
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、演唱《龟兔赛跑》并拍视频发给老师 To make a video of singing <Gui Tu Sai Pao> and send to the Teacher

27 Replies to “家庭作业2020年11月9日至2020年11月14日”

  1. GCSE班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的20个词:“比如说、校服、除了…以外,还/也…、努力、必须、方便、考试、中学会考、得到好成绩、毕业、戏剧、经济、礼堂、数学课、亲切、夏令营、留学交流、习惯、各种各样、受欢迎”要求会认会写,每个词造一个句子总共20个句子,下节课准备测试。
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    2. 作文:夏令营
    第三段:参加了夏令营之后的感受,您会做些什么来鼓励其他学生更加努力地学习汉语。Writing task: A summer camp
    Write a formal article about you have recently participated in a school camp in China.
    Write between 200 and 220
    Please follow the structure
    First paragraph: Where the summer camp was located and some of the activities you took part in.
    Second paragraph:Why you wanted to go on the camp, how the experience of going on the camp has made a difference to you?
    Third paragraph: What you are going to do to encourage other students to study Chinese more diligently, as a result of having taken part in the camp.
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 42 reading 2&3, and page 43 Writing 1&2 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  2. @all 20201108 homework
    Please practice your speaking skills, everyday please spend around 10 mins to read Lesson 4 and Raokouling. Please record video to upload wechat group in next Saturday.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson4’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.


    Please use your own language and try to use around 50 words to say “乌鸦喝水”story. 4 sentences are maximum.

    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you!

  3. 六年级A班作业
    1. 练习册B第19页第5题,改病句(Correct the following sentences.)
    2. 练习册B第19页第6题,读句子,用 加 点 的词语造句 (Read the sentences and make sentences with the dotted words and expressions.)
    3. 练习册B第21页第4题,连词成句 (Put the given wordsin the correct order to make sentences.)
    4. 练习册B第22页第5题,画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。(Find out and correct thewrong characters.)
    5. 练习册B第22页第6题,照例子填空. (Fill in the form after the model.)
    6. 练习册B第24页第3题,选语填空 (Choose the right wordsto fill in the blanks.)
    7. 练习册B第24页第3题,在下列加 点字的 正 确 读音 上 打“√”(Mark“√”on the right pronunciations of the dotted characters.)
    8. 练习册B第25页第5题,照例子填空 (Fill in the form after the model.)

  4. 翁冰 学前A班:reception class A
    1.复习quizlet Week9 Lesson 5词卡和句子 。read aloud the words and sentences in Week 9 Lesson 5 . 走,跑,跳,坐,站,拍,火车,汽车,飞机。儿子,不,学。句子:我喜欢跑步。我喜欢走路。我喜欢坐火车。
    2.听儿歌https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSSyCOLKXK0 动作action 儿歌
    3.https://www.openwhy.cn/article/detail/1267600162360795136 第五集 请收听:《三字经之旁门左道小能手》
    https://www.openwhy.cn/article/detail/1268321981279719424 第六集

  5. Year Two B Homework
    1, Practise the 15 words and expressions in Lesson Three as below, prepare for the test next week.
    练习下面第三课的词语, 下周听写其中的7个词语。
    2. Complete the exercises in Exercise book A Lesson Three
    Wed: 2/3/4/6
    Thur: 2/4/5/6
    Fri: 1/2/3/4/6
    3, Read the ‘ 云云画画儿’ on text book page 21 three time a day.
    4, please listen the story, will ask question next week. 西游记—-第9集《火眼金睛》,
    听凯叔讲故事:西游记—-第9集《火眼金睛》 , 下周回答问题

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework —- 应老师
      To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17 and 18 on Page 50-57;
      Follow the Pinyin video links below helping memorise Pinyin;
      Read aloud and memorise the following rhyme.
      cǎi hóng qiáo
      彩 虹 桥
      yǔ guò tiān qíng bái yún piāo ,
      雨 过 天 晴 白 云 飘,
      lán tiān jià qǐ cǎi hóng qiáo ,
      蓝 天 架 起 彩 虹 桥。
      chì chéng huáng lǜ qīng lán zǐ ,
      赤 橙 黄 绿 青 蓝 紫,
      shù shù yán sè yǒu qī dào 。
      数 数 颜 色 有 七 道。

  6. 三年级c班 homework for year 3 C:
    1.      完成第一单元测试题。
    Complete assessment paper for unite one.
    2.      第1、2课词语各写两遍。
    Copy new words in lesson 1,2 twice.
    3.      读一读第4课《猜一猜》。
       Read Lesson 4 a few times.
    4. 背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    鹰愁涧 失白马
    遇菩萨 受点化

  7. 8年级作业
    1 熟读第三课课文和阅读课文,把课上听写的单词错的每个抄写遍
    Read fluently lesson 3 text and reading test, copy 3 times of wrong phrases from the dictation
    2 复习第一单元第一课-第三课的词组,下周卷子测试
    Review all characters and phrasese of lesson 1 to lesson 3, next week paper test.
    3 完成练习册A第三课剩下的所有题
    Finish all the rest questions of lesson 3 in exercise book A
    4 完成书上8页综合练习一
    Finish book page 8 General exercise 1

  8. 学前B班:(reception class B)
    1.看图说话。look at the pictures in lesson 5 and say aloud.
    2. 请完成第五课的练习题(第30-31页):5.(1),(2),(3)。
    Please complete: 5.Exercises (1),(2)and(3) (page 30-31)。
    3. 看视频学中文(Watch videos to learn Chinese):

  9. YCT B Homework for 9/11/2020 to 14/11/2020 (Ms Ying Wang王瑛):
    Task 1. (Compulsory) Practice the following words from PDF file. Then write down the English meanings. 练习PDF文件中的词语。然后写下英语的意思。
    1.上(shàng) 下(xià) 左(zuǒ) 右(yòu) 2. 在上边(zàishàngbian) 3. 在下边(zàixiàbian) 4. 在左边(zàizuǒbian) 5. 在右边(zàiyòubian) 6.在里面(zàilǐmiàn) 7. 里面有(lǐmiànyǒu) 8. 里面没有(lǐmiànméiyǒu) 9. 向左看(xiàngzuǒkàn) 10. 向右看(xiàngyòukàn)
    Task 2. (Compulsory) Read aloud the dialogue on page 14 and the mini story on page 15 twice a day, then write down the English translation. 大声朗读第十四页的对话和第十六页的迷你故事每天两遍,然后写下英语译文。
    Task 3. (Compulsory) Do Lesson Three exercise 4,5,6,7 and 8 in the activity book. 做活动手册中的第三课练习题4,5,6,7 和8。
    Task 4. (Compulsory) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1, 2 and 3): 在线词汇练习第二级第一第二第三课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/
    Task 5. (Optional) Watch the video clips. 看视频。
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKAi8qFm03g
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JSODPMMvFE
    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql2WYvF7Bf4
    4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0EaOQcwI5M
    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2x7pLayuOg

  10. A level班 家庭作业
    Copy the new words. Dictate in the next lesson.

    2、完成的课本第49页句式练习,在Google Document《A Level 20-21句式练习》上完成。
    Make up sentences using the sentence patterns on Page 49 in Google Document

    Complete Unit 6 exercises.

    4、 结合第5、6单元的内容、网上资料及课堂讨论内容讲述你对中国传统式教育的看法。写在Google Document《对中国传统式教育的看法》,字数500以上。
    Written in the Google Document, the number of words is more than 500.

    Preview Lu Xun’s “Hometown”.

  11. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 熟读并背诵第四课课文。
    Read and recite Lesson4.
    2. 完成第四课周一至周五的前三题。
    Complete Lesson 4 Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    3. 学画十二生肖小动物,试着完成你的小剧场作品。(王老师教的视频和图片都在群里)
    Learn to draw twelve Chinese zodiac animals, try to finish your mini theatre project。
    4. 继续学唱十二生肖歌曲。
    Continue to learn the Chinese zodiac song.

  12. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 熟读并背诵第四课‘猜一猜’。Read and recite Lesson Four ‘Make a Guess’
    2. 练习册3B:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Four on Exercise book 3B.
    3. 看视频学唱‘二十四节气歌’,并请说出春夏秋冬四季开始的节气叫什么?Watch the video and learn the Song of Twenty four solar terms. Name the four solar terms star the four seasons.


  13. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson4 and play the games
    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第四课的新词,用游戏练习新词。

    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:狐狸、生病、吃药、眼睛、鼻子、舒服、救命

    3.Please finish Yct4 lesson4 workbook page14&16 or if you don’t have the workbook yet, just look at the pictures in our WhatsApp group.
    请完成Yct4 练习册第四课的第14页和16页的练习,如果你还没有书的话,请用我们WhatsApp 的照片来完成作业。

    4.Please read the mini story at Page21 , Yct4 textbook loudly until frequently, and then you could record your reading and act out the story, send it to our WhatsApp group.请大声熟读课本第21页的小故事,然后朗读表演小故事,并将录音或者录像发到我们班WhatsApp 的群里。

  14. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 请完成练习册B《晒太阳》:星期一至星期五的1-4题。
    Please finish questions 1-4 of Lesson 4 from Mon to Fri on Exercise Book B.

    2. 请把听写错误的词改正过来并在后面写三遍,记住。
    Please correct the phrases you did wrong in the dictation and write 3 times.

    3. 熟读或者背诵第四课《晒太阳》课文,并录制成视频发到班级群。
    Read or memorize Lesson 4, make a video of your reading or recitation and send it to our Wechat group.

    4. 完成课本36-37页,读一读写一写。
    Finish Learn to Write on page 36-37 of our book.

    5. 复习课上讲的三字经“子不学,非所宜。幼不学,老何为。”并收听如下小故事。

  15. Qian Wang Class YCT-A WEEK9 Term1 20-21/YCT-A班家庭作业?:

    1. Recognise Characters and Hand Writing Practice:
    Practice to hand write each of these phrases “多大,几岁,几口,几个,几百,几千,几万,没有,也有,爸妈和家,哥姐妹” on pre-formatted paper (print the PDF file I’m sending to class WeChat group). According to the writing way and orders for strokes as demonstrated during lesson, please write neatly on provided sheet using ordinary pencil.
    1, 识字与书写练习:
    请将设计好的预印在米格纸上的 “多大,几岁,几口,几个,几百,几千,几万,没有,也有,爸妈和家,哥姐妹” 各字词,按照课堂上演示的笔画规则和顺序用普通铅笔一笔一划工整地描写出来(见发至班级微信群的PDF文件,请打印使用);

    2. Reading and Translation:
    Please read the text “Let’s read”(Page20) and the “Let’s sing”(Page21), from the Standard Course book, for at least three times each or until fluent. And then translate the text on page20 only into English.
    2, 阅读与翻译练习:
    请将标准教程课本上第20页的课文”Let’s read”和第21页的”Let’s sing”读至少三遍或直到熟练,并将第20页第五课的课文翻译成英文;

    3. Exercises from Standard Course book:
    (1) Fill in blanks with Arabic numerals to the table on Page19;
    (2) Fill in blanks with names(to the 1st column) or yes/no(to each of the rest columns) to the survey form on Page21. For columns listing for brothers and sisters, please also state for how many.
    3, 标准教程课本上的练习:
    (2) 按照课堂上的要求,填写第21页的调查表,同学的名字填写在首

    4. Exercises from Activity Book:
    To complete questions 1 to 4 from Page17-18 as explained during class
    4, 活动手册上的练习:

    5. Review Pinyin & Practice Writing Characters Accordingly:
    (1) Review the alphabet of PinYin by displaying the link below.
    (2) The PinYin for “多大,几岁,几口,几个,几百,几千,几万,没
    有,也有,爸妈和家,哥姐妹” have been given (find PDF file from
    class WeChat group and print). Please write characters below each
    of the given PinYin on provided pre-formatted sheet.
    5, 复习拼音字母,读拼音写汉字:
    (1) 播放以下链接,以跟唱的形式熟悉汉语拼音字母、拼读规则以及拼
    (2) 读给出的 “多大,几岁,几口,几个,几百,几千,几万,没有,也
    有,爸妈和家,哥姐妹” 各个词语的拼音,并在提供的米格纸上(打印班

  16. 王艺霖 四年级C

    1,完成练习册B 第四课《晒太阳》周一至周五每日前1-4题 练习
    Complete exercise book B, Lesson 4 “Getting in the Sun”, 1-4 exercises every day from Monday to Friday

    2,复习第四课生字词 , 下周听写。测验范围:课本P37-p38 “读一读”里的字词( 附加照片在微信群里?)
    Review the new words in lesson 4 and write dictation next week. Test range: textbooks P37 – p38 lightning “read” in the words (attached photos in ? WeChat group)

    3,根据课堂笔记,用“如果不….就不…” “没有….就没有….” 各造一个句子(可以写在练习册上,课堂笔记见微信群里?)
    According to the lecture notes, use phrases like “If you don’t… Don’t…” “No… There will be no…” Make a sentence (can be written in the book of the workbook, class notes see WeChat group ?)

    4,写下“昔孟母,择邻处, 子不学,断机杼”这句话,并写一写你理解的意思。(故事链接在群里)
    Write the sentence, “Once upon a time, the mother of Mencius chose the neighborhood, but the son didn’t learn, but decided to make mistakes.” Then write down the meaning you understand. (Link to story in group)

    5,继续完成gimkit 链接 https://www.gimkit.com/live/5fa81bcff5f03c0022f2adaa
    continue to complete gimkit link https://www.gimkit.com/live/5fa81bcff5f03c0022f2adaa

  17. 三年级B班家庭作业/Year3B Homework
    1. 熟读第四课‘猜一猜’, 熟记第四课的生字和词语(课本第28页)。
    Please keep reading Lesson Four twice a day, try to memorize the New Words and Expressions (Text Book page-28)
    2. 完成练习册3B第四课所有练习
    Please complete all the questions of Lesson Four on Exercise Book 3B.
    3. 看视频,了解中国的‘丝绸之路;

  18. 王敏 4A
    1,读熟第四课,每天读3 遍。reading lesson 4 , three times every day until fluently .
    2, 记熟 生词,抄写3遍。copy write under line phrases 3 times each ,remember them
    3, 做第四课练习题 周一到周五,第1题 到 第四题 do Exercise Book lesson four questions Mon-Fri Q 1-4.
    4, 做下面习题。 change follow sentences into 把 sentence
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    6. 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7. 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8. 要下雨了,带上伞。

    5 认识下面词是什么意思 try to understand follow words
    背心 裤子 袜子 鞋子 裙子 衬衫 雨衣
    围巾 皮带 帽子 手套 大衣 拖鞋 领带

  19. 王敏 4A
    1,读熟第四课,每天读3 遍。reading lesson 4 , three times every day until fluently .
    2, 记熟 生词,抄写3遍。copy write under line phrases 3 times each ,remember them
    3, 做第四课练习题 周一到周五,第1题 到 第四题 do Exercise Book lesson four questions Mon-Fri Q 1-4.
    4, 做下面习题。 change follow sentences into 把 sentence
    例: 学生们把 作业交给老师。
    6. 放学后,妈妈做好了饭。
    7. 星期六,东东做完了作业。
    8. 要下雨了,带上伞。

    5 认识下面词是什么意思 try to understand follow words
    背心 裤子 袜子 鞋子 裙子 衬衫 雨衣
    围巾 皮带 帽子 手套 大衣 拖鞋 领带

  20. 六B班家庭作业:
    1 完成课本综合练习1 (P27-P30)的所有内容。
    Complete the review 1 (P27-P30)from the textbook.
    2 没有完成我们海洋动物写作练习的同学请这周写完作文。


    Writing exercise: Based on what you have learned in class, write at least four sentences about the first time a baby sea turtle or a baby penguin went swimming in the sea, using as many words as you can from lessons 1-3.(庆祝、显得、格外、附近、吸引、担心、生活、令人____的是、“有时,有时,有时”、认识、欣赏)

    There is a writing template in wechat group for your reference.

    3 预习课本第四课:埋在土里的金子
    Preview lesson 4: 埋在土里的金子

  21. 本周作业:

    Please complete all the exercises of Review one (page25)
    Please go over the words and expressions from Lesson one to lesson three, get ready for a online test.
    Please correct this week’s dictation.
    3, 继续完成写作练习(课上已经分析指导)详见班级微信群。
    Writing: Autumn scenery.
    Listen to the story and write the main plot along with your drawing.


  22. 家庭作业
    1、B 练习册Monday:6, Tuesday:3,4,5 Thursday:5,6 Friday:3,4
    2、Write about Autumn on Padlet
    A 在Padlet上找到自己的名字,上传自己在不同时期拍摄的秋天的照片,写下自己的感想(五感法5 senses)看、听、闻、触摸、尝到了什么https://padlet.com/yunyangxia2008/ej9shul7xsabsgn0
    3、B 阅读P23, 思考:你知道古代的中国,人们出行的交通工具是什么?你觉得未来人们的交通工具是怎么样的?
    4、A朗读课文直到流利并背诵课文第一段,请于周六将录音发送到微信群或者Google classroom.
    Read the text until fluently and be able to recite the first paragraph; send the recording to me by Saturday.
    5、A课堂小任务:根据课堂上的讨论结果,写出你的解决方法。格式参考微信群或Google classroom中的图片。
    According to the discussion within your group, write your solution to help the farmer to solve his problem.
    6、C听故事完成打卡任务。 Listen to the story and complete the mini task.

  23. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the exercises of Review one (page25)
    Please go over the words and expressions from Lesson one to lesson three, get ready for an online test.
    Please correct this week’s dictation.
    3, 继续完成写作练习(课上已经分析指导)详见班级微信群。
    Writing: Autumn scenery.
    Listen to the story and write the main plot along with your drawing.


  24. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第十七、十八课(第五十至第五十七页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 17-18 (Page 50-57)
    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTVKog8kSLg
    3, 朗读一下二首儿歌:Recite the following two Rhymes;
    Sān gè lún, jǐ gēn gùn,
    kǔn chéng yīgè xiǎo sān lún.
    Sānlúnchē, lún er yuán,
    三轮车, 轮儿圆,
    lún er yuán yuán gǔn xiàng qián.
    轮儿圆圆 滚 向前
    Tiān kōng piǎo bái yún
    Cǎo dì yǒu yáng qún
    yáng qún rú bái yún
    bái yún xiàng yáng qún
    4, 看以下视频学习演唱儿歌(小蜜蜂),look at the following link learn to sing and dance the son (Little bees):
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ4_vtKzyQE (蜜蜂舞蹈表演)

    xiǎo mìfēng
    小 蜜蜂:
    Wēng wēng wēng, wēng wēng wēng
    嗡 嗡 嗡, 嗡 嗡 嗡
    dàjiā yì qǐ qín zuògōng
    大家一起勤 做 工
    lái cōngcōng, qù cōngcōng
    来 匆 匆,去 匆 匆
    zuògōng xìngwèi nóng
    做 工 兴 味 浓
    tiān nuǎn huā hǎobù zuògōng
    天 暖 花 好 不 做 工
    jiānglái nǎlǐ hǎo guòdōng
    将 来 哪里好 过 冬
    Wēng wēng wēng, wēng wēng wēng
    嗡 嗡 嗡, 嗡 嗡 嗡
    bié xué lǎnduò chóng
    别 学 懒惰 虫

  25. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 背诵第四课课文。
    Recite the text of Lesson 4.
    2. 完成第4课星期一到星期五1,2,3部分。
    Complete Lesson 4 ,Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    Practice the dialogue.

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