
一年级B 班(Year 1 B)  — 廖老师

1、抄写《中文》第一册第八课课文练习二词组各5遍Copy 5 times of each phrases  in  Exercise 2 of Lesson Eight in the Text Book.

2、背诵《千字文1-6》 Recite <Thousand Characters 1-6>

25 Replies to “家庭作业2019年4月29日至2019年5月4日”

  1. 三年级A(Year 3A)
    1. 熟读第82-83页的‘龟兔第二次赛跑’。Read ‘The Second Round Race between the Hare and the Tortoise’ on page 82-83 until fluently.
    2. 练习册B:星期四至星期五。Exercise book 3B: please complete exercise Thursday to Friday of Lesson 10.
    3. 抄写第十课划线词语各五遍并准备下星期听写。Copy underlined words each 5 times and prepare for the dictation next week.

  2. 7年级B 作业
    1, 课堂上布置的小作文没有完成的继续完成
    Finish the writing task given on the class.
    2 继续熟读中文书第10课课文,并预习第10课阅读课文
    Continue read fluently lesson 10 and preview lesson 10 reading article.
    3 华人学生作文大赛作文写作,不限定题材,题目自拟。也可以参考以下两个主题《中国变化》(2019年新中国成立70周年,在这70年里,中国发生了日新月异的变化,你可以从电视,网络,报刊,书籍,以及自己和周围人的故事中找到切入点,写出你眼中的中国变化。《中国味道》(博大精深的中国文化是海内外中华儿女共同的魂,你身边的很多事物都有和中国文化的烙印,比如唐人街,中餐,舞龙,舞狮,武术,针灸,书法,国画等等,都有着浓厚的中国味道,希望你用细腻的笔触描绘出那种特别的味道。字数要求800-3000字,写好邮件EMAIL给老师,5月12日截至。

    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)
      1、完成练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 ;
      Please complete all questions in Exercise B Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions;
      2、大声朗读, 熟读课文《我的家》;
      Read aloud lessin 9 and memories text;
      Use one family photo or draw a picture of your family, use the words we have learnt to introduce your family in the class in next lesson.
      4、学唱 《家庭礼貌称呼歌》及《山村咏怀》

  3. 学前班B(reception class B):
    1.请熟记单词“早上-早餐,中午-午餐,晚上-晚餐”。会认数字:123456789 10 11 12(一二三四五六七八九十 十一 十二)


    1. 一年级C班家庭作业(Year 1 C homework)

      1、完成练习册A第九课星期一到星期五所有问题 ;
      Please complete all questions in Exercise B Lesson 9 Monday to Friday all questions;
      2、大声朗读, 熟读课文《我的家》;
      Read aloud lessin 9 and memories text;
      Use one family photo or draw a picture of your family, use the words we have learnt to introduce your family in the class during next lesson;
      4、学唱 《家庭礼貌称呼歌》及《山村咏怀》

  4. Year 3B Homework

    1. 复述鲁班与锯子的故事。
    Retell the story of reading –LuBan and the Saw .
    Learn about Four Inventions from Ancient China through Internet。
    Please memorise all new vocabularies from Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the open test sheet that you were given in class.

  5. Year 3B Homework

    1. 复述鲁班与锯子的故事。
    Retell the story of reading –LuBan and the Saw .
    Learn about Four Inventions from Ancient China.
    Please memorise all new vocabularies from Lesson 1 and
    Lesson 2 and prepare for the dictation next week.
    Complete the open test sheet that you were given in class.

  6. 四年级B 作业 / Year 4B Homework

    1. 朗读第十课课文及94页对话 。
    Read aloud Lesson Ten “Ask and Answer” and the “Dialogue” on page 94 until fluent.

    2. 练习册B:第十课星期一,星期二和星期四的一至五部分, 星期三的一至四部分。
    Exercise book B: Complete Part 1 to Part 5 of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Part 1 to Part 4 of Wednesday of Lesson Ten.

    Those planning to participate the Chinese Essay Writing Competition, please hand in your writing.

  7. 六年级B班 2019年4月29日至5月4日家庭作业 :

    Copy and memorise the 16 singular characters of Lesson 10, ready for dictation next week;

    Exercise Book 6B: complete all remaining exercises of Mon-Fri.;

    Read Lesson 10 text fluently and re-tell the story; recite the last paragraph. 


  8. YCT 3班作业Homework for YCT3
    1. 复习第七课的生词和第三十三页上的词汇,并准备听写。Revise the vocabulary of L7, plus the vocabulary listed on p33, and prepare for the dictation.
    2. 熟读第五课第34页,并准备听写。 Read the page 34 of Lesson 7 fluently, and prepare to do the dictation.
    3. Translate the following phrases / sentences into Chinese:
    1) To take the bus
    2) To wait the bus at the bus stop
    3) My dad drives to work.
    4) My school is not far from my school, I can walk there.
    5) There is a little road by the side of our house.
    6) The zoo is in the front, just by the side of that shop.
    7) You can take this little road to the zoo.

  9. 二年级A班(Y2A) Homework

    1. 请订正听写的错别字,并且每个字写3遍。
    Please correct the dictation test and write three times each.

    2. 请完成练习册A 第11课,周一到周五的1,2,3题。
    Please finish Exercise book A, Monday to Friday question 1,2,3.

    3. 请在家练习歌曲《赋得古原草送别》,歌词已发下。https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JLwnYchMGK4
    Please practice the song at home, try to memorise the lyrics and sing the song.

  10. 本周作业:

    Please go over the words &expressions and texts of the Lesson Seven-Lesson Nine.

    2, 请订正听写及练习册A第九课的练习。
    Please correct the dictation and mistakes of the Exercises Book A, Lesson Nine.

    Please read ten idioms and try to remember them, read the story.

    Please watch the video, reading and singing four poems.

  11. 28-04-2019 HSK课程作业-HSK course homework
    HSK3 第八课程 Lesson8 听力练习Listening
    ●词汇Vocabularies: 照顾Take care、没去did not go、健康health、面试interview、裙子skirts、衬衫shirts。
    ●句型sentence: 我考的不太好,我只会做第一题,汉字几乎一个都不会写。
    I didn’t test well, I only made the first question, and almost none of the Chinese characters could be written.
    HSK2 第九课 Lesson 9听力+阅读练习Listening + Reading
    ●词汇Vocabularies: 想找want to find、很难hard、电话telephone、电视TV、电灯electric light、电冰箱refrigerator、地ground,、场field、埋buried、块block,piece,loaf,mass、照reflect,notify,photograph、羔lamb、杰outstanding、热hot。
    ●句型sentence: 吃完晚饭后,他还要慢跑一个小时。
    After dinner, he still go to jog for more than an hour.

  12. A level homework

    1 按课上的要求写作文,800字以上,下周交草稿。Write the draft of the 800+ word essay
    2. 选好才艺表演的节目,找好材料,课上定稿。Choose your favourite program for the Talent Show, bring in the materials
    3. 如有时间,完成复印的练习 IF still have time, then complete the exercises in the handout.

  13. 1.抄写并记忆第九课《神州飞天》生词, 准备下周听写。Copy and memorise the new words in Lesson 9 for dictation next week.
    2.完成练习册A第九课从星期一到星期五4-7题。Finish the exercises 4-7 from Monday to Friday of Lesson 9 in workbook A.
    3. Prepare for Unit 3(Lesson7-9) test next week.
    4. Learn the song”Farewell to Cambridge Again”.
    5. 利用课堂上发的学习材料自学《论语》精选六:“仁者爱人”以及成语“一言九鼎”。要求能够给其他同学解释这句话和成语的意思。
    5.Use the handout to learn the sentence and the Chinese idioms from Selections of Confucius’ Analects And Handan Chinese Idioms Studies. Be able to explain the meanings of the sentence and idiom to others .

  14. 一年级A班(Year 1 A) — 傅老师

    1、抄写第九课的生字, 每个字十遍并记住学过的所有的生字下次上课听写。 Write new words from Lesson 9, 10 times each, memorize the words and prepare for the dictation test next week

    2、用A5的纸画一张全家福,并用学过的第九课生字注明家庭成员(如:爸爸,爷爷),下个星期天在班上要求用你的画给大家介绍你的家。Use an A5 paper draw a picture of your family, use the phrases we have learnt in class to annotate. Next lesson we will use your picture to introduce your family in the class.

    3, 学唱歌曲《让爱住你家》(建议家长和孩子一起学唱) ,Suggest parent and student learn this song (Love in our home) together , please following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99bCgv7wo9M&t=27s

    4, 继续练习诗歌《江南可采莲》- 汉乐府,Continue practice the song《江南可采莲》, please see link below:

  15. 二年级C班 Y2C HOMEWORK

    1. 请抄写第十一课划线词语,每个两遍,准备下节课默写。
    Please copy phrases two times each and be ready for dictation next lesson.

    2. 流利朗读第十一课阅读《泉水和大海》。
    Please read text book READING fluently .

    3. 背诵并每天练习歌曲《送别》,歌词每位同学已经抄写。
    Please recite the poem and practice the song every day.

  16. YCT2 Homework 家庭作业:
    1)Please copy the following new words with Pinyin 5 times 请抄写下列的生词5遍并注拼音:
    Prepare for the dictation on next Sunday ,准备下周日听写。

    2)Please use “认识”“以前””现在”“比”“会”to make sentences in Chinese. 请用“认识”“以前””现在”“比”“会”各造一个句子。

    3)Please translate the YCT2 Lesson 10 Page 51 mini story into English and then look at the English try to say it in Chinese.
    请把YCT2第十课小故事Page 51翻译成英文, 然后再看英文说出中文的意思。

    4) Please finish Question 2 Reading on page 52 请完成第52页的阅读练习。

    5)Please watch the following videos 20mins every day,

    6)请复习YCT2词汇,可以用quizlethttps://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/帮助复习。Please review YCT2 vocabulary, you may use the quizelet https://quizlet.com/257389706/yct-2-vocabulary-flash-cards/ to help you.

    去年已考过YCT2的同学,请准备YCT 3 词汇,你可以用quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) 帮助复习。Students who already passed YCT2 last year, please prepare for the YCT 3 vocabulary . You may use the quizlet (https://quizlet.com/277960971/yct-3-flash-cards/) to help you.

  17. 1.背熟第十课的课文,要会默写。memories Aloud the lesson 10 , and memories writing
    2.请用字典学习中文关于课程的词汇 ,做个你的时间表。use your dictionary find out school subject :make your timetable.英文,历史,地理,数学,物理,化学,生物,科学,体育,美术,电脑,戏剧,法语,拉丁语,德语,俄语,日语,汉语,宗教,
    3.抄写下面动词一次,翻译成英文。copy characters 1 time translate to English
    (6)爱1、喜2欢2、认1识4、觉3得2、想2、知3道3、 希4望4、害怕、担3心2、记2得2、忘记2、小1心2、以2为2、同1意3、明2白1、懂4、打2算、注意3、
    (7)会2、要2、可2以2、能3、 可2能3、应4该4、敢、
    4,读熟发下的古诗 reading Your poem fluently
    5.写短文200字。《我的假期》或者《我的故乡》write a essay 200 characters.try use more connecting words (check wechat

  18. YCT1 Homework:

    1. Review Lesson 9 from page 39 to 43. Read aloud the mini story on page 42. 复习第九课从第三十九页至第四十三页。大声朗读第四十二页的迷你故事。

    2. Watch video and recite the poem.

  19. GCSE A班家庭作业:
    1、 课堂上学习的15个关联词:“
    l  …跟…一样
    l  虽然…, 但是…
    l  除了…, …也…
    l  一…, 就…
    l  因为…, 所以…
    l  离…很近/很远
    l  又…又…
    l  一边…, 一边…
    l  以前…,现在…更喜欢
    l  先…,然后/再…,然后…
    l  从…到…
    l  如果…就(要/可以)
    l  对…有好处
    l  对…有坏处
    l  从来没有+verb+过”
    You need to know how to write 30 words, make two sentences for each structures word.
    For the one who did wrong over 3 words in our last vocab test, write the wrong words five times each, and prepare for the re-test next time during break time.
    2、 请翻译第157页第一题的一段话,中文翻译成英文。
    Please translate the following passage into English, in page 157 writing 1.

  20. Year Two B Homework
    1.read the spring read exercise 24 sentences three times a day
    2, memorise the lesson ten
    3, copy the eight new words from lesson ten 5 times
    4, learn the song on YouTube, try to memorise the lyric and sing the song

  21. 背诵:山村咏怀(作业本上),读故事书,并根据故事画画儿。

    Reading 2A Flash cards

  22. 6A家庭作业
    1. 用不同的笔改正第三单元7-9课课堂测试写错的生字和词语以及古诗,并把每个抄写三遍。Correct all wrongly spelled words expressions and poems from lesson 7-9,copy words 3 times each. Retest the wrong ones at break time next week.
    2. 熟记第10课的所有生字,下节课听写。copy 5 new words in lesson 10.
    3. 熟读课文,并会复述第十课。练习册6B 第10课周一到周五1-3题。read aloud lesson 10 and retell the story. Complete 6B Lesson 10 Monday to Friday questions 1-3.
    4. 按照上次讲的作文格式和内容把你们写的作文进行修改,或者按照全英中文作文比赛的要求重新写一篇文章,用钢笔或圆珠笔写出,打印出来或者发邮件到邮箱:jingzhao002@hotmail.com。Rewrite your essay about Chinese New Year according to last class. Or write another essay according to National Chinese Essay writing 2019 with pen , printout or email to jingzhao002@hotmail.com

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