
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

2、记住所有生字,准备两星期后的听写Memorise all the new words and prepare for the dictation after Easter Break

3、背诵《千字文》第一至四部分 Recite the first to four parts of the Thousand-Characters (64 words)

4、练习歌曲《春天在哪里》Practise the song – Where Is the Spring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAFVUAhJQPY



23 Replies to “家庭作业2019年4月8日至2019年4月27日”

  1. 六年级B班 2019年4月8日至4月27日家庭作业 :
    Year 6B Homework:

    Copy and memorise the 16 singular characters of Lesson 9, ready for dictation when school resumes;

    Exercise Book 6A: complete the first 3 exercises of Mon-Fri.;

Competition Essay: Choose your favourite person that has been an inspiration to you and tell his/her background, profession, any interesting life stories or journey to success, and his/her influence on you. No limitation on word counts.


  2. 学前班B(Reception class B):
    1.请巩固第1-6课 学过的句子和生字。Please review the sentences learned in lesson 1-6.and look at pictures in lesson 1-6 and say aloud.
    3.读《三字经》:从“人之初 性本善”-到-“亲师友 习礼仪”。https://youtu.be/uZmwQylUcDY
    5.祝大家复活节快乐!Happy Easter holiday!

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      1、完成练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 ;
      Complete Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions;
      Revise all of the words from lesson one to lesson eight, the words will be tested in two weeks time in next lesson;
      3、 唱诗歌《山村咏怀》,歌曲《上学歌》。

  3. 07-04-2019 HSK课程作业-HSK course homework
    HSK3 第八课程 Lesson8
    1.准备5个问题给自己的搭档Prepare 5 questions for your partner。
    ●词汇Vocabularies: 满意Satisfaction、变化 change、健康 health、见面meeting、安静quiet、马上immediate。
    ●句型sentence: 又again+动词verb; 再again/anew+动词verb
    ●用词造句Using those words to make sentences:几乎almost. 看懂understand、听见hear、

    HSK2 第九课 Lesson 9
    1.准备5个问题给自己的搭档Prepare 5 questions for your partner。
    ●词汇书写Vocabularies writing: 请please、情affection、报report、服be convinced、让let、诉appeal to、我me、找find。
    ●用词造句Using those words to make sentences:看见see、做完finish、做好do well。
    ●句型sentence:从+处所词/方位词/时间词…到…..: from+Place word, position word, time word….to….。

  4. A level homework

    Complete the exercises of Unit 4 Chapters 14 and 15 (all students)所有的同学都要 完成14课及15课后面的练习
    Q5 of page 172 (exam candidate only) 考试的同学要完成172页第5题
    Practise all speaking tasks in the book (exam candidate only) 考试的同学要努力完成所有的口试题
    Translate 2 texts into English (1 from ch.14 and 1 from ch.15) (all students) 所有的同学都要翻译2篇课文,14课及15课各选一篇
    Place all your answers in Individual_wiki -所有练习都要放到个人维基里面

  5. 七年级B 作业
    Fluently read lesson 10, learn all the new characters and words.
    Finish exercise book Monday to Wednesday
    3。假期布置的参加作文比赛的任务,电子版发给老师EMAIL nandauvergne@googlemail.com ,题目4选1 ,字数在250字左右。
    1 家乡味道 2古诗品读 3 故事改编 4 围绕向国庆70周年献礼的自拟题目
    Writing competition : choose one topic , type your writing and email to teacher’s email address. min 250 characters.

  6. reception class A 学前班A
    2.说句子:say the sentences by using sentence pattern.
    3.熟读唐诗《相思》第三句:recite 愿君多采撷https://youtu.be/6V0uBsXMdlc

  7. 三年级B班作业/YEAR 3B HOMEWORK

    Please memorise all new vocabularies from Lesson 7 and
    Lesson 8 and prepare for the dictation IN TWO WEEKS.
    Practice reading lesson 7 and lesson 8 aloud daily.
    Complete all questions from Exercise Book B Lesson 8.
    4. 参照下面链接练习古诗歌-登鹳雀楼-,两周后在课堂上检查。
    Practice the song we learnt in class, to be checked in the class.
    For students who have not yet to submit an ancient Chinese poem that you will read in the class,please continue to prepare your reading for in two weeks; For students who have submit please continue to prepare your presentation in two weeks.

    祝复活节快乐!/Happy Easter Holiday!

  8. Year 3B Homework

    Please memorise all new vocabularies from Lesson 7 and
    Lesson 8 and prepare for the dictation IN TWO WEEKS.
    Practice reading lesson 7 and lesson 8 aloud daily.
    Complete all questions from Exercise Book B Lesson 8.

    4. 参照下面链接练习所学的古诗歌,两周后在课堂上检查。
    Practice the song we learnt in class, to be checked in the class.

    For students who have not yet to submit an ancient Chinese poem that you will read in the class,please continue to prepare your drawing and reading ;For students who have already submitted your drawing of an ancient Chinese poem, please continue to prepare your presentation.

    祝复活节假期快乐!/Happy Easter Holiday!

  9. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 练习册A:完成第九课剩余部分。
    Exercise book A: Complete the remaining part of Lesson Nine.

    2. 复习1-9课的生字部分,尤其是常用字,假期之后6月份就是YCT考试,大家假期如果有时间提前准备一下YCT常用字的部分。
    Review the new characters in Lesson 1-9, in particular those common ones. After this holiday is the YCT examination in June, please get familiar with the common characters in YCT.

    Those planning to participate the Chinese Essay Writing Competition, please make preparation for this.


  10. 一年级A班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、完成《中文》练习册B第八课星期一到星期五所有问题 Exercise B Lesson 8 Monday to Friday all questions (Daily)

    2、熟读第47页课文《去学校》,memories lesson 8 text (Going to School) page 47

    3, 学唱儿歌《上学歌》 ,learn song (Going to school) please following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6ww2ptey98

    4, 继续练习诗歌《江南可采莲》- 汉乐府,Continue practice the song《江南可采莲》, please see link below:

  11. Homework for Year5B
    1. 完成练习册A,第九课的剩余练习。Complete the rest of Lesson 9, Exercise Book A.

    2. 熟读课文“嫦娥奔月”并抄写生字,每个五遍。
    Read aloud of “ Chang’e Flew to the Moon’, and copy new words, 5 times each.

    3. 完成课外阅读 “牛郎织女”。
    Complete with your extra reading handout.

  12. 二年级A班(Year2A) 郭老师

    1. 请订正听写的错别字,并且每个字写3遍。
    Please correct the dictation test and write three times each.

    2. 请复习第三单元第7,8,9课的划线词语,准备开学后听写。
    Please revise unite 3, Lesson 7,8,9 underlined words, ready for dictation when school starts.

    3. 请熟练阅读发下的阅读材料。
    Please practice the reading hand out fluently.

  13. 1.抄写并记忆第九课《神州飞天》生字, 准备开学听写。
    Copy and memorise the new characters in Lesson 9;get ready for dictation after Easter holiday.
    Finish the exercises 1-3 from Monday to Friday in workbook A.
    Read the text aloud to your parents twice a day.
    A piece of writing,“My hobby”(at least 120 words)

  14. 三年级A(Year 3A)

    1. 熟读第十课‘龟兔赛跑’直到非常流利。Read Lesson 10 ‘A Race between the hare and the Tortoise’ until very fluently.
    2. 练习册3B:星期一至星期三。Complete Exercise Monday to Wednesday of Lesson Ten on Exercise book 3B.
    3. 请写六句句子关于你的复活节假期。Please write 6 sentences about your Easter holiday.
    4. 没做完以前作业的同学请利用复活节假期补上。For those who haven’t finished previous homework please try to complete all the works till up to dated.

  15. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    You need to know how to write 20 words, make one sentences for each phase word prepare dictation next lesson.
    Writing task: Write an formal article about your experience and plans that may interest its readers.
    Require: Write between 180-200 words
    You must refer to the following points
    l  Any work experience you have done
    l  A part-time job you are doing
    l  Your future plans
    l  The advantages of speaking a foreign language
    Read two texts and then answer the question in Chinese, it’s on page 159 reading 2, and page 160 reading 2,3,4 of the GCSE book. Please write your answer in your notebook of class.
    The following are some of the oral exam topic samples. Please prepare and practice at home. Especially you need do oral exam very soon, be sure take prepare for review and practices during Easter holiday.
    Happy Easter Holiday!

  16. 1.背熟第十课的课文,记熟划线生词。memories the lesson 10 , and under line phrases.
    2.完成第十课周一到周五的习题。finish the lesson 10 all questions.
    3.请用字典把下面的形容词反义字找出来。use your dictionary find out follow adversarial adjective 深- ,高-, 秃-, 钝-,脏-, 闹-,贱,穷,闲, 重, 悲,勤, 粗,空,先, 冷, 温,凉,湿,笑, 丑,直,方 ,恶,合,窄,繁,难,暗,弱,乱,怯,坏,旧,老,远。
    4.抄写下面动词一次,翻译成英文。copy characters 1 time translate to English
    (1)好1-坏、大1-小1、快2-慢3、远2-近3、胖-瘦、冷3-热1、多1-少1,新1-旧,长2-短、高1-矮、饱-饿、对2-错,便3宜-贵、男2-女1、凉3快3 -暖4和1、
    幸福、快2乐2-难过2、 高1兴1-生1气3,老1-年1轻、
    (2)甜3、辣、够4、渴4、圆4、漂3亮2、好1吃3、忙、累、 舒服、着2急3、聪4明2、方1便3、努4力4、奇3怪3、一1样4、有1名2、清楚、重要2、合适、
    紧张2、熟4悉、 安4静1、干3净4、厉害、勇敢、特别4、(这些词前面加“不”,就是反义词)
    (4)红1、黄1、绿1、蓝1、 白1、黑1、


  17. 二年级B作业
    Year Two B Homework
    Read the 24 sentences from Spring reading exercise there time everyday

    Have a nice holiday!

  18. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on Sunday 28/04,准备开学后听写。

    2)Please use “怎么了”和“怎么样”“去”“不去”to make two sentences each in Chinese. 请用 “怎么了”“怎么样”“去”“不去”各造两个句子。

    3)Please translate the text on Page 49into English 请将课本地49页翻译成英文。

    4)Please watch the video clips for at least 20mins every day, 请每天观看下列的视频20分钟以上。

    5) 请复习YCT2词汇,可以用quizlethttps://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/帮助复习。Please review YCT2 vocabulary, you may use the quizelet https://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/ to help you.

    去年已考过YCT2的同学,请准备YCT 3 词汇,你可以用quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) 帮助复习。Students who already passed YCT2 last year, please prepare for the YCT 3 vocabulary . You may use the quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) to help you.

    Happy Easter!! 复活节快乐!!

  19. @all 本周作业:homework
     7A 07/04/2019

    Please read and write down those new words two times from lesson 7,8,9(text and reading).

    第二部分: Second
    In Easter holiday ? you probably will have a lot of interesting experiences and interesting things. So, please choose a most interesting things or experience which is you want to share with your classmates. After the holiday, I hope you can hand it in the class. Words: 200.

    This part I write here for every parents, I hope you can really help your kids finish their homework, and pay more attention to listen their voice, needs,etc. Let’s help your kids improving their Chinese together! Could you write your comments in pages 84of the text book, which is your opinion about your kids homework? Thank you for your cooperation and supporting.

    Have a great Easter holiday! ?

  20. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    Please finish Exercise Book A,Lesson 11.
    Please recite the text of Lesson 11。
    Make 3 sentences .


  21. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3


    1. 复习第一课到第六课的生词和所有所涉及的词汇并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L1 to L6, plus all of the vocabulary involved, and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 复习YCT 3 词汇,准备听写。Revise the YCT 3 vocabulary and prepare for the dictation. YCT 3 词汇 – https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/;YCT 4词汇 – https://quizlet.com/186410532/yct-4-flash-cards/ if you need. The YCT 4 test materials can be found at:
    Listening sound file: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_audio/Y4.mp3
    The test paper: http://confucius.emory.edu/documents/yct_samples/yct4_sample.pdf
    3. The writing competition I mentioned in class will be on 10th of May, you can choose any topic to write. Therefore we only have one week in the new term to prepare it. In this case the writing for this week is to write an article of any topic of your choice, with 100 or more characters.

  22.  6A家庭作业
    1. 复习第三单元7-9课的所有生字和词语以及古诗,要求会看拼音写生词。复活节假期后上课测试第三单元三课包括古诗的所有内容。Revise all words and expressions and poems from lesson 7-9,could write the words with pinyin . Test for unit 3 all 3 lessons including poems next time after Easter holiday.
    2. 抄写新学的第10课的5个生字每个五遍。copy 5 new words in lesson 10.
    3. 按照上次讲的作文格式和内容把你们写的作文进行修改,或者按照全英中文作文比赛的要求重新写一篇文章,用钢笔或圆珠笔写出,打印出来或者发邮件到邮箱:jingzhao002@hotmail.com。Rewrite your essay about Chinese New Year according to last class. Or write another essay according to National Chinese Essay writing 2019 with pen , printout or email to jingzhao002@hotmail.com
    4. 没有掌握第九课古诗的同学继续大声朗读背诵默写两首古诗。Read aloud lesson 9 and memorise them, write both poems from memory next class.

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