
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84  Complete the “General Exercises” in the textbook P80-84

2、完成发在群里的总复习练习Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat



27 Replies to “家庭作业2024年7月1日至2023年7月6日”

  1. 1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84 Complete the “General Exercises” in the textbook P80-84

    2、完成发在群里的总复习练习Complete the handout Exercise in the Wechat

  2. 今天上完了本学年的最后一课《达尔文》。回家作业:

  3. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 12 of Workbook B.
    Correct the phrases you wrote in class today, three times each.
    Review all the contents of Lessons 10 to 12 and complete Comprehensive Exercise 4.
    Practicing dance for next week’s performance.

  4. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册B第十二课的以下练习。
    Monday: 5, 6, 7
    Tuesday: all
    Wednesday: 5, 6, 7
    Read Lesson 12 with expression, record your reading and send it to We chat group.

  5. GCSE网课班
    1 复习书上154-155页的新词语, 学习词卡
    Learn and review p154-155 vocabs, review quzilet flashcards
    2 完成160页的第1题写作AT WORK ,
    Finish p160 writing task
    3 160页的第2题阅读,完成161页的上面第4题问题, 161页的第2题翻译
    Read p160 reading 2, finish p161 questions 4 + p161 translation question 2
    下周7月7日毕业演出,没有课,欢迎网课同学去学校观看。 7月14日回来上最后一节课考试。

  6. 六年级C班作业
    1. 练习朗诵《黄河颂》,完成录像。Prepare 《黄河颂》, and make the video.
    2. 复习第十一课的生词。Review the vocabulary of L11. https://quizlet.com/gb/595373631/zw6-11-flash-cards/?newhttps%3A%2F%2Fquizlet.com%2F_9ugx8f%3Fx=1qqt&i=fkwij
    3. 熟读课文,理解课文。Practice reading the text until fluent and try to understand thoroughly.
    4. 练习册B第十课周一至周五的第四到七题。Question 4-7 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 10, Workbook 6B
    5. 练习册A第十一课周一至周五的第一到三题。Question 1-3 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 11, Workbook 6A.
    6. 看视频回答问题。Watch the video and answer the questions. Florence Nightingale.
    The life and work of Florence Nightingale (dramatization) | History – True Stories
    1) 南丁格尔从小最喜欢做什么?
    2) 南丁格尔从小一直在想长大了做什么?
    3) 为什么南丁格尔能成为一名伟大的护士?

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete Exercise A Lesson Nine Monday to Friday all questions;
      Read aloud Lesson 12 and upload your recordings.

  7. 五年级C班本周作业
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word 3 times.

    Complete Friday all exercises for lesson 12 in Exercise Book B (page103-106).

    Complete Review 4 in the textbook (page114-117).

  8. 六年级B班

    Complete the rest of Nie Er in Lesson B of the exercise book.

    Complete the general exercise on page 132 of the textbook.

    Next week’s classic chantisation performance, please wear white coats, black trousers or skirts.

  9. 五年级B班
    Complete Review 4 in the textbook (page114-117).
    Watch video of  at home, practice and memorize the movements.
    3.下周7月7日,请全班同学带上演出服到学校(Please bring your costumes)。(可以在家先化好妆)

  10. 1. 练习册B册102-109页周四到周五的练习​
    Complete Exercise Book B Lesson 12(page 102-109) from Thursday to Friday.​

    2. 请大家继续熟练《木兰辞》需要集体背诵和个人背诵的部分。​
    Learn MuLan Ci by heart. (group part and solo part if assigned)​

    Start to review all characters, words and sentences of 12 texts/lessons. To prepare for final exam on 14th July. Exam time is 13:00-15:00​

  11. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 1-12,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below,writing the following words five times each and prepare for the end of term test on Sunday, 14th of July.
    在Quizlet上的”YCT D 2023-2024″

    2)Please practice all the key sentences
    from Lesson 1 to Lesson 12, memorize them in Chinese.

  12. Year Two D Homework
    1, Read Lesson 5-lesson 8 three time a day, will check in the class
    2, Practise the words below for Lesson 5-8,will test
    3,Make two sentences each using the following words

    There will be no class next week, welcome to the school for the year end show.

  13. 一年级C班 (Y1C)- 傅老师

    1、完成课本里的《总练习》P80-84 Complete P80-84 of “General Exercise” in the textbook

    2、 继续熟悉课本第85-88页所有生字并记住它们. Continue to familiarise yourself with all the new words on pages 85-88 of the textbook and memorize them.

    3, 熟悉《部首表》 第89页。Familiarise page 89 “Table of Radicals”

  14. 二年级C班:

    1. 请完成发下的练习题。
    Please complete the hand out.
    2. 请同学们观看视频,练习自己的朗诵或舞蹈部分,准备下周演出。
    Please watch the video, to learn your own parts, ready for the performance next week.

  15. 1.请完成上周发下去的练习题.
    Please complete the practice exercises that were handed out last week.
    Practice the hand dance and singing for “Bànshēng Xuě” until you are proficient. We are looking forward to your wonderful performance. Here is the link to the student version of the “Bànshēng Xuě” hand dance。
    For next week’s “Classics Chant Spread” performance, boys please wear white tops and black pants, and girls please wear white tops and black skirts.
    The final exam will be on July 14th from 13:00 to 15:00. Please start your comprehensive review. Key review areas: new characters from lessons 1-12 (including their radicals) and words and sentences from the 12 texts/lessons.

  16. 五年级A班

    Watch the video and answer the questions below:
    1.What’s her name? What is she going to make? Where did she go in the first part of the video? What ingredients does she need? Did she get the ingredients that she wanted? Where is she in the second part of the video? Why did she have to go to the place in the first part? Combining it with the text of lesson 12,think of why Lishizhen spent 27 years to complete the book “The Compendium of Materia Medica”?

    2.完成练习册B第12课从星期一到星期五剩下的内容。Complete the rest of exercises from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12 in workbook B.

    What medicines do you know? What do these medicines do? How much do you know about traditional Chinese medicine? Do you know which of the vegetables or fruits you are familiar with can be used as traditional Chinese medicine? You can complete this in your preferred way: write a paragraph in an essay book, search online and use pictures and text to create a PPT to introduce your search results, or hand-draw illustrations and indicate the names and medicinal values, etc.


  17. 1. 继续练习歌曲《捕鱼歌》 Keep practising the song for end of the year performance.

    2. 画一条鱼并涂色(A4卡纸), 记得下周带来学校。 Draw and colour a fish (on A4 white cardboard), bring it to school on next Sunday.

    3.请下周穿白衣蓝裤子(或蓝裙子),我们会在演出前再排练一下。Next Sunday please wear white top and blue trousers(or skirt), we will rehearse again before the performance.

  18. 1 阅读第十二课阅读课文《诚实的孩子》
    Reading the book of lesson twelve “An Honest Child ‘’.
    2 完成练习册B第12课星期三和星期四的全部作业
    Please complete lesson 12.
    Wednesday: 1-7
    Thursday: 1-7
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    Recite the first chapter of “Thousand Character Classic”.

  19. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成微信群里发的第三单元复习题。
    Please finish the exercises for Lesson 7 to Lesson 9.

    2. 利用群里的链接,复习第7-9课的重点词和划线词。
    Please revise the underlined words and phrases of Lesson 7 to 9.

  20. 二年级B班

    Please revise Lesson 1 to Lesson 12 for all the words, write two times each, and make a phrase.
    Keep on singing this 送。

  21. 学前班A reception class :
    1. 学习第六课的词语: 冰淇淋,糖果。巧克力,薯片,饼干,热狗。附加词语:面包,果汁,蛋糕,酸奶,面条,米饭。
    2. 复习两首手势舞古诗

  22. 六年级A班 家庭作业

    Complete the review exercises posted in the group on your own and check your work afterward.
    2.下周全校汇演,请同学们按时到校,并按照老师的要求穿演出服装。继续跟背景音乐有感情地练习朗读。(男生白衬衣,黑裤子;女生 白衬衣,可以黑裤子,裙子,黑色鞋子)
    The school performance is next week. Be on time, wear the required costume, and practice reading with emotion to the background music.

  23. 四年级B班 第33周作业
    1. 继续练习《将进酒》,并把《将进酒》的朗读视频或视频发在班群,准备下周表演
    Continue practicing 《将进酒》and post the video or video of the reading of 《将进酒》 to the class group, we will perform it this week.
    2. 自行选取课本1-12课里不熟悉的,你认为重要的25个词语(不是单独的汉字),在练习本写下来,每个写2个中文+1个英文
    Choose the 25 words (not individual Chinese characters) that you are not familiar with in lesson 1-12 of the textbook, and write them down in the exercise book. Write 2 Chinese +1 English for each
    3. 下周表演的衣服:如果你有中国传统服装请穿上你的传统服装,如果你没有传统服装,请穿白色的上衣+黑色的下装(裙子、裤子都可以)。
    Clothes for next week’s performance: If you have a traditional Chinese costume, please wear your traditional costume, if you don’t have a traditional Chinese costume, please wear a white top + black bottom (pants, jeans, skirts are fine)

  24. GCSE考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写十遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    2. 男生:请务必熟练记住你的台词, 着装要求:汉服或是古风衣服,如果那就穿白衬衫、灰色裤子或是黑色裤子、黑色鞋。
    3. 女生:请务必熟练跳舞的部分,着装要求:短袖白色衬衣、短裤(黑色、灰色、蓝色或是彩色都可以,但不要白色的在短裤)、黑色鞋、高马尾+绑红绸带。尽量化妆。

  25. YCT B homework:

    1. Please complete the questions in the revision document sent to our group chat.

    2. Final practice of the poem we are going to perform on 7-7-2024.

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