
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第八课练习二词语,每个五遍 Copy 5 times of each phase in Question 2 of Lesson 8

2、朗读课文并背诵《我去学校》、《去学校》, 视频发给老师 Read and memorise the texts <我去学校> and <去学校>, send video to the teacher

3、复习及了解YCT一级的考试内容和方式Review and understand the YCT Level 1 examination content and methods

4、继续练习《龙文》Continue to practice “Long Wen”

30 Replies to “家庭作业2024年4月22日至2024年4月26日”

  1. GCSE 网课班
    1 复习108-113页的所有词组
    Learn 108-113 page all new vocabs
    2 完成113页的第3题阅读
    Finish p113 reading 3 and answer questions in English
    3 完成作文,最少180个字。见微信群
    Finish writing , min 180 characters,see wechat group .

  2. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises in Lesson 9 of Workbook A.
    Memorize the underlined words in Lesson 9 and do dictation in class next week.
    Review the text and new words in Lessons 7 and 8, and have a comprehensive review of Unit 3 next week.

  3. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    视频发给老师 Read and memorise the texts and sing the song , send video to the teacher

    3, 继续背诵《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一部分:朗诵节奏按下边朗诵视频的速度朗诵。(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QbgQySfsRU&t=88s)。
    录制视频要求: 一定要横屏拍摄半身,无暂停和剪辑,背景干净,站着朗诵,穿正装。视频时长不短于1分半。

    朗诵开始时请加上自我介绍“大家好,我是xxx,今年x岁。我朗诵的作品是《笠翁对韵》- 第一部分 ‘一东’

    (Recite and memorize part 1 of “Li Weng Duiyun” , please watch this YouTube video, and pay attention to Recitation speed and rhythm)。 Take a video.

    《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’
    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。
    shān duì hǎi,huá duì sōnɡ。sì yuè duì sān ɡōnɡ。
    ɡōnɡ huā duì jìn liǔ,sāi yàn duì jiānɡ lónɡ。
    qīnɡ shǔ diàn,ɡuǎnɡ hán ɡōnɡ。shí cuì duì tí hónɡ。
    zhuānɡ zhōu mènɡ huà dié,lǚ wànɡ zhào fēi xiónɡ。
    běi yǒu dānɡ fēnɡ tínɡ xià shàn,nán lián pù rì shěnɡ dōnɡ hōnɡ。
    hè wǔ lóu tóu,yù dí nònɡ cán xiān zǐ yuè;
    fènɡ xiánɡ tái shànɡ,zǐ xiāo chuī duàn měi rén fēnɡ。

  4. 学前A班reception class
    :1.复习课堂分发的作业,(三个句子) 认读: 一 二 飞 鸟 爱 花。
    2. 学说比字句:课堂分发的比较句

  5. 今天课上进行了综合测试,请缺勤的同学在家里补做课本97页的“综合练习三”。今天的回家作业是:
    请用现代汉语具体描写出《清明》和《枫桥夜泊》这两首诗的场景Please use modern Chinese to describe the scenes depicted in these two poems specifically.

  6. 1. 朗读课文(第 44 页 和45 页)
    Please read aloud Standard Course Book page 44 and page 45.

    2. 完成说时间的作业
    Complete the telling time worksheet in WeChat group in Mandarin.

    3. 把第38页的时间翻译成英语
    Translate the time worksheet to English in the Activity Book page 38.

    4. 完成我的一天的作业(第40页)
    Complete My Chinese diary in the Activity Book page 40.

  7. 1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写3遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 3 times each.
    Please annotate and write down the new words on page 64 of the textbook. After writing, please copy them three times each in stroke order on the homework paper.
    4. 请多听范读音频,然后背诵第十课课文,下周课上检查。https://youtu.be/fM6Toq38PEc?feature=sharedRecite Please listen to the audio of the model reading several times, and then memorize the text of Lesson Ten. We will check it in class next week.
    5.请读一读课文第67页的对话,然后回答课后的问题。Please read the dialogue on page 67 of the textbook, and then answer the questions after the lesson.
    Revise underlined phrases of Lesson 10, ready for dictation for next week.
    “种子,种树,发芽,禾苗,果树,种瓜 ,我要开花,我要长大,下吧 ,春雨”

  8. 1、抄写练习册B第八课星期二3.读一读词语P46,每个两遍 Copy 2 times of each word in 3. Read aloud of Exercise Book B Lesson 8.

    2、朗读课文并背诵《我去学校》、《去学校》, 视频发给老师 Read and memorise the texts and , send video to the teacher

    Review and understand the YCT Level 1 examination content and methods

    4.继续背诵《三字经》到 “一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万”并从头“人之初 性本善”开始录制视频。❗️再次强调,请横屏录制。



    Recite ‘Sanzijing’ to ‘一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万’, take a video from start uplode to WeChat group.




  9. homework @all第一, 三组
    1. HSK4级的词汇,认读,记下所有不认识的,交上来
    2. 做听力考试- https://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/schools/salc/centres/confucius/hsk/pastpapers/hsk4/H41327-exam-paper.pdf 
    3. https://video.manchester.ac.uk/faculties/52f9b4cd447aa2fbeb47d1926186f80b/6eb4d70a-2c8d-4616-8d12-8371b92af1c5 
    4. 谷歌教室里也有链接
    5. 自己评分 https://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/schools/salc/centres/confucius/hsk/pastpapers/hsk4/H41327-answer-sheet.pdf 
    1. 课上的作文题目,二选一。
    a. 通过这次选举,我们A-level同学能学到什么?
    b. 通过这次选举, 你(A-level同学)对独生子女的看法有改变吗?
    2. Slide 5 有听写 常用词汇 – 下节课还要听写,请准备。

  10. 五年级C班本周作业
    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写五遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word five times.

    2. 熟读第十课课文《曹冲称象》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 10 – Cao Chong Weighed an Elephant.

    Complete Tuesday and Wednesday all exercises for lesson 10 in Exercise Book B (page 74-81).

    Preview the reading text in Lesson 10 – A Story of Little Julien.

  11. 1.第9课古诗《回乡偶书》,以下任务二选一,发到微信群。
    Either recite or take a dictation for 《回乡偶书》

    2. 练习册A册84-89页周四至周五的练习。Complete Exercise Book A P84-89

    3. 复习第七课、第八课的字、词、句。下节课有单元小测验。
    Review lesson 7 and lesson 8, there will be a test on next class.

  12. 六年级C班作业
    1. 复习第八课生词。 Review the vocabulary of L8. https://quizlet.com/_9hwmjn?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 预习第八课课文。Preview the text of L8.
    3. 练习册第八课周一题1、2、4。Questions 1, 2 & 4 of Monday. Workbook 6B.
    4. 练习册第八课周二至周五的第1-2题。Question 1-2 of Tuesday to Friday, Lesson 7, Workbook 6B.
    5. 准备汉考。Prepare for the Hanyu Shuiping test.
    请注意线上报考截止日期是5月7日。选计划一下争取一周做一篇找到适合自己的水平报考。有问题的部分可以微信我或发到班群。Please plan to do one of the HSK or YCT papers per week to find the right level for you. The deadline for applying the test is the 7th of May. If you have any questions, you can ask me by WeChat to me or the class WeChat.
    HSK 3 & HSK 4, YCT 3 & YCT 4 vocabulary lists:
    New HSK Vocabulary (2024 | PDF Available) (mandarinbean.com)
    New HSK 4 Word List (with pinyin & translation & PDF) (mandarinbean.com)
    YCT 3 Vocabulary List (Download PDF) (digmandarin.com)
    YCT 4 Vocabulary List (Download PDF) (digmandarin.com)

  13. 1.YCT三级词汇抄写,名词(5)-(9),2遍中文2遍拼音1遍英文。
    Copy the nouns from (1) to (4) in YCT3 Word List. Twice in Chinese, twice in pinyin and once in English.
    Make a sentence: If I get present, I want____.
    4.Choice one text to recite(read) and make a video. Requirements: Landscape mode shooting at upper body, clean background, formally dressed.

  14. 四年级B班 第25周作业
    1. 没有背诵的同学继续背诵《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。能单独找老师背诵的同学有奖励,先到先得。
    Memories 《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。There are prizes for students who can individually approach the teacher for recitation on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. 第十课练习册“星期一-星期三”的练习。
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 10, “Monday-Wednesday”.
    3. 自行熟悉YCT4 编号为51-100的词汇
    Familiarize yourself with the YCT4 vocabulary numbered 51-100.
    4. 还没有报名YCT4考试的同学请抓紧时间报名
    If you have not yet registered for the YCT4 exam, please do it as soon as possible.
    5. 书法比赛本周截止报名,请同学们踊跃参加,周日把作品拿到班上上交给我。
    The Calligraphy Competition closes this week, so please join in and bring your work to class on Sunday to submit to me.

  15. 四年级B班 第25周作业
    1. 没有背诵的同学继续背诵《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。能单独找老师背诵的同学有奖励,先到先得。
    Memories 《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。There are prizes for students who can individually approach the teacher for recitation on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. 第十课练习册“星期一-星期三”的练习。
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 10, “Monday-Wednesday”.
    3. 自行熟悉YCT4 编号为51-100的词汇
    Familiarize yourself with the YCT4 vocabulary numbered 51-100.
    4. 还没有报名YCT4考试的同学请抓紧时间报名
    If you have not yet registered for the YCT4 exam, please do it as soon as possible.
    5. 书法比赛本周截止报名,请同学们踊跃参加,周日把作品拿到班上上交给我。
    The Calligraphy Competition closes this week, so please join in and bring your work to class on Sunday to submit to me.

  16. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 9,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below,writing the following words five times each and prepare for the dictation on Sunday.
    ​YCT6( lesson 9 ): https://quizlet.com/904579236/yct6-lesson-9-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96
    ​2)Please finish the exercises at Page49&50,Yct6 Activity book;Page76Yct6 text book
    ​请完成课本第47页的练习; 课本第72和74页的练习。

    ​3)Please read the Lesson9 Let’s read, Short speech at least three times.

  17. 学前B班

    1,看视频, 背下来的歌曲可以跳过不看。
    Watch playlist, skip if you have memorised the song.

    Learn to sing “Xingfu de haizi aichangge”. Please record your singing and forward it to the We chat class group if you are already able to sing in full.

    3,完成教科书 第五页 第五题,并贴在蓝色本子上。
    Complete textbook 3B page 5, exercise 5 Do it, and stick the completed snowflakes on to your blue notebook.

  18. 二年级C班:

    1. 完成第十课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 10 the rest of the questions.
    2. 继续背诵第十课文, 下周课上检查。
    Continue to practice recite Lesson 10, will check in next lesson.
    3. 认真学习发下的YCT2生字词表。
    Learn the words and phrases of the YCT2 vocabulary list.

  19. YCT B Homework:

    1. Read the words in document 1, and translate them into English.

    2. According to the pinyin, write down the Chinese characters in document 2.

  20. 五年级B班
    1.改正听写错误的生字,每个字抄写5遍。并拍照片发到微信群。Correct your dictation, write the correct one 5times,and take photos send them to wechat group.
    2.完成综合练习(三),拍照并发照片到微信群。Complete the Review 3 ,take photos and send them to wechat group.

  21. Year Two D Homework
    1, Memorise Lesson Ten, will check next week
    2, Practise the word and expression from Lesson Ten, will have diction next week
    练习第十课词语, 下周听写
    种子/种瓜/种树/走吧/要看书/发芽/禾苗/果园/长大/长高/ 小树
    3, Complete Lesson Ten exercise book B
    Wed: 4/7

  22. 五年级A班
    1. 完成练习册第六课的习题。
    Complete all the questions on lesson 6(Exercise Book B).
    Preview lesson 9.
    Complete the comic strip story of ‘Make a Mark on the Boatside to Get the Sword’ that was not finished in class and submit it to the teacher next week.
    Read the text of lesson 6 fluently. Be able to retell the two stories with your own words and send your recording to our Wechat group.

  23. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Read aloud Lesson 10;
    Complete the HSK questions.

  24. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第十课《问答》如下练习:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 10 on Exercise Book B.
    星期一、星期二、星期四:1-5题 Mon, Tue and Thur: Question 1-5
    星期三、星期五:1-4题 Wed and Fri: Question 1-4

    2. 请把朝代歌剩下的三句熟练朗读,直至背诵下来。
    Memorize the rest of ‘Chao Dai Ge’.

    3. 熟读第十课《问答》,录制视频,并上传到班级微信。
    Read Lesson 10 fluently, take a video and share in our Wechat group.

    4. 口头作业,请用课上学的“首先……然后/接着……接着/然后……最后……”说一段话,用前面这些词表达几个步骤的先后顺序,比如可以讲述怎么做一道菜?平时你怎么去上学?我们下节课上会请同学们在课堂上发言。
    Describe a process with “首先……然后/接着……接着/然后……最后……”

  25. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 复习这两周学过的40个生词 “工作经验、社会实践、工资、帮助、努力、兼职、理想、警察、机会、重要、赚钱、厨师、面试/面谈、目标、职业、零花钱、翻译、训练/培训、要是…的话,就…、将来、设计、外语、商人、文化、售货员、开朗、能力强、全球经济危机、建立关系、养活、公益活动、慈善机构、博客、孤单、奥运会、有意义、组织、流利、贫困、国际活动” 需要把发下去的词汇表完成,下周会从这40个词中选出20个词作为听写词。(请把这个表格贴在你的家庭作业本上并拍照给老师批改)。
    Review the 40 new words learned in the past two weeks. You need to complete the vocabulary worksheet sent in the class 20 words will be selected from these 40 words as dictation next lesson. Please write in your homework notebook.

    2. 写作:写一篇关于工作的文章
    Writing: Write a formal article about A summer camp
    Requirements: no less than 200 words, you can refer to page 160 of the textbook for writing.
    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 148 reading 1, on page 151 reading 6 and page 154 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your homework notebook.

  26. 六年级A班作业:
    Complete all the questions in Lesson9(Exercise Book A )
    Please finish the review 3 from the text book, Page 93 to 98. 
    Recite TWO ancient Poems ,take a video and share it in our Wechat group .
    Memorize the characters from Lesson 9 and we’ll have a dictation in class next week . 

  27. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第九课课文《蔡伦造纸》
    Reading the book of lesson nine “Cai Lun Invented Paper”
    Please complete lesson nine “Cai Lun Invented Paper”
    Tuesday 1-7
    Wednesday 1-7
    3 比一比,在组词语
    Compare and form phrases.
    (1) 代____ 带 ____
    (2) 不 ____ 布 ____
    (3) 元____ 园 _____
    4 抄写YCT3 单词表,从今天开始到月亮,每个词抄3遍
    Copy YCT3 Vocabulary list from: today to moon, copy each word 3 times.

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