
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第九、十课(第二十二至第二十九页)                                              To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 9-10 (Page 22-29)

2、学唱《字·诗 – 时间》, 朗读也行。如果可以请拍视频发给老师 。由于今日时间紧,我还没有带读,所以如果家长没时间带会孩子,那留到下节课等我在课堂上让他们练熟练了再录视频也可以。Singing the song 《Time》and record the video if possible, then send to Wechat.

29 Replies to “家庭作业2022年10月10日至2022年10月15日”

  1. 三年级C班:
    Complete all remaining questions in Exercise Book B Lesson two.
    Read lesson 2 fluently and send your recording to Wechat.
    Complete the homework in the link below.
    Prepare for the spelling text.

  2. 三年级A班
    Complete the remaining exercises for the lesson 2 of Workbook B, “Going to the Bookstore”.
    2. 熟记第二课课文中划线词语,下周随堂测试。(星期、书店、儿童、童话故事、画报、还有、课本、起来、现在、等我们、吃饭、呢、喜欢、吧,付钱、拿着、新书、高高兴兴)
    Memorize the underlined words in the lesson 2, and take the test next week.
    Preview Lesson 3“In the Hospital”.
    Back to the original classroom B217 next week.

  3. 六年级B班

    Complete the third lesson of the workbook “World Oceans” Monday through Friday 1, 2, 3.



    Watch the new word flashcards once a day and memorize the new words in this lesson. The link is as follows:https://quizlet.com/612986011/中文第六册第3课海洋公园-flash-cards/

  4. GCSE 网课考试班
    1 复习GCSE 书第一单元所有的词组 P24-25页,下周抽查听写
    Review all vocabs on book p24-25
    2 作文:给你的PEN FRIEND 写一封信,说一下你的爱好是什么?你为什么喜欢这个爱好?你平时花多长时间来做这个爱好的活动?你认为有爱好对一个人来说是否重要?问一下你的笔友有什么爱好?要求最少150个字。
    Writing task: min 150 characters, write a email to our pen friend,( Your hobby, why, how long do you spend ?do you think if hobby is important for us? Ask what is your pen friend’s hobby)
    3 口语练习,见谷歌教室里总结的关于第一单元主题的20个口语提问,课下自己准备一下,下周抽查提问。
    Prepare 20 speaking questions about topic 1, see google classroom attachement
    4 口语录音作业:回答书上22页ROLE PLAY 的口语问题1-5,录音后发到微信群里
    Oral speaking: GCSE book p22 ROLE PLAY TASK 1-5, Record your answer and sent to wechat group

    1. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
      Read aloud Test book p14~15 dialogue and upload your recordings to group chat;
      Copy two times of the words on Textbook page13~14 and read once each day;

  5. @所有人 

    Please practice your speaking skills, and read the Lesson 2everyday. Please record your voice and send to Wechat group by Saturday. If you have difficulty to read some words, please refer teacher’s speaking sample.

    Please practice speaking with “Conversation” part in the Lesson 2, and record your voice Saturday and send to the WeChat group.

    Please write the new words from the Lesson 2 everyday.

    练习册 B practice B

  6. 本周作业:
    有趣 介绍 永远 忘记 瘦小 鬼脸 希望 健康成长 紧张 双胞胎 祝愿 幸福 详细 美好 回忆 文静 讲究 精美 好学 成就
    3) 熟读第二课课文

  7. 二年级A班:

    1. 完成第二课余下的练习题。
    Complete Lesson 2 all the questions.
    Revise Lesson 2 underlined the phrases, ready for dictation next lesson.
    3. 熟读阅读“我长大了”,语音发班群里。
    Practice reading “I have grown up”, send your recording to group chart.

  8. 六年级C班作业
    必做题Compulsory questions (CQ)
    挑战性选择题 Challenging optional question (COQ)

    1. CQ复习第二课生词。Review the vocabulary of L2. https://quizlet.com/_abnvvp?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. CQ熟读课文,准备在课上朗读。Read the text of L2 till fluent and prepare to read it aloud in the next class.
    3. CQ练习册B第2课周一第3题。Question 3 of Monday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    4. CQ练习册B第2课周一第5题。Question 5 of Monday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    5. COQ练习册B第2课周一第7题。Question 7 of Monday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    6. CQ练习册B第2课周二第2题。Question 2 of Tuesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    7. CQ练习册B第2课周二第4题。Question 4 of Tuesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    COQ of the same question: translate the phrases into English.
    8. CQ练习册B第2课周二第5题。Question 5 of Tuesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    9. CQ练习册B第2课周二第6题。Question 6 of Tuesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    10. CQ练习册B第2课周三第4题。Question 4 of Wednesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B
    11. COQ练习册B第2课周三第5题。Question 5 of Wednesday, Lesson 2, Workbook 6B

  9. 学前班B作业
    1,完成教科书2B 第18页(2),第19页(3)

    yáng guāng càn làn
    阳 光 灿 烂
    tiān kōng hǎo qīng chè ,
    天 空 好 清 澈,
    huā duǒ kāi mǎn gè zhǒng yán sè 。
    花 朵 开 满 各 种 颜 色。

    tīng jiàn chuāng wài
    听 见 窗 外
    yī qún xiǎo bái gē
    一 群 小 白 鸽,
    gū lū gū lū lū zài chàng gē
    咕噜 咕噜噜 在 唱 歌。

    hū rán míng bái
    忽 然 明 白
    xìng fú shì shí me ,
    幸 福. 是 什 么,
    xìng fú jiù xiàng shì yī shǒu gē 。
    幸 福 就. 像 是 一 首 歌

  10. 学前A班 reception class:
    1. 读quiz let。w5 2b 第三课 physical labour 词语。
    2. 背诵弟子规: 父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒。
    3. 听儿歌:蔬菜总动员https://youtu.be/mooToyJYR_4
    4. 弟子规 诵读:https://youtu.be/edtmALIkQWQ
    入则孝 第一句 0:46 分- 1:03 分

  11. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read the ‘ Read Aloud’ on text book page 11 three times every day, will check in class next week.
    把课本11 页的 ‘ 读一读’ 每天读三遍, 下周课堂检查
    2, Complete the exercise book B for Lesson one
    Tue: 3
    Wed: 1/2/3( please don’t do question 6)
    Thurs 2/3 ( please don’t do question 5)
    Fri: 1/2/5 ( Please don’t do question 3/4)
    星期三: 1/2/3 ( 请不要做题 6)
    星期四:2/3 (请不要做题 5)
    星期五:1/2/5 (请不要做题 3/4)
    3, Practice the words of Lesson Two below for the dictation next week
    练习第二课的词语, 下周听写
    教室里, 这里, 那里, 书本, 讲中文, 在家里, 一本书,你好吗, 红的笔, 他的本子

  12. 3B班10月9-15日家庭作业
    1 朗读第二课课文
    Read the lesson two.
    Please complete the all exercises from Thursday to Friday and 5-7 on Wednesday in lesson one《Going to the Bookstore》in Exercises Book B.
    3. 写出这些数字对应的英文: 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、 百、 千、 万。
    Write the English corresponding to these numbers.

  13. 四年级B班
    1. 请完成练习册B 星期一的第4,5,7题。星期二和星期三的第4,5,6题。
    Please complete the Workbook B, Monday Q.4,5,7;Tuesday and Wednesday Q4,5,6.
    Read aloud the Lesson Two everyday, and record it to our class WECHAT Group. Submit it before 8 pm on this Saturday.
    3. 复习PPT的语法“从……到……”四种用法,用“从……到……”造4个句子。写在听写本。
    Revise the PPT Grammar , the 4 type of use for “从……到……”, and create 4 sentences, write them onto the Dictation book.
    Use the text as reference , draw the map of the Summer Palace.
    5.观看You Tube: 北京的中轴线主要著名建筑,以加深对课文的理解。也欢迎同学们自行搜索相关的视频材料。
    https://youtu.be/tBX-LudoVTg(请复制链接在Google Chrome 打开)
    Please watch the YT link about the most famous Landmark in Beijing. You can also do your own research.

  14. Yct4 class homework Yct4 家庭作业

    1.Please review the new words for Lesson three of YCT5 textbook using the quizlet link below: https://quizlet.com/645406437/yct5-%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E8%AF%BE-%E7%94%B5%E6%A2%AF%E5%9D%8F%E4%BA%86-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2.Please write the new words five times with Pinyin and English meaning ,and prepare for the dictation on Sunday:

    3)Please translate the mini story 《叶公好龙》into Chinese, and aslo memories the story, try to retell the story to our class on Sunday.

    3)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成我们班WhatsApp group Yct3 照片中的练习。

  15. 四年级A班
    1 读熟第二课课文,说出课文里颐和园的五个景点。Read the lesson2 and tell the five attractions of the Summer Palace
    2,看微信群里图一 说出 see wechat first picture answer gap
    房间的南边是( ) ,右边是( )和( ),中间有一块( ), 房间北边是( ),它的前边是( ),上面有一部( )。房间的左边是一架( )和( )。
    3 给出 微信群里图二信封上数字的意思。give the envelope each number meaning (see wechat picture 2 ( give No. order )
    收信人 姓名 收信人 地址 收信人邮编
    寄信人姓名 寄信人地址 寄信人邮编

    4,做练习册第二课习题, 完成周一到周五的习题 。Do workbook B, lesson 2, Monday to Friday all questions 。

    5 第一课习题没有完成的,请补齐。 the first lesson exercises are not completed, please fill them up。
    6. 没有写100 字 作文的,本学期请完成。If you do not write a 100-word composition, please finish it this semester.


  16. YCT A Homework 10-10-2022
    1. Write the sentences in the PDF Document sent to the group chat.
    2. Translate the sentences in task 1.
    老师您好!Hello teacher!
    我叫……. My name is……
    我是小学生。I’m a pupil/primary school student.
    不是中学生。I’m not a secondary/middle school student.
    这是我的同学。This is my classmate.
    也是我的好朋友。Also is my good friend.

  17. 1,请完成练习册B第二课部分作业。
    Please complete part of the exercises of Lesson Two on Exercise Book B.
    Thursday: 2,3,4
    2, 写一个旅游计划报告:内容包括打算去哪里旅游,怎么去,旅游前要准备什么。
    Write a paragraph about your travel plan: where are you planning to go, how will you go ,and what should be prepared before the trip.
    3, 观看视频:早点

  18. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 请完成练习册B第二课《颐和园》星期一到星期五的如下练习:
    Please finish the following questions of Lesson 2 on Exercise Book B.
    Mon: Question 5-7
    Tues: Question 6-7
    Wed: Question 5 and 7
    Thur: Question 6-7
    Fri: Question 3 and 5

    2. 朗读练习。
    熟读:①课文 ②练习册B第二课星期一的第二题,读一读 ③星期二的第二题,读一读 ④微信群中发的“片”作为量词的词组
    Please read the following content fluently, make a video and send them up in our wechat group.

    3. 复习第二课画的重点词,下周课上听写。
    Please remember the underlined words and phrase in Lesson 2. We’ll have dictation next Sunday.

  19. GCSE 考试班家庭作业:
    1. 听写生词错了3个及3个以上词组的学生,请把错的词每个写五遍,并且要准备下次课间时候的补考。
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.

    2. 课堂上学习的20个词: “运动中心、健身房、英镑、半价、开放、打羽毛球、打乒乓球、很少、上网、骑自行车、打电话、多长时间、参观博物馆、球票、小说、杂志、送礼物、应该、练体操、安静” 要求会认会写,每个词造两个复合句子总共40个句子。(请把作业写在家庭作业本上)。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, try making two complex sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework notebook.

    3. 阅读两篇文章,完成课后问题。在GCSE书上的第56页(阅读1)和第57页(阅读5) 。(阅读答案请写在课堂笔记本子上)。
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 56 reading 1, and page 57 reading 5 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    4. 上次还未来得及做口语测试的同学,请在家根据要求好好准备,下次继续口语测试。
    Students who have not had the chance to test last week please prepared at home and will continue the oral test next lesson.

  20. 一年级C 班(Year 1 C) :- 傅老师

    1) 完成《汉语拼音》练习册第九、十课所有练习第22至第29页 To complete Exercise Book Lesson 9 & 10 all exercises, page 22-29

    2)用拼音儿歌(g k h, j q x) 帮助记忆拼音 To use the Pinyin song to help you memorize the pinyin
    (g k h) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAQBjOsvHZc
    (j q x ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0SJi73CY4U&list=RDXgAuooe5F24&index=10

    3) 练习 以下两首儿歌 practice the following two Children‘s songs:
    小白鸽(Xiǎo bái gē)
    gēgē yǒu zhǐ xiǎo bái gē,
    哥哥 有 只 小 白 鸽,
    xiǎo bái gē ya ài chànggē
    小 白 鸽呀 爱 唱 歌,
    gū gū gū, gū gū gū,
    gēgē tīng le xiào hēhē
    哥哥 听 了 笑 呵呵。
    哈利拼音歌:j q x 标清 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K2jmqnjxBM
    jiùjiu hǎo, diān qǐ jiǎo, bào wǒ kàn, jīnqiánbào.
    舅舅 好, 踮 起脚, 抱 我 看,金钱 豹。
    qīngqīng cǎo, cǎo qīngqīng, shàngmiàn tíng, hóng qīngtíng.
    青 青 草,草 青 青, 上 面 停, 红 蜻 蜓。
    xiǎo xī liú, huā huā zǒu, péi shuí zǒu, xiǎopéngyǒu.
    小 溪 流, 哗 哗 走, 陪 谁 走,小 朋 友。


  21. Class YCT-B Level3 Homework WEEK5 Term1 2022-23/ 汉考B班三级 家庭作业🌻:

    1.Print the PDF files sent to class WeChat group. Read and memorise all characters designed on printed sheets. Then handwriting practice by tracing over each of the characters stoke by stroke in correct orders. Use normal pencil only.

    2.Play audio files (find from WeChat group), read texts on pages 9-11 accordingly, till fluent and you can remember.
    Lesson2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jKON2RWfWc&list=PL6zbcXZAJuLFyrsDSbomrhe-Kw0YhsQda&index=2

    3.Complete each of the questions from pages 7-10 of the Activity Book.

    4.(Optional) Double Ninth Festival – Review the Chinese Tang Poem of ‘九月九日忆山东兄弟’we learnt the year before. Read and recite again.
    4, (可选) 重阳节的文化 – 回顾课上复习的唐诗 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,反复朗读,刷新记忆。

  22. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Finish the rest questions in Exercise Book B, from Lesson 2.
    Be ready for dictation.

  23. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A)

    Please complete Exercise Book Lesson 9 & 10 all exercises (page 22-28)

    2. 练习声母 g k h, j q x 的发音,并用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音。请看以下视频链接:
    Practice the pronunciation of g k h j q x. Please use the Pinyin song to help memorizing the pinyin. Please see the links below:

    3. 请复习《标调歌》请看以下视频链接:
    Please review and practice the song for marking the tones. Please see the link:

    4. 熟练朗读儿歌《在一起》,请注意 j q x 的发音。
    Please practice the children’s poem . Please pay attention on the pronunciation of j q x.

  24. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 学习课本第195页-201页的AS口试考试内容,思考其中有哪些值得A level口语考试借鉴的地方,下节课继续请一组同学来练习关于互联网,社交媒体利弊的口试练习。
    Oral practice.

    2、 预习下列单词:mass media 大众传媒、Microsoft 微软、mobile media 流动媒体、mouse 鼠标、multimedia products 多媒体产品、 netizen 网民、online shopping 网上购物、personal data 个人资料、privacy 私隐/隐私、 screen 屏幕、self-control 自我控制、skill 技术/技巧/技能、smart phone 智能手机、social platform 社交平台、software 软件/软体、status updates 状态更新、tablet 平板电脑、to be offline 离线/脱机、to be online 上网/上线、to browse 浏览。下节课听写。
    3、英译中:Facebook and Instagram and other social media platforms are important sources of socialization and relationship-building for many young people. Although there are important benefits, social media can also provide platforms for bullying and exclusion, unrealistic expectations about body image and sources of popularity, normalization of risk-taking behaviors, and can be detrimental to mental health.

  25. 五年级A班作业
    1 .利用自己制作字卡复习第二课生字,下周听写,此外本周学习的成语“对牛弹琴”要求会写。A
    Revise the new characters of lesson 2 by making your own flash cards; get ready for dictation next week( including the idiom for this week).

    Exercise book 2:
    Monday:1,2,3,4 ;Tuesday: 3,4,5
    Wednesday: 2,3,4; Thursday:2,3,4

    Read the handout you were given until fluently and send the recording to me by Saturday. Learn the new phrases.

    Write down the names of food at home (including vegetables, meat, fruits and so on). Make flash cards and share with your classmates next week.

    Watch the video to know about Beijing—the capital of China.

  26. 五年级B班
    1. 请点击这链接跟读课文《上餐馆》到流利并录音上传到微信群里。
    Please click this link ,Read aloud until fluent and send your recording to the WeChat group.
    2. 复习第二课的生字和词语,下周听写。
    Practice new words and vocabulary, and dictate next week.
    3.请完成练习册B 第二课《上餐馆》周一到周五剩下的全部练习题。
    Complete the remaining exercises for the lesson 2 of Workbook B

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