课课文《红绿灯》。
    Please read lesson one “Traffic Lights”.
    Please complete lesson one
    Tuesday 1-8
    Wednesday 1-7
    3 填空
    Fill in the blanks
    (1). 中秋节是哪天_____
    (2). 中秋节的传统食物是____
    (3). 中秋节习俗_____ _____
    Watch the video to understand about the origin and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Answer the questions in the next lesson.
    5 选做题(Optional):小作文《中秋节》

  25. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    Please finish the following exercises of Lesson 1 on Exercise Book A.
    星期一Mon: 3,6,7
    星期二,三,四 Tue, Wed, Thur:6,7
    星期五 Fri:5,6,7

    Read the text of Lesson 1 fluently, take a video or audio and share in our WeChat group.

    Writing: more than 200 words, write a letter to a friend or family member and tell them how you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. What did you do and eat in that day? What traditions do you have on that special day

  26. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    下周听写本课生字词语 ;
    Copy two times of the words on Textbook Excise Two, new words and vocabulary will be dictated next week;(Prepare a note book for this academic year for word dictation tests).
    2、用下列词语造句:“有的… 有的…”, “不断地”;
    Make sentences with the words “有的… 有的…”, “不断地”;
    3、9月17日是中秋节,请写一篇有关中秋节的作文,字数多于200,可以写中秋节的由来,中秋节的传说,你自己的家是怎么过中秋节的,吃什么和做什么等等。Write a short story about Mid-Autumn festival in more than 200 words, can be written about anything such as what you eat and what you do.

  27. 七年级C 班作业 Year 7C Homework
    下周听写本课生字词语 ;
    Copy two times of the words on Textbook Excise Two, new words and vocabulary will be dictated next week;(Prepare a note book for this academic year for word dictation tests).
    2、用下列词语造句:“有的… 有的…”, “不断地”;
    Make sentences with the words “有的… 有的…”, “不断地”;
    3、9月17日是中秋节,请写一篇有关中秋节的作文,字数多于200,可以写中秋节的由来,中秋节的传说,你自己的家是怎么过中秋节的,吃什么和做什么等等。Write a short story about Mid-Autumn festival in more than 200 words, can be written about anything such as what you eat and what you do.

  28. 学前班B 作业。

    1, 看视频。请每天至少看一遍,并背诵《春晓》《四季歌》。
    Watch the playlist. Please make sure you watch at least once a day, then memorise ‘Chunxiao’ and ‘Sijige’


    2, 请你在蓝色的作业本上画一画什么都知道的“蝉先生”的样子。
    Please draw a picture of Mr Cicada who knows everything on your blue notebook.

  29. 1.抄写下周听写的10个词语,5个在课文中,5个是课本第三页的专有名词。2遍中文2遍拼音1遍英文。
    Copy the 10 words for dictation next week. Five in the text, five in the Propor Nouns on Page 3. Twice in Chinese, twice in Pinyin and once in English (page3).
    2. 写一篇关于中秋节的作文,不少于80字。可以是在中秋节前后,你做了什么事、吃了什么东西,或者你对中秋节的了解。
    Write a passage about Mid-Autumn Day, for no less than 80 characters. Could inclues what you did, what you ate, or what you know about this festival.

  30. 五年级A班

    Complete the vocabulary exercise on the Mid-Autumn Festival distributed in class. There will be a dictation next week.
    Learn to sing the song “Dan Yuan Ren Chang Jiu.”
    Design your own flashcards, which can include illustrations that help with understanding and memory, along with pinyin and word combinations. You can refer to the examples in the WeChat group. Flashcards should be designed for the following characters: 超 (chāo), 市 (shì), 各 (gè), 颜 (yán), 练 (liàn), 许 (xǔ), 漂 (piāo), and 飘 (piāo). (Design the flashcards according to the differences between 漂 and 飘 discussed in class, highlighting their unique characteristics.)
    Write an essay about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Based on the content learned in class and your existing knowledge about the Mid-Autumn Festival. You can include the following: What are China’s four major traditional festivals? When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? What legends are associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival? What are the customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival? What is the significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival? What kind of Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations have you participated in (at school, at home, or elsewhere)?The essay should be no less than 200 words.

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