
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师


To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)

2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin:        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Ayvjy-Dgs

3、学习歌曲《龟兔赛跑》  Practice the song 《龟兔赛跑》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5Bkodw-Go

4、复习歌曲《泥娃娃》  Practise the song 《The Mud Doll》 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL8faZWLZuk

5、听凯叔讲故事:西游记—-第10集《五行山下》 https://www.openwhy.cn/article/detail/1258185629710225408

26 Replies to “家庭作业2020年11月2日至2020年11月7日”

  1. 三年级C班作业 homework for year 3C:
    1.      完成练习册A第3课所有问题。
    Complete all remaining questions in Exercise book lesson three.
    2. 第3课的10个新词“看、遮、写、查”的方法写3遍,准备下周听写。
    Copy 10 new words in lesson 3 three times and get ready for dictation next week.
    3. 读《虚惊一场》几遍。
    Read “A False Alarm” a few times.
    Extra reading: Little white is sick.
    5. 背一背或读熟。(Memorize or read until fluent)
    破山出 拜师傅
    性刁顽 戴金箍

  2. 1. 课本第25页,阅读课文《海龟下蛋》并 回答下列问题:Read the text 《海龟下蛋》on the textbook on p25 and answer the following questions:
    1) 去年什么时候我和谁去了哪儿、做了什么?我以前见过海龟下蛋吗?
    2) 海龟一般在什么时候、什么地方、怎么下蛋?
    3) 海龟下完蛋以后会象鸡妈妈一样孵蛋吗?它怎样孵自己的小海龟?它为什么不马上爬回大海?
    孵:fū,breeding, to incubate
    2. 课本第29页,阅读短文判断对错。Read the text on p29 and decide if the sentences are correct or wrong.
    3. 练习册A第25页第4题,照例子填 空。Fill in the form after the model.
    4. 练习册A第26页第5题,画出下列句中的错别字,把正确的字写在( )里。Find out and correct the wrong characters.
    5. 练习册A第26页第6题,造句.Make sentences with the given words.
    6. 练习册A第28页第5题,在下列画线字的正确读音上打“√”.Mark“√”on the right pronunciations of the underlined characters.
    7. 练习册A第31页第4题,改病句.Correct the following sentences.

  3. @all 20201101 homework
    Please practice those words’ pronunciation and record video to upload wechat group in next Saturday.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down Lesson1 lesson2 lesson3 ‘s and reading1 reading 2 reading3’s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
    造句 make sentences
    1. 不但……,而且……
    2. 是……,也是……
    3. 是……,还是……
    4. 又……又……
    5. 飞往(地名)(航班号)开始登机了。
    6. (人称)+(动词)+没有?
    7. 人称+ 动词 名词+ 事件
    8. 到达
    9. 把……
    10. ……被……
    11. ……停满了……
    12. 越来越……
    13. 有的……,有的……
    14. 由……向……
    15. 既是……,又是……
    16. 目前
    17. 变化
    180. 由于
    19. 告别
    20. 信心
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给张老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhang. Thank you!

  4. YCT B Homework for 2/11/2020 to 7/11/2020 (Ms Ying Wang王瑛):

    Task 1.  (Compulsory) Practice the following words from PDF file. Then choose some of these objects to draw in the book on page 15.  练习PDF文件中的词语。然后选择其中的一些物品画在书中第十五页上。
    床(chuáng)bed,电(diàn)视(shì)television ,电(diàn)脑(nǎo)  computer, 桌(zhuō)子(zi)table,椅(yǐ)子(zi)chair,铅(qiān)笔(bǐ)pencil,书(shū)book,书(shū)包(bāo)book bag, 球(qiú)  ball.

    Task 2. (Compulsory) Read aloud the dialogue on page 14 and the chant on page 15 twice a day, then write down the English translation. 大声朗读第十四页的对话和第十五页的顺口溜每天两遍,然后写下英语译文。

    Task 3. (Compulsory) Do Lesson Three exercise 1, 2 and 3 in the activity book. 做活动手册中的第三课练习题1,2 和3。

    Task 4. (Compulsory) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1, 2 and 3): 在线词汇练习第二级第一第二第三课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/

    Task 5. (Optional) Watch the video clips. 看视频。
    1.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKAi8qFm03g
    2.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JSODPMMvFE
    3.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql2WYvF7Bf4
    4.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0EaOQcwI5M
    5.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2x7pLayuOg

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework —- 应老师
      1、完成拼音练习册第十五和第十六课(第四十三至第四十九页);        To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15 and 16 on Page 43-49;
      Follow the Pinyin video links below helping memorise Pinyin;
      Read aloud and memorise the following rhyme;
      yuè ér wān wān
      yuè ér wān wān guà lán tiān ,
      xiǎo xī wān wān chū qīng shān 。
      xiǎo hé wān wān liú rù hǎi ,
      shān lù wān wān dào xiào yuán 。

  5. 翁冰 学前班A:reception class
    1.登录 quizlet 网站学说颜色:黑色 白色 红色 绿色 蓝色 紫色 黄色 橙色 灰色。句子:你喜欢什么颜色?我喜欢红色。复习词卡:天, 地, 人, 你,我,他,她。
    https://youtu.be/TibbAR-EhIQ 彩色的地球
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibIZ0mcc3XQ 变色龙-自己的颜色
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCCoAN14bB8 会变颜色的小花猫

  6. 8年级作业
    1 熟读第三课课文,生字,词组。掌握比赛中的术语,下周抽取听写
    Read fluently lesson 3, learn characters, understand match term phrases, next week dictation
    2 完成中文练习册A 第三课 星期一 1,2 星期二123,星期三12,星期四1,2 ,星期五 1 2 3 的题
    Finish exercise book A lesson 3 Mon 1 2 questions, Tue 1 2 3 questions, Wed 1 2 questions, Thurs 1 2 questions, Fri 1 2 3 questions
    3 写一写你喜欢的体育运动是什么?发源历史等?你多久锻炼一次?你认为这项体育运动对你有什么好处?将来你打算试一下什么运动?为什么?要求最少200字
    Writing task: Your favourite sports, sports history?how often do you exercise? what benifit did this sports bring to you ?in the future what sports do you want to try?why ?min 200 characters

  7. 六B班家庭作业:
    1 练习册6A第三课:请完成周一到周五的所有练习;
    Exercise Book 6A Lesson 3:
    Complete all exercises of Mon-Fri;

    2 写作练习:请根据课堂所学内容,用最少4句话写一段小海龟或小企鹅第一次下海游泳的经历,尽量用到1-3课所学生词(庆祝、显得、格外、附近、吸引、担心、生活、令人____的是、“有时,有时,有时”、认识、欣赏)。如果觉得写起来困难,也可以参照微信群里的模板。

    Writing exercise: Based on what you have learned in class, write at least four sentences about the first time a baby sea turtle or a baby penguin went swimming in the sea, using as many words as you can from lessons 1-3.(庆祝、显得、格外、附近、吸引、担心、生活、令人____的是、“有时,有时,有时”、认识、欣赏)

    There is a writing template in wechat group for your reference.

  8. Year Two B Homework
    二年级B 班作业
    1, Read the ‘ read aloud ‘ three times daily on the text book page 19, will test nest week.
    把课本第19 页的‘读一读’ 每天读三遍, 下周检查。
    2, Complete the ‘learn to write’ on the text book page 17-18
    3, Complete the exercises in Exercise book A Lesson Three ( please only complete Mon/ Tue, don’t over do it)
    Mon: 1/2/3/5/6
    Tue: 1/2/4/5/6
    完成练习册第三课的星期一和星期二的大部分练习。(请不要提前做没布置的练习, 谢谢)
    4, listen the story from the link below, will ask question about the story next week.
    听凯叔讲故事:西游记—-第7集《醉下瑶池》, 下周根据故事回答问题

  9. GCSE班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make two sentences for each phase word. Please write in your homework note book.

     学校的建筑
     学校食堂
     课程
     运动
    Write a short paragraph comparing your school with one in China, on page 33 Writing 5 (Please write in your homework note book.)

    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 36 reading 1, and page 37 reading 4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  10. 四年级 A 班
    1,请复习第一到第三课的生词句子。见 微信复习题 。revision unite 1 fill the gaps see wechat
    2 做课本31页 一单元复习题。do unit 1 review questions on text book page 31
    3做第四课的生字抄写。课本36-37页 要书写工整。do text book page 36,37 copy write each words.
    4.do quizlet


    5 读古诗 九月九日忆山东兄弟

    秋词 刘禹锡

  11. 二年级A班(Year2A) 郭老师

    1. 请把第一课到第三课的生字和词语各写三遍。
    Please write down 3times of Lesson 1 to Lesson 3 all the new words and phrases.
    2. 每天读一遍第一课到第三课的“读一读”。
    Read Lesson 1 to Lesson 3 “Read aloud” once a day.
    3. 请用“喜欢” “告诉” “朋友” “开心”各造一个句子。
    Please make a sentence using above these phrases.
    4. 听中国传统故事-新编十二生肖,完成打卡任务。(链接在群里)
    Listen to the Chinese Zodiac story and complete the task.
    5 . 观看视频学唱“十二生肖歌”。
    Watch the video and learn to sing “Chinese Zodiac song”.

  12. 三年级A (Year 3A)

    1. 课堂上未做完综合练习一的同学请继续完成。If you haven’t completed the Review 1 on page 25-26, please continue to finish it.
    2. 完成第一单元练习(练习题会上传班级微信群)。Please complete the Unit 1 exercise from the handouts.

  13. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson Three(Exercise Book A).
    2, 完成写作练习,详见班级微信群。
    Writing: Autumn scenery.
    Listen to the story and write the main plot along with your drawing.

  14. 三年级B班家庭作业/Year3B Homework
    1. 熟读第四课《猜一猜》第一和第二段(课本第27页);
    Read Lesson 4 two paragraphs fluently, keep reading twice a day.
    2. 练写并熟记课后的14个生字(课本第28页);
    Practise to write the 14 New words (page 28).
    3. 完成练习册B‘星期一’和‘星期二’的练习;
    Please complete the Exercise Book B from page 16-23.
    4. 复习第一,第二和第三课的生字和生词,准备下周综合听写练习。
    Revise all the words and expressions on Lesson 1, 2 & 3, be ready for the dictation next week.

    另: 之前没有完成作业的个别同学,请这周加油补齐跟上。

  15. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 15-16 (Page 43-49)
    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音To use the Pinyin song to help you memorise the pinyin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTVKog8kSLg
    3, 朗读一下三首儿歌:Recite the following three Rhymes;
    Dà xié zi, xiàng zhī chuán.
    Bàba chuān, wǒ yě chuān.
    爸爸穿, 我也穿。
    Yī èr yī, xiàng qián zǒu.
    Zǒu a zǒu, fān le chuán
    走啊走, 翻了船。
    Shéi de ěr duǒ chǎng? Shéi de ěr duǒ duǎn?
    谁 的耳朵 长? 谁 的 耳朵 短?
    Shéi de ěr duǒ zhē zhe liǎn? Lǘ de ěr duǒ chǎng,
    谁 的耳朵 遮 着 脸?驴的耳朵 长,
    mǎ de ěr duǒ duǎn, xiàng de ěr duǒ zhē zhe liǎn.
    马的耳朵短, 象 的耳朵遮 着 脸
    Xiǎo péng yǒu, xué pīn yīn,
    小 朋 友, 学 拼 音,
    Shàng kè yī dìng yào rèn zhēn
    上 课 一 定 要 认 真。
    Tīng zǐ xì, dú zhǔn yīn,
    听 仔 细,读 准 音,
    Shēng mǔ yùn mǔ jì zài xīn.
    声 母 韵 母 记在 心。

  16. 五年级A班作业:
    1. Exercise book A lesson 3:
    (B)练习册第三课Monday:1,2,3; Tuesday:1;Wed:1,3;4; Thursday:1,2,3,4;Friday:1,2
    2.Make your own vocabulary cards of transport(Use the template which was given by your teacher).
    3. Practise the new characters of lesson 3 and get ready for dictation next week.
    3. Send me a photo about the autumn. Please describe the picture to your parents so you can talk about the picture in front of your classmate next week..3.(A) 拍一张你眼中的秋天的照片,并发送给我。请在家里练习描述从这张照片里你所能看到的,以及这张照片能带给你什么样的关于秋天的感受,下周开始每位同学轮流把自己拍摄的照片讲给别的同学听。
    4.(C)Listen to the story and complete the task.

  17. A level班 家庭作业——李老师
    Copy the new words. Dictate in the next lesson.

    2、完成的课本第41页句式练习,在Google Document《A Level 20-21句式练习》上完成。
    Make up sentences using the sentence patterns on Page 41 in Google Document

    Complete Unit 5 exercises

    4、 在网上找资料并结合第5单元的内容讲述中国现在的教育状况,包括政府的政策、家长的态度及学生的状况。注意产生这些状况的背景、是否有解决方法等等。写在Google Document《中国目前的教育状况》,字数500以上。
    Written in the Google Document, the number of words is more than 500.

  18. 幼儿班作业/Nursery Homework:

    1. 完成课堂上所教的手工折纸:裙子,手套和袜子。做完后写上标签发照片到微信群(折纸步骤说明会发到微信群里)。Please complete the origami that we learnt in class: folding a dress, gloves and socks. After you have finished, write the Chinese names on each item and take a photo to send to the WeChat group (I will upload the origami instructions onto WeChat).
    2. 继续练习歌曲 《秋天到》 / Continue practising the song ‘Autumn is here’.

  19. 四年级C班 王艺霖
    1,完成练习册A 第三课周一至周五剩下的部分
    Plz Complete the remaining part of Lesson 3 of Workbook A Monday to Friday

    . Please recite the three-character sutra from “Man on earth, Good at birth.The same nature,Varies on nurture.” to “teaching the five sons to be famous” (submitted in video or audio format)
    Referable link

    Plz Complete the gimkit online exercise (note that you should save it)

    Please make sentences based on the class notes and class exercises, using “duo ” after the quantifier to indicate that you are not sure about the zero number (one sentence is enough) and you can write them in the exercise book together

  20. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Revise the phrases of Lesson 1 to Lesson 3, be ready for dictation.
    Finish Exercise book B of Lesson 4, part 1,2 and 3 ,Monday to Friday.
    Compare the new character “孩”,let us to learn Chinese Zodiac .

  21. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 完成练习册A里面第三课《凡尔赛宫》剩下的练习。
    Please complete the rest of the questions of Lesson 3 on Exercise Book A.

    2. 完成书上第31-33页综合练习三。
    Please complete the exercises on page 31-33 of our book.

    3. 点击以下链接听《三字经》小故事,并完成作业。
    Please open the following link to listen the San Zi Jing story and finish related homework.

    4. 利用Quizlet复习1-3课重点词,下周上课抽查听写。
    Please use Quizlet to review the highlighted phrases of Lesson 1 to 3. We’ll have dictation next week.

  22. 本周家庭作业(homework):
    学前B班(Reception B):
    1. 背诵《三字经》前四句:人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。

  23. 本周家庭作业(homework):
    学前B班(Reception B):
    1. 背诵《三字经》前四句:人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。

  24. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson4 and play the games
    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第四课的新词,用游戏练习新词。

    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin,and prepare for the dictation on Sunday.请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思,准备好周日的听写:身体、舒服、舒服、生病、感冒、休息、疼、药、一点儿

    3.Please finish Yct4 lesson4 workbook page13 or if you don’t have the workbook yet, just look at the pictures in our WhatsApp group.
    请完成Yct4 练习册第四课的第13页的练习,如果你还没有书的话,请用我们WhatsApp 的照片来完成作业。

    4.Please write ten sentences in Chinese choosing at least two words in each sentence from following phrases : 我、姐姐、爸爸、吃、面包、感冒、舒服、身体、休息、老师、上课、去、让、在家、想、喝、疼、医生、药、看、东西、喜欢一点儿、今天、明天、昨天、学校、睡觉、水、怎么

  25. Qian Wang Class YCT-A WEEK8 Term1 20-21/YCT-A班家庭作业:

    1.Review Characters and Hand Writing Practice:
    Review and write phrases of “有几口、有几家、有几个、有没有、爸爸和妈妈、哥哥和姐姐、我和妹妹、他是谁、哪国人、中国人、你好老师、再见不、你认识她、我叫什么、很高兴吗” on specifically formatted paper, find from our class WeChat group.

    2.Review PinYin alphabet. And write characters according to given PinYin:
    (1) Review the alphabet of PinYin by displaying the link below.
    (2) The PinYin for each of these phrases “你好吗、老师、再见、我叫什么、认识她(他)不、他(她)很高兴、他(她)是哪国人、谁是中国人、爸爸妈妈、哥哥姐姐、和妹妹、有几口人” have been given on a specifically formatted sheet (find the PDF file from class WeChat group). Please read PinYin, and write the characters accordingly.
    (1) 播放以下链接,借助收听拼音歌曲来复习汉语拼音字母、读音规则和标调;
    (2) 读给出的各个短语 “你好吗、老师、再见、我叫什么、认识她(他)不、他(她)很高兴、他(她)是哪国人、谁是中国人、爸爸妈妈、哥哥姐姐、和妹妹、有几口人” 的拼音,并写出相应的汉字来;

    3. Count in Chinese, and write the numbers on specified formatted sheet ( to find and print from class WeChat group).
    (1) Count from 10 to 100(一百bǎi ), in increments of 10;
    (2) Count from 100 to 1000(一千qiān),in increments of 100;
    (3) Count from 1000 to 10000(一万wàn),in increments of 1000;
    3, 用中文数数, 并将数字写到指定的米格纸(见班级微信群)上。
    (1) 从10 数到100(一百bǎi ),增量间隔为10;
    (2) 从100数到1000(一千qiān),以100为增量间隔;
    (3) 从1000数到10000(一万wàn),以1000为增量间隔;

    4. To complete question4 on page14 from Activity Book: Fill in table using the names of your family members. Then read sentences and answer questions.
    4, 完成活动手册第4题: 请将你家庭成员的名字填入表格的相应位置,然后读句子回答问题;

    5. Reading Practice:Please read the “Mini story”(page 16) and “Let’s chant”(page17) from the Standard Course book for at least three time, until fluent.
    5, 阅读练习:请将标准教程书上的第156和第17页的”迷你小故事”和”让我们吟颂”读熟,保证至少读颂三遍;

    6*. Continue to read and recite the poem of “九月九日忆山东兄弟”.
    6*. 继续读诵唐诗“九月九日忆山东兄弟”。

    jiǔ yuè jiǔ rì yì shān dōng xiōng dì
    《 九 月 九 日 忆 山 东 兄 弟 》
    ( wáng wéi)
    (王 维)
    dú zài yì xiāng wéi yì kè
    独 在 异 乡 为 异 客,
    měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn
    每 逢 佳 节 倍 思 亲。
    Yáo zhī xiōng dì dēng gāo chù
    遥 知 兄 弟 登 高 处,
    Biàn chā zhū yú shǎo yī rén
    遍 插 茱 萸 少 一 人。

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