
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有的生字,下周上课听写 Memorise all the new words, we’ll do dictation next week.

3、继续练习《你笑起来真好看》歌曲 ,请跟着手舞To learn the song of <你笑起来真好看> 你笑起来真好看》#手势舞 #完整版来喽,一起学起来吧 – YouTube



30 Replies to “家庭作业2023年12月04日至2023年12月9日”

  1. 五年级C班本周作业

    1. 更正课堂上听写的错误字词,并把错误字词各写五遍。
    Correct wrong words in dictation in class, write each word five times.

    2. 熟读第四课课文《狼和小羊》,读一读课本第32页的《读一读》。
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 4 – The Wolf and the Lamb and Read Aloud in page 32 in the textbook.

    3. 完成练习册B,星期三5-7题以及星期四全部练习题。(练习册27-30页)。
    To complete Exercise Book B Lesson 4 Wednesday 5, 6, 7 and Thursday all exercises (page 27-30).

  2. A level 作业
    Group 1 and 3:

    Group 2 读指定的小说,使用幻灯第六页做笔记, 并答题“分析作者用什么写作手法表达秋虎和夏望在生活中的困苦和温情。”

  3. 六年级C班作业

    1. 复习、预习第四课生词,准备听写。Review and preview the vocabulary of L4 and prepare for dictation. https://quizlet.com/544957602/zw-6-4-flash-cards/
    2. 复习第四课课文并准备朗诵比赛。Practice reading the text of L4 and prepare for the recital competition.
    3. 根据课文回答下列问题:Answer the following questions according to the text:
    1) 老人在地里埋了金子吗?为什么他让三个儿子去挖金子?
    2) 这个故事告诉了我们什么道理?
    4. 用下列词语各造一句:Make a sentence each with the given words or phrases
    5. 阅读课本第37页《蚂蚁和知了》。回答下列问题:Read 《蚂蚁和知了》on p37 and answer the following questions:
    1) 冬天到了,为什么蚂蚁有东西吃,知了没有东西吃呢?
    2) 你觉得蚂蚁应该帮助知了不应该?为什么?

  4. 三年级A班
    Complete the exercise book A lesson 5 “Who I am”: Monday to Thursday: 123.
    Read the text of the lesson 5, send the recording to the WeChat group.

  5. GCSE 网课
    1 自学+复习书上46-53页的所有新词组
    Self learn +review all new vocabs on p46-p53
    2 完成47页的第4,第6题。49页的第5题,51页第5题,53页第5题。
    Finish p47 question 4,5 p 49 question 5, p51 question 5, p53 question 5
    3 完成作文,见PDF
    Finish writing task, see wechat PDF

  6. 1,今天第一节课考试,第二节课分析作文《“和”之我见》

  7. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第二课星期一到星期五所有问题Complete Exercise B Lesson 2 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2, 背诵课文(数数手指头): Recite and memory the Text (Count the number of fingers)

    3. 看视频练习圣诞歌 (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer ),学习视频中小朋友的动作。Watch and learn the Christmas song, and learn the dance moves.

  8. 学前班B

    1, 看视频。每天看一遍,已经背下来的歌曲可以跳过不看

    2, 继续练习圣诞节歌曲《迎主颂》, 《我们祝你圣诞快乐》。
    Continue learning Ying Zhu Song and We wish you merry Christmas.

    3, 请注重练习《迎主颂》,并录制视频发到微信班群中。
    please practice “Ying Zhu Song” record video then forward it to WeChat class group.

    4, 请你在蓝色本子上画一画你想怎么给你的爸爸妈妈过他们的生日。
    Please draw a picture of how you would like to celebrate your mum and dad’s birthday on your blue note book.

  9. ​Yct D class homework YCT6 家庭作业

    ​1.Please review the new words for Lesson 4,textbook Yct6 , using the quizlet link below. Please write the following words 5 times each, and preparing the dictation on Sunday: 房间、打扫、干净、午饭,洗


    ​2)Please finish the exercises at page 33&36,Yct6 text book

    ​3)Please read the Lesson 4 , mini story at least three times, and then translate into English. 请熟读第四课的小故事至少三次,然后把它们翻译成英文。

  10. 二年级C班:

    1. 完成第五课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 5 the rest of the questions.
    2. 熟读阅读“加横歌”,语音发群里。
    Practice reading “加横歌”, send your recording to group chat.
    3. 学习成语“专心致志”,可以画一幅画,也可以用“专心致志”造三个句子。
    Learned the Chinese idioms, you can draw a picture or making three sentences.

  11. 7年级A班作业:
    Preview lesson 5
    Go through the main text
    Be able to read and write 16 new characters, write each character for 5 times ( page 42- 43 on text book)
    3)分到生字讲解的同学,请重点准备自己分到的字,下节课给同学们讲解一下这个字的:a. 结构 b. 笔画 c.字意
    Students assigned to explain new words, please study the character you’ve been assigned. In next class, provide your classmates with an explanation of the structure, strokes and meaning.

  12. 六年级B班

    Write an essay, about 200 words.
    You can choose one of the following titles, or you can write other event-related essays on your own topics.
    “A Happy Thing”
    “An Unforgettable Thing”
    “That day, I was so happy”
    “That time, I succeeded”
    You can try to use the formula of event-based composition writing: event + feeling + discovery. (What happened? What did you feel? Discover those special places?)

  13. 四年级B班 第12周作业
    1. 熟读第三课“阅读”(课本第29页)《故宫》,复习课文《凡尔赛宫》的内容。下周准备听写。
    Read the text on textbook page 29 《故宫》, review contents on 《凡尔赛宫》, prepare for the dictation next week.
    2. 用以下词语各造两个句子:
    (1) 鸟语花香 (2)一样 (3)参观
    Write two sentences for each of the words.
    3. 预习第四课课文《晒太阳》
    Pre-reading of the fourth lesson text

  14. Year Two D Homework
    1, Practise the 11 words and expressions on text book page 33, will test next week.
    练习课本33 页的11个词语, 下周听写
    2, Complete the exercise book A for Lesson Five
    Thur: 1-6
    Fri: 1-6
    完成练习册A 第五课的剩余练习
    3, Continue to memorise Lesson Five if you have not done
    继续背诵第五课课文, 如果你还没有背下来。
    4, Use “了‘ make 5 sentences, using the words you know.
    用学过的词语, 用“了” 造五个句子

  15. 3B班家庭作业
    1 朗读第五课课文《我是谁》。
    Reading the book of lesson five “ Who Am I ”.
    2 完成练习册A第五课《我是谁》星期一的全部练习。
    Please complete lesson 5 Exercise Book A.
    Monday 1-7
    3 写出带 “氵” 的5个中文字。
    Write down 5 Chinese characters with “氵”.
    4 抄写第四课生字,每个字写三遍。下周听写。
    Copy the new words in Lesson 4, each word writing three times. There will be dictation next week.
    5 练唱圣诞歌曲《Feliz Navidad with 》

  16. 4年级A班

    Read the reading text once a day(page50.51).
    Learn how to write 12 new characters, for the diction next week(page44).
    Finish the exercise on book A from Thursday to Friday(page49-56).

  17. 五年级A班
    Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 4, prepare for dictation next week;
    Make sure you can read lesson4 text fluently.
    Complete the first three questions of lesson4 on exercise book B.

  18. 1.请订正听写错的词语,每个词组写5遍。(听写都正确的忽略)
    Please correct the words spelled incorrectly in the dictation. Write each word or phrase five times (ignore those spelled correctly).

    Correct the errors in Exercise A of Lesson Five, as corrected by Teacher Wang, from Monday to Wednesday for questions 1-4 and from Thursday to Friday for questions 1-3. Also, complete all remaining assignments.

    Preview the text for Lesson 6, using “_” to identify unfamiliar words and write down their radicals.

    Here is a sign language song at https://youtu.be/FV575CxiOMk?feature=shared. Our class chose “听我说谢谢你” (Listen to Me Say Thank You). I have photocopied the lyrics and sent them to the children. Please have the children watch the video at home, practice sign language, and then record and upload the video here. Looking forward to everyone’s creations.

  19. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 课堂上学习的20个词: “烤鸭、青菜、又咸又辣、一般来说、饮食习惯、中药、免费、活动、年年有余、猪肉、粽子、快餐店/外卖店、春节/中国新年、圣诞节、舞龙舞狮、龙舟比赛、复活节、端午节、放鞭炮、队员” 要求会认会写,每个词造一个复合句子总共20个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making one complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.
    2. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第133页(阅4) 和135页(阅读4) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 133 reading 4, and page 135 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    3. 作文:写封信给你的笔友告诉他们关于圣诞节或是其他节日。
    要求:信的格式—-150 字左右
    Write a letter to your pen pal in China telling them about Christmas or another festival.
    Requirements: Letter format – about 150 words
    Content: What Festival? when? What activities will you do? what to eat? Do you like this festival? Why?

  20. 五年级B班
    请带着问题预习第五课课文《狐狸和葡萄》:Please preview the lesson 5 text “The Fox and the Grapes” with questions:

    Read the words with pinyin accurately and use “—” to underline the unfamiliar words.

    2. 用“()”找出自己喜欢的句子。
    Use “()” to find your favorite sentence.

    (谁? 怎么了?做什么?结果?最后怎么样了?)Think about it:
    What does the text talk about?
    (Who? What happened? What was done? The result? What happened in the end?)

    Classify the structure of new words:
    Left and right structure:
    Upper and lower structure:
    Semi-enclosed structure:
    Single characters:

    Please correct the incorrect dictation of words.

  21. 二年级B班 HOMEWORK

    1. 更正听写,每个三遍。
    Correct the dictation, three times each.
    2.完成第六课练习册星期一至星期五的1、2和3 部分。
    Finish parts 1,2 and 3, exercise book B, Lesson 6.
    Read aloud the text of Lesson 6.
    Learn to sing this song.

  22. 六年级A班
    Prepare for the term 1 test next week by reviewing all the content covered in Lessons 1 to 4.
    Complete the exercises; check the PDF in the WeChat group and write them in your exercise book.
    Continue the group activity from Lesson 4.Groupmates can assume different roles to elaborate and interpret the text .
    Preview the 15 new words and expressions from lesson 5, “The Giant’s Garden.” The teacher will share the words each student needs to explain in our group.

  23. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 背诵第四课《晒太阳》课文。
    Please memorize the text of Lesson 4.

    2. 预习第五课《小马过河》,重点看一下标点符号的运用,哪里跟英语的标点符号一样?哪里跟英语的不一样?
    Please preview the text of Lesson 5. Look at the ponctuations and try to find out the difference of usage between English and Chinese.

    3. 看视频https://youtu.be/rgdX8JK6gpw?feature=shared,自学里面的歌曲,学做手势舞。
    Learn to sing the song in this link and try to learn the finger dance.

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