
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、演唱《龟兔赛跑》并拍视频发给老师 To make a video of singing <Gui Tu Sai Pao> and send to the Teacher

25 Replies to “家庭作业2021年11月15日至2021年11月20日”

  1. 六年级A班
    Exercise A
    Mon. 1,2,3,7
    Tue. 2,3,4,7
    Wed. 1,2,3,4
    2. 复习第四课的字词,并准备下周随堂测试
    Review vocabulary and words, and it will be tested next week.
    3. 朗诵第五课课文,并上传音频到微信群
    Read text and upload the voice to Wechat group.

  2. 五年级A班作业:
    1.Recite the poem “Qiu Tian Dao” .
    2. 根据上周做的思维导图以及今天课堂上讨论的结果,运用五感法写一篇关于秋天的作文,记得使用今天课堂上讲过的修辞手法。
    2.A piece of writing about Autumn(Use your five senses and the figures of speech that we talked through today.)
    3.Practise the tongue twister.
    4.Watch the video and answers these questions.
    a 视频里介绍的是哪个城市?它的简称是什么?
    Which city is introduced in this video? What is its abbreviation?
    b 这个城市的邻居有哪些?
    “Who” are the neighbours of this city?
    c 这个城市的地标建筑是什么?
    What are the landmarks in this city?
    d 视频里提到了哪些著名的景点?
    Which famous resorts are mentioned in this video?
    e 这个城市有哪些美食?
    What are the famous food?

  3. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 改正听写的错别字,正确的写五遍。
    Correct the dictation, write the correct one 5times each.
    2. 朗读第四课课文,并上传音频在群里。
    Read the text of Lesson 4, send your recording to our group chat.
    3. 完成第四课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 4 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    4. 继续学唱“悯农”

  4. 四年级B 王艺霖

    Please complete the remaining exercises from Monday to Friday in Lesson 4 of Workbook B

    Please practise L4 characters (p37-38) and continue to practise of lessons 1-3characters as well. we will have a dictate next week

    Please recite the lyrics of “Listen to me thank you” (each student got a copy of the pinyin marked today (please keep it safe, don’t lose it, take it to school next week to continue learning.


    Please complete the online exercise


  5. YCT B homework (Ms Ying Wang)

    1. Read the following text fluently.
    星(xīng) 期(qī) 一(yī) 到(dào) 星(xīng) 期(qī) 五(wǔ),我(wǒ) 早(zǎo) 上(shang) 七(qī) 点(diǎn) 半(bàn) 起(qǐ) 床(chuáng),八(bā) 点(diǎn)吃(chī) 早(zǎo) 饭(fàn),晚(wǎn) 上(shang) 六(liù) 点(diǎn) 吃(chī) 晚(wǎn) 饭(fàn),九(jiǔ) 点(diǎn) 睡(shuì)觉(jiào)。

    Monday to Friday, I get up at 7:30, have breakfast at 8:00, have dinner at 6pm, go to bed at 9pm.

    2. Use the sentence structure in Word Document to talk about your daily routine. Please send your recording by Saturday evening.

    3. Watch the video clips.
    My Day:
    What time is it now?
    What’s the time song:
    Express year, month, day:

    4. Introduce my room by using the vocabularies we learnt. Please send this one sentence recording by Saturday evening.
    我(wǒ) 的(de) 房(fáng) 间(jiān) 有(yǒu) , , 和(hé) 。

  6. Class YCT A Homework WEEK9 Term1 2021-2022/汉考A班 家庭作业?:

    1.Read PinYin & copy characters. Contents see class WeChat group.

    2.As stated on lesson, please finish questions 3-7 from Activity Book.

    3.Fill in the frame on page15 of the text book, by drawing your room in. Write sentences to introduce your room, the stuff you have and their location.

    4.Read, recite and sing the poem and songs everyday repeatedly.

    5.Read fluently & recite texts on pages 14 & 16 of text book, and translate to English.

    6.Print updated file find from class WeChat group. Read, understand and remember.
    1)日常起居- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43u7vOY-wY&t=20s

    7.Review video clips, continue to practice oral speaking.
    1)家庭成员- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWk6K3sLRWs
    2)国籍- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBd0Ps32RBg&t=68s
    3)年月日星期- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzWWiFAvSf4
    4)时间- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYsn87G1B_8

  7. 六年级B班作业
    1. 复习第一到三课的生词。https://quizlet.com/_allart?x=1qqt&i=fkwij
    2. 课本第28页第5题,填空。Fill in the blanks.
    3. 课本第28页第6题,连词成句。(Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
    4. 课本第29页第7题,造句。Make sentences with the given words.
    5. 你喜欢小动物吗?喜欢什么小动物?为什么喜欢它?请讲一件它的Interesting。或者讲一个令你感动或忘不掉的关于动物的故事。Do you like animals? What do you like? Why do you like it? Please write an interesting anecdote about it. Or you can write a story about animals that touches you or unforgettable to you.
    6. 准备第四课的生词及课文。Prepare the vocabulary and text of L4.

  8. A level班 家庭作业

    1、 熟读《故乡》,分析小说中的“我”为什么对记忆中的故乡和现实中的故乡感受不同。
    2、 掌握第121页第14单元短文一的生词(中英文),完成第122页练习S/W。
    Exercise S/W on P122
    3、 找一首自己喜欢的唐诗宋词,简单说说为什么?
    Tang and Song Poetry.

  9. 学前A班:reception class
    1.学说quizlet Week9 Lesson 5词卡和句子 。read aloud the words and sentences in Week 9 Lesson 5 .
    2.听儿歌https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSSyCOLKXK0 动作action 儿歌

  10. Year Two C Homework
    1, Read Lesson four five times.
    2, Read the question two “ read aloud” on the text book page 28 three times every day, will check next week.
    把课本28页的第二题“读一读” 每天读三遍, 下周检查。
    3, Complete the exercises below on the exercise book B lesson
    Monday : 1-6
    Tuesday: 2/5/6
    完成练习册B 第四课的部分练习
    星期二: 2/5/6

  11. 三年级B班11月15-19号作业

    1 请完成练习册B第四课《猜一猜》星期三的(1)写一写 (5)找出不同类的词写在( )里,(6)连词成句和(7)找例子先组词,再造句。
    Please complete the Exercises Book B Lesson 4《Make a Guess》on Wednesday (1) (5)(6)and (7).
    Please complete the Exercises Book B Lesson 4《Make a Guess》on Thursday and Friday.
    3 记住 “只” “张” “双” 这些量词的用法。
    Remember the usage of measurement word.
    4 全面复习第四课,下星期有测验。
    Review the lesson 4 and we will have a test next week.

  12. 二年级B班 Y2B HOMEWORK

    Correct the dictation, three times each.
    Finish part 1, 2 and 3, Monday to Friday of Lesson 4.
    Read aloud text of Lesson 4 every day.

  13. 三年级C班作业:
    Exercise book A lesson 3, Monday to Friday part 1-5.
    2. 请完成online作业。
    3. 背诵或熟读儿歌(recite or read fluently)
    齐天圣 本领强
    陈玄奘 变三藏

  14. 四年级A班
    1 ,背熟,会默写第四课,learn off,write from memory lesson four
    2,把下面句子变成“把”字句。change bottom sentences to 把 sentences
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    1) 天冷了,穿上大衣。
    2) 风很大,快关上窗子。
    6) 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7) 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8) 要下雨了,带上伞。
    3,看视频,写一写这些独 体字 wacth this video write those simple characters
    鸟,象,鹿,虎,犬quan=狗,豕shi=猪 龟,羊,鱼,马,燕,石,水,花,云,雨,日,月,山,草,竹,火,
    4,记住十二生肖的写法,Remember the writing method of the twelve Chinese zodiac,

  15. @all 20211114 homework
    Please spend around 5 mins everyday to read the reading 3 lesson. And upload by Saturday.

    Please write lesson 3 and reading 3 new words and phrase everyday.

    Please write all of those words from image everyday, which is easy to make mistake words.

    Please finish the question 6 in the chapter one review part.

    Please write a short essay and to describe a city which is your like it.
    Around 200 words.

  16. 本周作业
    1,抄写补充生词( 17个HSK3的生词,已经发送到班群)每词三遍,用读,写和遮盖的方式抄写。
    Copy 17new words and expressions, each of them copy three times. Please use “say it, write it and cover it “ method to practise.

    2, 大声补充资料上的朗读四组对话,可以参考课文的拼音部分。
    Read aloud talking about the four dialogues,please take reference from the texts in Pinyin.

    Revise all the words and expressions from Lesson One to Lesson Three, get ready for the dictation on Sunday.

  17. 七年级B 班作业 Year 7B Homework
    Complete Exercise B Lesson Four Monday to Friday all questions;
    Rewrite the story of Lesson Four.

  18. 1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT 3 Lesson3 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct3 第三课的生词


    2)Please finish the exercises on the Page 12 of Yct3 activity book , or as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成Yct3 活动手册第十二页的练习,没书的同学可查看我们班WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

    3)Please translate the following sentences into English:

    Yct5 level homework:
    1.Please use Quizlet link below to review the words of YCT textbook 5 Lesson2 vocabularies 请用下面的Quizlet link学习YCT5 课本第二课的生词https://quizlet.com/634157222/yct5-lesson-2-%E5%85%94%E5%AD%90%E6%9B%B4%E5%8F%AF%E7%88%B1-flash-cards/?i=p0z96&x=1jqY

    2) Please tell us using Chinese what ‘s your favorite animal, and why. What is your least favorite animal and why. Please use the words below
    请使用下面的词语用中文告诉大家你最喜欢什么动物,最不喜欢什么动物, 为什么。

    3)Please finish the exercises as the pictures in our WhatsApp group.请完成WhatsApp group 照片中的练习。

  19. 一年级家庭作业(Year 1 A) :傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)

    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

    3,练习 以下儿歌 practice the following Children‘s songs
    tiān kōng piāo bái yún
    天 空 漂 白 云
    Cǎo dì yǒu yáng qún
    草 地 有 羊 群
    yáng qún rú bái yún
    羊 群 如 白 云
    bái yún xiàng yáng qún
    白 云 像 羊 群
    Tiān shàng xīng, liàng jīng jīng
    天 上 星, 亮 晶 晶,
    yī’ èr sān sì shǔ bù qīng
    一二 三 四 数 不 清,
    yī shǎn yī shǎn xiǎo yǎn jīng,
    一 闪 一 闪 小 眼 睛,
    wǒ wèn míng rì tiān kě qíng
    我 问 明 日 天 可 晴?

    4, 请看以下链接中的视频学习演唱儿歌(小蜜蜂):watch the link below. Learn to sing and dance the song (Little bees):

    xiǎo mì fēng
    小 蜜 蜂:
    Wēng wēng wēng, wēng wēng wēng
    嗡 嗡 嗡, 嗡 嗡 嗡
    Dà jiā yì qǐ qín zuò gōng
    大 家一起 勤 做 工
    lái cōngcōng, qù cōngcōng
    来 匆 匆,去 匆 匆
    Zuò gōng xìng wèi nóng
    做 工 兴 味 浓
    tiān nuǎn huā hǎo bù zuò gōng
    天 暖 花 好 不 做 工
    Jiāng lái nǎ lǐ hǎo guò dōng
    将 来 哪里好 过 冬
    Wēng wēng wēng, wēng wēng wēng
    嗡 嗡 嗡, 嗡 嗡 嗡
    bié xué lǎn duò chóng
    别 学 懒 惰 虫

  20. 四年级C班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4C

    1. 完成练习册B第四课《晒太阳》周一到周五所有练习。
    Finish all the exercises of Lesson four from Monday to Friday.

    2. 熟读第四课课文。
    Read Lesson 4 fluently.

    3. 复习第三、四课上课画出的重点词,下节课上抽查听写。
    Review the highlighted words and expressions. We’ll have dictation next class.

  21. GCSE 班家庭作业:
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words ten times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentence for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 74 reading 1, and page 75 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your class notebook.

  22. 8年级
    1 熟读第4看课文,农夫与蛇,学习新字和词语
    Read fluently lesson 4 text, learn new characters and phrases
    2 掌握课上学的扩展词语和成语(形容农副与蛇的)(善良,无知,本性,恩将仇报,仁至义尽,凶狠,)
    Learn new extened vocabularies (description of farmers and snake)
    3 完成练习册第4课星期一星期二
    Finish exercise book Lesson 4 Monday to Tuesday
    4 翻译英到种,写在作文本上 (看微信群)
    Translation English to Chinese, see wechat group

  23. 五年级B班
    1. 书写Writing:
    Write an essay (no limit to words) : An Unforgettable Self-driving Trip (real or imagined)

    2. 朗读Reading:
    Practice reading send voice in group chat.

    Imagine what the car of the future might look like. You draw it.

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