
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有生字,准备下星期的听写Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation next

3、练唱《龙文》,如果感觉练好了,可以发视频给老师 Practice <龙文> , if you feel you can please record a video and send it to the teacher.

4、愿意参加朗诵比赛的学生请准备《中文有多美》或《声律启蒙》 Students who are willing to participate in the recitation competition please prepare “How Beautiful Chinese” or “Enlightenment of Rhythm”

29 Replies to “家庭作业2024年4月15日至2024年4月20日”

  1. 1. 阅读第10课的生字和句子。Reading the vocabulary and the key sentences in Lesson 10.

    2. 完成一周 “我做了什么” 的作业, 下周带来上课。Complete ” Tell me about your week” worksheet and bring it to the school next Sunday.

    3. 完成 活动手册 第40页-“我的小书:我的一天” 的作业 。Complete “My Chinese diary: A day in my life (page 40) in the activity book.

    4. Watch video:

  2. 今天学了古诗《清明》和《枫桥夜泊》作业如下:

  3. 1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)
    2、记住第七课所有生字,准备下星期的听写Memorise all the words in lesson 7 and prepare for the dictation next
    3、背诵《三字经》后边一段到 “一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万”并从头“人之初 性本善”开始录制视频。朗诵节奏按下边朗诵视频的0.75倍速朗诵。再次强调,请横屏录制。
Recite ‘Sanzijing’ to ‘一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万’, take a video from start uplode to WeChat group.




  4. 六年级C班作业
    1. 自学、复习HSK3 词汇(新HSK3词汇,见微信群)。Prepare the vocabulary of HSK 3.
    2. HSK3.pdf 听力题 1-40,(微信HSK考题大纲(三级)样题听力音频)。HSK 3 sample paper Listening Q1-40.
    3. HSK3.pdf 题46-80。 HSK 3 sample paper Q46-80.
    4. H31327-exam-paper 题1-40 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyJ3zKYJyV4&t=9s)。HSK3 paper H31327 Listening Question 1-40.
    5. 预习第八课课文。Preview Lesson 8 text.

  5. 四年级B班 第24周作业
    1. 继续背诵《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。能单独找老师背诵的同学有奖励,先到先得。
    Memories 《春晓》、《悯农》、《山行》和《绝句》。There are prizes for students who can individually approach the teacher for recitation on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. 第九课练习册“星期四-星期五”的练习。
    Exercises in the exercise book for lesson 9, “Thursday – Friday”.
    3. 抄写第10课的所有生字,每个5遍。
    5 times for each of the vocabulary words in lesson 10
    4. 自行熟悉YCT4 编号为1-50的词汇 (在模拟卷1的第35页开始)
    Familiarize yourself with the YCT4 vocabulary numbered 1-50.

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Complete Exercise A Lesson Nine Monday to Friday all questions;
      Copy Lesson Nine one of the two poems as ‘The 16th Chinese Calligraphy Competition work’.

  6. 第一, 二, 三组
    1. 找一篇关于主题1的文章,熟读,
    2. 找一篇关于主题2的文章,熟读。
    3. 找一篇关于主题3的文章,熟读
    4. 找一篇关于主题4的文章,熟读
    5. 熟读到可以给全班讲述的程度。
    6. 对于每篇文章写一句话作为文章的摘要
    7. 用中文回答:
    a. 电影中同学们认为是缺点的是哪些
    b. 成成的优点
    c. 小菲的优点
    d. 罗雷的优点
    e. 小菲的家长的优点
    f. 罗雷的家长的优点
    g. 成成的家长的优点
    h. 班主任的优点

  7. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 熟读第十课课文《曹冲称象》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 10 – Cao Chong Weighed an Elephant.

    2. 完成课本《综合练习(三)》(课本第84-86页)。
    To complete Review 3 in the textbook (page 84-86).

    To complete Monday all exercises for lesson 10 in Exercise Book B (page 71-73).

  8. 三年级A班
    Complete the following exercises in Exercise Book A, Lesson 9 “Cai Lun Makes Paper”: Monday: 1234; Tuesday: 123; Wednesday and Thursday: 1234.
    Read the text of Lesson 9 and send a voice message to the WeChat group
    Correct the incorrect phrases in dictation at least 3 times each.

  9. 七年级A班
    1. 第9课古诗《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,以下任务二选一,发到微信群。

    2. 练习册A册74-84页周一至周三的练习,遇到《回乡偶书》的部分可以不做。

  10. 1 朗读第九课课文《蔡伦造纸》
    Reading the book of lesson nine “Cai Lun Invented Paper”
    Please complete lesson nine “Cai Lun Invented Paper”
    Monday 1-7
    3 写出中国古代四大发明
    Write down the four great inventions of ancient China.
    4 抄写YCT3 单词表1-57 从家开始到水果,每个字抄3遍
    Copy YCT3 Vocabulary list 1-57 starting from home to fruit, copy each word 3 times.
    5 请同学们自己做下面的练习,下次上课讲解。
    Please do the following exercises by yourself, I’ll explain it in class next Sunay.
    6 报考YCT 2, YCT4的同学请查阅
    单词表:YCT 2 Vocabulary List:https://www.digmandarin.com/yct-2-vocabulary-list.html
    单词表:YCT 4 Vocabulary List:https://www.digmandarin.com/yct-4-vocabulary-list.html

  11. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 9,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below,writing the following words five times each and prepare for the dictation on Sunday.
    ​YCT6( lesson 9 ): https://quizlet.com/904579236/yct6-lesson-9-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=p0z96
    ​2)Please finish the exercises at Page47,Yct6 Activity book;Page72&74,Yct6 text book
    ​请完成课本第47页的练习; 课本第72和74页的练习。

    ​3)Please read the Lesson9 Let’s read, Short speech at least three times.

  12. 二年级C班:

    1. 改正听写的错别字,每个字写5遍。
    Correct your dictation, write 5 times each.
    2. 完成第十课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 10 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    3. 背诵第十课课文,下周课上检查。
    Recite Lesson 10, will check in next lesson.

  13. 二年级D班作业
    1. 完成练习册B第十课《春雨》以下练习题:
    星期一:1234;星期二:1234;星期三: 123
    Please complete lesson ten “Spring Rain” Exercise Book B:
    Monday: 1234; Tuesday: 1234; Wednesday: 123.
    2. 阅读第十课课文
    Reading the book of lesson ten
    3. 练习用学过的词语造句,每个词造2个句子
    Practice writing 2 sentences for the words below

  14. 六年级B班

    Complete Lesson 9 of Workbook A, Monday to Friday, 1, 2, 3.

    Recite two ancient poems and try to express their meaning in your own words.

  15. 四年级A班
    1.抄写YCT三级词汇名词中的(1)至(4),两遍中文两遍拼音一遍英文意思(课上已带读过两遍)。Copy the nouns from (1) to (4) in YCT3 Word List. Twice in Chinese, Twice in pinyin and once in English.
    15 nouns dictation next week among them.
    Choice one text to recite(read) and make a video. Requirements: Landscape mode shooting at upper body, clean background, formally dressed.

  16. 五年级A班
    Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 6;get read for dictation next lesson;
    Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 6 in workbook B.
    Read lesson 6 fluently.
    Copy the two poems of lesson7 and be able to write from memory next week.

  17. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 请为以下20个词造句: “坏处、外语、商人、文化、售货员、开朗、能力强、全球经济危机、建立关系、养活、公益活动、慈善机构、博客、孤单、奥运会、有意义、组织、流利、贫困、国际活动” 要求会认会写,每个词造一个复合句子总共20个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making one complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    3. 阅读三篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第148页(阅读1),第151页(阅读6)和第154页(阅读1) 。(阅读答案请写在家庭作业本子上)。
    Read three texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 148 reading 1, on page 151 reading 6 and page 154 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your homework notebook.
    2. 回答以下问题答案写在家庭作业本上。
    Please answer the following two questions and write your answers in your homework notebook.
    Requirements: Each question answer in 6-8 sentences and needs to have different tenses, different conjunction words, your thoughts, and extensions
    Q1. 你做过义工吗?
    Q2. 你觉得上网有什么好处?有什么坏处?
    Q3. 上大学的时候,你会做兼职工作吗?为什么?

  18. YCT B Homework:

    1. Standard Course Book page 39: Read aloud the texts and translate them into English. Please send your recording.

    2. Watch the video clips and answer the questions:
    (1) https://youtu.be/e3peRHtbWq4?si=46UGvockjkDGwCKt

    How to ask “How is the weather tomorrow” in Chinese?
    Please observe the weather for this week, and write down which day rains.

    (2) https://youtu.be/J2KOug-sxxo?si=_v3nq0kkrTQ7h7X_

    Please find out how to say “Don’t drink coffee at night” in Chinese.

  19. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1, 记住第八课所有生字,准备下星期的听写 Memorise lesson 8 new words and prepare for the dictation next week。

    2, 抄写《中文》第八课练习2 (读一读)的词语,每个两 遍 Copy 2 times of each phase in Lesson 8 Question 2 (Read aloud)。

    3, 继续背诵《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’,第一部分:朗诵节奏按下边朗诵视频的速度朗诵。(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QbgQySfsRU&t=88s)。
    录制视频要求: 一定要横屏拍摄半身,无暂停和剪辑,背景干净,站着朗诵,穿正装。视频时长不短于1分半。

    朗诵开始时请加上自我介绍“大家好,我是xxx,今年x岁。我朗诵的作品是《笠翁对韵》- 第一部分 ‘一东’

    (Recite and memorize part 1 of “Li Weng Duiyun” , please watch this YouTube video, and pay attention to Recitation speed and rhythm)。 Take a video.

    《笠翁对韵》- ‘一东’
    tiān duì dì,yǔ duì fēnɡ 。dà lù duì chánɡ kōnɡ。
    shān huā duì hǎi shù,chì rì duì cānɡ qiónɡ。
    léi yǐn yǐn,wù mēnɡ mēnɡ 。rì xià duì tiān zhōnɡ。
    fēnɡ ɡāo qiū yuè bái,yǔ jì wǎn xiá hónɡ。
    niú nǚ èr xīnɡ hé zuǒ yòu,shēn shānɡ liǎnɡ yào dòu xī dōnɡ。
    shí yuè sāi biān,sà sà hán shuānɡ jīnɡ shù lǚ;
    sān dōnɡ jiānɡ shànɡ,màn màn shuò xuě lěnɡ yú wēnɡ。

  20. 五年级B班
    Complete the rest of Exercise Book A in Lesson 9. 
    2. 复习第九课的所有生字和词语,下周听写。
    Review all the new words in Lesson 9 and take dictation next week.
    Reading until fluent.
    Copy each new word three times (the first word is required to write pinyin).
    Continue to complete a set of exercises for HSK3 (see group for details).

  21. 1.订正王老师批改的练习册中写错的字或词组,句子,每个错处请认真写2遍。
    Correct the words, phrases, or sentences written incorrectly in Teacher Wang’s corrected exercise book, and write each mistake carefully twice.
    2. 练习阅读“小好奇”,语音发群里。hhttps://youtu.be/lhHb_KtPeH0?feature=shared
    Practice reading “Curious kid”, send recording to group chat.
    3. 复习第九课划线词语,下周后听写。
    Revise underlined phrases of Lesson 9, ready for dictation for next week.
    “夏天时,冬天,天亮,黑夜,光明,河水,水中飞,天上游,大人,这么,心里想, 哪里,天黑,流动,湖水,呼吸”

    4.看看发在群里的链接🔗中的视频,思考并写下你已经了解和知道的问题的答案,下次上课时分享你所知道的内容。 lihttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV6Q-FmXE9z6y-IFS_OZIzDGcZvGcqmVB&si=ahdjovFB5cbH9_A9
    Watch the video in the link ,think and write down the answers to the questions you already know and understand .Share what you know next time in class.

  22. 三年级C班:
    1. 请完成练习册A第九课以下练习:
    Monday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Tuesday: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Friday: 1,2,3,4
    2. 请完成Blooket链接中的作业。
    3. 背一背或读到流利。
    火焰山 八百里

  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请将课上没有做完的YCT4练习题做完(我们上课只做了一半,请将另一半做完)。
    Please finish the unfinished part of YCT4 practice paper.

    Please revise the part 2 and 3 of YCT4 words and phrases.


  24. 二年级B班

    Finish parts 1,2 and 3, Exercise book B of Lesson 10, Monday to Friday.
    Review the phrases, and be ready for dictation.
    Learn to sing this song.

  25. 六年级A班作业:
    Complete Lesson 9 of Workbook A, Monday to Friday,1,2, 3.
    2.背诵两首古诗,尝试用自己的话表达古诗的意思,teacher will check next week.
    Recite two ancient poems and try to express their meaning in your own words.
    Learn to sing two ancient poems .

  26. 学前A班 本周作业
    1.完成3B 书本上的作业第6到7页1,2和3题。
    Finish parts 1,2and 3, page 6 to 7 in textbook.

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