
一年级B 班 (YEAR  1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页)                                             To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

2、朗读儿歌《五指歌)直到能够背诵Read the poem until you can recite it.

一二三四五(yī èr sān sì wǔ),上山打老虎(shàng shān dǎ lǎo hǔ)。

老虎打不到(lǎo hǔ dǎ bù dào),打到小松鼠(dǎ dào xiǎo sōng shǔ)。

松鼠有几个(sōng shǔ yǒu jǐ gè),让我数一数(ràng wǒ shǔ yì shǔ)。

数来又数去(shǔ lái yòu shǔ qù),一二三四五(yī èr sān sì wǔ)。

五四三二一(wǔ sì sān èr yī),一二三四五(yī èr sān sì wǔ)。

3、练习歌曲《如果开心你就跟我一起拍拍手》并且想一个不同的动作来表示开心。请加入歌曲中,下个星期在班里演唱。Practice <If You are Happy> and think a word to describe the happiness and put it in the song.



27 Replies to “家庭作业2020年10月12至2020年12月18日”

  1. GCSE班家庭作业———占老师
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Please translate the sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the word order on page 19 writing 7
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 26 reading 2, and page 28 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  2. GCSE班家庭作业———占老师
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Please translate the sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the word order on page 19 writing 7
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 26 reading 2, and page 28 reading 1 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.

  3. 学前班B班(reception B)
    1. Read and memorize the “guā guā huā”
    2. Listen to the story of the and complete the task.
    3. Recite the ancient poem .
    4. Draw a colorful painting corresponding to the content of this poem.

    1. 一年级C 班作业 Year 1C Homework —- 应老师
      1、完成拼音练习册第十一和第十二课(第二十九至第三十五页);            To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11 and 12 on Page 29-35;

      Follow the Pinyin video links below helping memorise Pinyin;
      a) z, c, s Song (z, c, s 歌)
      b) zh, ch, sh, r Song (zh, ch, sh, r 歌)

      3、Recite and memorise rhymes.
      1)Sì shì sì,
      四 是 四,
      shí shì shí,
      十 是 十,
      Shí sì shì shí sì,
      十 四 是 十 四,
      Sì shí shì sì shí
      四十 是 四十。

      2)zài yì qǐ
      xiǎo huáng jī  xiǎo hēi jī  
      huān huān xǐ xǐ zài yì qǐ
      páo pao tǔ zhuō zhuō chóng 
      qīng cǎo dì shàng zuò yóu xì

  4. 六年级A班作业

    1. 练习册B第2课第13页第1题。Question 1 on p13 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    2. 练习册B第2课第13页第2题。Question 2 on p13 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    3. 练习册B第2课第14页第3题。Question 3 on p14 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    4. 练习册B第2课第14页第4题。Question 4 on p14 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    5. 练习册B第2课第14页第5题。Question 5 on p14 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    6. 练习册B第2课第15页第6题。Question 6 on p15 of Lesson 2, Workbook 6B.
    7. 课本第16页,阅读《邮票上的故事》,并回答下列问题:Read the Reading comprehension 《邮票上的故事》and answer the following questions:
    1) 谁是匹诺曹?他有什么特别的地方?
    2) 匹诺曹喜欢做什么?不喜欢做什么?
    3) 故事中在匹诺曹的身上发生了两件不好的事情和一件好的事情。请写写是怎么回事?为什么?
    8. 请准备下节课讲一讲你喜欢集邮吗?如果喜欢,请讲讲你都集了什么邮票(可以给大家看看)?你从中了解什么知识?如果你不喜欢集邮,你有什么别的爱好?Please prepare to tell the class if you like to collect the stamps. If you do, what stamps have you collected (you may show us) and what do you learn from them? If you don’t, please tell us what other hobbies you have.

  5. 王艺霖
    四年级C班 homework

    “太…..了” “真……啊” “……极了”
    1. Please use them separately according to the class notes
    “Too… “Really… “”…very much ”
    Make each sentence, paying attention to punctuation. (Refer to screenshots of notes)
    2. Finish the questions from Monday to Friday in exercise book B, Lesson 2 please.
    3. Preview the words in lesson,3 {Versailles} please.
    4, Complete Autumn camp “three character sutras” lesson 3 , write a you think the most beautiful “Yong “ under your name, take a photo send to the wechat group (link in the group , thanks)

  6. 翁冰 学前班A Reception class:
    1.看图说句子:say the sentences:
    2.学说句子say the sentences by using sentence pattern.
    3. 继续认读quizlet 词卡
    4.背诵三字经前两句:人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUKuxN2HmUc 人之初
    动漫视频https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgMKICMHBb8 小袋鼠买菜

  7. 二年级B 班作业
    Year Two B Homework
    1,把课本第11页的‘读一读’每天读三遍, 下周课堂检查。
    Read the ‘read aloud ‘ on the text book page 11, will check in class next week
    2, 在家练习网上的练习题
    Practise the exercises on the link below
    3, 完成练习册B的部分练习
    星期二: 2/4
    Complete the exercise on the Exercise Book B Lesson Two :
    Tue: 2/4
    Wed : 2/3
    Thur: : 2/3
    Fri: 1/2/4/5

  8. 8年级
    1 。熟练掌握第2课所有词组,下周听写。
    learn all highlighted phrases, next week dictation
    2 熟读中文第2课第8页4对话。
    Read fluently lesson 2 page 15 4 conversation
    3 完成练习册星期一练习4,5,6,7,星期二3 4 5 6 星期三4 5 6 星期四2 3 4 5 6 星期五3 4 5
    Finish exercise book Mon quesion 4,5,6,7, Tue question 3 4 5 6 Wed question 4 5 6 Thurs quesion 2 3 4 5 6 Fri question 3 4 5
    4 写一下你的中文名字的来历,每个字代表什么意思,寓意是什么,要求最少100字
    Writing task: min 100 characters. what’s the maning of your name, explain every single character’s meaning

  9. 三年级B班家庭作业/Year3B Homework
    1. 熟读第三课《在医院里》课文,保持每天读2遍;
    Read Lesson 3 text fluently, keep reading twice a day.
    2. 练写并熟记课后的14个生字(课本上第17页);
    Practise to write the 14 New Characters (page 17).
    3. 练习册A第三课, ‘星期一,二’的练习;
    Please complete the Exercise Book A from page 16-22.
    4. 听故事:西游记第3集 金箍棒

  10. 王敏 四年级 A班
    1.用后面的偏旁或者单体字 组成新的字。use follow radical or single characters make now one。王 走 米 吕 彡 央 忄 亡 月 斿 氵
    羊 元 京 圭 示 耳 乔 山 主 木 又 日 寸 辶 西 宀 鸟 大

    2. 做 quizlet生字卡 do flash cards



    3 造句 make sentences 。 from…to… 。。extremely

    4. 学习第三课生字,按笔顺认真抄写课本24-16页生字。learn lesson 3 vocabularies ,Copy the textbook pages 24-16 words
    with strock order carefully.
    5 在练习册 第三课周一-周五 的第一题。do your Exercise book question one of the Mon-Fri

    6. 跟视频读儿歌 read the song follow tv.
    一+ 火= 灭, 二+ 儿= 元, 八+ 刀= 分, 人+ 王= 全,
    女+ 子= 好, 田+ 力= 男, 日+ 月= 明, 小+ 大= 尖
    竹+ 毛=笔 白+水 = 泉, 爪+ 木= 采 舟+ 皿= 盘pan
    示+ 见= 视 目+ 艮gen= 眼 龙+ 耳= 聋 long, 穴+ 巾= 帘lian
    走+ 干= 赶, 厂+ 犬= 厌yan 文+ 而= 斋zhai 又+ 隹=难
    矢+豆=短 辛+ 瓜= 瓣 ban 米+ 斗= 料liao, 舌+ 甘= 甜
    手+ 戈ge= 找, 立+ 风= 飒sa 身+ 寸= 射, 牙+ 鸟= 鸦 ya

  11. @all 20201011 homework 第一部分:First
    Please spend five mins everyday to practice your speaking skills with lesson 3, Raokoulingand phrases(PPT pic). Please record your voice, and upload to wechat group in Saturday.
    生字词练习 New words and new phrases
    Please write down lesson3 ‘s new words and new phrases everyday. And Please take picture and upload in wechat group.
     练习册A Practice A
    小作文练习 writing practice
    1. 根据课文,用自己的话,描述一下外滩。50字左右。
    2.  写一写,你自己喜欢的一个景点,为什么喜欢。100字左右。
    1. Please describe WAITAN use your own language, around 50 words. 
    2. Please describe a nice place which you like it. Around 100 words.
    (Please just choose one of the topic to write)
    请各位家长帮忙拍照作业,并且上传到群组, 交给庄老师,感谢!
    To parents:
    Please take pictures of your kids homework. Then upload online to Ms Zhuang. Thank you!

  12. 会背诵其中3首古诗 / memory 3 poems of 5: 古朗月行, 咏鹅, 山村, 赠刘景文,独坐敬亭山
    每天认读识字卡一至两遍 read flash cards 1to 2 times every day : 自然,数字,动物,颜色,食物
    学唱歌曲 Learn to sing :听我说谢谢你 https://youtu.be/c4cUpAPvdVI
    创作折纸并发送到班群Origami and post to class Wachet : 你喜欢吃什么?https://youtu.be/hLz2ZfTewJU

  13. YCT B homework 12/10/2020 to 17/10/2020 Ms Ying Wang(王瑛):
    Task 1. (Compulsory) Practice the following phrases and sentences from PDF file, then write down the English translation. 练习PDF文件中的下列短语和句子,然后写下英语译文。
    1.       早上到晚上
    2.       我九点起床,你呢?
    3.       你要做什么?
    4.       我要看小鱼。
    5.       今天我可以不睡觉吗?
    Task 2. (Compulsory) Read aloud the mini story on page 11 twice a day, then write down the English translation. 大声朗读第十一页的迷你故事每天两遍,然后写下英语译文。
    Task 3. (Optional) Preview page 13 and 14 in Lesson 3 Where is your pencil. 预习第三课的第十三和十四页《你的铅笔呢?》。
    Task 4. (Optional) Watch the video clips. 看视频。
    Task 5. (Compulsory) Vocabulary practice online (level 2 lesson 1 and 2): 在线词汇练习第二级第一第二课https://quizlet.com/233446568/yct-level-2-flash-cards/
    (Level 1): 一级https://quizlet.com/142947293/yct-level-1-words-flashcards/

  14. 6B班家庭作业:
    Exercise Book 6B Lesson 2: complete all exercises of Mon-Fri.

    Write three sentences to describe an interesting sea creature (don’t write its name) and we will guess together what they are in our next lesson.

    Preview Lesson 3, mark out any words and phrases you don’t know.

  15. 三年级A (Year 3A) – 王继利

    1. 每天阅读第三课‘在医院里’至少两遍以上。Read Lesson Three ‘In the Hospital’ at least twice a day until fluent.
    2. 练习册3A:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Three on Exercise book 3A.
    3. 继续跟着视频朗读和背诵百家姓前四十八个姓氏。(请注意:增加了16个)Continue to watch the videos below to read aloud “百家姓” correctly and fluently then try to recite.

    zhào qián sūn lǐ, zhōu wú zhèng wáng, féng chén chǔ wèi,
    赵钱孙李, 周吴郑王, 冯陈褚卫,
    jiǎng shěn hán yáng, zhū qín yóu xǔ, hé lǚ shī zhāng,
    蒋沈韩杨, 朱秦尤许, 何吕施张,
    kǒng cáo yán huà, jīn wèi táo jiāng, qī xiè zōu yù,
    孔曹严华, 金魏陶姜, 戚谢邹喻,
    bǎi shuǐ dòu zhāng, yún sū pān gě, xī fàn péng láng
    柏水窦章, 云苏潘葛, 奚范彭郎


  16. 本周作业:
    Please complete all the exercises of Lesson Two (Exercise Book B).
    2, 完成阅读练习,详见班级微信群。
    Please finish the grammar practice sheet in our class WeChat.
    Listen to the story and write the main plot along with your drawing.

  17. 4年级B班家庭作业/Homework for Class 4B

    1. 利用Quizlet复习重点词语,准备下周听写。
    Please review the highlighted phrases and prepare for the dictation in coming Sunday.

    2. 复习课上学的反义词,从头到尾读三遍。
    Review and read the antonyms for three times.

    3. 继续听三字经故事,完成打卡任务。
    Listen to the San Zi Jing story and finish the homework.

    4. 预习第三课《凡尔赛宫》的生字及课文。
    Preview the new words and text of Lesson 3.

  18. 三年级C班作业:Homework for year 3C
    1. 模仿第二课写一篇作文,题目可以是:去公园,去超市,去商场,去儿童乐园,去图书馆……
    Use Going to the Book Store as an example then write a piece of work based on it.
    Use “look, cover, write ,check” method to memorize the 11 words in lesson two , get ready for dictation next week.
    3.读几遍第三课《去医院》。Read lesson three a few times.
    Draw a picture of the story of Journey to the West.
    玉帝怒 天降出
    熏红眼 炼金睛

  19. 五年级A班家庭作业
    可以在Padlet上完成也可以在自己的练习本上完成。格式请参考图片“聊旅游计划” https://padlet.com/yunyangxia2008/axjapmcl3v60795j
    According to the discussion of your group during the lesson , write down the dialogue about your travel plan. Which part of China do you plan to go?What do you need to take with you? What is the most important item for you? Why?
    2、A熟读自己完成的对话,周六发送朗读语音到微信群或者Google classroom。
    Read the dialogue fluently and sent the record to Wechat group or Google classroom.
    Exercise book :Lesson2 question 1-3 from Monday to Friday.
    4、C 二选一:(1)请收听:《荒野大冒险之熊口逃生》 

  20. 二年级A班(Year2A)

    1. 熟读第三课课文。
    Read Lesson 3 fluently.
    2. 完成练习册A第三课周一至周五的前3题。
    Complete Exercise book A Monday to Friday the first three questions.
    3. 听名人故事,完成打卡任务。(链接在群里)
    Listen to the story and complete the task.

  21. 一年级A 班 (YEAR 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成拼音练习册第十一、十二课(第二十九至第三十五页) To complete Pinyin Exercise Book Lesson 11-12 (Page 29-35)

    2、用拼音儿歌帮助记忆拼音Use the links below to help to remember the Pinyin
    a) z, c, s Song (z, c, s 歌) | Chinese Pinyin Song | Chinese song | By Little Fox
    b) zh, ch, sh, r Song (zh, ch, sh, r 歌)

    3, 朗读一下两首儿歌:Recite the following two Rhymes;
    Xiǎo cì wèi, qù lǐ fǎ,
    小 刺 猬, 去理发,
    cā cā cā, cā cā cā,
    tóu shàng xiǎo cì quán méiliǎo,
    头 上 小 刺 全 没了,
    biàn chéng yīgè xiǎo wáwá.
    变 成 一个小 娃娃。
    Sì shì sì,
    四 是 四,
    shí shì shí,
    十 是 十,
    Shí sì shì shí sì,
    十 四 是 十 四,
    Sì shí shì sì shí
    四十 是 四十。

  22. Qian Wang Class YCT A Homework for WEEK6 Term1 / YCT-A班家庭作业?

    1. PinYin and Hand Writing Exercise:
    Read the PinYin and write each of the characters from “你好老 师, 不,再见,
    吗,我叫什么,认识她,很高兴,他是谁,哪国人,中国人” on specific
    formatted paper (to find and print from class WeChat group).
    1. 读拼音与书写汉字的练习:
    请到班级微信群找及打印出给定的田字格纸,读拼音、描写汉字及短语 “你好老

    2. Reading and Translation Practice:
    Read the Mini Story, on page 12 from the Standard Course book, for 3 times.
    And then translate it into English.
    2. 阅读与翻译练习:

    3. Write the name of each celebrity from the section of “Let’s guess”, on page
    11 of the Standard Course book.
    3. 将标准教程第十一页的 “Let’s guess” 部分中列出的名角名称写出来。

    4. Count in Chinese, and write all the numbers on specified formatted sheet (to
    find and print from class WeChat group):
    1) Count from 51 to 60 and from 91 to 100, at intervals of 1;
    2) Count from 10 to 100(一百bǎi ), in increments of 10;
    3) Count from 100 to 1000(一千qiān),in increments of 100.
    4. 用中文数数, 并将数字写到指定的米格纸(见班级微信群)上。注意对照认读拼音。
    1) 从51数到60、91数到100,间隔为1;
    2) 从10 数到100,增量间隔为10;
    3) 从100数到1000,以100为递增间隔.

    5. Lesson 3 from Activity Book:
    Please complete questions 4,5 and 7.
    Q4. Complete conversations based on information from each of the pictures.
    E.g. A. 他是谁? B. 他是Jackie Chan(成龙)。
    A. 他是哪国人? B. 他是中国人。
    Clue: You may, first of all, write the character’s name (in English) and
    the nationality (in Chinese) below the related picture.
    British / 英国 (yīng guó) 人(rén),
    American/ 美国 (měi guó) 人(rén),
    Japanese/ 日本 (rì běn) 人(rén)。
    Q7:Design Your Own Name Card:
    Draw your national flag in a creative way. Write your nationality on it,
    and sign your name on completion of the card.
    British: 英国人 (yīng guó rén) ;
    Turkish: 土耳其人 (tǔ ěr qí rén) ;
    Malaysian: 马来西亚人 (mǎ lái xī yà rén) ;
    Q5:With the help of PinYin, get familiar with the names and nationalities on
    ID cards of all 6 kids. Find the person who has same nationality with you,
    simulating the given dialogue with that person. If you didn’t find one,
    please choose the British boy “马丁 ” to complete the conversation with.
    韩国人/Korean; 加拿大人/Canadian; 英国人/British;
    日本人 /Japanese; 美国 人 /American 中国人 /Chinese.

    5. 请完成活动手册第三课的第4、5和7三道题。
    第四题: 请轮流用四张图片中每一张上的信息,各练习一遍给出的对话。
    例: A.他是谁? B.他是Jackie Chan(成龙)。
    A.他是哪国人? B.他是中国人。
    朋友,来模拟给 出的六句 对话。如果你没能找到与你同国籍的人,就
    请跟 “马丁 英国人” 来结伴完成这个模拟对话吧。??

  23. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 完成第三课练习册A,周一至周五的1,2,3部分。Complete Exercise book A ,Lesson 3,part 1,2,3 of Monday to Friday.
    2. 每天大声第三课课文《放学了》。
    Read the text of Lesson 3 aloud.
    3. 抄写《三字经》。
    苟不教 ,性乃迁。 教之道,贵以专。

  24. Yct C class homework:

    1.Please use Quizlet link below to study the new words of YCT 4 Lesson3 and play the games

    请用下面的Quizlet link学习Yct第四册第三课的新词,用游戏练习新词。

    2. Please write the following new words 5 times each with English meanings and Pinyin. 请把下面的生词每个字写五遍,并标注拼音和英文意思:开、关、门、杯子、中午、买、卖、完、就

    3.Please finish Yct4 lesson3 workbook page9 or if you don’t have the workbook yet, just look at the pictures in our WhatsApp group.
    请完成Yct4 练习册第三课的第九页的练习,如果你还没有书的话,请用我们WhatsApp 的照片来完成作业。

    4.Please read Yct4 textbook page14 at least five times and then record your reading and send to our WhatsApp group to join our class competition.请熟读Yct4 课本第十四页的课文,至少大声读五遍,然后录音发到我们班WhatsApp group,比赛谁读得最好

  25. A level班 家庭作业——李老师
    Copy the new words. Dictate in the next lesson.

    2、在课堂上未完成的课本第23页句式练习的同学,在Google Document上继续完成。写完的同学可以上去看老师的修改。
    Make up sentences using the sentence patterns on Page 23 in Google Document

    3、完成第三单元练习R、第24页的练习S (写在本上)、第24页的练习G和练习T。
    Complete Unit 3 exercises


    5、观看《请投我一票》从开始到4分19秒的内容,在Google Document《请投我一票》上写下所有出场人物及你觉得重要的场景和对话。
    Write down all the characters and the scenes and dialogues that you think are important

  26. 王敏 四年级 A班
    1.用后面的偏旁或者单体字 组成新的字。use follow radical or single characters make now one。王 走 米 吕 彡 央 忄 亡 月 斿 氵
    羊 元 京 圭 示 耳 乔 山 主 木 又 日 寸 辶 西 宀 鸟 大

    2. 做 quizlet生字卡 do flash cards



    3 造句 make sentences 。 from…to… 。。extremely

    4. 学习第三课生字,按笔顺认真抄写课本24-16页生字。learn lesson 3 vocabularies ,Copy the textbook pages 24-16 words
    with strock order carefully.
    5 在练习册 第三课周一-周五 的第一题。do your Exercise book question one of the Mon-Fri

    6. 跟视频读儿歌 read the song follow tv.
    一+ 火= 灭, 二+ 儿= 元, 八+ 刀= 分, 人+ 王= 全,
    女+ 子= 好, 田+ 力= 男, 日+ 月= 明, 小+ 大= 尖
    竹+ 毛=笔 白+水 = 泉, 爪+ 木= 采 舟+ 皿= 盘pan
    示+ 见= 视 目+ 艮gen= 眼 龙+ 耳= 聋 long, 穴+ 巾= 帘lian
    走+ 干= 赶, 厂+ 犬= 厌yan 文+ 而= 斋zhai 又+ 隹=难
    矢+豆=短 辛+ 瓜= 瓣 ban 米+ 斗= 料liao, 舌+ 甘= 甜
    手+ 戈ge= 找, 立+ 风= 飒sa 身+ 寸= 射, 牙+ 鸟= 鸦 ya

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