
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《读一读》词语各五遍(第73页)Copy the words of “Du Yi Du” five times each (page 73)

2、综合练习(四)(第76-79页)Comprehensive exercise (4) (page 76-79)

3、背诵第十二课课文《新年到》和阅读《过新年》,拍视频 Recite the text of Lesson 12 and read “Celebrating the New Year”, and make a video

4、还没记住歌词的同学请继续熟记《龙文》歌词 Those haven’t memorised the lyrics yet, please continue to memorise the lyrics of “Long Wen”

5、温馨提示:6月30日YCT1 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时到达学校,考场B203。请带好2B铅笔和橡皮擦。Warm reminder: YCT1 test on June 30th, students taking the test are requested to arrive at the school at 12:45, test room B203. Please bring 2B pencils and erasers.

28 Replies to “家庭作业2024年6月24日至2024年6月29日”

  1. GCSE网课班
    1 把课上听写的错词每个抄写5遍
    Copy 5 times of wrong words from dictation
    2 学习复习书上150-153 页的新词组 , https://quizlet.com/803729721/mandarin-volunteer-g8-flash-cards/
    Learn and review p150-153 new vocabs, go through flash card https://quizlet.com/803729721/mandarin-volunteer-g8-flash-cards/
    3 完成书上151页的第7题写作( 你有做过义工么?你做过什么义工?你喜欢这个工作么?你认为做义工的好处是什么?)重点词语参考谷歌教室里的截图里的句子
    Finish p151 writing 7
    4 完成书上152页的阅读第1题,第2题,153 页阅读第4题
    Finish reading p152 question 1 , 2 , p153 question 4
    5 口语作业录音上传 P 153页的第5题,要求最少2分钟
    Oral speaking p153 question 5, min 2mins

  2. 五年级C班本周作业
    Complete Wednesday and Thursday all exercises for lesson 12 in Exercise Book B (page99-102).

    To recite the Snow To the tune of Chin Yuan Chun and the excerpt from Youth. And record a video with the following requirements: shooting in landscape mode, against a solid (preferably white) background.

    Read aloud the text in Lesson 12 – Li Shizhen.

  3. 1、听写单词和句子中的错字或没写的字,每个3遍
    Copy the missed or wrong words in dictating three times each

    Copy the texts 1 time from Lesson 7 to Lesson 12. Please check carefully. If the teacher finds wrong words, you will be asked to copy them 3 times.

    Answer 4 speaking questions and record a video and upload it to the WeChat group

    Those have not memorized “Three Character Classic” and “Rules for Disciples” should practice and memorize them.

    5、温馨提示:6月30日YCT1 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时到达学校,考场B230。请带好2B铅笔和橡皮擦。Warm reminder: YCT1 test on June 30th, students taking the test are requested to arrive at the school at 12:45, test room B230. Please bring 2B pencils and erasers.

  4. 六年级C班作业
    1. 练习朗诵《黄河颂》,完成录像。Prepare 《黄河颂》, and make the video.
    2. 复习第十课的生词。Review the vocabulary of L10. https://quizlet.com/591656102/zw6-10-flash-cards/?new
    3. 复习第十课,熟读课文。Review the L10 and read the text fluently.
    4. 练习册B第十课周一至周五的第一到三题。Question 1-3 of Monday to Friday, Lesson 10, Workbook 6B

  5. 1. 两篇日记。一篇总结“养儿防老,多子多福”的辩论,一篇总结“哪种养老方式更好”的讨论。缺课的同学可以利用微信群里的图片获取信息。if you were absent, use the images from Wechat to guide.
    2. 录音唱,高质量的,声音洪亮,声音洪亮,声音洪亮。
    3. 日记和录音都要传到微信群里。

  6. 六年级B班

    Complete Lesson 12 of Exercise Book B Nie Er Monday to Friday 1, 2 and 3.

    Write each dictation of the wrong new words three times.

    Familiarise yourself with two ancient poems in Lesson 9. Recite in the next class.

    Please memorise your own lines by the students who perform three and a half sentences.

  7. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises from Lesson 12 of Workbook B, “The Wolf is Coming”: Exercise 1 from Monday to Friday:2345.
    Memorize the underlined words in the text of Lesson 12 and do the dictation next week.
    The YCT will be retested next week. Please arrive at school on time if you are taking the test.
    Please practice the movements at home.

  8. 五年级B班
Complete all the exercises of Lesson 12, on Exercise BookB.
    2.抄写并记忆第12课的生字, 准备下周听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters of Lesson 12 ,get ready for dictation next week.
    Read aloud Lesson 12 at least once a day.(send a recording to the WeChat group)
    Watch video of at home, practice and memorize the movements.

  9. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    1、 预习第12课《月光奏名曲》并大声朗读课文找出不理解的词语及句子:
    Read aloud Lesson 12 and underline the words/ sentences you do not fully understand;
    Record video in landscape mode and white background.

  10. 1 阅读第十二课课文《狼来了》
    Reading the book of lesson twelve “Wolves Are Coming ‘’.
    2 完成练习册B第12课星期一和星期二的全部作业
    Please complete lesson 12.
    Monday: 1-7
    Tuesday: 1-7
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    4 更正课堂听写的词语
    Correcting words in classroom dictation.
    5复习YCT3 生字 Review YCT3 Vocabulary 准备30号的考试
    Recite the first chapter of “Thousand Character Classic”.

  11. Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson 12,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below,writing the following words five times each and prepare for the dictation:比如、 必须、小心、应该、记住

    我在Quizlet学习YCT6/12: https://quizlet.com/921460919/yct612-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96

    2)Please finish the exercises at Page100,Yct6 text book;Page 65&66, Yct6 Activity Book

  12. 四年级B班 第31周作业
    1. 继续联系《将进酒》,并把《将进酒》的朗读视频或视频发在班群。
    Continue practicing 《将进酒》and post the video or video of the reading of 《将进酒》 to the class group
    2. 完成练习册B第12课“星期四-星期五”的练习
    complete the exercises in Lesson 12 of Exercise Book B “Thursday to Friday”.
    3. 需要考YCT的同学自行复习YCT的600个词汇
    Review the 600 vocabulary words of YCT by yourself if you need to take YCT.
    4.下周考YCT,但是希望不考试的学生还是能来学校上课,我们下半节课排练节目。线下上课的地点在隔壁教室。如果需要上网课的同学请提前告知我。We are taking YCT next week, but hopefully students who are not taking the test will still be able to come to school as we rehearse the programme for the second half of the class. The offline class will be in the classroom next door. Please let me know in advance if you need an online class!

  13. Year Two D Homework
    1, Read Lesson 9-lesson 12 three time a day, will check in the class next week
    2, Practise the words below for Lesson 9/10, will test next week
    练习9/10课下面的词语, 下周听写
    3,Make two sentences each using the following words
    4,Record “春日”, if you have not done the recording

  14. 二年级C班:

    1. 请把第一课到第十二课生字每个写两遍,然后组词。
    Please revise Lesson 1 to Lesson 12 all the words, write two times each and make a phrase.

    2. 继续练习背诵年终汇演节目。
    Please continue to practice end of year’s performance.

  15. 1. 继续练习歌曲《捕鱼歌》 Keep practising the song for end of the year performance.

    2. 打印YCT 1 作业(在我们班微信群), 完成作业。Print the YCT 1 homework (In our class WeChat group) , complete the work.

    3. 画一条鱼并涂色(A4卡纸)。 Draw and colour a fish (on A4 white cardboard).

    4. 温馨提示:6月30日YCT1 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时前到达学校。请带好两支2B铅笔和橡皮擦。Warm reminder: YCT1 test on June 30th, students are requested to arrive at the school no later than 12:45am. Please bring two 2B pencils and eraser.

  16. 二年级B班
    Correct the dictation, five times each。
    Finish exercise from page 98 to page 103.
    sing this song.
    4、温馨提示:6月30日YCT1 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时到达学校,考场B203。请带好2B铅笔和橡皮擦。
    Warm reminder: YCT 2 test on June 30th, students taking the test must arrive at the school at 12:45, test room B203. Please bring 2B pencils and erasers.

  17. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1, 完成《中文》练习册B第十二课星期一到星期五所有问题。 To complete Exercise B Lesson 12 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 背诵第十二课阅读《过新年》,拍视频 Recite the text of Lesson 12 and read “Celebrating the Spring Festival”, and make a video

    3, 继续练习咏唱+手势舞动作-请参看以下视频《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一和三部分:
    https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UJQ67Y_1M_Y (第一部分)
    https://www.iqiyi.com/v_1qqa1av2zgk.html?vfrm=2-3-0-1 (第三部分)

    《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’
    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。
    shān duì hǎi,huá duì sōnɡ。sì yuè duì sān ɡōnɡ。
    ɡōnɡ huā duì jìn liǔ,sāi yàn duì jiānɡ lónɡ。
    qīnɡ shǔ diàn,ɡuǎnɡ hán ɡōnɡ。shí cuì duì tí hónɡ。
    zhuānɡ zhōu mènɡ huà dié,lǚ wànɡ zhào fēi xiónɡ。
    běi yǒu dānɡ fēnɡ tínɡ xià shàn,nán lián pù rì shěnɡ dōnɡ hōnɡ。
    hè wǔ lóu tóu,yù dí nònɡ cán xiān zǐ yuè;
    fènɡ xiánɡ tái shànɡ,zǐ xiāo chuī duàn měi rén fēnɡ。

    4、温馨提示:6月30日YCT1 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时到达学校,考场B231。请带好2B铅笔和橡皮擦。Warm reminder: YCT1 test is on June 30th, students taking the test are requested to arrive at the school at 12:45, test room B231. Please bring 2B pencils and erasers.

  18. 五年级A班
    Complete the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 12.
    Read the text fluently.
    Continue to recite your lines for the end of year performance.
    We will have the end of year test. Please make sure you are prepared.

  19. 六年级 A班


    Complete all the exercises of Lesson 10 , in Exercise BookB.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 6 and memorize the ancient poem from Lesson 9.
    Prepare for the dictation next week, covering the vocabulary from Lessons 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
    Practice “If There Were No Li Bai” with the music accompaniment, preparing for the performance on July 7th.
    Those who haven’t finished the essay, please complete it as soon as posible .

  20. 学前A班 reception class
    1. 学说句子: 跟 …一样(不一样)
    越来越 : 画图说句子,越来越漂亮,越来越喜欢做运动,越来越热,越来越高……

  21. 1.请继续复习课文第112-113页已学过的部首名称,并且写出与之相关已学过的字,请查看每节课所学的部首的字,写在作业本上,下周查看。
    Please continue reviewing the names of the radicals learned on pages 112-113 of the textbook, and write down the characters related to these radicals that you have already learned. Refer to the characters associated with the radicals taught in each lesson and write them in your notebook. We will check them next week.
    2.请同学们记熟上周发下去的歌词和继续学习手舞曲《半生雪》,下周彩排。Please continue learning the hand dance for the song and practice with it next week.
    https://v.douyin.com/i26SJHn2/ RkP:/ d@N JV07/27
    3.请登入在Quizlet和学习YCT 2级词汇表: https://quizlet.com/gb/914576257/yct-2%E7
    Please login in YCT level 2 and learning vocabularies
    4.温馨提示:6月30日YCT2 考试,请参加考试的学生在12:45时到达学校,考场B230。请带好2B铅笔和橡皮擦。
    Warm reminder: YCT2 test on June 30th, students taking the test are requested to arrive at the school at 12:45, test room B230. Please bring 2B pencils and erasers.

  22. 本周作业:
    Copy the 15 words for dictation next week, twice in Chinese, twice in Pinyin and once in English. (Textbook page 106-107, 10 in the text and 5 in the Words and expressions. We circled them together on class.)
    Finish Lesson 11 from Monday to Friday on Exercise Book A.

  23. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1、 熟读课文《神奇的机器人》
    Read the text 《神奇的机器人》thoroughly

    Complete the Chinese Workbook 8, the questions 6 from Monday to Thursday, Q1 to Q6 on Friday from page 64 to page 80.
    3. 请我班女生熟记律动,要在家好好练习,男生在古诗词需要诵读出韵味来,请根据课上学习的方式在家好好练习。下周课堂上检查。
    About girls please ensure to memorize the rhythm and practice it well at home.
    Boys need to recite ancient poems with rhythm. Please practice at home according to the exercises in class. I will check it in class next week.

    【《骁》舞蹈慢速版-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/h3VWntI
    【骁舞蹈视频镜面版-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/p2msOje

  24. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成群里发的第二单元复习题。
    Please finish the Exercises for Lesson 4-6.

    2. 请同学们抓紧时间录制《上春山》自己分配到的部分和全班齐唱的部分。请横屏录制,可使用班群中发的视频作为伴奏演唱。
    Please practise the song, “Shang Chun Shan” and take a video.

    3. 请同学们复习第1-3课划线词,下次课我们会抽查听写。
    Please revise the underlined phrases and words. We’ll have dictation in the coming lesson.

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